Chapter 8 building a garden in your heart

In the previous chapter we looked at the 4 chambers of the heart, the bridal chamber, the soaking room, the dance floor in the garden in our heart. In this chapter I now want to teach more specifically about how to build the garden inside your heart.

God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit… And it was so – Genesis 1:11. Yahweh said this before he created man in his image to work the ground – Genesis 1:26. The reality is that everything grew in heaven first, and then came out of heaven onto the earth as Adam and Eve brought it down. Of course everything was not in the state that it is now. It was in and unfallen, totally harmonic, light, glorified, majestic state.

And the Lord God planted a garden – away since – in the east, in Eden – delight, land of happiness; and he put the man who me formed – created – there. And – in the garden – the Lord God caused to grow from the ground every tree that is desirable and pleasing to the sight and good – suitable, pleasant – for food… Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became 4 – branching – rivers… The Lord God took the man – he had made – and settled him in the garden of Eden cultivate and keep it – Genesis 2:8 – 10, 15.

The garden was man’s entry into the earth to bring the glory of God, to subdue the earth and cultivate what was in heaven on the earth. The glory of the Lord was the only thing on the face of the earth when Yahweh made Adam. So Adam was not made out of dirt, he was made out of the glory dust of the presence of the glory of God – Genesis 2:7

It was a spiritual reality. Adam and Eve were all about the garden in Eden – that is why the garden was made, to put Adam and Eve there. Eden and the garden are not all one place because,… God planted a garden towards the east, in Eden – Genesis 2:8. This is what the Bible says, but in Sunday school we are taught that it is the garden of Eden – no, it is the garden in Eden. You can read more about this in the chapter entitled Eden in my first book, realms of the kingdom volume 1.

When Satan fell, the electrons on the outside of the nuclei of atoms began to form an elliptical pattern instead of a circular pattern. When something forms an elliptical pattern, the new vibration consistent with that form puts it out of harmony with its reality and the truth of the harmonious circular pattern of original creation. By the way, Eve did not bite an apple, that is just a man – made idea, see Genesis 3:6.

Then Adam and Eve sinned and came into collision with what Satan had done to make a seed line after their own kind, causing massive exchange so that the river from Eden – Genesis 2:10 was shut off. Today it is a spiritual river in a spiritual place connected into our spirit being. The river flowing through Eden still exist and I have seen and experienced it – see the chapter entitled the river in the realms of the kingdom volume 1, but it connects into our spirit being. The only supply that would come to the earth would come through the valley of a person who stands in the realm of government, as the word says, if anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out from that person’s heart – belly – John 7:38. Your spirit lives in the cavity in your brain and down your spinal column, in that little membrane that is held with cerebrospinal fluid and sits on the throne in your belly. Remember the law first mention – the first mention of a river in the Bible is flowing from the seat of the government of our father – Genesis 2:10. For that river to come out of us we have got to be seated on the throne of government that Yahweh has given us; and then out of our belly, from that place of government, will flow a river of living water. You and I are the ones that open up the realm of the capacity for the presence of God to water the earth, when we administrate the kingdom.

What father is looking for is the development of relational connection with him deep in our inner being, so that we can come through that interbeing to encounter and begin to walk with him in the realm of the supernatural world.

But the problem is this: if the 4 heads of the river are not functioning within us, the water is not going to flow. So when we pray, God, let the river flow out of our bellies! Yahweh replies, I do not even know you – you want all the signs and wonders, but actually, I do not know you – Matthew 7:23. What was the last time you came visiting? One time he asked me that question. He said, why do you love me? Why do you actually love me? What is your motive for loving me? Is it to have spiritual experiences? Is it to get more from me or to get brownie points? What is your motive?

Every experience we have cannot just be about having an experience, it needs to be about engaging in intimacy with the God who brings us into those experiences – everything we do has 2 springboard out of intimacy. We have too many people on the face of the earth today chasing spiritual experiences. Yes, spiritual experiences are wonderful things, but they should not be why we engage God.

It is about our role, function and responsibility to administrate what you and I engage with in the world of our heavenly father. It is about the processes you and I are engaged in in the realms that are associated with that responsibility there, manifesting down here. Out of our engagement and who we are in him, the whole thing will begin to unlock for us so we can begin bringing what he needs to be mandated onto the face of the earth.

Visual anchors for a spiritual reality

Part of my journey has been to try and build a place inside of me. Years ago I did not know that I had a garden in my heart. I just knew I had to find that place of fellowship with the presence of God inside of me where I could commune with him, and try to spend time with him deep inside of my being. Yahweh stopped that access when Adam sinned, but in Christ Yahweh gave us back that access and it can start as a garden in your life.

I am very visual and because there is a river I needed a visual anchor for a river. So I put myself into a number of different settings trying to get to grips with the understanding of what it would be like to have this river and to try and see it in the spirit realm.

In those days I use to see things in the spirit realm all the time but I did not have a curse for them, so I could never put things together in my understanding. One day I went to a beautiful place called maraekakaho falls. It is a large waterfall with a very intense shaft of water that flows out of a crevice at the top and thunders down the side into a little 25 foot deep pool at the bottom. It is just the most remarkable place to be. I remember thinking, God this is beauty, the heavenly River must look like this.

As I was sitting on the riverbank I remember thinking, well Lord, I know I’ve got to have a river because wherever the river is there is life, and I need to come back into life. So I knew that I had to find a river. So for about an hour I just watched the river and the leaves going past in the rushing stream.

I close my eyes hearing the sounds of the water and meditated over what the heavenly River would be like. When I opened my eyes to look at the water, it was like something was changing, as degree upon degree upon degree of change began to take place and slowly it took shape in the something totally different. At first I thought I was hallucinating, when I started transitioning into the reality of the supernatural world in and around the river that I desired; your hearts desire is powerful, as the word says: the light yourself in adonai, and he will give you your hearts desire – Psalm 37:4.

The riverbank began to change and then the sound of the water began to sing to me, call me and desire for me to be in it and be one with it. It wanted to play with me and love on me. As I looked down I realize that the riverbank had begun to change as well. I was sitting on a rock and literally felt that the rock was trying to move around so could embrace me. How do you explain that?

So I was busy looking at this river and thinking, Lord, which river is this? How do I fit this into my heart?

The Lord said to me, and every human heart there is a river, because out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. In your life, in your garden, there is a river. This is what you’re river looks like. I began to see that on either side of the riverbank around me all the foliage had disappeared and it was just like desert sand. I wanted all the wonderful trees and all the things that were around here.

The Lord said, yes that is fine, I want them too. The problem is you have not done anything about it.

I said, Lord what do you mean, I have not done anything about it – I did not even know I had to do something.

He said, well, you have never asked. By then 4 hours had passed and I had to pull myself out of that realm and go home. So through the ensuing weeks I began a process every morning of going back to that same place in my mind, praying in tongues, engaging my spirit and drawing myself back into that place of engagement with the realm of the kingdom of heaven.

I would find that while in my room at home I would begin to step into that same place and I would see the same thing. Then I began to think, well I have got to start growing things. But how do you grow things in the spirit? I had no idea.

Growing your garden

So the Lord said to me, you have had many experiences that we need to celebrate together. These are the seeds that grow into trees. I started to take the seeds of some of the things that I had experienced with Yahweh in my life. At times I have had victories over struggles were suddenly Yahweh brought a change into my life. These were points of celebration for me. What better way to remember a celebration then to plant a seed that would grow into a tree. That tree would be the point of celebration. I am not worshiping the tree; I’m just saying that the tree is the symbol of celebration of that life victory.

The Bible says,… What is the kingdom of God like? Into what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his own garden; and it grew and became a tree – Luke 13:18 – 19. I said, Lord I take this situation in my life as a seed, like a walnut seed, because the experience I had was very bitter and it was a very hard place I was in. But I know that a walnut tree is one of the most amazing trees to watch parole in the wood is just unbelievable.

So I took this walnut seed and I said, Lord by faith I stick this in the ground. I got some water and poured it over the seed, because you need to water the seed. Then again I took some more water and watered the seed. For days I seem to be watering the seed. I said, Lord how come it is not growing?

He said, because you have not spoken to it yet.

Nobody tells you these things. So I took some water and I said to this experience, grow into a tree, grow! Yahweh wants to teach us how to create and you learn to create first deep inside your own being. So I spoke to this not. Grow, grow; in the name of Jesus grow. I turned around to get more water, and suddenly there was a tree. It was the most remarkable tree that I have ever seen in my life. The leaves were singing the victory that I had planted the tree to celebrate, whispering with the wind of Yahweh blowing in them. It was whispering victory and singing to me: how amazing it is to stand with you in this place of victory!

I thought that was so amazing that I decided to go and plant another one and another and another. I was so focused on doing it that I built a forest around one side of this bank. The Lord said to me, you have been working around here so well, what about the rest of it?

I said, how much more is there? He replied, well you have not looked yet. In the spirit realm you only notice logical things. There was a rise on the edge of the riverbank and I never gone beyond what I was doing there. I would go there and I would begin to stand and worship in the spirit in the middle of this garden that I had planted, feeling the presence of Yahweh. I did not want to be anywhere else but where the presence of Yahweh was. I would feel his presence come into that place and I would begin to worship him, and we would talk about a lot of things in my own life.

So I turned around and thought, well I need to go and take a look at what is over the bank. It is amazing how curious we humans are. We always need to see the other mountain, that mountain over there. So I climbed the bank and there was an amazing bowl shaped Valley of about 8 or 9 acres. I said, Lord this is too big for me to fill with plants.

He said, I’m not asking you to planted. I’m asking you to speak it into being.

Speaking life into being

We are called to speak and to learn how to create with our words. As the Bible shows us, and God said, let there be – Genesis 1:3, death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits – Proverbs 18:21, God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist – Romans 4:17.

I love daffodils; they are amazing flowers to me. When they come up in my garden in the spirit realm they have wonderful greens them; then a green thing makes a whooshing sound out of the middle and has a nice little yellow flower on it and follows the sun. My nation – New Zealand – we have fields daffodils. What I was a kid I used to love running through the daffodils, because you would get them caught between your toes. And if you fell over you could roll on the leaves and you would not get hurt because there were so many of them. You could also lie down in the daffodils and no one could see. I used to bring my line of sight so that I could just see over the top of the daffodils to this layer of absolute bright yellow across the field. To me as a kid that was amazing.

In my mind I was thinking, Lord I would like a field of daffodils, just like we have at home.

He said, well just speak it out. So I said, father in the name of Jesus I speak to this ground, grow daffodils. Then I heard a world wind sound. It was the wind of Yahweh that came out of my mouth. If we are God – light beings then we carry the breath of life to create. As we read, Jesus… Breathed on them, and said to them, receive the Holy Spirit – John 20:22. He did more than just give them the Holy Spirit. So as the breath came out of me, it became the breath of God, not that I am God but that is the way God works. Do your part, then he will do his part.

Then suddenly the field grew all these daffodils in the sound they made was the sound of singing. They were worshiping the presence of Yahweh. To me there is no better place than the sit in the middle of a field with flowers worshiping Yahweh.

I did not want to break any of them. In the natural world as you walk along the brush against a stem the flower falls over it is broken. That is why used to love running because you would break them between your toes come out with tolls full of daffodils. So I was really careful stepping around these. I remember bumping into one of the flowers and thinking, oh no, it is going to break and died. But of course in the realm of the kingdom there is no death. So when I brushed past this daffodil, bending the stem, all did was spring back up again. Then I started to wonder if these daffodils could break and as I tried, go plant went boing and came back up again. I said, hallelujah! I can run through this. Then I ran through them and actually tripped and rolled through the daffodil paddock with the daffodils pushing me around is if I was crowd surfing, while the daffodils were singing and glorifying Yahweh.

Took me a number years to grow different places in my garden that would be places the celebration for the experiences of my life. Some of the places I built are very quiet places. Some of them are very loud in your face places. Some of them are sanctuaries that I’ve built because of the sanctuary that Yahweh has become to me in my life. Every time I go into the realm of the spirit and something happens there I go and plant a seed. I have for us that I’ve planted and I can go there in a fraction of time to draw back to that place inside my heart to experience the presence of Yahweh in any one of those places because I have chosen to build a garden of intimacy with him there.

The Lord God… Put the man – or Adam; in the Garden of Eden to care for – or till it – Genesis 2:15. So I have tilled the grown of my heart so that the rain, the presence in the voice of Yahweh could come into the ground in my heart.

I did not realize that this garden was in the midst of Eden. The same way as Yahweh put a garden in Eden, this garden that I had grown was in need, which gave me direct access to the person of Yahweh when he is off the throne – see the chapter entitled Eden and realms of the kingdom volume 1. I realize that I now have a card and in the midst of Eden. Not only that but I have a river that flows into the river of God; and the river of God grows bigger as my river ads into the tributaries of the rivers from other gardens that all flow into the river of Yahweh that comes from the throne. Your river ads to God’s river and part of you is going to flow through it into the earth, producing life wherever it goes. It is all about us – Yahweh, you and me all doing something together because we aren’t able to. That is what Adam and Eve are made for – to go and multiply, reproduce, subdue and take care of this creation.

Indeed in

One of the things I learned to do was to walk in my garden and realize that I could go from my garden, step in the gods garden start to tend to some of his garden. God’s garden, Eden, is amazing. Heaven is just an unbelievable place – I go into more detail on this in my audio teaching walking in Eden available for my website.

There are some things in Eden that I think would be really good for me to teach you about. As you go along one of the pathways in the Eden there is an orange blossom tree that has blossom and oranges on it. You are a spirit being in this realm, so gravity is not an issue. You can walk in and amongst the blossom and fruit in the trees. The blossom saying in all they do is look for the person of Yahweh to come pass. They wait for him the same way as we wait upon the Lord. That is all they do. You can eat them as well, because you are a spirit being in their spiritual entities. There is life in anything you take and eat. You can eat of the trees that are in Eden and the most amazing thing is you can pick an orange take a bite out of it. Then if you leave it there it does not fall to the ground, it will stay there and wait for you to come back and finish it.

In the garden there are white fruit trees that have silver woven into them. But we can go and feed them with the river that is in you. It’s like laying hands on people; you can lay hands on the roots of the trees and release the anointing to grow the fruit of your life in Eden. Then what is your life passes into the tree and that is the fruit that grows. You can then go and eat the fruit of your life. There are other things that have gone on in there before us and we can eat some of the fruit of their lives as well. You can taste and see the God that is in them. Not only can you taste and see it but also you can begin to experience some of what they had in Yahweh. How do you come into the realms that another has walked in? You go and eat some of the fruit.

In my day job I used to spend much of my time doing mundane things like mowing the lawn. I used to love mowing the lawns because I could get myself locked into the realm of the spirit walking around with a really small lawnmower, so it would take me hours to mow and a curved grass. I am the boss of a complex of swimming baths in New Zealand but I would walk around mowing the lawn to use a Monday thing because my spirit man to encapsulate what Yahweh had been doing and then lock myself into it. So for an hour while was mowing the lawns I would be walking in the spirit as well doing things in the presence a Yahweh.

These things become very important to me. I would spend my days doing that, until it flowed into the night watch – see chapter 1 – because I had chosen to do something about what Yahweh had spoken to me to do.

Healing in the spirit realms

I shared this with a youth group run 20 years ago, and one of these girls whose hands were riddled with arthritis said to me, ian I want to till the ground but I cannot move my hands. I said her, you do not need your hands when you are there; you are a spirit being so you are able to do it. She came back the next morning and showed me that her hands had been completely healed, because she had chosen the goal and touch the water. In transferring the water Yahweh had healed her hands. Nobody had to go lay hands on her. Yahweh had done it because she had chosen to go and do something about what Yahweh had shown her. To me this is miracle stuff. This not about someone else praying for us; this is about the places of intimacy that we are invited to develop.

We all need to develop the line in the lamb within us. Too many people have the lamb and not enough lion. Others have too much line and not enough lamb inside of them. What Yahweh is looking for is the nature of the lamb of God, who is Jesus, inside of us, together with the lion of Judah empowering your soul, and for both of them to lie down together in absolute unity and adoration of the one who made you. When you die your spirit returns to Yahweh. It is your spirit that keeps you alive on earth. How much influence your spirit has had on your soul is going to dictate the measure of the glory that is going to manifest in your so when you die.

When our spirit man is becoming active it is transforming our soul into its image, and the image of my spirit is the image of Jesus, the son of God. The more my spirit encounters the presence of Yahweh, the greater the image my soul is going to take on that image. To the point where I do not have to die because my body is taking on the image of my soul, my soul is taking on the image of my spirit and my spirit has the image of the sun in it already.

I would do this in secret because whatever you do in secret Yahweh will show openly for others to see. People would asked me what was going on with me because they could see something changing in my life. I had gone through inner healing and deliverance, but I needed to grow something back in that place. The garden inside your heart is a fantastic place to start growing a relationship with the presence a Yahweh in your inner being. If you want to become a godlike being you need to begin to grow our relationship with Yahweh inside he you, so they you take on the image of the one you are a fellow shipping with, on the inside.

The garden became a very important place for me to walk in and go into. I still go back there and do things, like plant a tree or remembrance, so every time I go there I see that this is what I did that day. I do this in the night watch. That is why the Nightwatch is so important, because I can spend 8 hours there with Yahweh.

Intimacy with the Lord

It is important for us to realize that there is more to being a believer than just doing the religious stuff we have always been taught. There is a whole realm of intimacy interpersonal deep relational way that Yahweh wants to bring to the church. It is all about you desire him and building a desire for him, to want to know him, understand him and share his life with him. It is only as you desire these things that you will get known as a friend a Yahweh. It was important for me to hear Yahweh say,ian you are my friend.

It’s your choice; Yahweh will not override your will. He knows where you choose to spend your life, just like I know most of the things that my children are doing in where they’re at, because I can see them nigh do all these things around them. But I love it when they come in and tell me, and I say, that’s wonderful, that’s great. It builds interactive intimacy and relational communion, one with another. That is what Yahweh wants with us, he wants to intimacy and relational connection of being one with you.

The greatest part of all this is that when you build relationship with him here inside your heart, you then have a right to go into his presence there in his kingdom and he will welcome you in the courtrooms; he will welcome you in and around the throne. You build the intimacy here inside he you, which gives you the right to go there. If you have not built the intimacy here, you will find the throne a terrifying place, because he is different when he is on the throne from when he is in other places.

The Bible says Adam and Eve – heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden – Genesis 3:8. A voice does not have footsteps. It was a conscious awareness of the arrival of a measure of anointing or the arrival of a person. I can be praying at home and be aware of the arrival of someone with a measure of anointing as I hear knock on my door. I will be aware before they even get there, because you become aware of the atmosphere. Whenever a person carries goes into the atmosphere. It is that atmosphere you carry that enables others to be aware of who you are. So what Adam felt was the atmosphere that Yahweh carried, as he became aware that he had walked into the garden.

The voice was saying, Adam where are you? I love you. I have spent his time talking with you, son, I love you, where are you? There are times when I would try and hide from Yahweh, playing hide and seek, standing behind some trees the washing, because I love watching the way Yahweh moves. I love the way he walks in the majesty, the stature, the assurance, and the complete absolute confidence of his being. He is I am who I am – Exodus 3:14.

I love watching him what he goes past because he is totally aware me, and I’m totally aware of him and it is fun. What Yahweh is looking for is relationship. With everything you do he is looking for a relationship. It means more to him than giving you all the power of the kingdom. He wants intimacy, to know you and be known by you. Only comes out of doing some of these things and spending time with him. I would really encourage you to find place inside of your being where the presence of God is, and to begin to commune with it.

He will talk with you and enable you to come and do some of these things. Took me about 3 years to learn the process of doing this. I have dug channels leading from the river in the garden. I love ponds and small lakes. I love sitting on the edge of the lake and watching the water. Often the spirit of God will move, sometimes when I’m sitting next to the water I will see the water begin to move and I will know that Holy Spirit has turned up to come and speak with. I got this little Eddie that runs away from the stream 9 built and little lake, and that is where I go and commune with the Holy Spirit by that lake. I wait for them to move the face of the water. Then I know he is coming, so I will close my eyes know come enveloped in his presence. These little things have built in me and awareness and an awareness a Yahweh loves me and I just do not care what church has to say. I just do not care. They can call me a spirit free, but I do not care. I know I have a relationship with the person a Yahweh. That to me is sweeter than anything. I have had the Lord speak to me in the throne room around other people saying, son come here. To be called a son by Yahweh in the throne is totally affirming.

I would encourage you when you go to bed to begin to lock into the presence of God. Meditate and think on the things that have touched or inspired you in this chapter. Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; there’s any Excellency, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things – center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart – Philippians 4:3. Law your mind and your heart to be captivated with this potential. Yahweh will share his kingdom with you but he wants to share his life with you first when. You get his life then you will get his kingdom.


One of the key things that empowers me to go into the realm of the presence of God is the blood of Christ and knowing that the blood has empowered me to bring me to the point of righteousness and holiness. This gives me access into the realm of the presence of God, and is through the blood that I come. It is not through my own efforts, it is through the blood of Christ. It is the blood that cleanses me, it is the blood that makes me whole, it is the blood that makes me righteous.

Father, I want to thank you that you have made a way into the realm of your kingdom. Father, thank you that there is a way for us to walk in your presence and according to your word, father, and says there that you cause the garden to grow. You grew all the herbs of the fields and you made a place Lord, where you would begin to fellowship with Adam.

Father, tonight I want to thank you that what was in Adam, in that day, has been given back to us in Christ. Father, in the pool today, which is the beginning of the new day, which is evening, which is where we are now, it says that you came walking in the garden in the cool the day, calling on Adam’s name.

Father, I want to thank you that you’re calling my name, you are calling me into relationship with your presence. Father, I think you that there is a river that flows from the throne. According to your word, father, that river flows through Eden, Waters the garden which is in my heart, and from there waters the face of the earth. Father, I thank you for the river of your presence. Thank you Lord that the river is a cry and need desperation inside your heart for friendship, for relationship and intimacy with us as your children.

Father, today I make a choice to enter the realm of your presence by the blood of Jesus Christ. Father, I engage realm your presence today, and Lord, make the choice to stand besides the river of life that flows within me as a great gushing river. Father, I hear the cry of your call for intimacy, relationship and friendship my turn my ear and I turn my heart towards that desire for you and with you today. It is coming out in your heart. It is coming out of your place in the realm of the throne.

Father, I turn to the river you have given me, father, with the grass, with the sand and moves in his life, with all the stones and gems that move in the sand and the grass it looks and smells and moves with the wind, and the voice your presence. Father, I see the river that is amazing in its clarity, full gold, full of diamonds, full of stones, full of absolute beauty.

Father, from the past, when I’ve stood in that river it is been amazing the field flow through me, and today I just walk by faith into that river. I walk in to the place where your voice and the river of your glory flows from my body, through my soul, through my spirit, washing me, cleansing me, speaking to my DNA, calling me into relationship and intimacy with your presence. Lord I know that you are standing on the bridge, way down there, but father it is fascinating to watch the river move with the your voice, and the scrolls of the fish that move inside the testimony of the water.

Father, the trees the cast forth their leaves are for the healing of the nations – Revelation 22:. Father, thank you that these leaves are living things that move in the water like schools of fish. Father, today I choose to walk up the river, to bury my head into it just like easy kill did – Ezekiel 47. Lord, I desire to have it over the top of my head, to be able to be buried into the voice of Yahweh. Lord Eileen into the voice of your presence, Eileen into the realm your presence. Lord, I allow my desire to begin to turn towards your glory and towards your presence. Father, today I just walk up off the edge of the bank, and I walked down the sides the pathway, heading towards the bridge where I know you are standing.

Jesus I think you that you are my Lord, I think you that you died for me, you made a way for me to come to get to know the father. He made a way to bring me back to this place of encounter with your father. Jesus thank you that you are the son of God. Thank you that you died, the totally and absolutely redeemed me from every mark, every record, every iniquity, every transgression and every sin.

Lord, today open up my heart and ask you to reach and Martin removed the record of that entity that is fought against you and fought against the father’s desire for my life. Jesus I know that no sin, no record of sin can enter the realm of the father, and willingly I yield to your administration in your hand 3 chin to me, to take out of me the record of the stain on my sin. Jesus thank you that you are my burden bearer. Thank you Lord that you work with me and you walk with me, you talk with me, and you work in me to deal with this stuff.

Thank you Lord that today I can stand totally and absolutely free because you paid the price to reach into me. Jesus, thank you that you have given me a new heart. Thank you Jesus that you have given me a new record in my body; a new testimony of your presence. But I can hear the voice of the father calling. I can hear them calling, Lord I allow my heart to respond to your word into your presence, and I turned into the light of your glory. Countenance of your presence that shines over the place is needed. I turn into that realm of the glory of God today. I give myself to the father, I give my desires, and I give all my longings over to the father.

Lord, I just want to be with you today. I just want to hang be around you and watch what you do. Lord I know that I have met you by the Rose Garden, and today I just choose the walk along the path that leads down into that little valley by the Rose Garden, and I know you are there because I can hear you snipping the roses again. Father, I see you, to know that you are here, and I know that I’m standing with you, is an amazing thing.

Father, thank you that you love me. Thank you Lord that you never gave up on me. Thank you, father, that even when I was yet in sin, you held on believing that this day would come when I can stand here with you, walking with you and talking with you, father.

Lord I thank you for the flowers that you have made. Those most amazing things that appear out of nowhere, that out of the realm of who you are as a father, you did together your purpose, unit together your desires, unit them together, completely and wonderfully made.

Father, thank you for your call my life. Thank you Lord for who you have called me to be as a son. Thank you Lord that your one desires for me to be with you in your garden, to spend time here engaging your presence and being with you. Father, today I turned to the realms that you open up your Lord down by the mountain gold, by the amount of your glory where the Eagles fry, where they welcome your presence into display; father to the sand in the ground it is around us, to the grass of the birds, to the sounds of the wind of Yahweh that is moving in the trees as the Angels watch.

Father, thank you that it is a privilege to be able to stand here with you today. Lord, today I receive, I think you that you are my friend, I do not know how to build a relationship with you in this intimate way father, but I set my heart want to become your friend. I want to know you, father, I want to know who you are, I want to know what you do, I want to know why you do it and how you do it. Lord, I want to watch you do it, and Lord what I see you do I would choose to do also. Father, I think you that in this place there are many Lord that have walked in the realm your presence, and I know that you’re calling to each one of them father.

I asked Lord that you would become their shepherd, that you’d watch over them father as a shepherd watches over the sheep. For each one, father, I asked that you would engage them and encounter them, that you love and that you glory father, flow over them. Lord, that they would be changed. Lord and that they would experience and understand the height and depth and breath of their calling – Ephesians 3:18.

Father, I thank you for the new things that you have made here in this garden. Lord, the new trees that you applied for me, because of the things that I have walked in the victories that we walk together, the trees that have grown and recorded the testimony of the things that we have done. However, thank you for those records, I see them in your garden, that they hold true to who you are, that you are a God that remembers the good things. To God that remembers the victories, and I choose that today father. I choose to see those things that you remember. Lord, I think you that I can love you in this place and appreciate the honor the relationship with you here, outside of your throne. Father, thank you; father thank you.

Thank you for the new things, father. Thank you for the precious fragrances that you have generated and made, here in the garden. Father, thank you for the fragrances that speak of your love for me. Thank you for the fragrances, Lord, that speak of the purifying and cleansing of your beauty, your presence within the realm of life. Thank you, Lord, that everything speaks of your wonder, everything speaks of your glory.

Father, I appreciate not are you today. I the Lord and I bow down and worship you today, as my father. See that I carry is of you today. I ask you to reach into me father and changed record of the seed. You change the record of my heart, you change my inner man, father, you change me, you translate me, and father you transform me, to be able to carry a different record from the realm of your presence.

Father, I think you that this is a place I can come to again and again, and you never, ever get bored with me. Thank you Lord that I can find friendship here. Thank you, Lord, that I can sit on the mountains and look over the beauty of your creation and the secret things that you have made.

Father, thank you for the realm that operates out of this atmosphere of your presence, where we can create if we watch and see. Father, thank you that you are a God of creation, God it just loves to make things. I think you for the new things you’ve made, and this atmosphere of the place your glory, and Eden, father.

Lord, today I need to go, Lord, I just want to thank you that I have been able to spend some time Lord, just to spend some time with you, in your presence again. Lord, to be able to walk with you, to be able to be next you father. Lord, I want to thank you for that. Lord, as a back away I allow my heart to your and towards you, hello my heart to turn towards you. Father, I love you. Father iso value, I so appreciate you, I so value who you are and what you have become. Father, as I turn in his eye back away from your presence Lord, I will be back, I will come back in fellowship and speak with you tonight father.

Lord, want to thank you that you will wait, and you will wait for me, forever waiting is a father yearning after his sons, forever waiting for me to respond to come into the realm your presence. Father, thank you that you have brought me here today. Lord, as a back away I say Lord of the back tonight, will see you later on tonight father. Lord, as a back away from you today, or I turn as I get around the corner, I turn in Jesus I see you looking at me again with that knowing smile.

Jesus, thank you, thank you for what you have done for me to bring me back into relationship with the father. Thank you that you have brought me back to this place.

Thank you Jesus that you made it open for me to come back in fellowship with my father here. Jesus, thank you, iso value and so appreciate what you’ve given to me. You have given me a gift of life, and I think you that you are the slimy back into relationship with the father.

Lord, thank you for what you have given me, for what you have taken from me, for what you have yielded out of my life is fruit.

Lord, today I bow down and worship you Jesus. I ask you to put your hand on my head and bless me as a son. Jesus, thank you that you’re my friend. I have longed after you, I’ve sought after you and I’ve come to know you as a friend, I’ve come to know you as my Lord, come to know you as my Savior Jesus, thank you.

Lord, as a back away today Lord, turn into the river the carries the voice of the father. Going to the river father and I choose to line, to move down, developed in the love of the father. The tears are the expression of the joy my God and my king woven into the river of glory. Father, as a float down the river, father, I can hear your voice:, here you wooing father with the promise to me to you back, to move my weight on the river, to engage this realm of this atmosphere of the earth again. Father, come down the water for your presence, and move out of the atmosphere of glory, and to the realm of eternity, and fall down back onto the face of the earth into this realm, and this atmosphere.

Father, thank you that I’ve been able to walk with you today. Thank you, Lord, that I’ve been able to see you and engage you. Lord, my desires to become a friend of Yahweh. Lord, I asked that you would plant a tree in memory of what I’ve done here today. Lord, every time I come calling you a plan the forest in the record of the memory of what we have done here. Father, I ask you implanted in a tree, then when I come tonight, that I would see it as a memorial of my time with you here today.

Father, thank you that you love me, iso value, Jesus a value, Holy Spirit and really appreciate what you’ve done, and opening my heart, my eyes of my spirit man to engage in father. Holy Spirit, thank you, that you came willingly, when the sun the sun into the realm of the father, you came willingly to engage me down here, to bring me into relationship with the sun father. Thank you Holy Spirit; thank you Lord.

Father, I asked that your kingdom and the realm your presence would begin to draw them back to this place. Father, it is been awesome to meet with you, has been awesome to be in the atmosphere of your presence, awesome just to be around you and hang with other people father, of your kingdom.

Alleluia Jesus.

Wherever you are I just want you to begin to make choices, to begin to withdraw quietly from where you are and whatever you are doing. One thing I’ve learned to do never to hurry one backing out of the presence a Yahweh, the just enjoy the kind of final touches, the final fragrances are just knowing and of being with father. Always just take my time backing out of his presence.

Lord I want to thank you for your  I want to thank you for your love for me as a son. You did all this for me, so appreciate that today, so I grace, I want to thank you for your love for me as a son. You did all this for me, so I appreciate that today, I so valued, father, in the name of Jesus.

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