Chapter 7 – the wheels of the spirit

Ecclesiastes 12:6 – before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the picture shattered at the fountain, or the wheel at the well.

1 – the design of the universe

The entire universe is held together by circles of energy. These exert a centripetal pressure or a gravitational force that maintains everything in place and in the form God intended. From the elemental structure of the atom, to all solar systems and galaxies in space everything is contained by these gravitational rings.

The same is true in the invisible realm. The substance every spirit is composed of is volatile and ethereal. Therefore, it needs something to surround it and allow it to preserve its form and physiognomy. This is why it needs these wheels. If our spirits are that of angels and other heavenly or demonic creatures would not have these wheels of energy around them, they would vaporize.

2 – The throne of God, the basic unity of creation

The throne of God is the unit from where the entire universe is sustained and governed. Everything takes his form, whether visible or invisible. This is the primary unit, which is all in all, from where all laws that maintain creation in order, emerge.

While scientists have identified these forces and measured them as energy, velocity, gravity, et cetera, they have never been able to figure out what they are, or where they come from. This is logical, because they do not dare to state that it is the power of the God of the universe.

However, the sons of God have been given the understanding of the mysteries of the Almighty.

There is something very interesting in the book of Daniel, which states that the throne of God is surrounded by wheels of fire. God, in his omnipresent nature is in every place, and goes on even further than all galaxies, universes and dimensions of the Spirit. But, when he chooses to make himself visible to the eyes of our spirit and to the myriads of angels, living creatures and the perfected spirits of the saints, he then appears surrounded by wheels of fire.

Daniel 7:9 – I watch till thrones were put in place, and the ancient of days was seated; his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, it’s wheels a burning fire; a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. 1000 thousands ministered to him; 10,000 times 10,000 stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.

If God is the unit everything proceeds from, then that will be reflected in creation, whether physical or spiritual.

If I translate this into scientific language, it is described as follows: every atom has an energy nucleus that is contained by circles or wheels of electrons. Through the force of gravity they keep the Atom United, and produce an electromagnetic field which emanates from the inside out. This is true inside an atom, in a solar system and in all beings, living and spiritual.

Our spirit is God’s life, his very breath inside of us, to make us in his image and likeness. In this manner, his throne is among us in the golden bowl, also surrounded by wheels, and with his river flowing out of us.

The word of God also shows how creation is contained within a wheel, and within it, there are millions upon millions of wheels within wheels.

The main wheels surround the throne of God, and everything is created from there and is interconnected. If we could see the united body of Christ linked by its joints, from an energy point of view, it would be millions of intertwined wheels.

James 3:6 – and the tongue is a fire: the world of iniquity among our members is the tongue, which to file at the whole body, and set it on fire the wheel of nature, and is set on fire by hell.

3 – the spirit is inside the wheels

When prophet Ezekiel had the vision of the living creatures, he clearly saw these wheels which contained them and moved with them.

Ezekiel 1:16 – the appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all 4 had the same like this. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they moved, they went toward any one of 4 directions; they did not turn aside when they went. As for the rims, they were so high they were awesome; and the rims were full of eyes, all around the four of them. When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Wherever the Spirit wanted to go, they went, because there the spirit went; and the wheels were lifted together with him, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

4 – The wheels functions

A – Translation by the spirit

These wheels not only contain the spirit of the living creatures, but they also transported them from one place to another.

Jesus told Nicodemus, those born of God were like the wind. The wind represents the spirit, and as mentioned before, is the only element out of the 4 others, that is not connected to the earth. That is why those born of the Spirit have entered a glorious freedom. Their spirits are free and can enter into all the dimensions God has granted them, as their inheritance. They are guided by the Spirit of God like a leaf blown by the wind.

While the spirit of man is in a state of death or dormant, the wheels are inactive in their functions and only serve to keep the spirit from losing its form. Once the golden bowl has been filled by Jesus Christ, and our spirit has been born again, it becomes the seat and Temple of the most high. Its wheels are activated by the wheels of the throne in order to move and operate in the kingdom of God.

John 3:5 – Jesus answered, most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water in the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

The wheels allow us to change dimensions. I believe these were the wheels of fire that descended from the throne of God that caught up Enoch and Elijah. Enoch simply entered the heavenly realm and disappeared from the earth. Elijah saw the chariots of fire, the horses and the whirlwind that took Elijah his teacher. These three are spiritual forms that have to do with movement and interdimensional translation.

Elijah was taken from one place to another during his ministry. He had the same ability as the living creatures Ezekiel described. They were able to fly from one place to another and the wheels with them, this same thing happened to Elijah.

I want you to notice this in the way the next Scripture is written. This is the moment Elijah supernaturally appeared to Obadiah, head servant of King Ahab, as he was looking for him.

First Kings 18:1 – and it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth… And Ahab had called Obadiah, who was in charge of his house. – Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly… – Now as Obadiah was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him; and he recognized him, and fell on his face, and said, is that you, my Lord Elijah? And he answered him, it is I. Go, tell your master, Elijah is here

The servant, knowing Elijah’s reputation of appearing and disappearing answers:

First Kings 18:12 – and it shall come to pass, as soon as I am gone from you, that the spirit of the Lord will carry you to a place I do not know; so when I go and tell Ahab, and he cannot find you, he will kill me. But I your servant have feared the Lord from my youth.

These words make it clear that elijah was known for being taken by God and translated to other places. Now, it is impossible for Elijah in the natural, to know where to find Obadiah in the exact moment the King Ahab was looking for.

But the spirit of Jehovah, who had ordered the prophet to present himself before the King was the one who translated him to the place where the servant could be found.

Jesus said that the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than all the prophets and he also said that the violent take the truth of the kingdom of God by force.

We can see there were disciples that took ownership of this faculty of the spirit. Among them was Phillip, who was transported from one place to another and Paul the apostle was transported through the jail doors. Also, both Apostles Paul and John were taken to       Paradise and to the third heaven and to diverse heavenly places.

This tells me that we can long for the greatest gifts, and this is one we can receive. This power is within the wheels of the spirit.

When God showed me the vision of our spirit, I marveled at the site of these wheels. Little by little, the Holy Spirit began to teach me their functions.

The first function I learned was the one I just mentioned, the ability to be transported or translated from one place to another. God has allowed us to experience this several times when we have been taken to certain places that are 2 to 4 hours away, in a matter of seconds.

There have been times when we have climbed very high mountains to consecrate them to God, and we’ve asked God to translate us to help us in the more dangerous areas and have seen this miracle several times.

It is written in the book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 60:1 – arise, shine; for your light is come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will rise over you, and his glory will be seen upon you,… 8 Who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts?

Joel 2:5 – with a noise like chariots over mountain tops they leap, like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle array.

To be taken by the spirit and do things that eyes have not seen, nor ears have not heard, is part of our inheritance when we enter the glory of his kingdom.

An experience that changed my life

When God allowed us to climb Mount Everest to liberate the 10 – 40 window, we underwent an 8 month express mountain climbing training, since no one in our team was a mountain climber.

During this time we all dreamed of the moment when we could reach the summit in order to consecrate the altitudes of the earth to our God. Although the goal was a leading from the Holy Spirit, my human and carnal heart longed for my name to go down in history as the first Latin woman to reach the summit of the earth. God not only had us lay our life down unto death, since this was a killer mountain, but I also had to lay down this desire to reach the summit unto the altar of God. The human glory of having done something incredible was carnal arrogance deep inside.

Mountains, among other things are a symbol of the traits of human pride, as well as what we can get in our own strength. We cannot defeat the spiritual stronghold that was there, if we did not deal with that part of our heart.

When we began the expedition, God confirmed that we would not reach the summit since the center of power was not there, but rather in an area that was around 21,000 feet high

We were approaching base camp and our last stop before arriving was close to a mountain named Kala patthar(approximately 18,000 feet high). We had walked about 12 hours and almost everyone was exhausted. However, Veronica, one of our intercessors and I were supernaturally filled with energy.

In that moment God placed in our hearts the imperative desire to climb kala patthar. The command seemed strange to us, but we felt a fire that drove us, so having consulted with our authority, we began the ascent.

During 8 days journey towards Everest base camp, the skies had been cloudy so we had not been able to see Everest, not even in close proximity. That afternoon was the exception. When we arrived at the summit of this other mountain, we came across what seemed to be a bed of stone as if it was an ancient place where sacrifices took place yet this one had not been carved by man.

We felt the Lord was telling us to lie down and lay down in that altar – like place all desire for glory resulting from human effort. We did just that. In that moment the clouds opened in the peak of Everest appeared before us for the first time, golden like a diamond of fire, illuminated by the warm tent of the setting sun.

When we saw it for the first time we could not help but weep out of excitement and pain at the same time, because we knew we would not get to step on the summit.

We closed our eyes and placed our crown and our mission at the feet of the Lord.

Our greatest satisfaction was for him to receive all the glory in all things. Thinking of this made us feel very happy, even more so, then if we had reached the goal every mountain climber has.

The Holy Spirit then came upon us with great power and his glory enveloped us. We stopped feeling the weight of our bodies; we were weightless and captivated in a radiant light. I knew on the inside that God was taking the expedition for himself and orchestrating everything so that it would be him and only him that would be seated in the heights of the earth. Suddenly, we were no longer on the bed of stone. We do not know how much time went by, but when we open our eyes we saw everything that left us speechless.

We were standing on the summit of Everest. We looked at each other, unable to understand this wonder. We then gave God the glory. Our names were never registered in human records and we would never attempt to glorify ourselves, as if we had accomplished something through our own effort. Days later the Lord in all his glory sat on the heights of the earth, and this is what will always be remembered.

As for us, we will always be grateful for this experience that changed our lives. As the apostle would say:

Second Corinthians 12:2 – I know man in Christ 214 years ago – whether in the body I do not know, whether out of the body I do not know, God knows – such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 9 oh such a man – whether in the body are out of the body I do not know, God knows – how he was caught up in the Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man under. Of such a one I will both; yet of myself I will not boast, except in my infirmities.

Experiences such as these should always lead us to the feet of Jesus not to our own exultation. If I dared to share this, it is because I feel the freedom of the spirit to do so, and my intention is to help you understand and believe the things God can do with you. As for me, I have kept this to myself for 18 years and I choose, like Paul the apostle, to glory in my weaknesses.

B – the ability of the wheels to elevate our spirit

When the Lord began to show me the functions of the wheels, I realized that not only could we be transported physically or spiritually, but we could be elevated in the dimensions of the Spirit.

Isaiah 60:8 – who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts?

Clouds are formed when vapor that rises from the ocean or other bodies of water, condensates.

This transformation water goes through when it converts into a weightless element. It is similar to what happens to our spirit when it is elevated into the heavenly dimensions of the kingdom of God.

The wheels of our spirit are in continuous movement, and this produces a certain frequency. This is the scientific term used to measure light, sound, and electromagnetic fields, and it determines how compact or elongated the waves are produced by these forces.

The frequencies of these wheels increase as the wheels spin faster. As this frequency keeps on increasing, causes our spirit to be elevated into higher dimensions than those of the earth. I use the term elevate because it is the sensation we experience when we are tuning ourselves into the spiritual world. That is why it is written:

Isaiah 60:1 – arise, shine; for your light has come!

When the light in the glory of Christ envelops our spirit and fills it with him, the wheels begin to spin at an extraordinary speed and we are elevated like vapor that rises to the sky.

In the presence of God, which produces this acceleration of the wheels, and in a more intense immersing in his spirit, we reach a higher dimension each time.

When John the apostle was on the Island of Patmos, he said, I was in the spirit. He was in that place a stillness, where our spirit begins to tune itself and enter into communion with the spirit of God. It is in that place, when we quite our mind, our worries and open the door of our spirit, so the presence of God can flow from our golden bowl.

Since John entered into that state, his wheels began to spin at a great speed. His spirit was at the same frequency as heaven, and could now see Jesus Christ in his glorified body.

It is the same as the propeller of an airplane. When it spins at a great speed, it becomes invisible to our eyes, but if we take a picture with a digital camera we will see the blades. That is because digital cameras can capture objects that spin at extraordinary frequencies.

The same takes place in the spirit realm. The kingdom of God has a very high frequency, it speeds extremely rapidly and when our wheels are spinning at low levels or earthly levels, we cannot see it. When we worship in spirit and in truth or we enter the stillness of the spirit, the wheels change our frequency and the invisible world becomes visible.

John, having seen the glorious revelation of Jesus Christ and having received the message of the 7 letters of the book a revelation, said something very interesting. Notice that he was still in the spirit when he looked up and saw heavenly door.

Revelation 4:1 – after these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. In the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, come appear, and I’ll show you things that must take place after this. Immediately I was in the spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

Then, being already in the spirit, he is taken to another spiritual dimension, a higher level on the other side of the door. At that moment, the wheels increased his frequency and took him to where God was calling him.

The different dimensions of heaven have doors or thresholds, where we can see and experience deeper and multiple things of God.

C – The elasticity of the wheels

The spiritual world is not subject to time, space or the 3 dimensions of the physical world. Understanding this is vital, since attempting to understand the kingdom of God with its different planes and depths from the limits of our universe, is a big error.

We measure the metric decimal system or in pounds or feet, or many other measurements that have to do with something physical. Heaven and its dimensions have very different measurements.

We can measure two dimensions by the calculating of height and width. We can measure a third, by adding the concept of depth. But, how can we measure the fourth, fifth or tenth dimension with the measurements of a physical and material world?

When we speak of heavenly things we will run into phrases such as these:

Revelation 21:17 – and he measured it wall: 145 cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel.

Revelation 11:1 – then I was given a read like a measuring rod. And the angel stood common saying, rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there.

Why does God ask him to measure the temple and the altar, if God gave the measurements to King David? How can you measure worshipers? They can be counted, but can they be measured?

The truth is the mechanics to measure spiritual dimensions have nothing to do with our earthly concept of measuring something.

What I am alluding to is that we must understand that the spiritual world has an elasticity that allows heavenly things to expand or be restrained as needed.

God, for example, who is omnipresent and occupies all space, can reduce himself to make his dwelling within man. All of heaven, the New Jerusalem, and the throne of God can all dwell in one individual.

We sometimes read that God is so large that the earth, and all its immensity, is only his footstool.

Act 7:49 – heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool. What house we build for me? Says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest?

That would, however make him smaller than our solar system. He says he rides upon a cherub on the wings of the wind, but it is obvious that he is not as small as a cherub. While on the subject, I’ll take this opportunity to clarify the cherubs are high-ranking angels place in charge of watching over the glory of God. They are not the small headed creatures with wings men have placed on religious paintings.

Psalm 18:9 – he bowed the heavens also, and came down with darkness under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and flew; he flew upon the winds of the wind.

What I want you to notice is in the spiritual world, measurements are not restricted like they are in the physical world. I had an experience that opened my understanding regarding the elasticity of our spirit.

I was in prayer preparing myself for spiritual warfare against the terrible spirits of witchcraft that governed Mexico. At the time, i lived on the twelfth floor of a modern building. It had large windows that went down to the floor and when standing close to them, one could experience vertigo.

While praying, I stood so close that I could see the pavement as I was practically in the air. In that moment, the Lord asked me a question. How many ants do you see on the pavement in front of the building? The question seemed very strange since it was impossible to see something like that from the twelfth floor, so I answered with all honesty: none, Lord. If there are ants there, they are too small for me to see them.

As I was saying this, I saw my spirit grow, and I literally saw myself like a giant standing on the pavement. Then the Lord said to me: the size of those ants is the size of your enemies. Your spirit is as large as you want it to be, or as small as you need it to be.

In that instance, my spirit grew and became as large as the city of Mexico, and the Lord said: cover the city with your spirit and release the spirit of resurrection upon it, like Elijah did with the child that had died. It is awesome to understand the power we have, united with the spirit of God.

The wheels are the ones that give us the ability to grow and shrink. Sometimes we need to be very small or invisible to pass by undetected in the enemy’s camp or to speak in a person’s ear.

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