His great love

Every miracle provides us with a window into the heart of God. Every healing touch of Jesus enables us to know him more completely.

Every time we become aware of his compassion flowing towards us and we turn in our heart towards our God of love, we receive the river of his presence touching us, igniting our faith and healing us. Whatever it is we need he is there for us. He wants to be known by us. The one who walked through the earth 2000 years ago releasing life and rebuking death, restoring hearts and lives, dismantling religion and defeating sin. Each miracle is a window that provides us with a further glimpse into his heart.

When he healed the lepers, it was not just there physical bodies that needed his touch, they were outcasts who lost their families and livelihoods. Their dignity and where they belong was gone, so he gave them back their lives. I imagine Jesus hugging them and rolling around in the dirt with them. He was not a pious religious man, he was full of life and restorative power. Can you imagine the joy coming off his of being? What it must have been like as he embraced his precious creation in the form of a man, taking them in his arms, to awaken their hearts and heal their broken lives.

It is recorded in the Scriptures that he was moved with compassion for his people. He came into the earth and looked upon his creation seeing them as sheep without a shepherd. His heart moved towards them; he fed them and healed them. He clothed them with dignity.

As we look at the life of his beloved friend Mary, who had 7 demons cast out of her, we see this as she was delivered from a life of prostitution. No wonder she fell at his feet washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair. Jesus gave her back her life; he gave her a place to belong among his disciples and showed, her worth.

Jesus is so kind. He never says no when we come to him, his arms are wide open. He takes our broken lives and brings beauty out of the ashes and it reveals him. Every miracle shows us more of who he is.

In a recent encounter Jesus came to me as the lion of the tribe of Judah. Revelation 5:5. Revealing himself to me in this way, Jesus was imparting into me attributes of his nature. Releasing truths my heart desperately needed to know. As he stood in front of me I reached out and felt his mane and the fur on his face. I could feel his strength and just begin to nuzzle myself into him. He gently put his powerful Paw over my hands and as he did I became completely childlike, as though I was 5 years old. I climbed up onto his back and we walk together for miles, viewing great expanses of his creation. Ocassionally we would sit and I would play, snuggling into him, feeling so secure I wanted to stay in his fur forever; it felt like the safest place in the world.

As I experienced his joy in me and his power and tenderness, my heart became comforted beyond words. He began to help me understand the great love our father has for us, how precious we truly are to him and how much he longs for and enjoys our companionship.

Since this encounter father has been speaking to me about us as his new breed awakening across the nations. Those of us who will run with childlike faith, full of gratitude and joy, secure in his love, confident and bold in his power and protection. With his wisdom and love flowing through us. Experiencing security like we have never known before and a fearlessness that is the emotional foundation he wants for each of his children.

Jesus is answering our prayers, healing our diseases and making us whole. He is removing all that has caused our vision to be blurred; he is healing our eyes. Every word he has spoken to us, every promise, he will fulfill. If you are struggling, ask him to give you grace. Ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to love the king, to love his presence, to have time to be with him, to order your steps, to change your life, so you can prioritize him. What is impossible for us is not impossible for God.

I passionately believe, because of all Jesus has shown me, the key to the transformed life is abiding. As we look through the Scripture this is evident. Psalm 91 is a very important passage instructing us in this truth.

Psalm 91:1 – whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

All the protection provided for us through the promises in Scripture are also activated in the lives of the ones who abide, who find their way into his holy presence and decide with all their heart, this is where I belong, I’m going to live here. As you do this you will experience a completely different measure of grace and personal breakthrough.

The following are the words of Charles Spurgeon. The wisdom contained within this powerful exposition will, once applied, transform your life:

He that dwells in the secret place of the most high

The blessings here promised are not for all believers, but for those who live in close fellowship with God. Every child of God looks towards the inner sanctuary in the Mercy seat, yet all do not dwell in the most holy place; they run to it at times, and enjoy occasional approaches, but they do not habitually reside in the mysterious presence.

Those who through rich grace obtain unusual and continuous communion with God, so as to abide in Christ and Christ in them, become possessors of rare and special benefits, which are missed by those who follow afar off, and grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Into the secret place those only come who know the love of God in Christ Jesus and those who dwell there to whom to live is Christ. To them the veil is rent, the Mercy seat is revealed, the covering cherubs are manifest and the awful glory of the most high is apparent.

These, like Simeon, have the Holy Ghost upon them, and like Anna they depart not from the temple; they are the courtiers of the great king, the Valiant men who keep watch around the bed of Solomon. The virgin souls who follow the Lamb where he goes. Elect out of the elect, they have obtained unto the first 3 and shall walk with their Lord in white, for they are worthy. Sitting down in the August presence chamber where it shines the mystic light of the Shekinah they know what it is to be raised up together and to be made to sit together with Christ in the heavenlies, and of them it is truly sad that their conversation is in heaven.

Special grace like there’s brings with it special immunity. Outer court worshipers little know what belongs to the inner sanctuary, or surely they would press on into the place of nearness and divine familiarity becomes theirs. Those who are the Lord’s constant guests shall find that he will never suffer any to be injured within his gates – he has eaten the covenant salt with them and is pledged for their protection.

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The omnipotent Lord will shield all those who dwell with him, they shall remain under his care as guests under the protection of their host. In the most holy Place the wings of the cherubim were the most conspicuous objects, and they probably suggested to the psalmist the expression here employed.

Those who commune with God are safe with him, no evil can reach them, for the outstretched wings of his power and love cover them from all harm. This protection is constant, they abide under it, and is all sufficient, for it is the shadow of the Almighty, his omnipotence will surely screen them from all attack. No shelter can be imagined at all comparable to the protection of Jehovah himself own shadow.

The Almighty himself is where his shadow is, and hence those who dwell in his secret place are shielded by himself by God. What a shade in the day of noxious heat, what a refuge in the hour of deadly storm. Communion with God is safety the more closely we cling to our Almighty father the more confident we will become. Charles Spurgeon, Psalm 91.

This is our portion. The key is abiding in him; dwelling in him, living in his word, putting him first; worshiping him till we connect; receiving from him; and then sitting down on the inside in rest, enabling an internal disposition of governmental authority to function as we remain centered in him, as a gate between heaven and earth and letting his spirit do the rest. So drink deeply of him, he is the way, he is the truth, he is the life. He is the lifter of our heads. He is all sufficient, all glorious, are perfect God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the one who will wrap up human history in accordance with his own plans. He has privileged us with the ability to partner with him in the process of the redemption of this planet and the application of the finished work of the cross. Every need is met in him in Christ, he is the way, he is the door, he is perfect love and we are made in his image. We are at the penultimate of all creation. We have value beyond price. We are the beloved of God. Dwell in him and I promise you the words of Spurgeon will become your experience.

Jesus is inviting us to walk at a deeper level with him now. His invitation is for us to become whole; to become fully filled, to know him intimately and to move in power and authority. Living from heaven to earth so we see his kingdom come. His favor comes around our life as a protective shield as we prioritize him, as we come into covenant with him. As we take communion with him we say yes to becoming the bride of Christ. He purchased us with his blood. As we say yes to him, he is faithful to uphold his covenant promises to us. He shields us with his favor and there is nothing in our life that remains outside of his redemptive power. King David understood the heart of our God when he declared this truth:

Psalm 23:6 – surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I pray a new level of grace for you to live the transformational lifestyle of praise and worship. Every day, even if it is for a short time, abide in the shadow of the Almighty. To connect under the covering of heaven. Where his presence is, in the light of his glory, darkness ceases to exist. The natural realm begins to come into conformity with the counsel of his will. He is the most important thing; he is the purpose of life and he has chosen us to be his counterpart forever. He is bringing us forth without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

I pray like King David that we will be mindful to number our days and so spent them well, prioritizing him. Loving Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. I promise you everything will then flow from the holy of holies and so have eternal value. Your life will transformed! There is no demon stronger than God. There is no lie that will not be exposed and broken as we posture ourselves in the light of his presence, there is no sickness that can remain. The enemy’s weapon against us is deception, so let us fill ourselves with truth.

John 15 illustrates it so perfectly for us. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. As we abide in him, rest in him, focus on him, turn our hearts towards him, step into him, meditate on his words, speak his word, literally love him with all our heart soul, mind and strength, and allow him to fill us, we will become fruitful. We will see the beauty of his nature increasing inside us. We were created for worship, for intimacy, to become what we behold as we gaze upon the one in whose image we are made.

The mirror of his presence shines onto us and speaks into our hearts; remember this is who you are. I have made you in my likeness.

In that place of abiding all the lesser behaviors of our carnal nature and brokenness begin to fall way. As we grow in internal stature and awareness of our identity, we realize this kind of behavior is not befitting of royalty. We start to discern more easily what is carnal. We begin to increasingly inherit our father’s nature. His spirit enables us to walk as a new creation clothed in his virtues of love and meekness, joy, peace and strength.

I pray for a new measure of the empowering grace of God enabling us to live with the motivational force of our life being to please him with every thought and intent. To abide and allow this plumb line to dissipate every attitude that is contrary. All division, jealousy and insecurity melding away as his nature increases within us and are only remaining care for becoming what pleases the king.

This is the cross working in our lives as we choose him and he sets us free in his perfect love. Secure in his presence, we become easily able to love others. This is not wishful thinking. This is the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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