Section Two Amazing Testimonies of Deliverance From Captivity

Chapter 8 A Gadarene by Prophetess Flory González M EXICO The Powerful Deliverance of a Satanist Living in a Cave in Brazil M y name is Flory Gonzales, I have a prophetic ministry in Mexico City and have been part of Dr. Ana Mendez Ferrell’s spiritual warfare team for more than 20 years. In 2005 a group of Brazilean intercessors and I went into spiritual warfare around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s capital city, in order to set it free. The night before we left for the city of Petropolis, the Lord gave me a dream. I saw myself entering a cave. It was full of demons. I saw witches and witchdoctors making all kinds of covenants over the region. The Lord showed me what looked like the headquarters from which the enemy operated to bind in covenant thousands of people to himself. When I woke up, I knew in my spirit that the place in my dream was real and that we had to find it. I began to ask the pastors and intercessors on our team if they knew about such a place, but no one did. However, God orchestrated everything. We began our journey and supernaturally, the Lord made me stop the car on a dirt road. My heart beat rapidly as the Lord clearly commanded me to take a certain path. So we did. Soon after that, we discovered the place I had seen in my dreams. We got out of the truck, excited to see the precision with which the Lord directed us. Hanging from the trees and stuck into the nooks around the cave were all kinds of works of witchcraft. There were photographs, locks of hair tied with red and black cords, empty containers, burned rocks, and remainders of wax. A smell of decay and death permeated the place. As we got closer, the odor of decomposing blood nauseated us. We covered our faces to enter the cave. Everywhere there were knisis . These are jars where works of voodoo and the Umbanda (a type of high magic) are kept to attract evil spirits. In my heart, I asked God what to do. How were we going to cancel all those spells? But He said to me, “I didn’t bring you here for that. I want you to go to the back of the cave.” I was a little surprised by His response, but I obeyed. We advanced slowly. It was literally like entering hell. It smelled like rotten flesh; the odor made the way almost unbearable. Upon reaching the deepest part in the darkness, illuminated by spell candles, we could barely make out a being that peered at us. It was a very thin and dirty young man. His beard and long fingernails were full of dried blood and excrement. His face and his clothing were covered by a thick crust. He lay curled up beside an extinguished fire in which you could still smell burnt flesh and the herbs of spells. Hanging from his neck were colorful, beaded voodoo necklaces used for protection. His presence was dark and evil. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto mine. I was looking at the devil in flesh and blood. With a dry, mocking voice he asked us if we, too, had come to bury the living. “No,” I exclaimed with great authority. “We came for you.” He began to laugh, scoffing at us. In my spirit, I prayed the whole time, seeking God’s direction. I was calm and in total control. The voice of the Lord told me to take himout of there to the entrance of the cave. I knew this was like the case of the demon-possessed man who lived among the tombs in the country of the Gadarene—the man whom Jesus delivered (see Mark 5; Luke 8). The presence of God strengthened me, filling me with courage. Without hesitation, I took him by the hand. “You’re burning me! You’re burning me!” he screamed as he allowed me to guide him to the entrance of the cave. I knew that there were angels guarding us the whole time. I heard Jesus’ voice say, “He is a pastor’s son.” I froze. But with confidence I said, “Your father is a pastor. What are you doing here?” The boy became filled with rage and at the same time, with pain. He declared that his father had raped him and had given him to a babalao (a Brazilian witchdoctor) when he was six years old. The babalao had trained the boy to do all kinds of witchcraft, turn people into zombies, and carry out the greatest spells through Umbanda and Comdomble (another type of high magic). Then his voice changed and with malice, he asked my name. I did not tell him what it was. The warriors prayed without ceasing, some inside and some outside of the cave. You could feel the oppression and the tension of a fierce battle. I silently took authority and began to worship God while I entered the Spirit realm. The Lord prompted me to set him free from his captivities. That cave was a physical manifestation of the terrible prisons in which he was living. A vision opened before me and I saw myself before the throne of God. His presence covered me with an armor made of a mixture of gold and light. An enormous angel came to meet me. He held in his hands a sword and shield. The Lord instructed me to follow him. We began to enter deep places. They were like caverns that led to even greater depths. You could hear the screams of tormented people, but the Lord did not allow me to look at them. He urged me to worship Him continually in my spirit and not to turn around, no matter what I heard. We came to a place where there were many small caverns closed off with iron bars and guarded by demons. Each cavern corresponded to the type of torment being inflicted there. The fragmented soul of the young man was found trapped in every one of them. At the entrance, there was a gigantic, muscular guard who was a mix of man and beast. The angel said, “His name is Rape . Ask the young man to forgive his father’s sin, and you must order the demon to leave and to stop guarding these prisons.” I did it. I took over the place, identifying myself as a child of God so that the Lord could receive my intercession. Then I commanded the demon to leave. He could not see me, as the light from my armor blinded him and greatly intimidated him. Suddenly, various angels appeared next to us; they wrapped the demon in a kind of net and took him away. We continued walking and entered a cave of dense darkness. It was an indescribable blackness. We heard the screams and moans of someone in great pain. The light that radiated from us illuminated the scene. It was this young man; he was chained with shackles to the wall of a cave. Various demons tortured and mocked him. They said, “You will stay here forever. When you die you will come here.” As they jabbed him with needles in his body and even in his eyes, they reminded him of all the spells of witchcraft he had carried out. It was both mental and physical punishment. I heard them say, “You gave us this right!” They yelled and laughed at him. The boy’s soul cried and cursed. They never stopped hurting him. We heard voodoo drums and the rhythms of chanting. For every drumbeat there was a crack of a whip. I looked at the scene, asking the Holy Spirit what to do because there were many strong, terrible demons all around the young man. The Holy Spirit replied, “Be at peace. They fear you because they see My light. Simply tell them to get out because they no longer have anyone to protect them.” The Lord revealed to me that, without the guard, they were completely vulnerable. We opened the gate and were going to enter, but we realized there was no floor. There were seemingly bottomless holes through which the demon-tormentors came and went. Upon seeing us, they sank into the abysses, leaving the young man alone. The angel removed his shackles, at which point, I could see his face. He was a weak, tormented teenager. A wonderful presence could be felt at that moment. Jesus had descended to that place. He shone with light and His love flooded everything. We saw how the boy’s soul melted inside the Lord’s body. As we left, the pits closed behind us. We continued moving forward and Jesus went with us. We arrived at another cave. It wasn’t as black as the earlier one. Still, hatred and unspeakable pain could be felt in the air. It was a prison of rape. Among all the dungeons, this was the one the main guardian kept with more zeal. We saw the fragment of the soul that we were seeking. It was the same young man, but he was only six years old. Demons raped him one after another as he cursed his parents. In spite of his young age, hatred and homicide were in his eyes. He cursed continuously and every time hatred left his mouth, the cave filled with the stench of death. A putrid liquid ran down the walls. It was bitterness. Inside the cave, the moment in which his father had raped him replayed over and over as though it were a movie. We could see how brutally the father had beaten the boy as he robbed him of his innocence. The boy screamed, full of hatred toward the image of his father. “I don’t believe in God! I wish you were dead!” I began to ask him to forgive me, as though I were his father. I was also crying, trying to convince him that Jesus loved him. I explained what had happened to him did not come from God. He yelled that the only one who loved him was satan. I began to cry out for mercy and to forgive as if I were the boy. He cried, “Shut up! Shut up, you are hurting me.” But as I forgave, the soul began to calm down. When he was tranquil, I again asked him to forgive me, as if I were his father. He accepted and we were able to take him out of there. It was the same as it had been in the previous cave. We shone the light of Jesus and commanded the demons to leave. They were expelled upon seeing us. Then the soul of the little boy ran to Jesus and melted into Him. Next, we arrived at a third cave, where we found another fragment of the young man’s soul. The floor was made of mud and serpents crawled around it, biting him. They squirted hatred from their fangs and injected it into the young man’s soul. At every bite, he cursed and swore without stopping. It was continual torment. The soul was covered in festering bites that oozed a smelly, disgusting venom. The boy’s soul writhed in pain. Once more, upon seeing us, the serpents fled and we were free to take the young man from that place and reunite him with Jesus. The last cave in which we found him was empty. There were no demons guarding him. Curled up like a frightened animal, the young man’s soul cried bitterly. He was only a little boy. We approached him to take him out of there, but he didn’t want to leave. He was very frightened. I told him that Jesus loved him and that He wanted to take him out of that place. Sobbing, he told me that he didn’t love Jesus. He said that it was a lie thatJesus loved him. “He doesn’t love me! He doesn’t love me!” he said, his words broken up with his crying. I told him that Jesus had sent me to help him. The angel then took the boy into his arms. The boy curled up on the angel’s shoulder and allowed the angel to carry him out of that cave. Upon leaving, he turned into a small baby and was united with Jesus. I understood that rejection had imprisoned him from the time he had been in his mother’s womb. The Lord ordered me to leave the spiritual world and I was again in the cave on earth, facing the young man. His eyes looked at me, but he looked like a completely different person now. He was full of tenderness. His lips opened, and he said, “I’m free!” I instructed him to take off the covenant necklaces and to renounce satan. He did. He received Jesus in his heart and we took him out of that place to be reunited with his mother, who loved him and desired his return. This experience has been one of the strongest deliverances from captivity that the Lord has allowed me to witness. I have seen many transformed lives as we have taken people out of their prisons. Once delivered, they can begin to live the new lives of freedom that Jesus conquered for them. I thank God for having taught me this effective way of helping people. I have entered a different level of joy, peace, and victory since finding and destroying the prisons where I myself had been held captive since my childhood. To Jesus be all the honor and glory for all that He suffered and conquered so that we might be free. A UTHOR’S NOTE In this testimony we see Flory Gonzalez praying for this young man without his permission. It is obvious she was being guided by the Holy Spirit. The truth is, when praying over a major case such as this one, you are never going to get permission to pray by the demonized person. You have to boldly come against the foul spirits, and always under the direction of the Holy Spirit. To come against major forces of darkness you need to be trained and have the experience that will position you in the level of authority that is necessary to overcome. It is totally unadvisable to deal with these type of demons if you are a beginner, or have any open doors in your spiritual life.

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