For all who are hurting

Jesus – will you come with me into the next chapter of your life, where I kiss your wounds and cause you to fly.

A word from God’s heart

Don’t fear little one it is the father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom. Don’t fear for I’m with you always to the very end of the age, to the very end of time. I am for you I am not against you. I’m not a man that I should lie, I’m faithful and true. I’m your deliverer and I am your strong power. I am your healer and I am your Prince of peace.

Just as I released the woman caught in adultery from those who would destroy her, from the condemnation, from the sin that entangled her, from the pain, from the torment and the torture and the terror so I release you. I release you from your bondage to despair, the hopelessness, to loneliness, the compromise. I release you.

Yes, it is me, my precious lambs. Hear my voice as your shepherd. You are free. You are free from condemnation. You are free from judgment. I gently put my healing arm, my hand, on the wounds that have been inflicted upon you by those who do not know my love. I will pull out the arrows. I take off your heart the pain of the accusations and the betrayal and the curses and the cruel words and the unkind intents and purposes towards you, the jealousy that surround your life, of the anger that has been inflicted upon you. I touch your heart with the all of my presence and I set you free. I kiss your forehead and breathe new life into you.

I’m your king and I’m your good Shepherd I’m with you and for you. I am your strong tower. My presence heals you of every wound. I see you. I see the depth of your heart. I see the fear. I see where you have been curled up into a ball rocking, holding your knees to your face, in your heart and literally, physically. As you held that posture I was kneeling in front of you tenderly waiting. I lift your head. I’m the lifter of your head and gently touch your chin and lift your face up to the son, towards the warmth of my gaze. There is nothing too difficult for me.

You are not alone. I’m reaching through your heart right now, through time to when you were a baby. When you are alone in the darkroom. Where you were scared, where you could hear shouting, where your parents were shouting, where you felt in your little heart that it was unsafe. I touch the wounds of your babyhood. I touch the wounds of your childhood. I was always with you and will always be with you. I will redeem everything and will heal every wound in the river of my presence, in the embrace of my touch.

I have made my covenant with you forever. You are mine and I am yours, there is much for you to know will you take my hand. Will you come with me into the next chapter of your life, where i kiss the wounds and cause you to fly? I will never let go of you. You will never be lonely again. You will never feel alone again. For this day is the day I set you free. No more shame. No more pain. No more guilt. Your clean, washed in my blood. I chose to put my spirit in you. In me you are perfect. You are pure. You are washed. You are spotless. Your value is beyond price. You’re my precious bride in the world has tried to crush you, but I’m here so lean into me. Lean onto the chest of the one who has redeemed you and called you his own from before time and I will rock you and dance with you.

Let me lead you into the next chapter of your life in my arms and you will run with me and you will dance on the mountain tops with me. I will lead you into new pastures, into new freedom, with the restored carefulness and freedom of children, of the childhood that you lost; restoring the years that the locusts have eaten.

I come now as your redeemer and your restorer. You’re faithful God who loves you and is here for you. So take my hand, look into my face. Put away the fears. Let your heart come towards me. I will not let you down.

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