
We are going on a journey or an adventure together. There is 2 main pathways that we are going to follow. Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Pathway of responsibility leads to greater kingdom rulership. 

2 Cor 4:18- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  Seen is the physical realm. Unseen spiritual realm around us .Eternal heavenly realms – real realm.  

Both pathways will engage the unseen spiritual realm around us .Both pathways will engage the eternal heavenly realm. The purpose is transformation both of ourselves and that which we are responsible for the whole of creation.  

Judges 6:12 “And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, The Lord is with you, you mighty warrior of fearless courage. You may not feel it or believe but it is your true identity in relationship with God.  

Angels and other spiritual beings are part of the unseen realm. Angels engaged Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Gideon Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, etc.  Angels engaged Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Peter, Paul, John and many other disciples. 

Job 38:4 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? 7 When the morning stars sang together. And all the sons of God shouted for joy? 

God created the spiritual realm & angels first.  

Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.  

Heb 1:7 And of the angels He says, “Who makes His angels winds, And His ministers a flame of fire.” 

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? 

Psalm 91:11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.  

Guardian angels, arch angel, seraphim, cherubim, living creatures, 7 spirits of God, dominions, virtues, powers, authorities, principalities or rulers.  

10 angelic classes of spiritual beings.  

Chayoth, Ofanim, Erelim, Chasmalim, Seraphim, Malachim, Elohim, B’nai- Elohim, Cherubim, Ishim. Many other names in relation to their tasks e.g. watchers.  

Chayoth-    Creatures-   Ezek 1:5 fiery chariots, horses, swords, whirlwinds.

Ofanim-    Spheres-   Ezek 1:16 -2 Kings 2.

Erelim-    Mighty ones-   Isa 33:7.

Chashmalim-   Shining ones-  Ezek 1:4  .

Seraphim-    Burning ones-  Isa 6:6  .

Malachim-    Messengers-   Gen 19:1 

Elohim-    Judges.

B’nai-Elohim-   Sons of God-   Job 38:7.

Cherubim-    Covering ones-  Ezek 10:1.

Ishim-    Warring ones- Dan 10:5.  

Rev 5:11- 100 million of each.  

283 references 107 in Old 176 in New. 1000+ references include names etc.  

The term “angel” is derived from the Greek word angelos which means “messenger.” and the Hebrew equivalent, malak (which also means “messenger”), Another term Elohim – the strong one is a name of God that can also be translated angels.  

Where an angel appears, the task is to convey the message or do the will of the God who sent him.  Since the focus of the text is on the message, the messenger is rarely described in detail.  Most don’t describe wings .Some appears physically some are in visions or dreams.  

Another set of terms are used to describe God’s heavenly entourage.  Terms such as “sons of God,” “holy ones,” and “heavenly host” seem to focus on angels as celestial or heavenly beings.  

They worship God, attend God’s throne, or comprise God’s army or operate in His courts. These terms are used typically in contexts emphasizing the grandeur, power, and/or acts of God.  

In the unseen realm there is also the cloud of witnesses .Heb 12:1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, they are the spirits of believers and comprise the church in heaven. We have 12 specifically assigned to us.  

Heb 12:18 For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched. 22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a New Covenant,  

There are 4 angels released to herald a new season guide us on this journey. Transformation. Winds of change. Sound of Many waters. Refining Fire.  

Learn how to engage them and receive the revelation and ministry that God has sent them to us to release.  

God speaks of the great shakings – through Wind, Severe Rain and Storms in specific areas of the nations of the world – targeted by Heaven for a “massive movement” of the Spirit of God.  

Watch in 2014 where the earth shakes and where unusual weather breaks out. For there, God is allowing a sign to show you where He is moving at this time – in the most unusual and “stormy” ways!  

Memo from heaven delivered by an angel. FIRE. WIND. SHAKING.TRANSFORMATION. 

Fire .Heart of Fire and Passion, Every time I spoke or wrote the words of the memo, a revelatory meaning was etched by holy FIRE and burned into my heart. God revealed His motivation. He wants to share His first desire of His passionate love to all the people of the whole world that He sent His Son Jesus to transformThe Lord told me, “The fire of my desire is to see my people restored to my heart.  

Wind -The vision of flowing letters in the word WIND on the memo is forever etched in my heart. Each letter blew as if by a strong wind released from the Holy Spirit during the Angel of Transformation’s visitation. God highlighted wind to me as “Ruach (Breath of His Spirit) wanting again to ‘breathe His refreshing Spirit and new life into all lost or discouraged hearts.'”  

Genesis 2:7 (NASB) “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”  Winds of His Glory, the Lord emphasized to me that His breath of Holy Spirit is more than enough wind of transformation to turn this nation back to His heart now.  

We must experience and activate the Holy Spirit’s breath of anointing to release God’s holy breath of love to the many hurting people.  As these people realize what has been missing in their lives, they will begin to be led by the Spirit of God and will be prepared to receive the transforming breath of God’s Spirit.  

The Lord reminded me of the prophet Ezekiel’s vision in the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:5 “Thus says the Lord God to these bones, ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life.”  Part of the limping Body of Christ has been breathing in the toxic breath of the enemy’s lies for too long. We decree these deceptive toxins purged and cleansed from the Body of Christ in Jesus’ name!  

Today, filled with the powerful “breath of the Spirit of the Living God,” we decree the transforming power of Christ’s life and breath to fainthearted, discouraged, or lost people.  

Shaking  -In a vision the word SHAKING came clearly again to me, reminding me of these verses, “For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:6-7).  

When I read this passage, the wind of anointing started shaking and reverberating in my heart. I can literally feel the Father’s heart beat in concert with His desire to bring people back in relationship with Himself.  

It will be the most powerful “awakening” move of God people have ever experienced. Rather than allowing a flood again like the one that destroyed all living creatures, this time God is using His Word to shake the nations back to Him.  

God is fulfilling His heart’s desire for His people to seek intimate fellowship with Him. More people will come home to the Father by a massive acceptance of Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior.  

This shaking will not be stopped by carnally-minded people or the enemy’s deception. This shaking will “shock our hearts” back into perfect rhythm with our Creator.  

The entire world has already experienced much unpleasant shaking; the shaking soon will become an “earthquake of the Father’s wind of the Spirit.” It will shake the whole world to its knees for completely repentant hearts turned back to our Lord God!  

Transformation –The Lord etched into my heart that His desire was to restore that which was lost and to have His people become transformed into His image like pure gold. We must focus upon the desire of God’s heart and leave our own humanistic thinking and carnal minds out of the equation.  

Consuming Glory, Romans 12:2 (NLT) don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfectThis time the awakening will cause a major worldwide global transformation and many nations will begin to turn to the Lord in a single day!  

The Father’s word TRANSFORMATION highlighted the sparkling, new, heavenly gold that I had seen in the memo from the Transformation Angel. This beyond-earthly, pure-gold hue represents the totally changed hearts turned back to the Father that were purified and freed from any defects of this world.  

As I pondered this word “transformation,” the Father spoke gently to my heart that He has given us the ability not only to be free from all sin but also to move us into the continual purification growth process of being transformed into His image – a “smelting” process that takes each of us into a new level of being transformed from “glory to glory.”  

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.  

So all of us with removed veils (through the Blood of Jesus) can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like him as we are continually being “transformed” (changed) into His glorious image.  

The Lord wants the redeemed followers of Jesus to become mature in the “refiner’s fire,” so when we offer His love to those desperate for TRUE LOVE, they will see through our lives the image of our Abba Father as we become fully engaged in our assignments.  

This is a different kind of transformation, one like never before in history. I can still hear that piercing breath of God’s voice penetrating my being with these words, “As in the days of Esther, you, the Bride of Christ, were changed to be a transformer for ‘such a time as this.'”  

It’s Transformation Time. The Lord sent the Angel of Transformation to awaken us from sleep, to give us the message of activation for our lives, to genuinely change (transform) us into the image of the heart of our Father for the entire world to desire Him. As we adhere to our “processing” journey of becoming more like Jesus, then we offer Messiah Jesus to hurting people, demonstrating that Father’s righteousness is ours through all Jesus already accomplished.  

We have a perfect love letter from Heaven through Jesus given to us because of the ultimate price He paid for our transformation. In this love letter is the WIND of the anointing of the Father, now blowing a fresh message of His heart of holy FIRE.  

The SHAKING by God’s Word is from His heart to ours so we become transformed into His image and begin to be the true messengers of the ministry of reconciliation! Today is the transforming “Day of Salvation!” It is our time to be transformed and let God use us to transform our family, the nation, and the world. It is TRANSFORMATION time!  

4 angels -Transformation. Winds of change. Refining Fire. Sound of many waters.  

Engage these angels as God is going to minister to you through them .Do you want change in your life?  What change do you want?  Is that desire born out of the will and purpose of God?  

Transformation –Do you want to be transformed into the image of Jesus?  Do you want your behavior changed?  Do you want your thinking changed?  Do you want to be transfigured to shine with Glory?  

Winds of change –Do you want a new season in your life?  Do you want a new season of blessing joy peace?  Do you want the authority and power to change and transform your circumstances .Do you want to become a living being?  Do you want to become a spirit being?  

Refining Fire –Do you want greater passion for God your life and destinyDo you want to see God?  Do you want your life to be purified and refined?  Do you want all the chains restricting you destroyed?  

Sound of many waters –Do you want everything that is not of God’s kingdom shaken from your life?  Do you want to resonate with the will of God? Do you want your body aligned with the frequency of heaven?  Do you want health and wholeness?  Do you want your DNA transformed?  

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