How God sees us

God sees things from an eternal perspective; He sees things different than we do. He sees the beginning from the end. He sees the finished product. It is important that we begin to see things the way that God does.

What does God actually see when He looks at us? He sees a reflection of Himself. He has come to live inside of us; he has come to live through us.

It is through the infilling of His Spirit, that we reflect His glory. He actually shines right through us.

Every day we have the opportunity to reflect Him, to manifest Him, to reveal God to a world that is in desperate need.

We have the opportunity, to experience the Spirit of God moving in us, crying in us, rejoicing in us, reaching out through us to touch another individual.

What is the problem? Self consciousness. What is the solution? God consciousness!

As we learn the secret of being aware of God in us, then we can learn how to abide in Him, walk in Him, talk in Him. All of our words can be filled with Spirit and life.

We need to see ourselves as God see’s us and to become delighted with His perception.

When others have a negative perspective of ourselves it will affect us negatively.

How do we get rid of negativity? We stop looking at it. We displace it by focusing on the majesty of God and the fact that He is sharing His Glory with us.

Because God’s Spirit is in us, His love is in us. We have the ability to love God. Loving God is not just about obeying Him or having an emotion about him.

Loving God is an abiding place. You have left your first love. You have fallen from the ecstasy of being aware of His Presence.

There is absolutely nothing in the world that compares to Him; it is all vanity without our awareness of Him in the things that He has created.

Do the first works. Get excited about Him. Keep him in the center of all your thoughts. You are accepted in the beloved so get over yourself.

Religion gets us to look at something that God is not looking at.

If we see ourselves negatively we will never change. We change by beholding His glory.

We are always hearing about what we have to do for God, it is not about that. It is about what God wants to do for us, who He wants to become in us.

When we truly realize what God wants to do for us, then we start responding to it.

Our performance comes out of our response to who God is for us and what He is doing in us.  A walk with God is a flow of the Spirit.

God sees absolutely nothing wrong with us. So what is missing?  What is missing is our awareness of God filling us. We have to practice being filled with the Spirit.

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