What do you emanate?

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, through our soul and out our body into the natural world around us. But how do we get that life flowing?

The kingdom of God is in a different dimension, it is in the unseen realm of God’s Spirit. The kingdom is the realm in which God rules. His government is a government of rest; it is the government of His presence.

What we have to do is learn how to position ourselves in his presence, so that we can continually be aware of it. In our awareness of his presence we are aware of the fruit of his Spirit.

Our will has direct control over our spirit, so through our conscious focus upon the Lord, our spirit connects with God’s Spirit and his life flows into it.

What we have to learn how to do is to maintain our focus upon the presence of the Lord so that his life keeps flowing into it. As his life flows into us we begin to be filled with His Spirit and then it will emanate out of us.

 We all emanate something. There is no neutral ground in what you give off. What kind of atmosphere do we create just by being there? What happens when we walk into a room? How much light of God are we giving off? How much of the power of God are we manifesting?

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. How do we get the Holy Spirit to come upon us?

The Holy Spirit is everywhere. The whole earth is full of the glory of God, why can we not see it? Because we are not emanating it! As the life of God is flowing into us and through us it changes our perception to see through the eyes of God, and what he sees is His glory filling the earth.

We are gates and doors; we are the door through which heaven flows into the earth. When we are filled with the Spirit, the Spirit of God clothes us, we are emanating his presence.

We possess our inheritance through looking through the eyes of the Lord. We have to become so full of the Spirit of God that it begins to open up the eyes of our spirit, so that we can see the vision of His will.

We are talking about spiritual laws. When we hunger and thirst after the presence of God we are filled with it. We desire it, we focus upon it and then it begins to fill us. But this is something we have to learn how to do. Most of the time we are focused on something else, and what we focus on we become, we are filled with it.

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