The greatest Inheritance of power and revelation that Jesus left us

DEDICATION I dedicate this book to my beloved Father in Heaven, Jesus, my eternal bridegroom and the sweet and precious Holy Spirit and also to all my fellow workers of Voice of The Light Ministries.

Foreword “Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood” was divinely birthed in Ana Méndez Ferrell by the Spirit of the Lord. As you read this book and ponder every word, a fresh impartation will make you into a new creation which is a part of His Plan for your life. When I began to read what Ana wrote about communion, I found myself absorbed with every word. It became obvious to me that she was not just speaking words, but that it was a living reality that had become a lifestyle for her. It not only consumed her, but had permeated the depths of her being. Ana has an amazing revelation from the spirit of the Lord that will help us understand how everything we need in our spirit, soul, and body, is found in communion. Our precious Lord Jesus made the greatest sacrifice so that we can know and walk in the absolute healing. When communion becomes a lifestyle, you realize that you not only want the Lord Jesus to have your heart, but also you want to be consumed by Him. In this way His Holiness, fear and reverence of who He is can come forth to a lost and dying world. That is why Jesus came down to earth so we can know heaven on earth. Ana has been given much insight into the fullness of this revelation and has been given a commission from the Lord to help others reach their full potential in Him. She reveals how the church not only walked in this place but also how, throughout history, men, churches and religions have allowed this precious act of adoration and worship to become a formless and meaningless ritual. Ana tells us how it is only the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. He is the One who puts the foundation deep within us so we can grasp the depth of the Lord and the Cross which is imparted to us by faith. When this becomes a living “rhema” revelation, not just “logos” without power or substance, that is when the spirit of the living God will join us in an intimate union as we, His Church become His bride and He becomes our bridegroom.

In our daily time of intercession, praise, worship and adoration, it is very important that we take the bread, representing His broken body and the wine or grape juice representing our total deliverance from our sins and freedom from our iniquities, that we find the time when we are totally abandoned in Him. When we have had time to minister to Him and know that he has cleansed us afresh, then we can know that the body of our Lord becomes one within us. Whether you do it by yourself in the “secret place” or with a group of believers, it is important that communion becomes a daily living expression of your love for Him as well as His love for you. Ana’s book “Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood” is the reason she walks in the fullness of the revelation of her Master. I have had the privilege on several occasions to participate with Ana in partaking of these Holy elements. She knows they are the literal body and blood of our Lord and Jesus Christ that will perfect everything that concerns us. It allows us to become the inheritance on this earth that the Lord truly gave to us His Church. Suzanne Hinn

Introduction This book deals with the most important revelation of my life. What He gave me through His Spirit completely changed me. The understanding of the Kingdom of God that I received was something I had never before imagined. This revelation has changed the lives of thousands of people. It has taken them to experiences with Christ that they never dreamt could be real. Even less could they imagine that they could have these experiences themselves, through entering the spiritual dimensions of “Communion”. This is not a religious study. It is a glorious revelation of the life that is hidden behind the bread and the wine, in the body and the blood of Jesus. I’m not trying to attack anyone, nor attempting to dispute traditions or established theology. My intention is to help you understand a mystery that will transform your entire spiritual life. During some years of taking “Communion” the way I believe the early church took it and living the way they lived, I discovered the legacy of Christ. It is my desire to impart to you what He has given to me and for the Holy Spirit to take you to the fullness of your Christian life. Throughout history, God has always found someone to whom He could reveal this heritage. Saints throughout the ages, in every denomination, in diverse circumstances, have found this pearl of great price. He found them in the midst of the Dark Ages. He took them out of the most perverted religious structures in the history of the church. They were isolated in a monastery or a convent or were hidden as hermits in the mountains. Others received this revelation while they were missionaries in Africa or China. These men and women were lovers of truth; they were saints who sought Him and did not seek the doctrines of men. They separated the precious from the vile. They endured horrible persecution and even death because what they had was real. What they had was life and not some dead theology. These men and women set aside rituals and traditions; they had found Jesus face to face. Some of them shook the earth, as well as the religious and political systems of their time. Others transformed nation from their prayer rooms because they knew the mysteries of life that are hidden in Communion. This book will help you to know Jesus intimately. It will help you to do the works of God, with the same power the Son of God had when He was on earth. Jesus promised: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12 It will open your eyes to see Jesus face to face, and it will help you to possess your spiritual and material inheritance. What you are about to read will change your life, your Christian experience, the way you see things, and how you love. It will fill you with the very power of God. Open your heart to receive a treasure you have never received before. And may the Almighty God reveal Himself to you in every page of this book!

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