The coming glory

Prepared by the spirit of Awe, our hearts are being made ready to steward power.

While in conversation with a dear friend, the presence of God suddenly became very heavy, completely enveloping me then gently lifting me upwards, as through a vortex. Within seconds I found myself standing alongside Jesus only this time in heaven, clothed in garments of translucent shimmering white light. I had no awareness of my life on earth throughout this encounter having become fully immersed in the reality of what was being shown to me.

As I stood beside Jesus I became aware that my inner stature was completely whole; fully formed in Christ. I was experiencing the truth of our identity now and simultaneously our future reality as the Holy Spirit completes the preparation of his people. I was experiencing Revelation 21:9, us as the wife of the Lamb, radiant shining ones, fully filled with God!

In the encounter I experienced for a moment the incredible power of who we are and our subsequent matchless worth. I experience the reality of our life hidden in Jesus, and knew our value and our destiny in him. From that moment on, no matter what life has brought, I can honestly testify to the truth that I live in the strength of what I experienced. I believe that before human history wraps up we will emerge in this way; filled with glory and having taken our place alongside our king, we will move in effective servant hearted authority.

In a second encounter I was again taken up before the Godhead. Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit began to pour into my spirit, as impartation from their beings, the fullness of knowledge of God. As I stood before them, understanding was released to me that I was there representing the corporate bride of Christ, experiencing what has happened to each of us who are filled with the Holy Spirit. The certainty of the love of God for us and the stature this then released in me, was absolute. I believe I was shown what we all will walk in as we learn to live more fully connected and yielded to the person of God, now a resident within us.

We will begin to experience what Paul writes in Ephesians 3:19; the body of Christ strengthened by the Holy Spirit, experiencing the love of our father completely, and so becoming filled with God himself. I believe this is the key that will unlock the unprecedented level of wholeness I experienced, enabling an unhindered flow of his wisdom, love, truth and power here and earth.

In the final part of this encounter Jesus placed a large sapphire ring onto my wedding finger. He then took me into the heavenly realms and paraded me as a spectacle of the manifold wisdom of God. As his bride! Shining, by grace, through love. Visible to the enemies of God but as one now filled with power and authority.

Ephesians 3:10 – in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the ecclesia to the rulers and the authorities in heavenly places.

Do you realize that you have always been the intention of Jesus’ heart and are the focus of the Godhead?

Your destiny has the full backing of heaven and will flow out who you are. Your authentic life will produce your highest purpose. You are the beloved of the King of glory, forever. We are the bride of Christ, his ecclesia, rising up in the Earth to take our position. This is our realm. We have been given jurisdiction here in partnership with Jesus, the earth is his and everything in it, and he has entrusted it to us. It is not just for the millennium reign when he returns, it is now!

He is bringing us forth to reflect him in this world and to release his compassion and perspective, along with his redemptive restorative love and power. We are his arms to gather in the lost, the hopeless, the devastated, and the precious lives that are all around us. He is making us ready for this purpose now. He is preparing our hearts as his revivalists to reform, and transform, to obliterate the darkness by piercing it with the light of the presence of the living God. Through our intimate intercession, decreeing in authority as he shows us his perspective, his presence within us and upon us will invade the focus of our prayers.

Jesus showed me that he is yearning for his people to be with him. He longs to share the deep things of his heart with us, to have fellowship and companionship. He wants us to become so secure in him and so connected to him, that we are literally transformed in his presence. Out of this incredible oneness with our God, we become an unhindered conduit of love and dunamis power as his spirit pours into and through us. We take his light everywhere we go because we are full of him. The realm of his presence, the dominion of the king, goes with us everywhere we go and darkness has to disperse. It cannot remain when the king shows up.

This is our inheritance. This is our birthright. This is who we are. This is what we have been put into this world at this time in history to walk in.

We have been robbed so much by the realm of darkness as it has attempted to frame our reality, taking advantage of our hindered visibility and the fragility of our hearts. Now the Lord is arising on our behalf, bringing to us the precious gift of supernatural sight.

We are about to move in unprecedented levels of power and authority. We are being equipped to love and serve and help set others free. We are an awakening holy royal priesthood, learning to live from heaven to earth, to prioritize loving Jesus first. Then full of his mind and heart, we release life-changing truth into every situation.

We are in the time where Jesus is releasing the full force of the redemptive power of his blood into every area where darkness has prevailed. He is bringing everything back into its pre-fall state. We have the incredible privilege of receiving this and partnering with Holy Spirit to administer this freedom where ever he takes us.

We are being prepared by the spirit of the Awe of God as he purifies our hearts making us ready to steward the same power Jesus had when he walked the earth in human form and now has as our resurrected king.

There is a growing change in appetites and values across every sphere of life, so it is time for us to become salt and light; to bring the truth people are searching for; to empower them to understand their true kingdom identity and incredible value, in order to be able to live their life’s purpose.

I believe we will see the tipping point in society as his will is done and his kingdom comes increasingly into every part of our lives and every area we touch. We are the ones with access to the spirit of wisdom who enables us to provide answers for every question and to bring solutions to every problem.

Jesus gave me a word for us for this time. He said:

Rise up! You are an army awakening! Your yieldedness to me makes you a formidable opponent to the realm of darkness.

Stand on the head of snakes and scorpions and take authority over every work of darkness. You have the key. His name is Jesus!

Take off the shackles and the bondage that have been weighing you down in the sin that has beset you. Ascend and rule over poverty, lack, and infirmity. There have been so many assignments loosed against you.

I’m coming as a refreshing wind now as your deliverer, your God of breakthrough. It is a new day. Speak the truth and it shall be established. Believe again! Receive from me. Aggressively pursue my kingdom. Take from me your inheritance. I release to you the grace to believe again. I release to you fresh faith, mountain moving faith, faith to see, and believe, to enter into… I’ve given you the promises; I’ve given you the authority.

Rise up! Lock onto me. I am the solution!

Turn away from the enemy. Turn your back away from him. I’m giving you a new heart. I’m giving you my heart. I am filling you with the mind of Christ. I am saturating you with the fruit of my nature. I am saturating you with my truth and with my word that will set you free. You will be steadfast, rooted and grounded and established in my love. You are the gates – Psalm 24:7 – so lift up your heads and let the King of glory, come in.

We are the hope of the world in Christ! So let us make our difficult circumstance serve us for in God no pain is ever wasted. As we give each situation to him they will escort us deeper into his presence and will eventually bring to us the gifts of wisdom, compassion, understanding and fulfillment, as the experience is ultimately used in the service of others to bring them healing and freedom.

Romans 8:28 – all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purposes.

Let us turn our face away from the problem onto the solution, unto Jesus. Everything has been made available at the cross. It is a finished work.

All provision has been made available for us to live as over comers, to live as a new creation in Christ, filled with the very life of our father, with his spirit leading us into all truth.

As was the case with John Wesley, so will we be burning ones? Jesus is setting us on fire with love and power and the world will look upon us and recognize that we are his because of the life transforming supernatural love and glory flowing from our lives.

Every person was created for love. We are able to release him to others, providing those still unable to see with the presence of their father. This is our incredible privilege and honor and will effortlessly flow from us as we live in the freedom that comes from knowing who we truly are.

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