Voices in the courts

There are many different voices in a court. There is the voice of the judge, the voice of the attorneys, the voice of witnesses, the voice of bailouts, the voice of recorders, the voice of the jury and others as well. There are also many different voices in the courts of heaven. Our job is to understand these voices and come into agreement with them. As we join with these voices and release our faith in agreement with them, God’s kingdom will on earth is then free to be accomplished.

Any lack of the kingdom being manifest is because of a legal issue. Father’s heart is very clear. God is not withholding from us. If there is a lack of manifestation of kingdom purpose, it is because we have yet to grant the father the legal right to fulfill his passion toward us. If we are praying according to the will of God and have prayed for an extended time without results, something legal is standing in the way of the answer. Somewhere in the spirit realm the demonic powers have found a legal right to resist the answer for coming to us. The accuser of the brethren is speaking against us. The answer to this is to learn and agree with the voices in the court of heaven. When we do, the accuser is silenced and we set in motion heaven to be manifest in the earth.

You have come to Mount Zion

In order to understand the different voices operating in the courts of heaven we have to understand Zion. The bouquet Hebrews tells us where we have been positioned as new covenant believers

Hebrews 12:22 – but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the Gen. assembly in the church of the firstborn were registered in heaven, the God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of abel.

In the preceding verses we are told that we haven’t come to Mount sinai, which was the place where the law was given. We have not come to the place of legalism and of death. In that place the children of Israel were afraid to approach God and did not even want to hear his voice. This place was necessary in that it was where the law was given. The law serve to bring us to Christ, but it was not to be the place where we stayed. It was to be a part of the journey, but not the destination. The destination was to be Mount Zion. The earthly manifestation of Mount Zion was established by King David as a place where perpetual worship was offered. It is where David set up the ark of the covenant and had 24 hour worship every day. This was one of the first orders of business that David performed once he became king of all Israel.

People think that zion is therefore about worship. But zion is not about worship. It is about the purpose of worship. King David commissioned worship to cultivate and host the presence of the Lord so that from that presence, he could govern a nation. This is the purpose of worship. Out of worship is the flow of the governing authority of God through his church. When we worship their is to be a rearranging of the heavenly our spiritual realm into heaven is allowed to enter earth. We see this declared in Psalms.

Psalm 110:1 – the Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, so make your enemies your footstool. The Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of your enemies!

Notice what is declared about Zion. The rod of the strength of the Lord will flow out of Zion and cause the enemies of God to be subdued. The purpose of the activity of Zion is rulership and governmental authority. The activity of design is worship that allows the Lord’s rod of strength to be welded against his enemies.

When the word of the Lord says that we have come to Zion, it is saying we have come to this governmental place in God. We have been privileged out of a place of intimate worship with the Lord to govern with him. We are no longer at Mount signee I but now it Mount Zion, the place of his governing power.

Also, please be aware, that we are not trying to get to Zion. We have been granted as New Testament believers to be there already. One of the problems with us as the church, is that we are still trying to get to this place that we have already been positioned in. If we could simply understand the divine placement of the Lord in our life, we would begin to function in faith and see things we have been waiting on begin to happen. Yet so often we are striving to get positioned when we have already been positioned by the Lord and his grace. If we can buy Revelation understand this and begin to function from that place, we will begin to exercise kingdom rule. We have come to Mount Zion.

The mountain of the Lord’s house

To further understand what we have come to we should consider Isaiah to.

Isaiah 2:1 – the word that Isaiah the son of amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Now shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; he will teach us his ways, and we shall walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

We see that the mountain of the Lord’s house will be established in the top of the mountains. The word top is the Hebrew word rosh and it means head. It is saying that the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the head of all other mountains. Anytime we read about mountains in Scripture they are speaking of governments, seen and unseen.

We see this in Jesus speaking with his disciples after their unsuccessful attempt to cast the demon out of the boy. This story is found in Matthew 17:19 – 21. Jesus informs them that if they have faith as a grain of mustard seed, they can speak to this mountain and it would move. Jesus was informing them that one of the reasons why they cannot help the boy was because they were dealing with a demonic mountain in the spirit. This was no ordinary demonic situation. For whatever reason, this boy had become a place of demonic government. The power and authority required to deal with this was greater than a normal circumstance. Because they hadn’t recognize this, they had been unsuccessful. There are times when we encounter not just demonic imps that need to be cast out, but demonic mountains and have become governmental in nature and function. This requires a greater realm of authority to move them out of the way.

When it says the mountain of the Lord’s house is in the top of the mountains, it is saying that the government of God will rule over all other governments. This reference to the mountain of the Lord’s house is very interesting. The best way I know how to relate what I believe the Lord is saying here is through a dream that a prophet’s wife had about me. And her dream husband, the prophet, and I had identical garages standing next to each other. The moment I heard there were garages in the dream, I knew it spoke of the ministry center. Garages house vehicles. Vehicles almost always speak of ministry, business and anything that is being led or directed. When I dream about driving a car, flying a plane or anything like that, I know God is speaking about the ministry I direct in the lead. When she told me about the garages, I knew it spoke of that which housed the ministry.

She went on to relay that as she entered her husband’s garage you look like a normal garage. But as she entered my garage, it had a mountain in it although you couldn’t tell it from the outside. When she told me the dream, I wondered if there was a mountain in my garage because I lived in Colorado. I didn’t yet understand that mountains spoke of government. As I became aware of this concept I knew that God was saying that he was raising a ministry center that would have mountain in it. He was raising a house with a mountain in it. It would look like a normal house from the outside, but it would be a governmental people that would exercise governmental authority from the mountain in the house.

This is what God is doing today. He is causing to arise houses with mountains in them. They may look like normal churches from the outside, but they are governmental on the inside. They are not interested in just having good activities in service and being blessed. They want to see the kingdom of God come to the earth. They want to see life reflect a kingdom culture in the planet. They are houses with mountains in them. We see this same concept echoed in Isaiah.

Isaiah 56:7 – even them I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer. They’re burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.

Notice the words house and mountain are used interchangeably here. God brings these people to the holy mountain and makes them joyful in the house of prayer. So the house is in the mountain in the mountain is in the house. God’s intention has always been to have a house that had a mountain in it. His desire is a house that is governmental and has influence and authority over all other forms of government in the spirit realm. From this mountain of the Lord’s house the other mountains begin to reflect a kingdom culture. This is an Old Testament picture of what Jesus said he would build.

Matthew 16:18 – and I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

The church that Jesus said he would build is from the Greek word Ecclesia. an ecclesia within the Greek and Roman culture of Jesus’s day spoke of a governmental, legislative and judicial body that made decisions and judgments that determined how society functioned. When Jesus said he would build this kind of people, he was speaking of building a house with a mountain in it. It is very important that we understand this.

This means that as the ecclesia that we will allow what is in the books of heaven to come to earth. As we take up our place in the courts of heaven inside the mountain, we become a part of God’s government in the earth. This is the place we have been given as those we have come to Mount Zion.

To further understand this, let’s go back to Isaiah 2. In these verses we see that the mountain of the Lord’s house is in the top of the mountains. As we continue to read about this house with a mountain in it, we discover that God actually identifies this mountain and it has a name. Isaiah chapter 2:3 tells us this mountain’s name.

Isaiah 2:3 – many people succumb and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; he will teach us his ways, and we shall walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

This verse says that people will come and inspire each other to up to this mountain/house. They then identified the mountain’s name. They say it is Zion. From Mt. Zion the law will go forth. When Hebrews 12:22 says we have come to Mount Zion, it is saying we have arrived at the governmental and judicial authority of the Lord and have become the house with a mountain in it. When we come to Mount Zion, we are commissioned an authorized operate in the court system of heaven. From this position we can begin to read what is written in the books of heaven and legally administrate them into the earth. The word, through our function of faith, will become flesh in the earth.

Discipling nations from Mt. Zion

Notice also in Isaiah 2:4 that through the operation in the mountain of the Lord’s house, nations are judged and set in order.

Isaiah 2:4 – he shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

From the mountain of the Lord’s house he – Jesus – will judge nations. Jesus will judge nations from the house with the mountain in it, which is us. We as the Ecclesia will take our rightful place in through governing the Jesus set kingdom rule in order over nations. This is what Jesus said we would do in Matthew 28.

Matthew 28:19 – go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I’ve commanded you; and though, I’m with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

We are commissioned to disciple nations. We are not just to make disciples in nations, we are to disciple the nations themselves until they reflect the kingdom culture. We are here to make nations look more like heaven and like hell. We are here to turn nations from goat nations to sheep nations.

The way this is done is through the church or house with the mountain in it operating with Jesus to judge nations. The word judge always speaks of judicial activity. Through judicial activity in the court of heaven we set in place legal precedents to take away every right of demotic principalities to rule and influence nations. Once this is done we are then able to remove these powers and their influence over nations. These nations are freed to respond to the gospel of the kingdom and become expressions of his love, kindness and mercy. Justice will prevail in the people of these nations will be blessed because the cruelty of the devil and his forces is legally and then functionally removed.

This all happens from the mountain name is Zion. We have come to Mount Zion. In Mount Zion is the court/judicial system of heaven. When you read Hebrews 12, everything mentioned is of a legal nature.

Hebrews 12:22 – which have come to Mount Zion into the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the Gen. assembly in the church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of abel.

God is revealed as the judge, Jesus is the mediator, the blood is speaking and testifying because everything here is part of the court system of heaven. When we come to Mount Zion, we come to the legal system of heaven were nations are judged. In this place God is granted the legal right to fulfill his passion. We, the Ecclesia, are to be the house with the mountain in it. We are a part of this system and function.

Hebrews 12:22 – 24 lists the voices within the court system of heaven. There are eight voices mentioned that we can encounter in the courts of heaven and are to come into agreement with. There is one more voice in the courts mentioned elsewhere. There are a total of nine voices we are to learn to function within the court system. When we come into agreement with these voices, we become a part of granting God the legal right to fulfill his passion.

A dear apostolic friend said to me recently that God had spoken to him to agree with the intercession of heaven. I believe that these voices represent the intercession of heaven and it is with these, that we need to come into agreement. When we do, we grant God the evidence to render verdicts and judgments in agreement with his kingdom will. We have been given a great privilege as his ecclesia to function in the courts and when verdicts from heaven that free nations to come under kingdom domain. We must study these voices in a reverse order from how they are spoken of in Scripture. The nine voices in the courts of heaven include;

One – the voice of the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus releases testimony before the throne of God that allows the Lord legal right to fulfill his passion.

To – the mediator of the new covenant. Mediators are officers of the legal system sent to resolve conflict.

Three – the spirit of just men made perfect. This speaks of those who are a part of the church who have died in our in heaven. They still have a viable and necessary function in the court system of heaven.

Four – God, the judge of all. Isn’t it interesting that God is revealed not as father or Lord but has judge in this Scripture. It is because the Holy Spirit desires us to recognize the legal position God holds as judge of all.

Five – the church of the firstborn registered in heaven. We as the ecclesia have a tremendous place in the courts when we have been authorized and recognized.

Six – the Genneral assembly. The word in the Greek is universal companionship and it speaks of the multitudes worshiping the Lord about his throne. There function of worship is essential to the operation of the courts.

Seven – an innumerable company of angels. There are varying ranks of angels that are a part of the court of heaven’s operations.

Eight – the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem. This is actually the wife of the Lamb as is mentioned in the book of Revelation. The wife or bride of the lambs voice has a tremendous impact in the courts of heaven.

Nine – the voice of finance. Our giving of finances has great weight and authority when they come into agreement with heaven’s desire and intent.

We will look at each of these voices in their effect in the courts of heaven in the next chapters. When we learn how to come into agreement with these voices, verdicts are rendered from the court so God’s will is done in the earth. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished when we get legal things in place. Once the legal issues are resolved in the devil’s rights revoked, God is free to functionally take back the planet through his church. When we as the church have come to Mount Zion and are ready to agree with the voices of heaven, the result will be unprecedented breakthrough in victory.

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