Part 2 – the anatomy of the spirit

Chapter 3 – the vision of our spirit

When I realized the only way I would truly know who I am was through knowing my spirit, it was troubling to know how little we, as sons of God, understood this particular topic. I then began to seek books and documents that would shed light on where I could start.

The only thing I was able to find was the trilogy, the spiritual man by Dr. watchmen nee which he wrote at the end of the nineteenth century. Also found my body, his life by Dr. Paul Trulin, written in the 19 eighties.

They both spoke of various functions of the spirit or of the fruit or gifts of the spirit, but neither described our spirit. What was it like? What was it shape or anatomy? How does it work? How could we connect with it to discover it and use it to its fullest capacity?

The most I found in these 2 books were some illustrations which identified 3 simple components: communion, intuition and conscience. However, to me, this was like thinking that my body was composed of only 3 large masses called head, torso and extremities.

Something on the inside told me that just like our physical body is composed of systems and organs, majestically orchestrated within, the soul and spirit were similarly complex.

I knew we had spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear God. I Also heard there was a warehouse full of organs in heaven, and that Angels descended and gave them to those whose body parts were atrophied. I witnessed many miracles that occurred in this manner. Those organs and body parts that came from the invisible realm were obviously spiritual in origin. They were spiritual first, and then manifested in the flesh.

This, along with many other experiences in the spirit, led me to search the mind of Christ and ask him to show me the spirit of man.

I wanted to know what we were like. I had the same curiosity a medical student has to discover how the human body functions, to discover our inner being.

One night, after much fasting and inquiring God, the father visited me and I saw in front of me the spirit of man.

I was captivated, and marveled when I saw how we were made in the image and likeness of God. Obviously, I was seeing something that my mind could not conceive in human words. I was in awe watching, but could not grasp the fullness of that impressive configuration. This was only the beginning of a gold mine of heavenly knowledge that was open before my eyes.

It was the true manifestation of the word: I have not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the heart of man – first Corinthians 2:9

Figure 2 – first vision of the spirit of man

Attempting to draw it was a very complicated task because it consisted of many intertwined systems which were unveiled and manifested before my eyes, one by one. I decided to try and draw them one by one and break it down in this manner.

The teaching began after the first vision, and God gave me this mysterious Scripture in the Bible (I placed the interpretation of the phrases in parenthesis to aid in its comprehension):

Ecclesiastes 12:3 -In the day when the keepers of the house tremble, ( the hands and arms of the elderly) and the strongmen bow down; when the ( chewing of the) grinders cease because they are few, and those that look through the windows ( eyes) grow dim; ( eyesight) when the doors ( lips ) are shut in the streets, and the sound of the grinding is low; (can no longer chew) when one rises up at the sound of a bird, ( faint sound of the song) and all the daughters of music ( the voice in hearing ) are brought low. Also they are afraid of height and of terrors in the way; when the almond tree blossoms ( white hair) the grasshopper ( the lightest) is a burden, and desire fails. For man goes to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets. Remember your creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the picture shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it .

In the passage of Scripture between verse 3 and 5, King Solomon describes the moment when man is about to go to his eternal dwelling. We see the entire poetic description of the wearing away of the body in old age.

Then in verse 6, there is a description of the moment when the spirit and soul leave the body. This is where King Solomon describes the configuration of the spirit of man.

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