The strengthening of the Holy Spirit

The strengthening of the Holy Spirit is needed for our spirit to control our soul and body and to be the channel of the Holy Spirit, for the flowing out of His life to others.

Ephesians 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family  in heaven and earth is named, 16 that he would grant you (impart by the spirit), according to the riches of his glory  to be strengthened (aorist infinitive passive- specific point in time, to actively receive-draw)( to empower,  make strong, to grow strong) with might by his Spirit in(motion into) the inner (of place meaning within ) man( person);17 that Christ may dwell  (specific point in time, take up full residence) in your heart ( desires, feelings, affections, passions, impulses, disposition, councils, values) by faith.

To be strengthened is in the passive voice, which means we have to actively receive something coming to us from an outside source, namely God himself, His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is inside our spirit. There is a door in our spirit that we have to open. We know that door is open when we can sense the might of His Spirit; our soul becomes aware of it.

We have a power source within us that we have to learn how to draw from. One we become aware of the Power of God inside us, then our will becomes the switch of our spirit, we activate the power of God by tuning into it. Once we are aware of it we draw it by not losing our focus upon it.

Our spirit has senses, once these senses become activated by our becoming aware of them; they become gateways through which the life of God flows.

The glory of God is His divine nature and His abilities. Once we become aware of an attribute of God’s nature, his love, his joy, his peace, then we can draw it and focus it.

We can read in the bible that Jesus looked on people with compassion and then healed them. He would focus the Father’s love on them; he would focus the power of God on them. The love of God and the power of God would flow through Him and touch other people.

If we desire to be used in ministering physical healing to people, it helps to be filled with the Love of God. Get the love of God flowing, get the tears of God flowing, and be aware of the power of God flowing into your spirit, then lay hands on the sick.

We are learning how to develop our spiritual senses. When we become aware of the presence of God, we need to honor it. We need to focus in on it.

 If we get a tiny bit of His presence, we draw on it, we don’t ignore it, we draw on it, we pull on it, we enjoy it, we say thank you lord I am aware of your presence, keep it coming. if it starts to ease, we gently say I love you lord, I love you Lord and we allow him to come. We need to make it our continual practice to turn our affections and our heart back towards him over and over again. If we forget him for a couple of hours we turn back and say am sorry I love you, I forgot you, I enjoy you, come on me.

We have to learn how to yield to the presence of God; it flows from the inside of us. Sometimes we become aware of it on the outside of our body in the atmosphere.

When you go to a Spirit filled worship or church service you can be more aware of the presence of God, because of the believers present.

If you become aware of the presence of God coming into our room or surroundings, don’t be scared of it or it will lift. Don’t try and reach out and grab it or it will lift, you have to yield to it.

We have to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man that Christ my dwell in our hearts by faith.

When it talks about our inner man here, it is specifically talking about our spirit but our soul becomes aware of it. When it talks about our heart here it is talking about the transformation of our soul.

Our spirit has to be strong so that our soul does not act independently of it. The salvation of our soul is a process we have to go through in order to be filled with all the fullness of God.

Our spirit has to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit so that it can become strong.

When our spirit is born again it becomes willing, we have a yes in our spirit to the will of God. But just because our spirit is willing does not mean it is strong. When the spirit is strong we can overcome the weakness of the flesh.

When our spirit desires one thing and our flesh another we cannot do what we wish, because there is a law at work in our members called the law of sin and death.

When the flesh comes into conflict with the spirit, the flesh always triumphs over our spirit and we cannot do the things that we want to do. This is a law. We can never change this law. It is called the law of sin and death. In the strength of our own will the law of sin and death always wins.

The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is what sets us free from the law of sin and death.  The law of the Spirit of life is similar to the natural law of lift. The law of lift is superior to the law of gravity; it is the first law of arrow dynamics.

Bird men tried to fly but failed because they relied on human strength. Arrow dynamics uses the wind, in order to fly. The flow of wind that lifts a plane up is just like the way the infilling of Spirit works in our lives. But we have to be in the plane to receive the benefit.

The law of the Spirit of life only works when we are in Christ Jesus. It says Christ Jesus, not Jesus Christ. This is speaking of the anointing of the son. The word in means intimate union with and speaks of rest.

Just like being in the plane, we are in intimate union with the anointing that breaks the yoke of sin in our soul. We are strengthened with might in our spirit and our soul is conscious of the presence of God.

When we are filled with the Spirit, the Spirit is flowing in us like the wind and our spirit is strong and the law of the flesh is not pulling us down like gravity.

We are commanded to be continually filled with the Spirit, and if our spirit is not filled with the strength of God, then if the flesh becomes active our spirit in itself does not have the strength to resist and eventually is overcome.

We have to learn how to walk in the Spirit, because if we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the desire of the flesh and the word not- is a double negative-it means no never. It is impossible to fulfill the desire of the flesh when we walk in the spirit.

To walk in the Spirit means all our activities are in the spirit. It is the Spirit of God flowing into our spirit, and out of our spirit into our soul and out of our soul into our body and out of our body producing a kingdom atmosphere around us. All our spirit, soul and body gates are unified and flowing and God is literally directing our steps.

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