
How do we deal with iniquity?

As we have seen throughout this book, iniquity is not a simple sin that we just ask for forgiveness and and the problem. Iniquity is an entire body of sin and evil, rooted within our spirit. Iniquity has corrupted the whole structure of our thoughts and our behavior, and it has also infiltrated our bones and organs.

Uprooting it takes time and dedication, but it will be the best investment of her life’s. The fruit of righteousness, together with the promises and the long-awaited blessings of God will manifest in us. A new chapter waits, full of great joy and victory in Christ Jesus.

The first thing we must do is ask Holy Spirit to help us in this wonderful process of deliverance. We must ask him to send us a true spirit of repentance and the courage to change.

Now, pray this prayer with me or pray your own with sincerity:

Holy Spirit, I come to you today, pummeling my heart, asking for a true spirit of repentance to come over me. Open my spiritual eyes so that I can see my iniquity. Give me your gifts of revelation, dreams and words of knowledge, so that I can understand what my ancestors did, that is affecting my life, bringing curses and obstacles that hinder me from living the life of abundance in the blessings of your kingdom.

What you must do next is consecrate the moment of your conception. In the kingdom of God and in the invisible word there is no time or reason why we cannot amend some things according to God’s will. Imagine your father’s small sperm in your mother’s ovule that gave you life. Now, pray something like this:

Heavenly father, and this moment I consecrate the sperm of my father who gave me life, and a cleric clean by the blood of Jesus Christ, therefore, holy and perfect. I declare that it becomes full your spirit and your life. Also consecrate my mother’s ovule and declared clean by the blood of Jesus Christ and full of your life. Thank consecrate to your holy name Jehovah, the Almighty God, the very moment of my conception. I declare it bless, full of your internal purpose, covered by your blood in hand. I declare my life will accomplish all that I was created for. I surrender my life to you from this moment on and receive your DNA with all of the spiritual inheritance that there is in your blood. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Now, take a notebook in which to jot down everything that the Lord brings to your remembrance or shows you. Review the list provided in the Bible as being iniquity. Pray over each of these sin this, one at a time. Take a moment as you go over the list, waiting for the spirit to bring conviction, memories a revelation. Then, confess your iniquity in the iniquity of your ancestors. It is likely that you have committed the same sin this that they committed, since this is recorded in your spiritual inheritance.

Let’s begin Isaiah 59 the chapter of iniquity by excellence:

Isaiah 59:2 – but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue have the murmured perverseness. None call for justice, nor any pleaded for truth; the trust in vanity and lot speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. Line tongues: religiosity, and pagan religious practices, hypocrisy, and all kinds of fraud or deceit.

A wicked tongue: slander, gossip, cussing, scar chasm, poisonous tongue, bearing false witness, and murmuring.

Not crying out for justice: lack of compassion in the face of others misfortune, indifference to the sins of cities, and indifference to the sin of the church. We have the ability to do well, but don’t do it.

Not judging with truth: making judgments in a hurry, showing favoritism to those we love are those who profit us, showing favoritism to the rich over the poor and racism.

Trusting in vanity and speaking vanity: trusting in Riches, trusting in the systems of this world, putting our trust in man, medicine, or salary, or the insurance of this world and talking about it.

Thoughts of iniquity: revenge, plotting evil, by counting the work of God, all the thoughts in which we plan to do evil to someone else, and resentment and bitterness.

Not walking in righteousness, via twisted paths: trusting in our own righteousness instead of God’s, taking the Lordship of our life, putting our decisions above those of God, and he rolled it does not lead us to righteousness, twisting the will and peace of God, not keeping a commitment, of our promise, and causing others to suffer.

Rebellion before God and his statutes.

Departing from following God: following and trusting other gods, idolatry, occultism, witchcraft, divination, new age, Satanism, spiritualism, and sectarianism.

This is the list found in the 10 Commandments. Exodus 20:1 – 17 – excluding those already mentioned.

Taking the name of God in vain: swearing by his name, using it without respect and 6 aggressive exclamations, telling jokes using his name and blaspheming.

Not resting: although the non-Jewish Christian does not need to keep the Sabbath – resting in God is a way for Christians to trust him. In addition, not resting her body’s breaks a natural law of life. Stress and anxiety are iniquitous.

Not honoring your father and mother: lack of respect for authority, speaking poorly about them, and not treating them with dignity and love.

Committing adultery: fornication, pornography, sexual perversion, unnatural, and appropriate use of the body or your spouse, all kinds of sexual aberration, uncleanness, lasciviousness, orgies, impurity, unruly passions, and incest.

Stealing: fraud, changing property boundaries with the intention of robbing, falsifying measures, paying unjust salaries, and tax evasion.

Coveting: your neighbor spouse, his servants or his goods in the things of this world.

This is the list in Galatians 5 – excluding those already mentioned

Strife: verbal or physical violence, amnesty, arguing, jealousy, bad temper, dissensions, anger, sowing discord, and divisions.

Heresy: changing the content of the word, twisting Scripture in order to control and dominate people by intimidating them, using the word to obtain dishonest gain, and interpreting the word in order to justify sin or lack of integrity.

Drunkenness: at diction any drug, smoking.

Envy: wicked desires.

This is the list of Colossians 3 – excluding those already mentioned.

Greed: trusting in Riches, indifferent to the needs of the poor are the work of God, and idolatry of goods of this world – to possessions that can be touched.

Love of the world.

Disobedience: to God, to his word, and to authority; lack of submission; and having a rebellious and independent spirit.

This is the list and second Timothy 3 – excluding those already mentioned.

Love of oneself, despite his him, loving eyes, vanity, pride, haughtiness, tiring me; bragging, considering yourself superior to others and conceit.

Ungrateful: feeling we are the owners of what we possess, without realizing that everything belongs to God and not living gratefully and according to what Jesus did for us.

Lack of natural affection: selfishness.

Discontent: never content and never satisfied with the blessings of God.



Cruelty: sadistic, may sadistic; and mental and verbal cruelty.

Treason: disloyalty.

Leveling pleasure more than God.

Corruption: conspiracy.

This is a list of other sins:

Feuding blood are drowned animals and eating cured meats made with blood or eating animals that have not been drained of blood.

Tempting God: criticizing God or accusing him.

Eating what has been sacrificed to idols, and participating in pagan festivals in which food dedicate the idols is eaten, such as festivals for the dead, Halloween, Saints are virgins.

Preventing what is holy: profaning our bodies, tattoos, or body piercing.

Prostitution: selling oneself for money and selling vegetables for Riches.

Divorce. – Those not justified by fornication or mistreatment.

Homosexuality: beast yelled he.

Sexual the privy Asian: beast yelled he – sex with animals, Fidel Ferree – sex with children, and necrophilia – sex with dead.

Unbelief: distrustful hearts, double minded, pessimism, and faultfinding.

Fear: lack of faith.

Forgetting the poor and the widows.

No fear of God.

Usery: lending money with interest are taking advantage of those who have borrowed money.

I’ve tried to make this list as extensive as possible in order to provide better tools for your liberation. To me, there is nothing more wonderful than solving a mystery, and discovering what has been hindering my walk with God, and then removing it.

As I have advised in previous chapters, at times it will be necessary to make detailed, exhaustive lists. This is not really a requirement for your salvation; it is for your total liberty and blessing. Once you have asked forgiveness very specifically in each area that you have identified with; command on the equity to be uprooted from your spirit and soul.

Then, command the physical substance produced by the iniquity to be loosed from your bones and organs, and commanded to exit your body. As these are literal liquids, they will leave the body through diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urine, phlegm and runny nose as if one had a cold. All this is perfectly natural and will leave in this way.

It is a good idea when you are commanding the substances to exit your body, that you touch all of your joints place trans on a different body parts. Someone for the Holy Spirit can help you, though him to place his hands on each joint of the via vertebrae in your back while you command iniquity leave.

You can pray something like this:

Lord, I ask you to forgive me iniquity and iniquity all my ancestors. We have all sinned against you. But today I repent for my entire ancestral line because we have committed… Name the specific sins. I asked you to forgive us and cleanse me. Purge me from spirit, soul and body of all these inequities.

I command all iniquity residing in my bones and in my organs to leave my body right now. Iniquity, leave my bones in my organs in the name of Jesus!

Continue doing this until it manifests and it is out. It may take hours or even days for all the to leave. May feel little tired, but this is totally normal. You will recover quickly.

Once you have done this, cancel the curses that have resulted from the iniquity in your life. Now you are ready for the righteousness of God to be established upon your life, and all of the blessings of God.

Final prayer

My final prayer for you:

Father, I ask you, going to your mercy, righteousness and truth, to establish my brother – sister in your divine righteousness. From this day on, he – he will be established as righteous, first of all by your selfless sacrifice, and secondly, because he – he has ordered from iniquity to file your kingdom. I do care upon him – or that all your blessings and your goodness will come upon him – her and will overtake him – or. I declare that your mercy will rest upon his – or generations.

Isaiah 59:19 – so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of Lord shall lift up a standard against him. And the Redeemer shall come design, and a to them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord; my spirit that is upon the, and my words which I have put in my mouth, shall not depart out of my mouth, nor out of the mouth that I seed, nor all of the mouth of thy seed seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever.

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