Chapter 13 – the doors of the spirit

In the previous chapter we analyzed how the 3 systems, lymphatic, endocrine and nervous, are interconnected. We will now see how they unite with the soul and the spirit.

1 – the doors of a redeemed spirit

Once our spirit has been born again into the kingdom of God, it is converted into the tabernacle where he dwells.

During the Babylonian captivity, God gave profit easy killed the design of a temple that was never built. Even though these are the plans of a physical building in the old covenant, they have a lot to do with our spiritual building. Even the way he received this vision is very useful to us when it comes to understanding the different aspects of our spirit.

Ezekiel 44:5 – and the Lord said to me, son of man, Mark well, see with your eyes in here with years, all that I say to you concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord and all its laws. Mark well who may enter the house and all who go out from the sanctuary.

Chapter 4, we studied the silver cord, and so on the Scripture how God gives man the ability to be taken to different spiritual and physical places.

In order for this to take place, the spirit goes out through the doors the Lord designed in our spiritual being.

One of the main doors is found in the upper part of the head. That is why the laying on of hands to impart a spiritual gift or to anoint a minister is done in this part of our body.

Ezekiel 8:3 – he stretch out the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my hair; and the spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven, and brought me in visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the Northgate of the inner court, where the seat of the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy

Another important door is found in the back of the net, also referred to as the occipital, where the head is joined to the net.

A third doors found by the valve of the spirit, at the height of the solar and cardiac plexus. Finally, a fourth is found in the center of the brain, uniting the peneal gland and optical plexuses.

All 4 doors serve as entrances to receive visions and impartation’s from the spirit of God, but only to have access to the outside; the one on the upper part of the head, and the one close to the valve.

Ezekiel 40:2 – in the visions of God he took me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain; on it towards the south was something like the structure of the city. And the man said to me, son of man, look with your eyes in here with years, and fix your mind and everything I show you; for you are brought here so that might show them to you.

Disgracefully, the enemy has used these doors as well as others that lead to the soul and body, to infiltrate himself within the human being to an even possessing him.

A great amount of believers, as well as nonbelievers, being unaware of these entrances find themselves under terrible yokes and do not know how to deal with them.

Ecclesiastes 10:8 – he would dig the pit will fall into it, and whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent.

When doors are ignored, danger is eminent. That is why it is important to understand how the enemy uses them. When someone has been involved in the occult or in the new age, they of open doors that must be closed.

The confessing of sins is not enough to close them; it has to be a conscious act on our part. Our ancestors could have been the ones opening these doors, causing us to be born with open and contaminated doors.

Let us look at what some of these doors are.

2 – the enemy up serpent in created doors.

The devil, to whom man gave dominion over creation after the fall, has been very astute in deceiving man, especially when it comes to spiritual matters.

He has made man believe that by simply developing his mental and spiritual abilities, he can connect to what he has called the great universal mind.

And all experiences inspired by the fallen angel of light, he will ensure that guardians are invited to guide man in those experiences.

These guardians are demonic spirits that disguised themselves using godly names so ignorant people would fall in the trap. God is the only one that can take man into heavenly places through the Holy Spirit. If man attempts and astral projection, without the help of a spiritual entity he will simply die. These guardians spirits maintain the connection between the body and the spirit so that the person can travel.

In order for this to take place, these guardians must have access to the doors of the spirit. Some examples that will help you understand this concept, are being presented by Hollywood in the last decades.

The movie avatar clearly shows these doors. For those who have understanding, it is a very revealing movie about the doctrines the devil wants to establish on the earth. The magical world where the avatars move about is the spiritual world created by Satan. Every character has and analog I, that looks like them, and represents their spiritual being in that dimension. In order to be transported, they utilize dragons, Which in reality are spiritual guardians in charge of taking them on astral projections. Avatars are joined to the dragons by connecting their braided hair unto and elongated appendix the comes out of the dragons head. The point of contact between the Dragon and the avatar is the optical door the spirit, which is fun between the cranium and the neck.

His braid comes from the occipital region and penetrates the tubular appendix of the animal.

In other movies like the matrix, we also see that in order to enter the other dimension, they must be connected in that same area.

This store is directly connected to the pineal gland in the center of the brain. Demonic spirits are dead people’s ghosts that spiritualist invoke enter and exit through this door.

The devil also uses this door to send all kinds of pornographic and terror images to the screen of the spirit. It is the door he uses to infiltrate and bring in disturbing dreams and nightmares.

Satan will also use the body’s energy centers, located in the main glands. He does this to open doors and control the soul in its appetites, since he knows the glands determine a great amount of man’s physical and emotional health.

He calls these doors chakras, which means circles in Sanskrit. These are wheels of active energy. The devil activates these wheels of energy, and with practice, they begin to transform in the finals, which he uses to introduce his spirits.

These energy centers are demonic doors are interconnected with the soul and the soulless ventricle of the heart and with the spirit in the seat of iniquity. The spirits of darkness and their destructive energy travel through a pathway created by the devil within the soul of the person called: the kundalini serpent that runs down the spinal cord. This serpent itself is connected to a dragon in the spiritual universe called ouroboros.

If we analyze our body, we will see the main endocrine glands converge with the nerve plexuses and lymphatic glands. It is precisely at these points of union where the connections to the soul in the spirit are produced. That is why there is such a great deal of energy concentrated in the nerve plexuses.

As I said before, the devil is very interested in our glands, since they control a great deal of man’s moods. Establishing his doors there will give him the ability to control sexuality and destructive emotions, such as anxiety, anger, depression, etc. Let us see how these doors have been established precisely where these 3 systems converge and are strongly connected to the soul and spirit.

These doors are also used to transfer spirits from one person to another, and they are also used to release spiritual energy and demonic spirits to a certain place. The door on the upper part of the head is the seat of government, where the devil will position himself to completely control a person involved in spiritual practices outside of God. It is also used to connect people with the demonic spiritual realm. Many are deceived because this is a fallen angel that new heaven. He shows them fragments of heavenly places that he re-created. He is an expert illusionist, capable of re-creating all kinds scenarios In order to be transported, they utilize dragons,

 followers of many religions and all cultist practices are instructed to cover their heads as an act of protecting the sacred area of their spirit, where the presence of their God sits. They don’t do this as an act of reverence; they know it is a spiritual door and a seat of power. We see this in voodoo, Santeria, Hinduism, Catholicism and many others.

With time the people practice in opening these doors suffer from cardiac arrest, abdominal pains, glandular and cerebral problems, among many others.

It is important to close the doors from our past her from our heritage. In this manner, God can use the true doors he puts in our spirit without any danger of infiltration.

3 – closing evil doors and opening God stores

Closing doors is very easy, whether you open them yourself, or were born with open doors due to certain practices initiated by your ancestors.

If you wish, you may pray this prayer with me with all of your heart, believing in what you are doing:

Heavenly father, come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I asked for your forgiveness for opening these doors and for my ancestors that open them. I renounce every guardian spirit that is entered through them, as well as the kundalini serpent and the ouroboros, the Dragon. I command them to leave my life in the life of my generations.

Now, placing your hand on each one of the chakras, as well as the door that is found in the lower part of the back of the neck, say:

Of my own free will I close the store forever with an iron lock and it will never again be used by the devil or his spirits. I disconnect all ties the devil is made, uniting these connections with my spirit, soul, glands and lymphatic and nervous systems. I renounce the energy of darkness and sickness that was established in my organs through these doors, and I commanded to come out of my life, in the name of Jesus, King of Kings.

I now place the blood of Jesus and each one of the doors and I consecrate them to the heavenly father.

Now place your hand in the 4 doors that were created by God within you – see figure 45 demonic doors – and declare the following:

I declared the doors of my spirit long only to God in his 3 persons: father, son and Holy Spirit, and they remain completely consecrated in his hands, to be used only by him in my spiritual development. I thank him for creating me to be the extraordinary being on now know I am. I asked the Lord, that you show me through your spirit, to live according to you, and not according to the flesh and its reasoning. I renounce the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and all of its principles, and I receive the tree of life, which is the flow of the life of the spirit of God, united with mine. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Do this in each door and use olive oil, or aromatic oil, declaring that this is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, and apply to every door you closed.

If you have never made a covenant of salvation with the heavenly father to consecrate yourself to him completely, and recognize Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is important that you do so. There are no neutral zones in the spiritual world.

You either belong to the kingdom of light or to the kingdom of darkness.

If this is your desire and you wish to reach the fullness narrated in this book, open your heart, and ask God for forgiveness of all your sins.

Feel the repentance necessary so that the foreskin is removed from your heart. Urine for salvation with all your soul, and asked the Lord Jesus, the father in the spirit, in your own words to come and live in your heart. Ask him to take position of your golden bowl and to make his dwelling in your heart.

May God bless you abundantly and develop a powerful spirit within you to establish the kingdom of God on the earth. My prayer is that you will be seen as the true lineage of Yahweh – Jehovah – full power, wisdom and holiness; a true son or daughter of God that makes a difference on the earth. The end. 

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