Contending for the books

On a trip to Germany found myself operating in a heavenly courtroom setting. The folks that I was ministering with a very skilled at going into the courts of heaven in getting things legally in place of God’s will can be done on the earth. As we were functioning in this fear and contending with the powers of darkness over Germany, one of this year profits became aware that there was a book that it come into the courtroom. It was tattered, worn and had been through a destructive process. Something had tried to destroy this book. We recognize that this was the book that contain the kingdom purpose of God for Germany. We navigated through the courtroom procedures until we were able to secure the book of Germany to have been taken captive by the demotic principalities. This was good news for the nation of Germany.

Germany, just like any other nation, has a book in heaven that chronicles what it’s kingdom purpose is in God’s economy. Germany cannot be redeemed to its kingdom purpose until it’s book is secured, then opened and read into being. When we were able to secure the book legally out of the hands of principalities and powers, we began the journey of accomplishing things in the heavens. By the way, there was no yelling and screaming at the devil. There was only legal wrangling in the court that allowed us to possess the book of Germany and take it back from Satanic powers. This was necessary for Germany to come to a place of redemption and begin the process of becoming a sheet nation.

This is the heart of God for every nation – that they fulfill their destiny as it is written in their book. But in order to fulfill it, they must first lay hold of their book. This is why John was told to eat the scroll or book in Revelation 10:9 – 11. When he ate the book that had the destinies of nations written in it, he was empowered to prophesied those destinies and revealed them to the nations. And more than that, he could petition for them in the courts of heaven.

The books in heaven are absolutely central to the operation of the courts of heaven. Again, Daniel 7:10 shows us that the court cannot operate until the books are open.

Daniel 7:10 – a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. 8000 thousands ministered to him; 10,000×10,000 stood before him. The court was seated, in the books were opened.

What’s the court is in session in the books are opened, cases can be presented, legal precedent set in the dominion rights of principalities removed from nations. This occurs when we begin to present cases from the Revelation we are seeing an understanding out of the books of heaven. This is why it was so important to get the book of Germany back from the powers of darkness that had taken the captain. Now that we have received the book back, we are able to read prophetically the blueprint of God for the nation. What is written in the book concerning Germany is now closer to being realized than before. There will need to be much more operation in the courts of heaven, but Germany like any other nation can see it’s kingdom purpose fulfilled when we dismantled the legal arguments that allow the powers darkness to rule. Step-by-step and piece by piece we take away these legalities and grant God the legal right to fulfill his kingdom will.

The word becomes flesh

I wanted to use this illustration of what happened in Germany to emphasize that there is a contending for what is in the books. Whether it is on a national level or a personal level, the devil does not want what is in the books to come into reality on the earth. This is why there were such extreme attempts by Satanic powers to keep Jesus out of the earth. Remember that the devil tried to exterminate the Jewish race several times. This was the removed from the planet the race of people through which Jesus would be born.

Then after he was born, Herod sent out of decreed to kill all the babies within Jesus age range. This was to try to destroy him. Why was this done in many other things done? What was the purpose? It was to keep the word from being made flesh – John 1:14. It was to keep what was written about Jesus in the books of heaven from entering the earth

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