Chapter 9 – Christ, the apostle revealed

Ephesians 1:9 – having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him

During the last 10 years of the past century and in the beginning of this century, we saw a very important flourishing of the prophetic move. The Holy Spirit is revealing Christ in a marvelous way.

New torrents of anointing and of the knowledge of God have been descending upon the church. And there is a sense of dissatisfaction and a passion in the true people of God that the Lord himself is using to carry us to glorious levels that no other generation has experienced.

Among the new things that are occurring is the rebirth of the apostolic move. This new move is being talked about in all circles. God is raising up great men and women with a different anointing, and apostolic anointing, so that his designs will be accomplished on the earth.

These words bring conflict in some people. This is due to the erroneous way in which the concept of apostle has been handled by many, using it as a means by which to exercise authority over others in order to subjugate them under their control. That is why I am asking you to lay aside all preconceived ideas of what apostolic is an open your spirit to a fresh revelation from heaven.

The first thing we need to understand is that the apostolic is not only one of the 5 ministries mentioned in the fourth chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians, but a manifestation of Christ on the earth. Let me go to the root of all this. In order to understand the apostolic, it is necessary to first understand the prophetic move, since the one assist the other.

The Scripture says in Revelation 19:10 that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. This means that the manifestation of the prophetic is the revelation of all that Jesus is. The very essence of privacy does not consist of telling each other about the beautiful things that God has for us, but its objective is to reveal the multiple facts of Christ himself.

The foundation of the church, based on the apostles and prophets, is the revelation of Christ. The glorious church that God is raising up is not founded on doctrines, but on revelation. When the prophetic move is flowing, with the move surges and impressive way of the intimate knowledge of Jesus. It also opens spiritual dimensions so we can enter into a deep understanding of the different levels of the kingdom of God that he wants to show us.

The prophetic anointing is going to permit us to see and understand the spiritual world. It is going to give us the power to modify and transform this invisible realm, which is over everything that surrounds us, in order to establish the kingdom of the Almighty.

The prophetic is that which permits us to discover and see the designs of God in the heavens and where we have the authority to make proclamations and symbolic acts that establish the will of God in the celestial regions. It is this anointing that produces the power to straighten a crooked path, bring low the high mountains, exult the valleys, and prepare the way of the Lord. In addition, it is this anointing that is going to give birth to the powerful revelation of Christ, the apostle. When he presents himself as apostle, he will bring new levels of divine power and government that are going to facilitate the establishment of God’s purposes and structures in the natural world. It is the supernatural ability that God gives to bring things from the invisible realm to the visible.

This is not just God pointing out which ministries are apostolic ministries, which of course he will do. It is not instructions as to how to set up a denomination either or a series of regulations by which to supervise churches. No! It is a manifestation of Christ that affects the whole earth. It will change the course of the church towards the greatest dimensions of glory. It will touch all believers, and it will powerfully fall upon unbelievers to draw them towards the kingdom of God.

To understand the apostolic is to understand a new and specific revelation of Christ, with the whole, gamut of characteristics of which it is comprised. Pastors will begin to move under this anointing, without this necessarily meaning that they are apostles. They will be pastors under a new dimension of power. They will become new wineskins into which God will pour his new wine in a most glorious way. The same will have into evangelists, teachers and profits.

Praying and worshiping will be transformed and taken to amazing heights. The true order of God will begin to manifest itself in everything. The will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As a consequence, the greatest power of God will descend upon the church so that the kingdom of God will be seen flowing in all of its greatness.

This will bring with it strong shaking’s and methods in human doctrines that have soul failed in bringing the glory of God to the earth and in bringing in the great harvest. In this move, God will line his people with his justice and with his righteousness. What we will see in the churches will no longer be the eloquence of man, nor the plans and routines of well-intentioned pastors, but we will see his glory in the open heavens. This will affect the way in which one preaches and worships; everything human will come down so that only the celestial will remain.

The heavens will literally invade the services with wonderful, angelic visitations and also in the everyday life of the believer’s because the Holy Spirit will be uniting the heavens and your earth as it is written:

Ephesians 1:9 – having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him

The most wonderful thing is that it already has begun. This anointing is coming to unite. It will join the 2 dimensions, the natural and the spiritual. It will unite the body of Christ. It will unite parents and children.

It will bring reconciliation among the generations. Parents will rejoice over the success of their children. Children will honor their parents. And I am speaking not only in the natural sense, but also in the spiritual sense. The internal government of the church will be of true parents who motivate and protect their children.

The apostolic is the redemptive manifestation of everything. Everything that touches this anointing brings redemption.

The word says:

Colossians 1:19 – 4 please the father that in him should all fullness dwell; and, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to recount so all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven

This means that we are going to see all of the designs and purposes of God made reality in our lives. We will see how we were conceived. We will see the redemption of the original purposes that God had when he created the nations and that were perverted by the devil. The nations will enter into a new light.

When heaven manifest itself on earth, we are going to see the government to God established upon the earth. God will choose those who will reign with him. And the important decisions in a nation will not be made by unbelievers, but by the children of God. We will see constitutions change. Political parties that have served the designs of the devil will come down totally.

The time is come when we will govern with Jesus. I am not only referring to Christians in politics, even though this will happen and in a great way. I am referring to a spiritual government that determines the course and the decisions of a natural government, as in the case of Reese Howells, who with his team from his prayer room, brought the defeat of Hitler.

The children of God in this new apostolic generation will open doors of hidden treasures. Foundations of riches not yet discovered will come to light. This will occur because the true prophets and apostles will declare it in the power the spirit and they will bring these treasures from the in visible to the visible. The designs of God will be established upon years. The church will leave its 4 walls in order to manifest the glory and power of God in every sphere of society. The river that flows from the temple of God in the heavens, will flood the streets of the city’s with an army of believers who are living messages, that will pour out the love and the power of the father everywhere they go.

The word will come to pass that says,

Isaiah 60:1 – arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon the. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon the, and his glory shall be seen upon the.

The river will touch millions because it is laden with life and fruit, and it will bring healing to the nations. We will see apostles spring forth in the financial world; men and women for the glory of God and divine zeal, who will attract to themselves the riches of the nations. They will be true economic pillars, and with generous and pure hearts, who will help the needy and will establish the kingdom of God. They will put messengers of the Lord (apostolos) in order to put into the hands of the true servants of the most high the necessary funds to take the gospel to every creature.

We are going to see the raising up of ministries of powerful women. We will sing young people move in extraordinary power and revelation. Do you realize that this goes a lot further than the apostolic concept of the last century that limited itself to pastors giving a covering 2 other pastors? The revelation of the magnitude of what this move means had not yet been received.

The essence of the apostolic spirit

In this redemptive anointing of Christ, we are going to observe the revelation of his light as never before. Light is the vehicle that brings redemption from heaven to earth. Let’s take Genesis as a type that will help us understand how we will restore all things. We see in this book how the earth was without form and void. The waters cover the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. It is at this moment that the manifestation of Christ – apostolos appears for the first time.

God proclaims light into existence. This light, which is not the light of the sun, is the Lord himself. Light represents what is revealed, that which permits one to see where before one could not see. The first thing that the light does is it sets boundaries around darkness. Later comes the redemption of the earth. First darkness is put in its place. Then can, restoration and the creation of all things.

For there to be creation, in order for the invisible to come to the visible plane, first what is out of order must be restored to order. Order, which is a characteristic of the apostolic move, first of all, is going to separate what is in chaos so that each part finds its proper place. We see then the earth in disarray, the light shines upon it, and God begins to send his apostolic power.

Now I want you to see this as an analogy. The way in which he began everything is how he is going to end everything so that all things will be restored as they were in the beginning. What happened to the earth in Genesis is happening now in the church.

First God is separating the light from the darkness. This represents the greatest wave of discernment of the spiritual world that is coming up on the body of Christ. The Lord is taking us to levels of light that literally are causing darkness to flee. And this is precisely the Christ – like apostolos that was sent to the earth and made flesh.

John 1:1 – in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shyness and darkness; and the darkness has not overcome it.

Here we see clearly that one life, which is light, manifests itself, a spiritual war begins the changes the entire atmosphere, the spelling darkness. First we have to delineate sings place, throwing him out from among us, so that order, in all things can come into being.

As long as there is darkness inside of us or around us, we will not be able to see the glory of God. And it is the glory that produces the transformation of all things. That is why we must first of all contend with darkness.

Second Corinthians 4:6 – for God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

The apostolic move is going to bring an extremely high level of illumination, going beyond the level of salvation. An astounding clarity is going to come so that the deepest mysteries of God can be understood.

After light is established and darkness flees to its place, the Lord is going to separate the waters above from the waters beneath. What is celestial will be clearly distinguished from what is earthly. Today and throughout past generations, many celestial things were called earthly, even demonic, total insanity. In many earthly and human doctrines were called celestial. And this is the confusion of the waters. That is why they must be separated. This is one of the characteristics of the apostolic move, bringing revelation and the power of God, so that we see with clarity what is coming from God and what is coming from men.

This mixing of the waters allows religious spirits to take the power from the church. They have the church by own and without liberty to be able to experience the greatness of celestial things. When these waters are mixed together, the people are without direction, and live with masks on, confused, full of rules and theology, but negating the efficiency of a true relationship with God.

God is about to bring a radical separation between what comes from him and what is the result of religion. He is determined to great an expanse between the 2 types of waters, and it will become visible, who follows the one time and who follows the other.

Then God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. The position of many things on the earth and in the church, our overlap, some on top of others, thereby smothering each other and with their priorities in total chaos. And this hinders life from being produced. God could not create anything in till the earth was uncovered and the seas were set within their boundaries.

Everything must be in its place for the creative designs of God to be manifested. Likewise, each member of the body of believers must find his position and his calling. Then the waters will fill with life, the earth will produce fruit and the heavens will fill with birds. What that means, is that each ministry in its diversity and in its different function will produce that for which God sent it.

The power of apostolos(1 sent from heaven) will loose over each one of us the activation of our purpose on the earth. When a believer finds himself under a true apostolic authority, he will immediately see how he begins to move towards his calling. He will begin to see himself in a different way. He will begin to see with clarity the qualities that God has given him. He will begin to believe in himself as a son of God, and his development will be released.

The lack of this anointing produces benchwarmers. That is why it is so important for this revelation and this power to flood the church of Christ.

First, restoration must come, putting everything into order, and then comes the extraordinary manifestation of the creative power of God. The apostolic power is the divine authority that brings invisible things to the visible realm. The Bible says that everything was made from what was not seen. It was not made from what did not exist. It existed, but not in the material plane.

Creation consisted of transporting things from one realm to another. Every miracle, all riches, every wonder of God was already created in the spiritual world and need to be transported to the visible plane. When God unites all things in this dispensation in Jesus Christ, those that are in the heavens as well as those upon the earth, we will see a vast number of miracles and wonders without precedent. And this is another characteristic of the manifestation of the apostolos of God(what is sent from heaven to earth).

The last part of the creation of Genesis is that God made man in his image and after his likeness. The image of God is Christ seen in man. It is the ability to live in 2 dimensions at the same time, with all of the supernatural characteristics of Christ. We wrongly think that, because we are human, we are in the image of God. Or because God blew his spirit into us, we are instantly in the likeness of the most high. Later in this book, I will dedicate several pages to explaining this in detail.

But what I want to emphasize now is that the apostolic move will raise a generation to the image of God, with literally all of the power and celestial qualities that operate in Jesus: the second Adam, who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

The Bible says:

Genesis 1:28 – and God bless them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the file the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.

Man, after the fall, definitely lost the government of this planet, but Jesus came to restore that which was lost. And the sons of God will again have authority. Christ will govern together with his chosen ones.

Daniel 7:27 – and the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

God is revealing his government, organizing his chosen ones, in order to rein together with them over all things. This is so we will be able to see, not only churches full of his glory, but the total transformation of cities and nations, through the light of his knowledge.

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