A walk with God

There are very few people who have ever walked with God, but those who did were the instruments He used to change the destiny of the world.

Gen 5: 24And Enoch (Enoch = “dedicated”) walked (together with) with God: and he was not; for God took (to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away)him.

Enoch was the first person who ever walked with God after the fall, his dedication and communion with the Lord reached to such a level, that he saw the second coming of the Lord and attained the resurrection out of the dead, referring to the body. The body is dead because of sin-Rom 8:10. He was translated without seeing death.

Gen 6: Noah was a just (righteous) man and perfect (blameless, complete) in his generations, and Noah walked (movement, flow, follow after the way) with God.

Noah walked with God and because he walked with God, God through him preserved the whole human race.

Genesis 17: 1And when Abram (exalted father) was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared (to show oneself) to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty (almighty, most powerful ,El-Shaddia-all sufficient-the many breasted one, fertility, abundance) God; walk(movement-flow) before me (face-presence), and be (to become) thou perfect (blameless, complete, whole, entire, sound).

Abram walked with God, and received a new name. Abraham did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and became fully convince d that what God had promised he could perform, and was able to believe for the impossible-Rom 4:20, 21. God tested Abraham and he became willing to offer his son, his only son as a burnt offering-so that the Father could legally offer His son that our debt of Sin could be paid, and we could receive His Spirit Gen 22:1-8. Abraham walked with God and it became the identifying mark of his life.

Gen 24: 40And he said unto me, The LORD, before (indicates direction and purpose-in the presence of-face) whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father’s house:

When we learn how to walk with God, our soul goes through a transformation which qualifies us to attain a glorified body like Jesus Christ has and to become His bride. Our spirit, soul and body are joined to the Lord in a oneness- we become identical with Him-It is His bride that will rule and reign with Him attaining the highest level of Glory. The bride is in total submission to the husband and share’s all things in common.

When we learn how to walk with the Lord we enter into a friendship level with Him where all our interests become the same, we have a oneness of interests. When we walk with God all our desires begin to change and we enter into a communion with Him where he begins to reveal many things to us and we begin to discern His voice and begin to be led by the Spirit.

 If we want to have a walk with God, we are going to have to believe to begin to hear His voice, so that His faith can be imparted to us.

To walk with God we must enter into a level of worship where we desire to commune with Him more than any other individual.

 We need to enter into a discipline to have a meeting with the Lord where His manifest presence shows up; it will require us to enter into an absolute submission to do whatever He requires.

A walk with God is based upon loving Him with all our heart, where nothing else matters to us but an ever increasing communion with Him. God desires to possess all our heart and this becomes a reality as we desire to possess all of His.

Many people get disappointed because God is not able to give them what He desires to give them because their heart becomes attached to something more than Him.

To walk with the Lord requires us to become God-centered, so that the only thing we are concerned about is pleasing Him-it begins with deep repentance because in our current state there are many things in us that are displeasing.

As we begin to seek a walk with God, He will reveal the awfulness of even the most insignificant things, because they have kept us from breaking through to that communion with Him where His Spirit rests like a dove upon us.

We have to be ready to turn our back on everything and walk away from it-until the focus of our life is only one thing-to know Him more intimately than any other person-these are the ones who will do the exploits in the earth. Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits- Dan 11:32