The testimony of the blood

A lady told me a story of her daughter, living in another state, who is charged with attempted murder. It seemed that she and her husband had had a fight one evening. He left of one car while she jumped in the other family car and pursued him. She eventually rammed his car with her car. The police were called in because of the circumstances surrounding the incident, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder. As time progressed a husband and wife recalls old, but the district attorney in the country where they lived, persisted in keeping the charges alive in pushing towards the court date. As the date loomed for the beginning of the trial, this mother approached me and asked if we could take the situation before the court of heaven. I agreed and we set a date to meet do this the day before the jury selection began.

As we began the process of coming before the court of heaven, I led the Lady in submitting yourself to the Lord in his authority. We then brought her daughter in the entire situation before the court. Had a couple of seer profits working with me to help discern what was going on in the courts of heaven. As we began to pray I asked lady to take her place as mother and intercessor and repent for her daughter. We began to sense very distinctly what the accuser was using against this young lady that was about to go on trial. The mom repentant, with tears, as specifically as she could for her daughter’s disobedience and rebellion. Wasn’t very long before we felt the accusations had been dealt with before the court of heaven. The accuser had been silenced and we were now free to ask the Lord for mercy. As we did this, the Seers clearly heard and saw that the judge in the case would dismiss the case and it wouldn’t even go to trial. We believe that the court of heaven had made a ruling in favor of this lady’s daughter.

The next afternoon I got a call from a very exciting mom who reported that when the jury selection was about to begin, the judge in the case looked at the evidence and abruptly dismissed the case. Young woman was released from all charges and was free to resume her life after months of torment and uncertainty.

The court of heaven had ruled that it was played out on earth in a natural court. This all happened because of the testimony of the blood of Jesus on behalf of this lady’s daughter. The blood had answered every accusation against his daughter and silence the accuser that had demanded destruction. The accuser has no answer for the blood of Jesus. Therefore God the judge of all was granted the legal right to show mercy because of the blood.

A judge can only render verdicts on the basis of testimony given. Even though he may want to find in favor of another, he, from his position of justice, can only render verdicts based on what is testified. So it is in the courts of heaven with God as the supreme judge of all. The judgments that come from the throne are always just and in agreement with the testimony presented in the courts. The nine voices that I’ve listed in the last chapter of voices that are testifying in a court of heaven and are giving the Lord the legal right to fulfill his desire and passion. I believe that the blood of Jesus is the major voice in the court that testifies in his audience before God.

The book of Revelation tells us the accuser is overcome by the blood of Jesus.

Revelation 12:10 – then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now salvation, and strength, in the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death.

When we learn how to come into agreement with the testimony of the blood of Jesus we find great power for redemption. The blood is not only testifying for our forgiveness and redemption but also for the redemption of the whole earth. Nations will be redeemed because of the blood of Jesus. Agreement with the blood allows us a sense the passion that God has for nations. But it is the blood of Jesus that gets kingdom verdicts from God’s throne.

Blood has a voice

All blood has a voice and speaks. We see this in the case of Cain killing Abel. In Genesis we see enables blood getting a verdict from the throne of God.

Genesis 4:8 – now Cain talked with it Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, it Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Then the Lord said to Cain, where is Abel your brother? He said, I do not know. My my brother’s keeper? And he said, what have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, which is opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it shall no longer yielded strength you. A fugitive and a vagabond you should be on the earth.

The Lord said that the blood Abel was crying out to him from the ground. Based on what Abel’s blood was testifying, God renders judgment and a sentence against cain. He was sentenced to be a vagabond and wanderer for the remainder of his days. The sentence was on the basis of the blood of Abel’s testimony. The testimony of blood is  very powerful before God’s throne.

The high priest would go behind the veil once a year on the day of atonement. It would sprinkle and pour out the blood of the Passover lamb. On the basis of the testimony of that blood, God would render a verdict additions of a nation were rolled back for one more year. The animals blood could only release testimony that allowed God to be merciful for one year at a time. When Jesus split his blood and poured and sprinkled it at the real alternate heaven, testimony of that blood allows God the legal right to forgive sins forever. Based on the testimony of Jesus’s blood God now has legal right to be merciful and forgive sins and secured destinies forever.

To further help us understand the voice of blood, let me share a very personal story that happened when I was seeking to cleanse my bloodline. Everyone needs to have their bloodline cleansed. If the devil/accuser cannot find grounds to accuse us based on our behavior, he will search our bloodline to discover something to use against us in the heavenly court. This search is all the more diligent as we become an increasing threat to the powers of darkness. I have previously shared some of my experiences of how this affected my family and me personally. It is imperative to cleanse the bloodline so we can win victories in the court, but also not suffer a backlash from the devil and his forces.

We must realize that the cleansing of our bloodline should be done on a regular basis. If you were to look at your family tree you would discover that, as one person said to me, it actually looks more like a jungle than a tree. Your history and ancestry have many branches and offshoots to it. Satan will search everything out to find any legal place to resist you in the courts of heaven. Consistent cleansing of your bloodline keeps the devil from exploiting the sins of your forefathers against you and his kingdom will.

As my bloodline was cleansed another time, this year profits helping in this process saw that an ancestor of mine had been burned at the stake by Native American Indians. This ancestor Kirstie Indians as he died. It was discerned by those who were saying this, that the reason for this occurrence was my ancestor had stolen the Indians land. As this was revealed I began to repent for what my forefathers had done. I repented for all of the maliciousness and thievery against this Indian nation.

As I was doing this a prophet friend of mine was in the room. He was sitting next to me on the couch. I was aware that as I was walking through this scenario, he got up and moved away from me. As we concluded the session of repentance in the cleansing of my bloodline, I asked my prophet friend why he moved during the process. His response startled me. He said, I could feel the violence coming from your blood. My blood was speaking a violent saying as it was being cleanse. My literal blood in my veins had a voice of violence.

As this was said, I realized at least one of the reasons why had struggled against anger in my life, especially in my earlier years. The anger that was in me had its roots in my blood that was defiled by the sins of my past generations. My blood had anger in it. Through the cleansing of my bloodline, not only was the legal right removed that the devil was using to resist me, but my blood was cleansed from the improper voice that it had.

The cry of Jesus’s blood

All blood has a voice. Jesus is blood in the courts of heaven has the greatest voice. His blood cries out for our forgiveness and redemption. We know this because as he was dying on the cross, he spoke forgiveness to all who would receive it. Luke shows Jesus releasing forgiveness even as he was being crucified.

Luke 24:33 – and when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.

This is the cry of Jesus blood. He is crying in testifying in granting the evidence of his blood before the courts of heaven as reason for our redemption. But Jesus blood also is testifying for more than just our salvation. The sacrifice of Jesus blood also purchased all of creation back to God. Jesus blood is also crying out in granting God the legal right as judge to secure all the earth back under his kingdom rule. We need to understand how large a sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and what it legally did. His sacrifice has legally secure nations back to the rule of God. Isaiah 49:6 says that the father prophesied to Jesus that he would be salvation to the ends of the earth.

Isaiah 49:6 – indeed he says, it is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, enter restore the preserve one’s of Israel; I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, that he should be my salvation to the ends of the earth.

The father said that Jesus sacrifice was too great for just Israel’s salvation. His sacrifice demanded that all the nations of the earth would be redeemed. The blood of Jesus before the start of God is crying for nations to be redeemed. His blood is not just crying for the people and nations, but also the government of nations to function as a kingdom culture.

Jesus blood will not be sound into all that he bought at the cross is legally appropriated and set in place as a reality in the earth. It is our job to agree with the testimony of the blood of Jesus until nations reflect his passion. His blood is legal testimony in the courts of heaven for this.

The church/ecclesia must engage in and agree with the testimony of Jesus blood. We are the stewards of his sacrifice in the earth. We are to agree and add our testimony before the courts of heaven for nations to be redeemed. Anything less than discipling nations, is an insult to the cross of Jesus. His blood is crying for this and we must set ourselves in agreement. The same passion that is carried in his blood must be in us.

The moravians of centuries ago where people sold out to the Lord. Many of them would sell themselves in the slavery in foreign lands. Traveling as slaves, on slave ships, they headed to their new destination. They did this so that they could reach unevangelized people groups. They had a passion to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. What a commitment to the Lord in his kingdom. As they were loading themselves on the ships they would sing a song.

I lay my life down lay myself down I lay my crowns down at your feet. The one for the lambda reward of his suffering to win for the lambda lost to win for the lambda rewards of his suffering and take up the cross.

What appear view of a people who had been possessed by the passion of the Lord. They had been overtaken by a passion and voice contained in the blood of Jesus. His blood is crying out for nations and all people groups to know him in his power and glory.

The blood of the martyrs

There is one other aspect of the testimony of blood. As I’ve said, Jesus is blood is the predominant voice in the courts. But there is a voice of other people’s blood that is also crying out and giving testimony in the courts of heaven. Revelation tells us the voice of the martyrs who gave their blood for a kingdom cause while live in the earth.

Revelation 6:9 – when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, into you judge and avenge our blood on those who own the earth? Then a white robe was given to each of them; and was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

These martyrs are crying out for the avenging of their blood. We can look at this and think they are crying out for someone to be punished for the spelling of their blood. Perhaps this is so, but I believe that what they are really desiring and communicating is their desire for what they spilt their blood for, to matter. In other words if they lay down their lives before the Lord so people and nations could be redeemed, their blood is still crying in the courts of heaven for this. Blood never stops crying. Remember it has the power to get verdicts from the throne of heaven. This is shown in Revelation.

Revelation 12:11 – and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death.

When someone doesn’t love their lives unto death, the accuser has no power against them. The accusations of the accuser have no power against his person in their testimony. They have now won a great testimony before the courts of heaven. This is what Hebrews declares.

Hebrews 11:1 – now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by the elders obtained a good testimony.

Though living in faith and laying their life down, the elders obtained a good testimony. This means they are still speaking before the courts of heaven because they love not their life sent to death, but laid them down for the sake of the kingdom. When anyone does this, their blood has a voice in the courts of heaven. It is crying out in testifying for what it was built for, the become a reality in the earth. These under the throne in Revelation 6 want what they gave their lives for, to matter. Their blood is still speaking in the courts of heaven to this end.

It is our job as individuals to come into agreement with the blood of Jesus in the courts. We must use the blood for our justification, we must agree with the blood for the nations it was given for and we must let the passion of the blood’s voice impact and empower us. When we do, we become qualified to operate in the courts of heaven and see verdicts rendered that grants God the legal right to fulfill his will.

The Lord is looking for the ones who will stand in their place and grant him legal precedents to put in place the legalities of the cross. When this occurs, principalities are silenced and legal things come to order.

The reason nations are not being one to the Lord is because principalities and powers have legal right through the sins of generations the hold them. They give witness in the courts of heaven based on this legal right God, as judge of all, cannot violate his own law just take from these demonic powers their hold. The reason they have the domination was legally be removed. The legal removal of their rights is when our sins in the sins of the fathers are cleansed away by the blood of Jesus. When we repent of the sins and asked for the blood to cleanse, the legal right of principalities that are ruling nations is revoked from the courts of heaven. Once their legal right is unknown, we can then rebuke them and they will flee. No amount of binding, loosing, rebuking or decree will work into the legal reason they are dominating is taken away. This is what the blood of Jesus does for us and the kingdom purpose of God. Our requests, which up to now have been resisted, can then be granted in nations can come under kingdom influence. The blood of Jesus is powerful. Let’s use it and agree with it into heaven invades earth.

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