Chapter 10 – the soul

As we saw in the beginning, the soul is the decoder between the spirit and body.

Just like the spirit, the soul is composed of a spiritual substance and has all the necessary elements to survive and function, even when the spirit is dormant.

1 – states of the soul

A – the Adamic soul

From the moment of conception, our spirit, coming out from God, enters our mother’s womb, and as it comes into contact with the blood it receives the iniquity of our ancestors.

The spirit of the baby that is about to be born, will already be dormant with traits of death.

It is the spirit that shapes the soul or decoder. What the spirit is, the soul will be. Since the spirit is already deformed because of iniquity, it will create a twisted soul.

The problems, pain, and trauma suffered by the mother will also be transferred to the fetus during gestation, which will continue molding the soul.

Psalm 58:3 – the wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.

Psalm 51:5 – behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceive me.

When the infant is born, the undeveloped soul, already in a state of perversion, will start to take dominion over the spirit until gets full control. This can only be changed when that person consciously converts to the Lord.

In the first years of life, the baby greatly perceives the spiritual world since the spirit is complete, and the soul is still being formed. The spirit has just come from the heart of God and is very sensitive to him.

Many of the skills of the mind are not yet fully developed in the baby, such as the ability to choose, the center of emotions as well as behavior structures. During this process, the parents, the environment, social conditions and culture will play a radical role in the shaping of the soul.

When parents do not know how to form the child according to the designs of the Spirit of God, they will shape the tiny soul with all kinds of limiting structures. They will bind it with cultural molds, ways of thinking, fears and manipulations. The result will be a soul completely in adequate to discern and to relate to its spirit. Little by little, as the child develops, he will start to lose innocence with which he felt and spoke to his heavenly father.

The soul has taken control, learning the twisted ways of the flesh, and of this world’s principles.

His reality will stop being supernatural and he will begin to see the world with its laws and limitations as the true reality of his existence. The malformation will continue to increase in the measure the child begins to practice his own sin, behavior and habits.

As the soul takes on a structure different from the spirit, there will be true enmity between the two. It becomes incapable of operating in the ways and designs of God. If we compare this latest illustration, with the anatomy of the spirit, we will see one has nothing to do with the other. Religion tries to adorn this monstrosity with biblical scriptures, but it is impossible for this to be in agreement with God.

First Corinthians 2:14 – but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Romans 8:7 – because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.

James 4:4 – adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is amnesty with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

This enmity clearly speaks of the constant clash between the two natures, and how it is impossible to reconcile one with the other.

In the previous illustration, as well as in the following one, we see the soul that has not been regenerated. Thoughts are completely deformed and the memory is full of traumas. The imagination has been filled with lust and twisted images of its identity and the purposes it wants to achieve.

The soul has a belly that craves for all kinds of harmful desires to be satisfied. Sexuality has turned into a powerful controller of emotions and reasoning. Intellect and reasoning have become the rulers, along with the emotions and will, as a byproduct of a hardened and seared heart.

Our beliefs come no longer from the voice of God, but from the reasoning of a twisted, afflicted, and corrupt heart.

The perception of reality is focused only on what the physical senses identify, and is twisted by a mind inclined to fantasy and the lies from the occult.

In the Adamic state, the mind cannot perceive things that come from God, nor can it understand them. The connections between the mind of the soul and the spirit have been broken.

This is why religion, which cannot perceive the things of the spirit, exalts the knowledge of the soul, trying to put God’s wisdom and supernatural nature in a vessel that is unable to understand him or perceive his ways.

We all come from a fallen and deeply religious nature because Adam believe the lie that he could be like God and this deceit is continually chasing us. The fallen man feels the need to prove to himself that he can be that God, capable of solving all his problems. The atheist and the freethinker crown is the reasoning of a totally deformed soul. The religious man thinks he can apply some holiness polish to that inner monster he has created. He wants to adapt his deformed soul to God, as he feels himself with man-made formulas and commandments.

The truth is God cannot use a soul in that state of deformity. This is the condition of the soul who longs for a savior out of guilt, but will not yield to the Lordship of Christ. The truth is way inside his heart he does not trust God enough to surrender the governing of his life.

The spirit is quickened and awakened when we truly take the soul to the cross, to yield to the supreme king to lead our lives and enter his kingdom.

The Adamic nature is incompatible with God’s nature. There has never been and never will be a solution in the flesh. The only answer and solution for a fallen and deformed soul is to take it to its death, on the cross of Christ so the spirit of God can form a new creature. A new soul with a new decoder must be created with the ability to translate the designs and thoughts of God, and understand the mysteries of wisdom and understanding.

When the soul is in control and governs someone’s life, death is its shepherd. It is sunken in caverns and labyrinths where the enemy traps it and enslaves it.

Hebrews 2:14 – inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared in the same, that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil

The government of death within the fallen soul – figure 29

Death is a kingdom with a king, the shepherd to the fallen or carnal souls. It is the voice that leads to the source and depths of death, and causes the souls to trip and fall. His power over those who listen to his voice is fear and slavery.

Figure 29- the government of death within the fallen soul.

Hebrews 2:15 – and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Psalms 49:12 – nevertheless man, though in honor, does not remain; he is like the beasts that perish. This is the way of those who are foolish, and of their posterity who approve their sayings. Like sheep they are laid in the grave; that show feed on them

If we understand these things, it will be very clear to us that following Christ and entering into his redemption and his kingdom requires deep repentance. Whether we take a very powerful step or enter into a quick process, we must genuinely and radically take our soul to death, nailing it to the cross of Christ.

Unending and religious processes that many find themselves in are simply excuses and unbelief, to continue governing their own life. This takes place because they don’t realize that death is what truly has them captive and its plan is to lead them to perdition.

Life, death and our eternal destiny are not a game. It is a spiritual reality that deserves all of our attention and should be a priority.

Jesus paid the ultimate price to give us an over abundant life, and the true madness and folly is to not dip into these riches.

B – The renewed soul

When we finally make the decision to die to our flesh through the spirit, our regeneration will begin.

In the same way as in our mother’s womb, the spirit produce the soul. Now our vivified spirit will create for itself a new soul.

Once we have surrendered our will and Lordship to Christ, the process begins.

The spirit will produce an abundant stream of life that will transform the heart, its decisions and will form a renewed mind. The connections of the spirit and the soul will be formed once again so the redeemed mind of our soul will be able to decode and understand what proceeds from the dimensions of the spirit.

Now the seven spirits of God will make their dwelling in the spirit and will quicken it. They will send all revelation, understanding, wisdom, intelligence, and counsel of God to the natural mind.

A regenerated soul united with the reborn spirit – figure 30

The mind and the heart of the new creature (soul) will unite in order to produce the power of God and creative miracles.

This takes place because the center of beliefs is now in the place it was created to be, within the spirit, where the faith of God is found.

Faith is the power that makes all things possible. The first thing the Spirit of God will do is uniting the mind and the heart so that faith can manifest the wonders of God.

United heart and mind – figure 31

As long as the mind and heart are not in agreement, the things that proceed from the invisible dimension will be hindered.

Imagine an automobile. God is the energy or the fuel it needs to move wherever the driver wants to go.

The body of the car is the mind. This is where we are convinced that God is powerful and real, to do everything he said he would do. The heart is the engine that makes it run. If the heart doubts, the car does not go anywhere. However, if the heart and the mind come into agreement, they will go where they want to go.

Once the mind is renewed through the impartation of the spirit, it will believe that the spiritual world is the true reality that governs his life. He will enter into dimensions that have no limits, to grow from glory to glory, seeing the powerful work of God manifesting in his life.

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