How to see in the spirit

In the year 2009, the Lord began to open my eyes to the spirit realm. And the Lord began to teach me about the spirit realm, and how to see in the spirit realm through a series of dreams, visions, experiences and visitations. Through these experiences I learned how a person’s spiritual sight is gained or lost.

Because of these experiences and what I learn from them, my Christian life took on vibrancy and depth that I never knew could have ever existed. I’ve never been so excited about spiritual things in my walk with the Lord.

It was an amazing and exciting time. Because of the impact these revelations had on me, I wanted to share this with others. I began to tell people things the lord shown me about spiritual sight and how to engage the realm of the kingdom.

I discovered that there are a lot of hungry people out there! People are hungry for the deep things of God. Hungry truly to know God up close and personal. Early on I felt that I was supposed to keep an account of all of the experiences and revelations that the Lord was giving me, so I kept a journal. Over the course of the last 4 years I had compiled several journals. In 2012 I began to ask the Lord of these journals had a greater purpose or were solely for my own record and personal use.

It was only a matter of a few weeks it had gone by, when a friend invited me to an outreach conducted in our city by ministry from Dayton Ohio. The apostle is speaking and I enjoyed his teaching very much. After the service, I went to the front to tell the apostle that I’ve been blessed, and the exchange went something like this.

Excuse me. I really enjoyed your message tonight. You ever pray for people…

At this point the apostle laid hands on me and began to prophesy. Write! Write, write! Clear off everything from your desk except for your notebook in your Bible and write! He also declared several other things that came to pass. I was a bit shocked, to say the least. The Lord and answered, very specifically, the question that I had asked. It left little room for doubt as to what I was supposed to do.

So, for all of you who desire to see the unseen and engage the realm of the kingdom… Here it is. This book is for you.

Chapter 1 – connect to the power.

As we begin this journey, it is important to know that God himself is helping you. He withholds no good thing from you.

One very important thing I learned was that God will take you as far, and as fast, as you are willing to go. I heard Bobby Connor make that statement several years ago, and to be honest, I doubted it for a couple of years. I thought, there must be more to it than that. How could our willingness determined to any degree, what kind of supernatural power or gift, God my grant to us?

I didn’t really understand this until I experienced the reality of it through desire. And it made me very aware that the Lord did not make this complicated at all. It is so simple that anyone can enter in, even a child.

Angels are not hiding from you! Jesus isn’t out there far away somewhere wondering if you’ll ever figure it out!

All of heaven is intimately involved in your life. You are being constantly drawn into a deeper walk with the Lord. He is continuously engaging you, to give you revelation, to open your eyes, to open your ears, so you can hear God’s voice.

I’m not talking figuratively here. The Lord desires to fellowship with you. The heavenly host are part of your ministry team!

You are part of theirs! They’re constantly trying to wake us up! So as we begin this journey, please keep that in the forefront of your spirit.


The power source is God, and connecting to him is called salvation, or being born again. For engaging the spirit realm this foundation is critical. 1st and foremost, you must be born again if you pursue the spiritual reality.

Of course I know that there are many people who can see in the spirit, and do not embrace Jesus as their Savior. They’re practicing new age religions and beliefs. The Bible says that they cannot do this illegally.

Verily, verily, I say under you, he didn’t answer if not by the door into the sheepfold, but climate upsilon the way, the same as a thief and a robber – John 10:1.

New age

There are many people in the new age who operate in the supernatural. Many have been given spiritual gifts by God that the modern-day church had no knowledge of or use for.

But let me say this to my new age friends. I know you are thinking, why would I trade the supernatural reality I have, to embrace some religious tradition? The answer is this. Jesus did not come to earth saying I’m starting a new religion. Or I’ve come to establish religious traditions. What he said was the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And then he backed it up with signs and wonders, and told his followers to do the same.

I’m very sorry if a Christian family member of mine turned you off to Christ by offering you religion. The truth is that if you give your life to him you are moving from the fringes of the supernatural and jumping into the deep end. There is no more powerful supernatural reality than Jesus. He gave you the hunger and desire and he wants to bring in the fulfillment of it. And give you a piece beyond anything you have ever known.

On asking you to do is to taste and see that the Lord is good. Pray the prayer of salvation and see if he is telling you the truth.

As believers and hairs of salvation we have divine protection. We have authority given to us by Jesus Christ himself. There are angelic forces that are responsible for our safety and well-being and they take that job very seriously. Non—believers have no such protection and no such authority. I know many people in other religious past that suffer from attacks of fear and worry and they don’t know why. The spiritual atmosphere around them is the reason why.

That is why people involved in sins such as drunkenness and drug use, sometimes see things that terrify them. Certain types of sins lower the spiritual veil and cause people to see the unseen realm. If that person’s life is full of ungodliness then that is what they will see around them. And for them it can be terrifying.

If you have a desire to see in the spirit realm but have never made a personal commitment to Jesus, I would encourage you to make that commitment now.

Pray this prayer – Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, and come into my heart right now and be my Savior.

If you meant that, you are now born again! I know it sounds way too simple, God made it that way for a reason, so that everyone could receive his salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved – Romans 10:13.

The word

For living as a Christian in general, we are instructed to study and know the word. And engage in the spirit realm, knowing the word is even more important for several reasons.

The word divides your soul and spirit.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart – Hebrews 4:12.

Your spirit man really wants to see the things of God. But your soul has ties to your spirit and exerts control over it. If your soul is not fully sanctified, it will try to pull you toward the things of the world, and away from the things of God.

We have all heard the saying,(Scripture)… The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak – Mark 14:38.

The common example for many, including me, is when you really need to pray, but you are too tired. Your spirit man is telling you to kneel at your bed, and your soul is telling you to climb into it.

Even the disciples face this very issue in the Lord rebuke them over it.

Then he returned and found a disciple sleeping, can you men keep watch with me for one hour? He asked Peter – Matthew 26:40.

But the word is the thing that deals with the issue. By reading and studying and meditating on the word of God, the word breaks those ties between your spirit and soul. Then you are able to function more fully as a spirit being and engage your spiritual senses.

Another absolutely huge benefit is that without those soul ties to your spirit, you become more offended at the idea of committing a sin. Your soul is tempted and immediately your spirit is disgusted and shuts down the thought of sinning.

The more you meditate on the word, the greater the separation becomes and the more your spirit becomes unencumbered with the soul and the flesh. At this point, actual spiritual veils that cover your eyes begin to be removed.

Your eyes are washed by the word.

That he might sanctify and cleanse it, with the washing of the water by the word – Ephesians 5:26.

The context may be something different, but the fact remains that the word cleanses and sanctifies.

All the ungodly things we see over the course of a day, even by accident, defile us in our eyes. An angel pointed this out to me one morning as I was praying and waiting on God.

A visitation

One morning at about 2 AM, I was praying and waiting on the Lord. Just to see what he might tell me or show me. I looked up for some reason and I could see an angel of the Lord in the distance. He looked like he was going somewhere, but I called out to him and asked him if he could help me for a minute.

He came over to me and asked, what can I do for you? I told him that I wanted to see more clearly. When I told him that, immediately his eyes look like they were injured and bleeding. I asked him, what are you doing? His eyes then became normal again, and that’s when he said to me, your eyes are damage from all the garbage you have put into them over the years, but the Lord Jesus can heal them.

And then he turned and left.


All the ungodly things we have seen not only defile us but create distractions that are even more overpowering than the normal distractions. The word of God not only washes and cleanses us but removes the distractions and our spiritual eyes become more fully capable of seeing. Distractions can be anything in the natural keeping us from looking at the spiritual.

What do distractions do? They keep us from seeing in the unseen realm. They keep us focused on, well, the distractions.

Early in my education from the Lord concerning spiritual sight, I would sometimes spend hours trying to see in the spirit. Usually late at night early in the morning are the time periods I found to be best for me.

On this particular night, I was laying in the bed in the dark and lying very, very still and quiet. I was looking toward the ceiling and around the room in general. The room had enough light that if I got up I would not trip over anything, but not enough light that I could focus on any of the natural things of my surroundings. Like dressers and furniture’s, etc.

After a short amount of time, perhaps 30 minutes or so, I began to see various very, very subtle shifts in the atmosphere around me. They were things that most people would dismiss as a trick of the light or as your eyes playing tricks on you. It is something you need to keep in mind from here forward.

There would be a small flash of light on the left, a movement of some sort on my right and various shifting colors in front of me that I couldn’t quite see clearly.

I would focus on the area of movement in a relaxed, yet attentive manner and certain things would become more visible for a moment and then fade from view. It was both exciting and disappointing at the same time. I was excited to see, but I really wanted to see more clearly.

After a while, I said to myself, I wonder why I can’t see any better than this? About 2 seconds later I heard a voice say, because you are distracted. I actually heard the voice speaking to me in my thoughts, but I was still caught off guard.

The Angel was right, I was distracted. Even though I was trying to see in the spirit, I was looking as if I would see with my natural physical eyes. And that is not correct.

The word overpowers distractions.

We live in a natural world. We face issues and problems in the natural world that require us to think along those lines. That’s the way it is for all of us, but those natural things don’t have to be a distraction. We can focus our attention on natural things and be fully engaged spiritually. We do this by meditating on the word, or by practicing the presence of God – brother Lawrence 1614 – 1691.

This is accomplished very simply by bringing our attention upon the word or upon Christ, who is the living word and when we realize or become aware that we haven’t had our focus there, we bring our focus back to that place again.

In my own life even if I am fully engaged in conversation with someone, I can also be aware that the Lord Jesus is there with us. Just in the same way you could be aware if there was another person standing there with you, perhaps listening to your conversation without necessarily talking themselves.

Or if we have chosen a Scripture to meditate on for the day, we would keep our focus there and if we need to focus elsewhere, we would then bring our focus back to the Scripture as soon as we were able to do so. You don’t get condemned over it. You train yourself by constantly doing this until it is 1st nature.

The word is your sword

The word of God is called the sword of the Spirit for good reason. It is powerful. It cuts. It is a great weapon.

When your spiritual eyes are open, you will see a lot of various things in the spirit realm and not all of them are pleasant. It’s during those times especially that you realize that the word is your protection, your defense, your offense and your provision.

I’m sure that you are already aware that demons, devils and other unclean things occupy this realm in the world around us, as well as Angels of the Lord. It is far better to plan ahead for this journey, because if you engage the things I talk about in this book, your eyes will be opened and you will need your sword.

You don’t want to be in confrontation wishing you could remember the Scripture that says you have authority over the enemy.

Please don’t be in fear over this though. As Jamie Galloway, pastor of Eastgate church, Westchester PA says,

You don’t have to be in fear over this. Papa’s got love for you. If we ask for bread, he won’t give us a stone. If we ask for a fish, he won’t give us a scorpion. But we are stewards of our own lives. So, if you go into these realms, know the word.

Everyone knows that even the Lord Jesus himself re- buffed Satan using the word, when tempted by him in the wilderness. In every instance that Jesus was tempted his response was always… It is written – Matthew 4:1 – 11.

The baptism

But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth – acts 1:8.

The Holy Spirit empowers our Christian life. He gives and empowers every gift, every fruit, and every revelation of Christ. He leads us into all the truth, John 16:13, including the truth of spiritual site.

As you take this journey into the things unseen, sometimes it’s hard to know how to pursue it and how to pray. Sometimes we don’t even know what to pray for but the Holy Spirit does. So don’t hesitate to yield your tongue to him and let him help you.

We don’t see the big picture like he does. Defer to him as much as you can and you will be praying the perfect will of God and praying very productive prayers.

Also, sometimes we have issues that have to be dealt with and the holy spirit can bring to our minds any unconfessed sins or show us any blocking or hindering spirit that needs to be dealt with.

He empowers the supernatural part of the Christian life. If you have never received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, ask the Lord to baptize you now. If you do not feel that he has poured out his Spirit upon you, go to a church where there are those who have a gift of impartation of the gift of the Holy Spirit and let them lead you into it.

You do not have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to see in the spirit, but it is needed to walk in power for your entire Christian walk, and that includes in the spirit as well.

The baptism brings victory

Several years ago I was praying for someone who is acting odd and obviously had a problem. The Lord impressed upon me to pray for the person in tongues. I started to pray in tongues, and had only been praying for a couple of minutes, when an evil spirit surfaced and began speaking through the person.

The power of the Holy Spirit had provoked that spirit into betraying himself and revealing his presence, so that the person had the opportunity to be delivered.

A lot of things you see and experience as your eyes are 1st opened up, you may not know how to react to praying in the Holy Spirit is always a safe way to go in these types of situations.

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