What is blocking your site?

As the Lord began to unpack this for me, he allowed me to experience and see for myself exactly what was keeping me from seeing in the spirit. These things that I mention are by no means exhaustive. There are lots of things that may affect our site, but the important thing is that the Lord has complete understanding in these matters and he will help you.

The primary things that I discovered in my own experience were veils, scales, demonic devices and devils. Those are the things that I’ve encountered that inhibits spiritual site.


Early on in 2010, the Lord gave me a link the lesson concerning spiritual veils. It was early in the morning, perhaps 2 or 3 AM when the Lord opened my eyes to see the veils.

I’ve been praying earlier in the night, sitting downstairs in my purchaser. Basically praying, worshiping and waiting on God. After a while went upstairs to bed. But when I go to bed, I don’t just fall asleep. I usually try to stay awake for at least a few minutes in case the Lord may still want to speak to me or show me some. Always try to stay hopeful that the Lord and his love for me will bless me with always a little more of his presence and revelation.

As I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling, I was asking the Lord to show me something. Or teach me something. My spiritual eyes were open and I saw veils hanging in front of me and all around me.

The veils himself were dark and semi transparent, but not to a great degree. They look like curtains or drapes, layered in many layers. It was almost to the point that it would be almost impossible to see anything in that realm because of them.

However, they were not completely opaque and they also had many, many holes in tears and cuts in them. It was like they were not such an impenetrable or trouble obstacle after all.

With all these veils covering the spirit realm for my site, I asked the Lord why is it that sometimes I can see things and why were some of the things I see seemingly so random and odd, like a hand or a man’s chest, or the neck is someone shirt.

The Lord showed me that the veils are constantly moving, and that makes it even more difficult to see through them. But because the veils are moving, and because they have cut holes in them, some quite large, the holes quite often line up with each other and the result is that you can see through those holes into the spirit realm.

That’s why sometimes we see things that don’t make sense to us. If there is an angel standing before us when the holes in the veils line up, we may only see a small part of him for an instant before the veil shift position again.

3 T-shirts

One evening I was in my bedroom waiting on the Lord, when I looked up towards the end of the bed. There, at about 6 or 7 feet up in the air was what look like a partial chest, neck and shoulders hanging in midair wearing what look like 3 T-shirts.

I studied the site for a few moments, and then asked myself, what in the world is that? That someone responded to my question by answering, that’s my tunic.

I have to admit it, sometimes a little slow, but I realize then that I was seeing part of an angel, and it was his voice I heard. As I began to focus on what I could see, my site began to improve and in less than a minute, I could see him standing there. He had an appearance that was light in color and transparent, and had a very pleasant demeanor.

This experience, coupled with my previous instruction from the Lord, showed me that when we focus on what we see in the spirit, it is a tool that gets us past the veils.

What removes the veils? What puts all those holes and cuts and tears in them? Well, there is quite a list that is covered in an upcoming chapter but for starters I’ll tell you that it’s things like repentance, forgiveness, sanctification and warfare.

It really isn’t difficult, it’s just hard. To remove the veils when we’ve spent years, allowing them to cover us through sin, doubt, ignorance and other things, takes a commitment of our time.


The scales are completely different in appearance I saw the scales that block our site, in a similar way. However I did not get any clear instruction from the Lord on them.

I’m not saying that he didn’t tell me. I possibly just in here him. I have rely something significant over the last few years. And that is this, when you spend years or even most of your life being unaware of God’s voice, you have a time of adjustment it seems, to hear him consistently.

The scales seem to be very large, moving and looked to be alive. At least that was the impression I had when I saw them. The scales I saw were 8 – cited with some sort of fringe all around them. I actually drew a picture of them in my journal that looked pretty close. They look similar to this, in appearance. They appear to be very dense and looked even more difficult to see through.

The Scriptures talk about the scales that block our site. In acts 9:18 it speaks of something like scales falling from Saul’s eyes and then he could see.

And immediately there fell from his eyes, as it had been the scales: any receive sight forth with, and arose, and was baptized – acts 9:18

For a long time I thought of these scales as rhetorical, but of course I no longer do.

Demonic devices

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked – Ephesians 6:16

In the Scripture talks about weapons of our warfare in the fiery darts of the wicked. David also talks about those that bend their bows to shoot arrows, and Psalm chapter 64.

Of course once you engage the spirit realm, you know that all of these types of things are real. They are real spiritual weapons in the realm of the spirit.

Taken by surprise

I’ve already given you one example of demonic device, and that was the region of captivity I mentioned in chapter 3. Another realm is the time I woke up in the spirit and as soon as I realized it, I noticed I was in a heavenly place.

It look like I was about to enter a beautiful heavenly garden of some sort, with beautiful, lush green trees and rolling hills of perfectly manicured grass.

I could see a wonderful park ahead of me, when all of the sudden, someone behind me slipped the hood of some sort over my head and that abruptly ended my experience. A device.

Stay close to the Lord

Another time I was in a vision of some sort and I was amazed at how alive and clear my vision and spiritual senses were. In this vision, I happened upon profit Bob Jones who is sitting besides a country road in North Carolina adjusting one of his tennis shoes.

I walked over to Bob and asked him, how long do you have to wait for prophetic revelation? And his answer to me was, until it comes.

As I stood there close to him, my site was beyond clear, it was amazing. And I realize that. But for some unknown reason I didn’t want to wait, I wanted to go explore the surrounding area. So I began walking away, down a small path, and into the woods nearby. As I got further away, there began to cover my eyes, iron masks, 1st one then another Intel I could not really see it all, and was then stumbling along. Was not a pleasant feeling. Next paragraph the Lord taught me through this encounter, that prophetic revelation brings clear spiritual site. If I wait upon the Lord, my eyes are open. That is literally true as well as figuratively.

But I want to pursue my own thing, or my own way or direction, I allow myself to be unprotected. Find close to the Lord, I’m okay.

The encounter showed me that following after the flesh, even if it doesn’t seem like sin or ungodliness allows the demonic devices to afflict us. Whereas seeking God’s plan and will keeps us safe and allows us to operate in the spirit realm as children of God, unhindered and unmolested.


The devil has no desire whatsoever for us to see in the spirit. It is a lot harder for evil spirits to deceive you or manipulate you if you can see them as they seek to influence you.

Demonic manipulation

They will do whatever they can to keep your eyes closed. This includes speaking to you, or telling others to speak to you, or speaking through others to you, etc.

What do they say? They talk to you about fear. Oh I would go seeking that stuff and fire you, because all supernatural is of the devil. Or if your eyes are open, you may see things that are really scary and then you won’t be able to do anything about it. They will take anything from your life that has ever caused you to be afraid, and pervert that into a reason as to why you should remain spiritually blind.

They will also get religious on you. Yes, Devils really know how to be religious.

They will get your friends and family

 members to threaten you. In Christian love of course – they will ostracize you or your family, and break fellowship with you until you repent and fall back into line with them and the way we’ve always done it.

Everything that is ever been said to you about what normal religion should be, they were mind you of in any way they can. And normal does not include seeing in the spirit realm.

This is a very powerful trick of the enemy because most people do not want to offend or lose her friends, and they will offend the Lord rather than do that. Sorry, but that is true.

Direct confrontation

When I 1st began to learn about deliverance, I found out that Devils will try to confront you to back it down. They can get you to stop your quest, through the people around you, or if you refuse to listen to them when they tried to talk to your mind, sometimes they will get more obvious. They want you to be afraid to see.

Glaring Devils

For 2 weeks I’d been interceding for a young man who was bound by the spirit a loss. On this day, I was in my room doing warfare. I was using the authority we have to bind and loose. I’d been binding the spirits every day to keep them from doing their evil work so the young man could choose freedom.

I had been praying for perhaps an hour when suddenly 2 of these demonic spirits appeared in the corner of my bedroom. They stood there glaring at me as if to intimidate me.

By God’s grace, I had perfect peace. I continued praying and stared right back at them as I prayed. After a little while they left. As you are contending for your site, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that this could happen. Don’t be intimidated.

Bulls of bashan

Sometimes the Devils will be directly opposing your site and you won’t even know it. The Holy Spirit will show them to you so you can deal with it.

It was past 10 PM and I had gone upstairs to get ready for bed. I put on my pajamas and went and sat down on the bed to pray my time to go to bed prayers. I was praying for everybody, withnational request, just the general God bless us and give us good sleep type of prayer.

Suddenly I got the sense I should look up. The Holy Spirit I’m sure – and standing across the room by the hallway door was some demonic looking thing, that was about 7 or 8 feet tall, with big horns like a bull. He look like a dark, wicked man with horns. Again, just standing there looking at me.

I had no idea what it was or how it got my house, but I knew it was demonic and I began to rebuke it every way I knew how, and was commanding it to leave in Jesus name.

After about 20 minutes the thing flew away. He had done nothing more than stand there and blocked the doorway, but it took 20 minutes to drive it out.

Blocking more than the door

Immediately after he left, the space behind him illuminated and one of the most spectacular visions I’ve ever seen opened up. It was a full, fibrin, living vision that spoke to me about the destiny of my family. It was beyond awesome!

The demon was blocking my vision. The Lord wanted me to see something but this thing was preventing me from seeing some out. He blocked my site.

The devil does not want you to see anything. He doesn’t want you to see your destiny or your provision or your father’s kingdom, and he will oppose you. Sometimes he will oppose you directly and sometimes indirectly, but he will oppose you. Just remember that the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of lords is your defense in your salvation.

Nate, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loves us – Romans 8:37.

But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind – 2nd Timothy 1:7

It’s all good

So these are the type’s of things we are contending with. If you are in the spirit interceding against lust, drunkenness, fear, addictions or any other destructive thing, you may at some point face them. But God’s grace is enough to deal with it. God has a plan and he will bring it to pass. Do not be discouraged. The victories that the Lord leads you through will increase you, to build you up as sons and daughters then he will use you to help others when victories as well! It’s a great thing!

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