Set Free from Homosexuality and Drug Addiction

Our team’s objective is to release people from the captivity in which satan has held them due to iniquity and generational decrees. The purpose of my testimony is to give glory to my beloved King Jesus. Before knowing Christ, I served the devil in a number of ways: homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism, witchcraft, fraud, and many other sins. I do not feel pride in writing this, but I feel it is necessary to share these details so that you might see the fullness of my King’s redeeming work. I grew up in a household of ten people. We lived in total poverty; the devil was determined to destroy us as a family. After torturing my mother and treating her violently, my father left us; I was only two years old. Later, my stepfather came to live with us. He was a very cruel man who mistreated all of us, including my mother. He tried to rape my younger sisters many times. As a result of this, I grew up with a lot of pain, bitterness, and hatred toward any father figure. On many occasions, we had nowhere to live. We slept in public places and didn’t have any way to keep up with our schooling. I remember that we had to go through the trash looking for old shoes so we could go to school. We went hungry and many times, there was only enough food for my youngest brothers and sisters. All this suffering led me to take refuge in alcohol. I began to drink all kinds of liquor. Once, I was abused sexually. This marked my life and filled me with demons, which took over my physical body, turning it into that of a woman. My entire appearance was feminine. I consumed drugs and entered into homosexual relations with anyone who was available. I became well known for making a scene in public. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by homosexuals. Then I became involved with rockers. Finally, I ended up with satanists. By this time, I was an adult. At about this point in my life, a young man who was sent from Heaven offered to help me. I refused. (Today, I realize that God already had a plan in place for my life.) Some days passed and I found myself in a desperate situation. The only solution that occurred to me was suicide. I tried several times, but failed. I felt destroyed and my heart was filled with hatred. I was full of bitterness and resentment from everything that I had gone through. Early one morning, something made me go out and seek that young man who had offered to help me. He took me to a rehabilitation clinic, where I stayed for two days. The hospital workers belonged to a Christian ministry called “Restoration in Christ.” The main pastor took care of me. His name was Carlos Elias Moreira Moreno. He is a servant of God, who has a great love for souls. My life began to straighten out, thank God, but in the area of homosexuality, I did not find victory. I still wanted to be with men and suffered because I wanted to please God, but couldn’t. The homosexual drive was something stronger than my will. Because of this battle, sometimes the bitterness and hatred that was inside of me would come back, especially against women. In the clinic, they tried to set me free nearly 20 times, but nothing worked. I cried out to God for my freedom when, suddenly, the heavenly Father spoke to me. He told me that He had preparedprepared an encounter with someone who would free me once and for all. I met a brother who knew about my problems and worked with a ministry that held events throughout the country. He said that Ana Méndez Ferrell was coming to Ecuador with her husband and that he was in charge of those who were helping out for her visit. He said that if I wanted to, he could arrange things so I could see Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell. They assigned me to the book table. Prophetess Ana Méndez Ferrell approached the stand to give me sales instructions. Suddenly, the Lord spoke to me and said, “This is the woman that I brought for your deliverance.” Hallelujah! Praise be to my Eternal Father! The campaign ended and I went to the hotel where they were staying to render accounts to them. She and her husband were literally from another world. They were full of so much humility and tenderness. A tremendous power emanated from them, but it was not threatening. I was astounded by what I saw and experienced. It was a feeling of peace like I had never felt before. My only thought was that these were God’s children and that I wanted to be like them! I settled the accounts and she asked me what I needed. I told her everything and they made an appointment with me for the following day to set me free. I went back to the hotel with my friend Armando Leon. He is a servant of the Lord who had just been converted at that time. They received me with love and treated me as if I were someone important. They were very attentive to us. I began to explain the dreams that I had and places where the demons had taken me. I told them everything and really let my guard down. The moment came when Ana told me that I had been held in places of captivity in hell. I wondered if this could be possible. After all, I wasn’t dead. I had always thought that you had to have died to be tormented in a place like that. Very gently, she explained everything, showing it to me in the Bible because I was theologically minded and quite religious at the same time. They began to pray and asked the Father for an angel to help me. He sent two and they could see them. They described the angels, but I didn’t believe them. After awhile, my spiritual eyes were opened and I saw them for the first time. Upon seeing something spiritual from God, my body began to tremble. I felt as if I were going to faint. I thought I was going to die. One of the angels touched me and said, “Be encouraged.” And in that instant I regained my strength. They continued to pray. They asked the Father to show them the places of captivity in which I was found. God literally took us to the places where my soul was. They were different regions and jails. The scariest one that I remember was like a cave where they had me lying on an old wooden table. The place was moldy, hot, and humid. Steam emanated from the walls and the floor. It had the shape of a huge stony heart. I was inside, bound with ropes as thick as those used for ship anchors. These ropes were attached to the floor and embedded in my flesh. They looked very old as they were rusty. There were many demons around the table. One by one, they cut my skin and inserted things inside my body. All of them tormented me. I was seeing in the spiritual realm what I felt in the natural. All the thoughts of hatred, bitterness, pain, and homosexuality were literally the demons that we heard speaking. Ana asked God the Father to send angels to set me free. She and her husband gave them orders and the angels carried them out. They told the angels to break the ropes and they did it. As each rope broke, I felt it in the natural in my physical body. It was as if they really were embedded in my flesh; it hurt when they came out. I could feel everything that happened. My friend Armando, who was with me, also saw the captivity. He said it was like they had me on an altar. We were in various places of darkness for about an hour and a half. There were many cells encased in the walls, with rusty bars and a great deal of blood. They took me out from those prisons and places of torment. The angels were always with us, helping us. Emerson Ferrell noticed that a demon was nailed to my back. He was the guard of my soul. He was assigned to promote lies. When they pulled him off of me, it was like removing the lid from a pot. Hatred, bitterness, pain, desperation, ruin, and poverty all came pouring out. God was removing them all. Sister Ana, who led the prayer, asked the Lord to take us out of there and take us to heavenly places so that my soul could be established there. The angels held me up because I was very weak. We began to ascend. We passed through a region that looked like a sea. Everything was the color of lead and there were whirlpool-like tunnels in the water. Suddenly, brightness, like that of the sun, appeared and we were absorbed by the light of heavenly places. Everything became beautiful. It was a place full of peace, holiness, purity, and brilliant light. We returned to the hotel room where we were sitting. Then I saw Jesus. He took the place of my earthly father. He said, “Forgive Me My son, My beloved David, for letting you down as a boy.” What happened was extremely powerful. I felt my body explode. The Son of God was asking my forgiveness when it was I who had let Him down. I had knifed Him in the face! He then said that He had come to fill me with love. Ana hugged me and enfolded me in love. She was like a person full of light. It was not her, it was Jesus in her. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was so real. Then she took the place of my mother and father and asked God to take the iniquity of homosexuality that came from my father. I have been serving the Lord for six years now. I serve in the same rehabilitation center where they took me. God led us to form a network of intercession in the nation of Ecuador. I am the general coordinator, together with my pastor, of this wonderful team that God put together. I am under the covering of the man who helped me, Pastor Carlos Elias Moreira Moreno, here in Ecuador. I am also under the apostolic and prophetic covering of the Ferrells. God has led us in different battles of spiritual warfare to set the places of greatest darkness free in my country. Now we have the Intercessors School where we are training God’s army to attack the enemy, to maintain the liberty of territories, and to establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth. God has also blessed me with my own business. We also watch over different ministries that are under our covering. This is what God does because He loves His children . I give all the glory and honor to Him. The crown is His alone. Hallelujah!

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