My Father’s Resurrection

Testimony of the Resurrection of My Father When the Lord Took Him Out of the Captivity of Death. On December 28, my father was diagnosed with multiple pneumonias and was developing lung cancer. The situation was complicated by the fact that my father was an alcoholic and as a result, suffered from diabetes. We had to hospitalize him and a tube was put inside his lungs because the illness was advancing rapidly. I prayed. I felt horrible seeing him in such bad shape and I felt helpless, not knowing what to do. Then the Holy Spirit showed me that he was in captivity. That scared me, because I didn’t know how to rescue him. I felt that the level of deliverance he needed was beyond me. Desperate, I left the hospital and decided to watch the video again. The next day I prayed to God, asking for the things that Sister Ana taught to become reality in my father’s and my life. I wanted to know how these truths worked. I determined to enter the ICU (intensive care unit) in the name of Jesus. The doctors were with my father and began to take the tubes out of his mouth. According to them, there was nothing more they could do. This was very hard for me. Yet, full of the Lord’s authority, I said, “Jesus Christ came to save the dead and to give them life and life more abundantly and the Lord is more powerful than medical science.” My father’s heart beat its last, then, I closed my eyes and began to pray. The Spirit said, “Do it with authority and faith.” I did so and declared the Scriptures that I had seen on the video. My voice was no longer mine. The power of the Almighty One issued out of my mouth as I broke the covenants of death that my father had made during his lifetime. Then the Lord said, “I AM that I AM. Do not fear. I am with you. Death is in this room.” When he said this, I felt like an infinite emptiness had opened in the room. It was like being inside of “nothing.” It is difficult to explain, but we were in a total void. For the first time in my life, I experienced death. The room filled with a frozen, horrible presence. I felt as though that presence was taking my life. I could barely breathe. I experienced fear and uncertainty. There was total silence as if nothing existed. It was a horrible absence, without life. Then God said, “Death is in front of you. It is silent, empty and lifeless. It holds the legal rights over your father in its hands and wants to kill him because you have been declaring his salvation. Now raise your prayer and begin to bind that presence just like you saw in the video. Break the decrees that the enemy has in his hands; those decrees have given him rights over your father since 1945, when your father cursed his parents.” Then I remembered Ana’s prayer when she prayed for her friend who was in the hospital; so I said: “I command you satan and the spirit of death to leave inthe name of Jesus of Nazareth, the living Christ, you will not take my father to the grave. I declare life to my father and I break the designs, covenants, and decrees that my father made. (He was a Mason grade 28 and a teacher of Masonic literature.) The Lord added, “Now take him from the captivity of death.” In that moment, I saw an angel of the Lord and I saw my father as a child, curled up and crying inside a cell. Jesus continued, “That is a part of his soul that was wounded. Open the door of that prison of death!” My father could see me. The angel that was with me said, “This is why the Son of Man came, to rescue those who are lost. Now the Son of God is glorified because He descended to hell to take from satan the keys of death and captivity.” I was in the Spirit and saw how my father left that prison. I also saw a light surrounding us, full of peace. In the intensive care room, the picture of death changed. My father’s heartbeat came back and stabilized. His respiration became vigorous. I realized that he was getting another opportunity to live in order to set things right with God. In the experience of taking my father from the regions of death, I realized that many were there because they had cursed their parents and others, in disobedience to the Lord. I asked God’s forgiveness for my own past—for failing to esteem Him as Father and for disobeying Him and behaving badly toward my earthly parents. Something powerful happened within me and I knew I would never be the same. Upon leaving that room, I felt such peace from God. I went home giving glory to Him for what He allowed me to experience in that hospital room. My father was converted to the Lord and was grateful to God for having rescued him from death and for making him His son. God gave me the victory over death. Since that time, I have taken what I experienced and learned to Oaxaca and to Mexico City. There, we have set many free from the captivity of death and sin. God allowed me to watch that video without my knowing the magnitude of where it would take me. Today, as God gives us understanding, we minister on captivity and freedom from satanic the designs that hold hundreds of people trapped in the regions of hell. God is even leading us to set cities and nations free, thanks to the teaching that the Lord gave Ana Méndez Ferrell. I give thanks to Ana for her bravery in confronting darkness. Without that video, I would not have been able to rescue my father from death and hell. Her teaching ministered to me and gave life to the ministry that God gave me. Ana, my life today is the fruit of this teaching. As the Bible says in Luke 4:18-19: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

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