Weapons of our warfare

We have an arsenal. We have angelic armies. We have the blood covenant and the resurrection power the Holy Spirit. We have not been left lacking any needed thing.

If we feel, or are, defeated in any area of her life, it’s not because the Lord and make provision for us. Usually it’s because we get lulled into an apathetic sense that we can ease up from our efforts in spiritual warfare.

Falling asleep in the middle of the battle field is not a good idea no matter how you look at it. I know that we get weary. It’s important to understand completely the dynamics of warfare.

We do not warn our own strength.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds – 2nd Corinthians 10:4

As you can then for your spiritual eyes to be open, remember that you do not do it in your own strength. Graham Cooke says it this way. We are not fighting to victory, we are fighting from it.

I know that in theory we all understand this. But living it is another matter. As you begin to do warfare on behalf of your eyes and spiritual senses, you really must do it from a place of rest, and a place of joy.

All we are doing is enforcing a victory the Christ is already one for us. His authority and power on display in our lives, not our own. As we speak his word, angelic armies are set in motion. The more your eyes open, the more you will see the reality of this. The joy the Lord is your strength – Nehemiah 8:10

Extreme joy, extreme power

In 2010, I attended an annual men’s conference in northern Indiana. While there I met people of all types, from many walks of life who were called to the ministry of deliverance.

Some were very serious people and some were easy-going in nature. All were successful in their calling because we move in the authority of Christ. Not in any qualifications we might have apart from that.

During dinner, met a young black man from the Chicago area church also there for the conference.

He began to tell me and another man at the table, of exploits that the Lord was using for them for, that were extraordinary and exciting. He told the stories of rousting and defeating demons, with a big smile in his face and laughter in his voice. He had so much joy and excitement in the battle that it was in no way work for him.

And here’s the point I want you to really get… I have been in the presence of great men of God. They are men that you would know. And I have never felt power coming off a human being like I did from that young man. Frankly, it scared me a little. I’ve only ever felt that from Angels, with the exception of only a couple of people carried something very similar to that power.

The reason I tell you this is because I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I have made. Do not strive for your spiritual site. Know that the Lord wants you to see. Know that the Lord will not withhold any good thing from you. And do your warfare from that place of confidence in God that he is already won the victory. Do it with joy!


Prayer will open your eyes. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much – James 5:16 learn how to pray from people who know how to pray.

Pray with your whole heart

When you pray, try to be focused on what you are praying about. In general, that is a good rule. Specific to our journey, as you pray for your eyes to open, pray pray with your entire being. Pray with your voice, your desire, your soul, your consciousness and with your thoughts.

Here is what it looks like. I am praying for the Lord open my eyes.

Lord, thank you for opening my eyes. Your word says you came to give sight to the blind and I stand in agreement with your word. I thank you that I can see! I thank you that you withhold no good thing. Thank you Jesus for applying the ice slab of Revelation 3:18. I received my site Lord. Thank you Lord!

While my mouth is praying those words, in my imagination, I’m watching Jesus smear I solve on my eyes. I’m seeing my eyes being open. I’m watching Angels look at me realizing that I can see them now.

In my soul and emotions, I’m making myself feel the excitement of this occasion! I become overwhelmed with the feeling of seeing the unseen!

Why? Why do I do that? Isn’t that just pretending?

 Pastor and evangelist Mel bond calls this praying with your whole heart. I believe it is the only way to pray. You are focused and undivided in your spirit, soul and body. This is how it’s done.

How many times have you been in church singing the worship songs are listening to the message from the speaker, only to also be wondering what time church will be over today? Or seeing in your mind how long the line that the buffet is because he was a little long-winded today? You’re thinking about 2 things.

This is why we pray with our whole heart. So we can take every thought captive on to the obedience of Christ. If you want your eyes open, you can’t be praying double minded prayers.


This is a great truth about the kingdom, as we pray for others to get the blessings they need from the Lord, he also blesses us. He blesses us even more so than if we had only prayed for ourselves. You know the Scripture… But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant – Matthew 23:11.

If you’ll spend some time praying for, blessing and lifting up others, the Lord will give you an exponential blessing. It is even more so if the person you are praying for is not worthy of that blessing. And this will open your eyes as well.

My boss from hack

The Lord gave me a firsthand lesson and revelation concerning this truth. And only took me 3 long years to finally get it.

And one time in my life, I was given a boss was mean, rude, ill tempered, deceitful, and those words his good points! You can imagine.

I would go to work and he would row beat me in front of the people, threatened to fire me, find ways to make me work off the clock, and so on. By prayer for him was Lord please let him not suffer too much as the bus runs over him. I had no love for them. But what I failed to consider was the fact that God is not willing that any should perish. He loved this guy! And he wanted to save him.

One night I was in my prayer chair, asking Lord for deliverance from this ungodly man and Lord spoke to me.

I want you to bless them. Is what the Lord said. I wasn’t really on board with that but I began anyway, Lord bless them with salvation and blessing with deliverance, save him from hell. Not a real enthusiastic offering.

The Lord spoke to me again and said, no, bless him as if he was your son. Well, he was my son I would definitely pray differently. So I began. It took me a little while to finally feel sincere but I blessed him every way I knew how. I blessed his life, his family, his finances and everything else I could think of. I gave them 2 ½ hours of my undivided prayer time.

When I was done, my spiritual eyes open, and an angel of the Lord showed up and gave me a small gift. It was a gift that signified that I was justified now through faith in the word Lord. He had told me what to do. I did it in faith even though I didn’t really understand why had to do it. But God bless me.

And also found out that my boss no longer had any hold of my life or my emotions. The Lord is set me free. Then, on top of that, 2 weeks later he was fired. The Lord moved him out of my life. I think that if perhaps I had interceded for this man 3 years earlier I would’ve saved myself a lot of grief.

If you want the Lord to give you the desires of your heart, intercede for others. It pleases the Lord and he will reward your obedience.

Breaking open the spirit realm

I was very worried one night about someone whom I love and I decided I would intercede for them. I know the song says why worry when you can pray, but I was praying because I was worried. I’m just trying to be real.

I hit my knees and began to pray. Since I didn’t really know what to pray for or about, I prayed in tongues. Because I did feel burdened, I prayed with intensity. I didn’t have to try and work it up. At about the 4 hour mark, the burden began to lift, and as it did, the Lord transported me to the place where he was. You’ll find this is not uncommon if he intercede for others. I found myself standing in the same room with him and I could see exactly what was going on in the room, in the natural and in the spiritual realms. I verified all this later with the man.

The Lord showed me through this encounter exactly what and how he wanted me to pray for this individual. Soon I could also prate with understanding as well.

The Lord Jesus was and is a servant to all. That is what a good father is. If you desire to be like him through interceding, he will be very pleased that you sacrifice your own agenda to help others and he will really bless you.

Pressing through in prayer

I’ve been guilty, too many times, of praying for the most serious of things without serious conviction.

A thirty second prayer of Lord heal so-and-so or some brief mention tacked onto another prayer. Thankfully the Lord is merciful and patient. The Lord is taught me about the incredible privilege we have to press through in prayer.

Pressing through in prayer is praying into you have a sense that something is been done. Something is been accomplished. When you lift up a person or situation in prayer, you know that sometimes the burden can actually feel almost physical. There can, shift in the spirit realm, where you can feel that burden either lift or lesson. That is a simple explanation of pressing through in prayer. Prayer changes things is not some religious catchphrase. It is a powerful truth. It is a great opportunity and privilege and an incredible weapon and tool. This is the kind of prayer that opens spiritualize.

Did I not say, if you would just believe

Mahesh and Bonnie chavda, evangelists and pastors of all nations church in Charlotte, North Carolina, know about pressing through in prayer. mahesh received a call from day from the very distraught parents of a little girl who was dying of liver disease. The doctors had done all they could do, and their little girl had perhaps only days to live.

The parents told mahesh that the Lord had told them to call the general, and they knew the Lord meant Mahesh. mahesh and Bonnie agreed, they would pray. They began to pray and the Lord Jesus joined them. mahesh tells of how they were supernaturally transported into the girls liver, and they ministered to every cell. Mahesh, Bonnie, and the Lord Jesus prayed for 26 hours for the girl! Yes, I said 26 hours. This is not a typo!

After 26 hours, the Lord told them it is done. mahesh then called the parents and told them it is done. And it was! The Lord had given the girl a perfect, brand-new liver. The doctors could give no medical explanation. mahesh and Bonnie had press through in prayer. Learn the press through in prayer!

As you contend for your spiritual site, sometimes you have to press through. Evangelists neville Johnson says that sometimes you may have to fast and pray to break through into the spirit, but what you do, it is fairly easy to maintain.

Decree, declare and prophesy!

You should already know that words are powerful. You should know that you can shape your destiny or the destiny of those around you by the words that you speak. That is why we will be accountable for every word.

I make decrees or my family every day. I speak blessings over my family every day. I declare things from God over my family every day. Things like

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord – Joshua 2415

No weapon formed against us shall prosper – Isaiah 54:17

He is given his angels charge over us – Psalm 91:11

Angels listen for God’s Word to perform it. And they do.

The Bible says – thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established on to the, and light show shine upon thy ways – Job 22:28

There is power in your decree and in your agreement with this word of the Lord. If you decree on the authority of the word that your eyes will open and see clearly, it will come to pass.

The Lord is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent. If he said it, will he not do it – numbers 23:19

I really was not aware of this word are the power this word until I heard Bobby Connor teach on it. The Lord sent Bobby out West during a raging wildfire that it burned up hundreds of thousands of acres with no end in sight. It was August and they were in a drought, and everything was like firewood. The Lord asked Bobby, how long are you going to let that go on? I want you to go on prophesy a snowstorm.

Bobby flew to Montana and when is close to the fire as the law would allow, stood on the mountain and prophesied a snowstorm the fall. He has the newspaper clipping from the following day’s paper. It says, surprised snowstorm, fire extinguished, job well done!.

On the heels of Bobby Connor’s testimony, one day I was asking the Lord about something very, very big I was dealing with, and the Lord reminded me of Bobby’s teaching and told me to decree a thing. I said Lord, I’m not sure I have faith for that, could I degree something small 1st, so you can build up my faith? The Lord told me, yes, go ahead.

So, remembering Bobby snow testimony, this was to decree I made… In Jesus name I decree that it will snow here today! Now, I was in Indiana, it was August, the temperature was in the low 70s. But I really felt that if the Lord honored this decree, then I could believe for the bigger thing.

I was driving around the city all day working, but at the same time as watching the sky closely. All morning and all afternoon I look for the snow. I priced up looking for the snow about 5 PM or so. At about 7 PM, I was kind of absentmindedly driving along, listening to the radio. All of a sudden there were snow flurries coming down upon my truck!

It was amazing and exciting, and I was almost giddy with excitement! I watched the snow coming down for 10 or 15 seconds, and then I said, no! As in, no, I don’t believe this is really happening! As soon as I said no, the snow flurries stopped! I immediately complained to the Lord about the flurries not lasting longer. And he told me that I had stopped the Furies by the word I’d spoken. And then he told me to be careful of the words I speak because they have power.

That is the power of speaking God’s word! If he can send a snowstorm, he can open your eyes. Decree the word of the Lord over your spiritual senses. Declare his will concerning your site. Prophesy to your eyes! Eyes you will see in Jesus name!

Engaging the kingdom

Prayer – pick something that you really need are you really want to pray about. Pray exactly the way I described it to you. See the prayer coming to pass in your mind and imagination. Keep your old being engaged in of one accord. Do this at 1st for at least 10 minutes and try to add more time as you continue. It becomes easier.

Intercession – there is someone in your life who you really have no desire to pray for. Think for a few minutes on where this person may spend eternity. Asked the Lord to give you a burden for this person. Give them one hour of the best blessing in prayer that anyone has ever prayed over them. Afterwards, sit very quiet still and asked the Lord if he wants to tell you anything, and then listen for his voice. Or, if there is someone with a great need, intercede the same way for 2 hours.

Decree, declare and prophesy! – Consider any problem or situation you have going on in your life. Decree every day 10 times a day what you desire to come to pass. Do this for a week and watch God move. Declare every morning and every night just before sleep that the eyes of your heart are being enlightened. And finally, prophesy over your home. Home, you are a bath on a gateway to heaven. You are a habitation of angels. You are placed to reveal the Lord’s glory!

As you do these things, be sensitive to the spiritual atmosphere around you and in your home. See how the atmosphere changes. In all these exercises be aware of what is going on around you.

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