
We are living in the days that are shortening. We must get to grips with who we are as the sons and heirs of the kingdom of heaven. We must get to grips with the fact that we are able to go into heaven and we are able to experience heaven today.

Whatever you look like in the spirit is how the demonic spirit world sees you. Whatever you carry of the kingdom is what you represent when you are in the spirit realm. Some of the vital things we need to carry as believers are the crowns that God is given us. Crowns are very important because a crown speaks of a realm of authority. Whenever a king would wear his crown he would have that dominion over his realm. He usually wore his crown when he was out amongst the people or when he was sitting on his throne. The reason he wore that crown is because it represented the land he had authority over. As believers we have crowns and the Bible is very clear about these crowns. I want to teach about this because, for many of us, some of our crowns are in the trophy room at the devil and we are going to get them back!

Crowns are important to us as believers, particularly when we come before the throne. Revelation tells us that:

The 24 elders bow down before the one who sits on the throne, and they worship him who lives forever and ever. They put their crowns down ( cast/lay their crowns) before the throne – Revelation 4:10

I do not want to turn up in heaven and have no crown to throw before him as an offering. The crown is the very thing he has given you to where to display him, so when you lose a crown it is important to go back and pick up your crown.

So what is the objective of carrying a crown? It is the provision of the relevant anointing or mandate that the crown represents. A crown mandates us to do a job and enables us to have rulership over the circumstances that are arrayed against us. These crowns are a means of identifying who you are in the spirit. This identification releases the government of God around your life and the power of God around you into the atmosphere. It is a recognition –  the spirit world knows what you look like.

In Jerusalem when the seven sons of Sceva tried to cast demons out of a man, seven guys with one man, they said:

We exorcise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches. An evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you? Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded – Acts 19:13, 15 – 16.

That is about where the church is at when confronting the enemy: Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you? You do not go into the glory, who are you? Most of the church is running away from demon naked.

Being able to see in the spirit is really neat because you can see what people are caring on their lives. Many of us have only two or three crowns. O Jesus, I want more of the realm of heaven then I have today!

A crown is symbolic of the representative of the realm of government. Without a crown there is no symbol of that recognition. You can be going down the street and see a police car with a flashing light at the side of the road. Usually most of us gasp to ourselves quietly and take your foot off the Accelerator! It is because of who they are and what they carry that we do this. If you feel guilty about something, or you have done something wrong, when you go past the policeman you will feel it. They do not even have to look at you, they may not even know that you are there, but what they carry underbody and on their car perpetrate something in the spirit world.

You and I are no different in the realm of the spirit, we carry the government of heaven and whenever we arrived, the devil gasps! But the devil has made the church think that we are the kitten and he is the lion. Then God tells us to roar! But we go meow! The devil has made us think that he is the lion, but the Bible says the lion is a lion of the tribe of Judah, who is Jesus. I belong to that tribe of the lion of the tribe of Judah, so that means I am a lion to! The devil has made us believe that we are the animals in the field and he is the lion who goes around hunting us. He hunts those who are lonely, isolated, weak or injured because they are easy prey. That is why we need to have fellowship with one another. That is why we need to be knitted into a body of people and that is why we need to exercise the realm of dominion so that we stay strong and healthy.

I was born in Africa in the middle of the jungle of Swaziland. When a lion comes into view all the other animals are happy if they can see it. The moment a lion disappears somebody is in trouble! The animals will always keep an eye on the lion and the moment the lion disappears the other animals get jittery because something is going to happen. When a lion is hunting it does not put its mouth into the air to roar, (it does that in the Night watch and in the cool of the day.) When it is hunting and on the prowl for meat, it puts its mouth to the ground and it roars into the ground. Then the ground erupts all around the animals so they do not know where the point of attack is coming from.

When we roar, we put our face against the realm of the spirit. We roar into the ground of the realm of the spirit and the enemy does not know where the attack is coming from. That is why God can send an ambush against him – a surprise attack, because the enemy gets so confused! First that which is the natural, then that which is the spiritual ( first Corinthians 15:46). When a lion roars like that the animals suddenly scatter and this is also what happens in the spirit. But we have believed that the devil is the lion so when he roars the church scatters! This should not be so, but we have learned this because it has been our experience and we do not know enough about the realm of the kingdom. We have never been there and seen how the kingdom really works, so God is trying to unlock some of these things for us now. Crowns are very symbolic, particularly of the tribe that you belong to. They represent who you are and the spirit world sees them. When you are in the spirit world you have them on your head. The devil knows how much authority you have by which crowns you are wearing. It is very clear.

Unless you hold what God is giving you to prayer, worship and encounters with God, the crowns will be removed from your life by the hand of man through circumstances in the natural as well is in the spirit.

A crown can be removed by the hand of man, so who do you think is going to knock our crowns off our heads? Man. Why do you think Jesus used some very strong words against the Pharisees and the religious leaders of his day? What was he doing? He was addressing the crowns that they were wearing. He spoke to them very clearly:

While you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!… Whitewashed tombs… Full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness… Brood of vipers! – Matthew 23:27, 33.

Jesus spoke about the crown of death that they carry – religious pride. I hate it! There are times when I find I am being religious too. It is okay, you just need to repent and pick your crowd up again because it has been lost. If the devil can orchestrate circumstances around your life where the hand of man can remove your crown, then he will. You need to hold onto your crown:

Holdfast which you have, so that no one may rob you and deprive you of your crown – Revelation 3:11.

It is the carnal and natural man in lives of others that will try and remove that crowns through natural circumstances around you, to shut down your spirit life. It could come through accusation, through guilt, through shame, through the sin of another against your life, through trespass or our own sin or iniquity that we carry – anything that can give the devil a handle for somebody to come beside you and knock  one of your crowns off. When a crown falls off your head, the devil picks it up and takes it down into the trophy room and shows all the other devils his victory. I do not know about you, but that makes me really angry!

There are two places the crowns can be removed. One is by sin and the other by the hand of man. Both result in a loss of rulership. With the loss the crown comes the loss of that relevant flow of the anointing of the life of the kingdom. Sin is your own choices, your own desires, your own issues and the things that you have not responded to in God. The hand of

Man is the choices of others and behavior of others against you, often against your will and against your choices. Both are subject to circumstances and often the right responses are the remedies that will prevent your crown being stone. Summary rejects you; you can lose a crown if you choose to receive the rejection. So, somebody speaks destructive words to you, you can lose a crown if you choose to receive their words. You are receiving their words which are rejection if your soul is broken. If your soul is broken then you will not want to wear the crown anyway, so you are going to hide it from the spirit world.

So, how do I recognize where I have lost a crown or that it has been removed from my life? Is quite simple really. I cannot do something I used to do. Jesus spent hours praying in tongues, focused on Roman the kingdom. It is great to be like that for a season. One day it was like a switch was turned off and it was so hard just to pray for 20 minutes a day in the spirit. I wondered what was going on! Then the Lord told me that I knew about his crowns teaching and was not doing the very thing had taught others to do. So I had to go back.

You deal with a crown being knocked off your life by going back to last place you experience that element of the kingdom, or the last time that experience was happening to you – when it stopped. Her abuse that kind of experiences happen, often many of these crowns are knocked off your head at the same time. And something will happen you will feel like you do not want to go on living anymore. Reason that happens is because the crowns have been removed from your life and there is no more covering and displaying of that manifestation, because it is the manifestation it keeps you going.

When we are working with these crowns like this it is very important to see that they can be removed from our lives. This can happen by mantra natural circumstances or by the spirit world through supranational circumstances. Some of us were in Asia in a room once, busy praying and talking, when I became aware that there was something spiritual outside and around the room that should not have been there. When the occult world was a shut something down the enemy will send assignments. God is given us dominion over these assignments. It is a crown of righteousness to gives us dominion because corruption cannot touch righteousness.

So, I was sitting inside a room with righteous anger Rowling and by this stage I was considering whether I would confront this thing or not. As my resolve strengthen I said, father name of Jesus are buying the spirit that has been on assignment. Then in the house, further down the passage from us, came this howling sound! You can make two choices in response to that, you can either shrink in fear or you can rise in your spirit. In about 20 seconds I had raised my spirit man, taking authority over the evil spirit in Jesus name. It was as though somebody had flicked the switch and turn the howling noise off.

So let’s look at some of these crowns.

The crown of righteousness

Second Timothy 4:8 – finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord; the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to those who loved his appearing.

This crown is received at salvation and is the base of all other layers because without righteousness nothing can sit firmly on your life. Righteousness basil game means as though I had never sin. The cross and salvation in our lives releases righteousness.

Romans 4:6 – the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness

God is looking for a release of the glory, but have righteousness need to carry a crown of righteousness. Righteousness can be destroyed by willful choice to sin. Many of us struggle with the arena sin and allies so often we do not have a crown of righteousness our lives because of the sin nature we are struggling with. That is why we need to go into the courtroom, because that is where God puts a new garment on us in a new crown(or Mitre) on her head – Zechariah 3:5. The moment you go back into the courtroom you get your crown of righteousness back again. This is woven into the word but, unless you see it, there is no reality of revelation for it. If you do not have the crown of righteousness on your life at all, it means that you have committed apostasy and turn your back on God.

The crown of life

James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which Lord’s promise to those who love him

This is the crown it is received through the trials of life in our dealings with temptations, coming to a place of expressive abandonment in love of Jesus Christ as we experience the victory over our sin. When we experience victory over the struggles in life, we begin to rejoice a little bit. Too many of us are walking around like sour persimmons, going to the unsaved to say, come along to church with me, common let’s suck some lemons every Sunday! If there is no joy, there is no strength because the joy the Lord is your strength – Nehemiah 8:10. That is why there is so little power in the church, because there is not much joy.

Drawing on the government of the crown of life releases inside of me the life of God. This then releases life of God into the realm of the spirit through me, coming from my spirit, through my cell and into my body. My body will come alive because it is full of life. That is how I can teach for 12 or 14 hours a day – because of the crown of life.

You must exercise the crowns. Just wearing a crown is great, but when you exercise it, the crown becomes a weapon a war in your hand and establishes a realm of government around you.

The crown of glory

First Peter 5:4 – when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away

When the Christ in you begins to manifest around you, and you manifest God in the world around you as a king, then the crown of glory is manifested and revealed to the spirit world. Every time we manifest God to the world around us this crown is displayed for the world to see. I love the crown of glory because throughout my whole life I want to be around the glory. Crown you where displays the manifestation of the relationship you have with the God of glory. If you do not have a relationship with God do not expect it to be displayed. I want to realm of glory to be manifest!

Once when I had a meeting in Asia, I said to the other people that there is a world when a fire that is going to come, and when it touches down the glory is going to come. I thought it would manifest in one of our meetings, but it did not happen.

Later we were in another meeting where a particular brother happen to get up and preach and he came down with spiritual impact and it was glorious! That is a displaying of the crown of glory as a manifestation of the supernatural world of God on the earth. Was to carry the crown of glory you will not manifest the supernatural world of God. We must carry these crowns in our lives.

The incorruptible Crown

First Corinthians 9:25 – Everyman it strives for self-control is temperate in all things. Now they do to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible

This crown is represented by our personal yield didn’t miss the life of God, doing his will and the personal pursuit of his presence, because unless you going to his presence you will still remain corruptible.

When you go into his presence to get clean. It is only areas that are unclean that can become corrupt. When something is clean and pure then it cannot be corrupted. When something is unrighteous it can be corrupted. When it is holy and righteous it cannot be corrupted. That is why you go into his presence to become righteous. You do not stand here in the natural and try to earn brownie points to make yourself feel righteous; you going to his presence and become righteous, because righteousness is given to you. Then you manifested here and you deal with your mess.

The only thing the Bible talks about his own corruptible as God, all that he is in all that he has. The more we spent time there in that atmosphere of incorruption, the more we are going to put on incorruption. We struggle at sin because our body is incorruption because of the corruption in the nature that Adam gave us. We were endowed with it when he sin would sing. When crowns are moved from our lives, when we willfully choose to send a do not come into the presence of God, often we do not have the crown of life. We know there is supposed to be a flow life, but how do we receive it? Well may receive it by wearing the crown of life. There is a life flow of the kingdom that is in the crown. It will flow out of your life when you are in the spirit. Wherever it goes it brings life.

The crown of the anointing oil

Leviticus 21:12 – neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of his God; for the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon him: I am the Lord.

This crown is given in the places that we encounter the presence of God in a deeply relational way and it is maintained by our daily connection with God. Every time you express this relationship in your bring the kingdom, the crown is magnified in your life. The demons hate the crown of the anointing oil because it speaks of their burning! They cannot stand it because when we show up with that anointing they wonder, who is going to get burned today? Who is going have their little needy brain stuck into the cross with a nail between the eyes? Hallelujah!

How many of us want the anointing? I know I do. Not only do I want that anointing for what is around me but also for my own life. I want to be anointed by God. When you are anointed by God there is a crown with that anointing in the spirit world respects their crown when you are under that anointing. The crown is visible to the spirit world. It sees their crown of the anointing oil on your life in the spirit world knows that when you pray things are going to happen because you are wearing a crown.

Many believers where the crown of the anointing oil because they hunger for the anointing. Remember, there is more than just the anointing. There is a whole stack about the crowns you need to go after in your life, to pursue keep on your life.

The crown of rejoicing

First Thessalonians to: 19 – for what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ it is coming?

Rejoicing means to have an overflow of joy with the ability to express it. The implication behind it includes shouts and expressions of joy. When you are in the spirit and I crown is on your head, you will have unsaved people come to you and say, man, what are you on? They feel the tangible reality in the natural world of the rejoicing.

I was a manager in the health and fitness club in New Zealand. My manager and the management team I work for new row is born again and that I did these types of conferences and teachings. They were always saying how weird I was all the time and asking me how I did what I did! I did things in seven hours that it would take somebody else 35 hours to do. Hallelujah?

This crown is carried by the fruit of your life. If you do not rejoice, do not expect to carry this crown. The demonic world looks at you and wonders how much joy you have. They look for the crown. If you have not got this crown, it means you are busy sucking sour persimmons, which means you are becoming religious! If you not have any joy, you have a problem – you have a major religious,

Demonized problem! You need to have joy. The joy to Lord is your strength – Nehemiah 8:10. He gives you joy for morning, he turns your ashes into joy – Isaiah 61:3. You need to have joy!

There are times when I do not feel joy, I stand in front of my mirror saying, joy come forth, ha ha ha! Sometimes you just have to do some stupid. If I find I’m not rejoicing I going to get a really funny, crazy movie out and I watch and tie laughed! Once I start laughing, I turn it off and carry on laughing, just because it feels good to laugh! You need to get some joy in your bones! The crown of rejoicing is carried by the fruit of your life, represented by your daily encounter in connection with God.

This servant King crown

Last crown at Jesus start a place on our heads is a servant King crown, the interlocking crown, the fair miter that is set upon her head when we go into heaven.

God wants us to learn how to be Kings. Bless your caring your crowns you will never become a king. A king wears crowns. The enemy sees what crowns you carry. He knows the measure of your government by the crowns if you carry in the spirit. He hates the crowns of the governmental arena of the kingdom. He hates them and wants them off your life. The devil does not like you caring them. Not only can you carry them in devil see them but you can trade with them in heaven. That is why the Bible says the elders cast their crowns down before the Lord, training before God on the sea of glass for government:

Revelation 4:10 – the 24 elders fall down before him sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever never, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: you are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.

A crown is a symbol of a representative of the realm of government. A king does not exist outside of his crown. If you were to sit on your throne without a crown on, you and I have any government. That is why when a king sits on his throne, he has a crown on his head in a scepter in his hand. This is because a crown is representing the principality or dominion that you rule over with all that government brings. The scepter is the power to bring judgment for Navarino government. God never judges to death. God only judges towards righteousness; but where there is even remaining in the chaos of unrighteousness the result is death. He judges to truth, to life and righteousness and out of that he brings justice. Justice is not judging bad things and trying to make bad things right. Justice is judging and bring life, where there has been bad and good things, because they are all suffering underneath the crown of death.

Without a crown there is no symbol of the recognition of the government of the realm of the spirit that you and I are supposed to walk in. When you come along in the realm of the spirit, the first things the demons will look for are your crowns. You have any crowns on? Because if you do not you are in a bit of mess.

Are you covered with garments? (Exodus 28:3, Revelation 3:5). If not, you are in a mess.

Do you have a scepter?(Genesis 49:10, Psalms 110:2, Hebrews 1:8).

You have the ring with the power of eternity around your life? (haggai 2:23, Luke 15:22).

You have the governmental stones inside your life?

Are they in bed in the breastplate you carry in your spirit?(28:15 – 21, Ephesians 6:14).

Are you a living stone? – First Peter 2:5.

Is your new name on the living stone? – Revelation 2:17.

Are you a pillar? – Revelation 3:12.

Is the new name of Jerusalem written on your life yet?

If not, why not?

If you are not carrying your mantle then your back is exposed – first Samuel 28:14, first Kings 19:13.

Are you armored? – Ephesians 6:13 – 18. The spirit world looks at what you carry.

Do you have the seven colors of the seven spirits of God manifesting through your life – so you look white to them? If you do not, you have a problem, because you are still a little baby, which means they can toy would you like a mouse.

The wrestling that goes on between the two kingdoms is all about positional power and authority, about government and dominion. It is God who puts you in his kingdom and it is the flash that once you in the other kingdom. Unless you hold onto what God is given you, you may lose it.

Almost everyone has crowns missing from their life, some people more than others because they have allowed the hand of man and circumstances to remove them from their life. We must all go back in our lives and pick our crowns up so each of us can understand the arena that God wants us to walk in. This enables you to become a king, to rule again and have something to trade with when you come before the presence of God.

It is a waste of time coming before the throne of God unless you have a crown on your head. That is why so many of us cannot get there – because we do not have the crowns we need to go before the throne of God. You can go into his presence, but to go into his throne is a totally different thing. The throne of God is all about government. If you do not go in there with government on your life then you are in trouble! If there is no government, that means there is judgment, because you are not holding rank.

Bad crowns

There are some bad crowns. The first one is found in first Corinthians 9:25. Is called the corruptible crown. This is known as the crown of your own efforts. Another one is found in Isaiah 28:1, the crown of pride. Another one is found in John 19:2 which is the crown of thorns which Jesus wore to carry every single corruptible, broken piece of crown. That is why Jesus had a crown of thorns put on his head – to give us the power to pick up our crowns again.

You need to see this is why Jesus died. That is why he had the thorns put on his head willingly. He had that crown stuck on his head and they mocked him, King of Kings and Lord of lords. Oh boy! They did not know half the truth! Jesus had to identify with us, not only to be mocked by the Romans for the kingly realm that he walks in, but also to be identified with the destructive crown of sin that we carry in our lives.

You can have bad crowns you whereby your choices. You can choose to have crown of thorns on your head as well. You can choose to have crown of pride on your head. You can choose those crowns and you can wear them. Jesus took away the identity of the crown of sin that we carried by our actions, then he identifies us with the crown of the pride of the lion of Judah. This is what Jesus has done – hallelujah! Thank you Lord that you made a way for me to have my crowns back, because you carried all the filthy sin on the cross!

Each of these crowns makes a statement to the spirit world about who you are and I love it! It is how we look when we carry a crown. If you do not carry a crown you might feel, well I have had a bad day today. Mostly church comes in on Sunday with an attitude of, I’ve had a bad week, pastor. Please make it feel better today. We are supposed to come into church with, yeah! Hallelujah! I’ve got something to give into the atmosphere from who I am – I am a son of the King. This changes the way you come in a church. You enter his gates with thanksgiving. Do not expect to come into his gates and have everyone else let you become a spiritual vampire of their joy! There are times when I am at the back of my church praying and I see these demons come in on the lives of people with attitudes like, I’m hungry – feed me! 30-year-old Christians are still having their nappies changed by the pastor of the week! The mature Christians are supposed to be grown up.

How I lost the crown

I’m going to describe a circumstance in my life that you may be able to relate to. It was a period in my life where I had been experiencing quite a lot of spiritual growth. Through that period of time I became aware of the spiritual authority that God had given me. All I ever did was fight. Show me a devil and I was at it! Take me in the realm of the kingdom father, and I will do whatever. If I get bored I will just look for a fight because I enjoy fighting! I am made as a soldier. Then, through natural circumstances, some only was like a switch had been turned off and the joy of fighting was just not there any longer. I used to enjoy it, but it felt like I just could not get back into that place. Have you ever experience that? Many of us have this problem.

This how it happened – I can remember coming into contact with a senior person and he said to me one day, Ian, you are such a soldier, you will never build anything being a soldier. He said to me, you need to be more like Solomon. Solomon spent time waiting on God. Solomon built the Temple. You will never build a temple if you always fight. I spent the next two years and held trying to be a Solomon! I began to pray and I would have this thing challenging me in the spirit, like a menacing growl! But the most amazing part was that I had lost something, the joy of fighting. About two years later I said, Lord, this is just a load of dunghill! I spent two years of my life trying to be tender and soft. Have too many muscles to be like that; but I am learning how to be a bride. – Hallelujah Jesus! So I began a process of going back into that whole two years and trying to figure out what it happened to me.

It takes a soldier to conquer and laid the foundation for Castle to be built on. Once you have taken the land, then you can retire from being a soldier and build a castle. I noticed that is what David did. I would read through the Scriptures about what David did and think that what I did in response to the advice from church was a load of nonsense! I’d spent two years of my life trying to be nice and soft. There is a place where you can be soft and tender, even as a soldier before the presence of the Lord, but that is right in his face. Out of intimacy with his glory in his presence you can become soft with his presence. But there is no softness with the devil, there is no softness with the demonic world – to kingdom that is in darkness. It is not a kingdom of darkness. Satan did not make that kingdom, God did. The devil just filled it; it is all part of the one kingdom, just filled with something else.

Colossians 1:13 – the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control in the dominion of darkness and as transferred us into the kingdom of the son of his love.

I can remember going back in the spirit. I thought I would just walk back on the timeline of my life in the book of my life and just try to figure out what happened. If it has happened for me than it has happened for hundreds of believers and if I can find an answer to the problem then I have a key that can mandate believers to get back on track again. So I spent some time going through my life, looking through the two years trying to figure out and I always stopped at this when the senior person spoke to me. Just before it in the timeline I could feel the glory – I would then come to this situation what was being spoken to me and immediately afterwards I would feel the loss. I had lost something for my life. The Lord gave me a Scripture:

Revelation 3:11 – bold, I’m  coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.

I got mad; I spent two years without my crown, trying to carry somebody else’s rubbish. Somebody had removed my crown. I went back to that moment and because I had got the revelation I was able to stand back and watch. What I saw happen was these words came out like a hand and swipe my head, knocking off my head a crown that the father had given me to carry.

I went back and repented of allowing a crown to be removed from my life. I picked it up out of the realm of the spirit again, put it on my head and brought it back two years down the line with me. So I did not have to try to recover those two years because they were covered by the restoration of bringing it back to the present. Now I feel I’ve grown two years without having to walk the path way, because those words had no mandated right to remove my crown. This is why haggai 2:9 says, the glory of this letter how shall be greater than the former – if you understand a principle of being outside of time. God took me on a journey to speak to me about the crowns I had lost my life and what I needed to do to pick them up again. I’m going to share this process with you and then we are going to activate it and pick some crowns up again.

Restoration of crowns.

How do I recognize that the crowns have been removed? Simply, I looking at what do I not have today that I used to have yesterday? What am I missing? I guarantee you that you will find elements missing as you go back to your pathway of life. You will find yourself thinking, I used to pray there and now I don’t anymore,… I wondered what happened? Or, I used to lay hands on the sick. I was not afraid to tell people Jesus loves them. Or you can feel your heart pounding in Jesus saying to you, tell them, they’re waiting to hear. And you are thinking, no, no, no! The moment you say, no apollyon says, I receive your offering thank you very much. You are trading on ap floor and your crown falls off your life. It sits on the floor and there is no glory. All of us have lost our crowns, one of them, two of them, three of them, eight of them. It does not really matter that you have lost them, but now that you understand you have lost them, you can go and do something about it.

You need to recognize a place where you lost them. When I walked back into my life I recognized I did not have things I used to have. I would spend time praying in tongues, engaging my spirit, walking back in time, into my memories in realm of the spirit to begin to see what I had lost. I would walk down the timeline and then I would begin to feel the presence that would come around my life at certain times. I would go into that moment and looking at what happened around my life. Most of us have very clear memories of when our crowns have been removed, because they are spiritual and your spirit man gets impacted with grief because it feels it’s uncovering. You need to ask Holy Spirit to give you revelation if you do not know where a crown was removed. More often than not it is removed by the hand of man. That is why Revelation 3:11 says, lest any man take your crown. You are a man as well and you can remove your own crown by yielding to something, just as I chose to yield to the words of another man.

You need to repent for allowing your crowns to be taken away from you by another person. You need to go back in the timeline, pick them up and restore them upon your head. When you have done that, you need to reaffirm my prayer that the restoration is happened: father, I thank you that I now have my incorruptible crown back of my head. My crown of glory sits back on my head. Father, I think you that I have receded back out of the realm of the spirit, from where I lost it, and I have got it back in my life in the name of Jesus! Then you need to rebuild the expectation of them around your life. Go into corporate encounters of people. Go into individual encounters in your own life. The crowns are symbols of rulership. You and I need to realize that we have send when we have allowed our crowns to be removed from our lives. So regardless of who has removed our crowns, you and I have sin by allowing this.

The crown has fallen from our head. Loading us, for we have sinned! – Lamentations 5:16.

It is pretty straightforward. Often I find that a person who has been molested, or had something done to them outside of their will, has had their crowns removed. Regardless of what has happened, you need to take responsibility for this sin. You cannot be connected with that record any longer. You need to deal with that record and confess it as your own.

Nehemiah did not commit the sin of the whole of his generation before him but he still took responsibility for it. You need to take responsibility for your own messy situation. Once you own it, you can deal with it. Until then it is always shifting blame – it is called unholy transference!

So what is the process of restoring the crowns that you lost?

One – you need to recognize the place that you lost it. You do this by memory recall, thinking what it was like back then. Yes, I had it done, what happened? Was there a circumstance that occurred that allowed this to be removed from your life?

Two – you must go back and spend time praying in the spirit, drawing on the memory, with two things in mind: what it was like to wear it and what it was like to lose it. This helps you to recognize the price you paid in losing your crown.

I would be busy praying in tongues and drawing on a record of the memory of what happened in that circumstance. Often it is emotional pain, pain that is related directly to you as a person, or pain against your personhood that will remove a crown. So I will go back to that specific circumstance and pray into it.

Three – repent! You are the one that is lost your crown, so you need to own that facts so you can repent of losing it. You are the one that is prom – not God, not the circumstances around you. Regardless of the circumstances, you choose to let it go, you were to one that allowed it to be knocked from your head. Again, once you own it, you can deal with it.

Number four – you need to restored by faith, which means praying something like: father by faith today I take hold of their crown that was removed from my head in that circumstance. I reach into it and I take back my crown out of the hand of the enemy and I put it back on my head in Jesus name. It is done by phase see you must believe that what you are doing is true. The Bible says it is going to happen.

Five – you need to reaffirm by prayer the restoration of the crown: father, thank you for the crown of righteousness that is on my life. Father, thank you that it has been restored. Father, you impute righteousness to me, that when I stand in the spirit world, that crown of righteousness is displayed because I am a son of righteousness. That is how you reaffirm it. You use your own words but that is how you reaffirm something in the spirit. Speak words that create an atmosphere for that reality to become your own. It is called confession of faith.

Six – you need to rebuild what you had. When Jerusalem had their walls torn down they had to go and rebuild them. They put the gates up first. They knew the importance and spiritual significance of Gates so they always restored to Gates first. In the same way, you need to go back and restore the soul Gates that were hurt, destroyed or influenced by you losing their crown. When you have done that, build the wall protection over it again. Decree that this thing will not rob me of this crown again. You rebuild them by worship, by meditation and by corporate and personal encounters with God.

Something that will do you a lot of good is to go on a 24 hour prayer watch. Just drink water, lock yourself away and praying tongues for 24 hours nonstop. If you get tired, going have a shower, go back into your room and pray for 24 hours vocally in tongues. After about three hours into it may sound a little less exuberant! But by six hours you will start to feel so good spiritually. By 12 hours you want to shout with the spirit of rejoicing! This is because you are starting to draw on a different source than you are used to. You need to push the boundaries. The crowns get establish more firmly on your head when you push the boundaries of capabilities in your life.

These crowns are very precious to us as believers. They are very important for us to play a vital role in our lives. God wants us to wear our crowns. We need to wear them. I love them. I’ve been before the throne and watched the elders throw their crowns down. I have gone there and I have thrown my crowns down as well. It is a most amazing, exhilarating feeling to give something back to God that he is given to you! The 24 elders are only symbolic of the sons of God. Elder speak of mature ones. God wants us to become mature sons of God, so that when we come before the throne we have something to give him, we can say, daddy, this is the representation of what you have given me, and I’m giving it back to you with joy! Because I know that when I give it back to you, I’m going to get back polished, gleaming, with more jewels in it!

Bless you learn how to exercise authority in preparation you will never use it when the circumstances require it. When preparation and circumstance meat, you have divine miracle. You need to prepare yourself. You prepare yourself by wearing the crowns, by using them and by doing these things that we have been talking about.


Let’s start by spending two minutes praying in tongues. Then, while continuing to pray in tongues, recall a circumstance in your life when you know you lost something of the life of God inside of you. It is through a natural circumstances, through the and of man or through your own choices. Sometimes it is our own sin that creates an environment for us to lose our crown because we can remove it just as well as anybody else can, since we are still human.

Then I want you to go back to where that happened in pawn that crown again. I want you to go and pick their crown up that she lost because it belongs to you. The greatest thing is that no one else can wear it but you! No one else has the right to go and pick it up except the devil because he is the one who is often behind it being knocked off. So you are going to go back, pick that crown up and stick it back on your head. You can choose any one of those crowns and just practice. There are times when I practiced taking my crowns off and throwing them before the Lord, then I go and pick them up and put them on my head again, going through the process of practicing like that.

So I would like you to stand on your feet, close your eyes and put your hand on your belly. To not try and find Jesus out there and pull down, find the glory of God dwells inside of you. Focus on your belly, where the presence of God is and drawn that while you pray in tongues. After about two minutes of praying in tongues I would like you to focus on an area of your life where you may be aware that you’ve lost a crown. If you do not know, or are unaware of any crowns, then a good one for you to focus on is a crown of righteousness because often when we struggle with sin, that crown gets removed from our lives. Go back to the last point where you felt the flow of data anointing or the remembrance of what it was like in that place. And stand there and begin to repent for losing your crown. You are the one that is lost a crown, you have sin. So I want you to go and stand there and repent while you are praying in tongues.

Father, I repent and turn from that place of losing my crown. Father, I go back to that point in my life where the crown was removed from my head through the circumstances that were beyond my control or through the circumstances and things that I have chosen.

Father, today I turn and returned to that point of the place of losing that crown. Today, Lord, I own my sin in losing my crown and allowing it to be removed from my life. Father, today in Jesus name I repent of it and I repent of the influence and power were lost the rhythm and flow of data anointing in the name of Jesus. Father, today I repent of its control and power over my life.

Father, by faith in the name of Jesus, where that crown is set in realm of the spirit, I reached out and pick it up again. Father, by faith today, I put that crown upon my head. Father, I received their crown back upon my life. I received the relevant annoying back upon my life. I received that realm of government back into my life.

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, a decree that I carry this crown today. I hold that crown before the Lord today. Before the realm of the spirit I decree that this crown rests on my life in Jesus name – hallelujah Jesus!

Do not worry about where you have lost kingdom life are what you have struggled with. Spend time praying in tongues and engage in the kingdom of God within you. Then enter into the presence of the Lord. When she engaged that arena of his kingdom(I do not go anywhere to and fro or into my timeline or in any other area until I engaged him), step into the glory, then step back out into this arena with the glory and begin to pray into your life. Pray down the pathway of your life and into the circumstances of your life and start to look at it through time and space.

I would begin to move my focus around until I can locate where I lost something in my life. I recognize the loss by what has happened in my life. Then I begin to repent, reach through time and space into the reality of that time and pick up my crown,. Back through into my room, where I am today and while I’m still in the spirit, by faith, put it back on my head and receive back the mandate the guy gave me to receive. Then step back into heaven, take the crown and percentage to him as an offering.

When you give it to them, he gives it back to you, but this time it is glorified in his presence. Then put it back on and come down here. Now you carry a glorified crown. It is a simple process. We can be present here, the present with him at the same time. You can be present with the Lord in the spirit and facilitate your life and then come back here and everything is change, because time and space has been changed by the glory. It changes because when you step into him you step out of time and space. Step outside of the whole of time and it moves as a spirit world sees that a set is turned up. It scares the living daylights out of the demotic world because they live inside of time and space.

You can practice this activation anywhere you like. It changes the atmosphere, because you have just gone into the spirit, done something spiritual and received a spiritual reward, whilst you are still on the earth – isn’t it amazing!? It is not hard to do something in the spirit. When you do something activated by faith, it releases on your behalf, because God wants to give it to you. Amen

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