The DNA of God

One of the most important things the enemy has kept hidden from us in our walk with God is our identity – who we are, what we actually carry and the reality of what is inside of us as sons of God.

I grew up in my early church years with communion being a celebration of Jesus’s death. It was a time to be sorrowful and remember what he did. We need to do that, and there is a point in celebrating his death. However, if that is all it is for us, then something is wrong – and Jesus does something he does not just do one thing, he does the complete work.

I want to pull some Scriptures out for you and discuss the DNA of God and what it means to you and me today. Later, I will discuss how we can take hold of the DNA of God in communion and why there is more to communion than just celebrating Jesus’s death.

The Lord gave me a word about sanctifying ourselves. I do not think there is any better way to sanctify ourselves then by acknowledging what Jesus has done for us to give us away into the arena of the kingdom of God. I want to address this issue of DNA because it is very important that you understand what it means to carry the DNA of God and the problems we have as human beings with the DNA that we currently carry.

Science is found two strands of DNA, showing the human DNA has a record of what you are going to be like – which are soul is going to be in the way your body is going to be displayed. DNA indicates very clearly what color eyes you are going to have, will cut them knows you are going to have, and how bald you are going to be are not going to be. It is a record of what you are going to be like. That record goes right back to Adam when he fell.

There is a protein called laminin, which is the foundational building block that holds every molecule in human body together. It has three strands to it and is shaped like a cross. Even the human body is trying to tell the scientists that there is a way to become something different than what we currently are.

And oh well research program called the genome project, the scientists started to prove that the actual DNA of a human can be programmed by languages and frequency. The Hebrew language is not just a language to be spoken but a felt language that goes right down into the very core of our DNA and has the capacity to generate the defects within it. This has now been proven by Russian researchers. The English language is 180° opposite to the Hebrew language vibrationally, mathematically and directionally and actually creates chaos in the DNA strand when spoken. I just find this stuff interesting.

Because there are a group of crazy freaks like me who know that there is something wrong with the 2 Stranded Court of the DNA in our genes. God does not usually work with two, unless it is to form an arc over something. When we were born we had a body, a soul and a spirit. In Genesis 1, God formed man out of the dust of the earth, breathed his spirit into him and man became a living soul.

1 John 5:7 – for there are three that bear witness in heaven: the father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.

Right there I had the secret about why we only see two strands of the cord in the DNA. Humans are only seeing the natural world, they do not know that there is another strand. Scientists are discovering that there is something that holds all the genes together. There is a white light and they cannot figure out how it has got into the middle of the DNA! The white light has got its own programme. It seems that it is a little different when people are believers and when they are not believers. The white strain a believer seems to link everything together better than in unbelievers.

One day I asked some questions: I wonder if our DNA strand is different. I wonder if God’s DNA is three strands – body, soul and spirit? I wonder if there is a whole strand that the cameras in the scientists cannot explain and it is hidden inside there because the natural cannot see the spirit world?(Some cameras are starting to be able to see the glory, now that the veil is getting thin).

My personal belief is that when Adam sinned, what had been three became too. Two thirds numerically is 0.666, which is called the mark of the flesh or the mark of the beast – Revelation 13:17 – 18.

When you were born in the natural world you had a scroll written that testify to what you were going to be like. This scroll is on your DNA. It is a record made from 23 chromosomes from your mother and 23 chromosomes from your father. You have a record made from the testimony of their lives, brought together to make you. So you are made in the record of your parents.

Jeremiah 1:4 – then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

God saying to Jeremiah, before you were on earth you were a spirit being. Before you were on the earth I knew you. I knew everything there was about your life as a spirit being and as a supernatural being. I have plans for you that I formed from the foundation of the earth – Jeremiah 29:11. I have works for you to do Jeremiah. God has a scroll in heaven with the threefold strand of DNA, a record of what you were before you were on the earth.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 – A3 stranded cord is not easily broken.

But a twofold cord can quite easily be snapped. Now that is interesting! We wonder why people get broken by the demonic world. It is because they are only living out of a twofold cord.

1 John 5:18 – we know that whoever is born of God does not sin.

As a believer, are you born of God? Because the Bible says that you have the capacity not to sin on this earth!

The reason we sin is because of the record of the two stranded DNA back through to Adam. But what happens if my DNA changes when I am born of God as a believer in Christ? I am now a different being in the strand of God is in my life – the capacity inside of me to not send any longer. That is what the Bible is saying; he that is born of God sends not. But then it says:

1 John 5:18 – we know that whosoever is born of God sends not; but he that is begotten of God keeps himself, and that wicked one touches him not.

Why? Because corruption cannot access the incorrupt. The word begotten means caring the record of the DNA. The enemy does not touch he that is born of the record of the DNA of God. So who is going to win the fight? Why do we get so passed around by the enemy? It is because we are living out of the wrong DNA, the wrong scroll, the wrong record of our life’s and wrong testimony that keeps is bound as human beings! I’m not just a human being. I am a spirit being that has a soul and lives in a physical body. I’m not fully conformed to my spirit being yet, but I’m working on it. The Bible says that if I am born of God then I am not going to sin, which means that there is an incorruptible nature now living inside of me.

There are three things that need to happen in our lives:

First, we are born as a human being.

Second, when we get born again we become a spirit being, but there is a step further. There are some places in the Bible where God works in twos: when you need someone to testify with you while you are on the earth – John 8:17, were to agree when asking God for something in prayer – Matthew 18:19 and where Jesus sent them out to buy two – Mark 6:7. But God usually works in threes: father, son, Holy Spirit – Matthew 28:19, body, soul, spirit – first Thessalonians 5:23.

Becoming a living being is the third step. When you are a living being you no longer rely on this world, it’s theories, it’s laws and its nature. You live on a something totally different. I’m chasing that with everything that is inside of me because I live in this physical world but it is not my reality.

We have governmental authority structure set up over us as human beings. There are three that bear witness in heaven: the father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one – first John 5:7.

John 17:21 – that they all may be one, as you, father, are in me, and I knew; that they also may be one in us.

What an amazing statement. I am one with God!

1 Corinthians 6:17 – but he was joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.

One spirit, not one human being! The devil hates this word because it releases the glory of the kingdom and the reality of heaven to you and me as believers on the earth today.

1 John 5:8 – and there are three that bear witness on earth: the spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.

So, when it is in heaven, they are one and when it is on earth, they agree in one. Looking at each one of these:

Firstly, your spirit knows the record of your DNA that was created before you were in the earth parenthesis Ephesians 1:4 – five; 2:10/Romans 8:29). Your spirit holds the record of DNA. When you are born again your spirit becomes alive and quickened by the presence of God. That capacity to enable the DNA strand of God to work in your life is then given again to you, to change you back into heavenly beings; the capacity is there.

The next one that testifies is water. What a weird substance to testified to DNA! Do you know that your body is over 50% water? What goes on in your spirit, water is a carrier of it. Every single trace element can be carried in water, so the water of your body carries the record into your body.

You have the capacity as a spirit being to speak to the water of your body. You can release the record of the DNA of God into the water of your body so that your body can become that one which is begotten of God, who does not sin any longer.

The last one is the blood. Every time something undesirable happens in my family I have been saying, heaps of blood – it is all under the blood of Jesus – because the blood bears record to the DNA.


I am pulling these strands of truth together now and you can then take communion as you read the activation at the end of this chapter.

Communion is about the death of Jesus Christ and why he died on the cross. There have been many people who have been offended by what it really means to have communion, so we have a little celebration around it. We mention his death, but very little is mentioned about his resurrection! There is nothing mentioned about the life of eternity that is after the blood. It is like the blood is the end product. No! The blood is a way that leads you to an end product. It leads you somewhere, it does not stop there! But we have taught the church to stop there in our religious theology. The blood to me is the beginning, not the end.

John 6:51 – I am the living bread which came down from heaven.

Jesus had a different DNA you know why? It is because he had a different father who was not on your earth. Jesus coming into us enables us to carry the same DNA that he carried. We were born again in the realm of the kingdom, here on earth. We carry the same record in us as Jesus did, so there is no excuse for any of us.

John 6:51 – then he one eats of this bread, he will live forever.

I’m going to live forever, hallelujah! So why should I die my physical body(Genesis 5:24/second Kings 2:11/Hebrews 11:5)?

And the bread that I shall give is my flesh which I shall give for the life of the world. (oops! Isn’t that a bit occultish?) The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, how can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said to them, most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you – John 6:51 – 53.

You have no life in you! Why? Because there is no record of the DNA!

John 6:54 – whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.

He’s talking about eternal life there, which is different from living forever. Living forever addresses the body, eternal life addresses the spirit.

John 6:54 – 55 – now raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.

With just a nip and a sip once a month, we miss it!

John 6:56 – he leaves my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.

Jesus is saying, when you drink my blood any my body, I am living in you! So it is more than just being born again – my spirit has come alive and the moment I start to eat, he comes into me.

John 6:57 – as the father sent me, and I live because of the father, so he who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread which came down from heaven – not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.

This means that if I take the body and the blood of Jesus, and Jesus lives by the father, I live by Jesus and I’m going to live by the power of the father. Jesus is not talking about the record that the father put in Mary’s body, so that the record could be given to you and me. He is talking about his power and who he is on the throne, so that we can become the enthroned ones.

The blood holds the record of the resonance of who God was in Christ. When overshadowing Mary, he put his own DNA into Mary’s body. The blood holds the record of the DNA that gives your spirit and anchor of the resonance – the sound vibration to bring your body, your spirit and your soul into divine order. That is the blood! It is not a to stranded cord. It is amazing – a human being is a threefold being. A person who is not born again has two parts of their creation operating: their body and their soul. There spirit is in darkness so they are a two thirds being, or 0.666 of the whole being. So we are busy looking for a man and is already right in front of us.

As for the body, Jesus said, if you eat my body you will live forever. The body of Jesus is the record of the power of the resurrection, the life that can flow from that body. The record of his body gives your spirit something to release in your body. You take on the image of the record that you eat when you take communion. When you take the body of Jesus Christ you eat the record of the resurrection power. It gives your spirit the resonance and that anchored to come into the fullness of the expression of the resurrected Christ. Now, that changes the way you take communion! That is why the Metamorphosing process of a human being, like the caterpillar, has to be spun in a cocoon of glory – so that the DNA can be disseminated. A record of a new DNA is then put in place so that you can take on the form of that new DNA. It is all done by taking communion!

When the Bible says you are going to live forever, it is not talking about when you die in your spirit being lives forever. It is talking about the present tense: you living forever. The key is that you need to believe it. All I have done is showed you Scripture. I just told you the reason for taking communion is not only to celebrate Jesus death and resurrection, but to give you something that your spirit man can get hold of, to graft in, to become like. Communion gives your spirit and anchor to form the first nucleus inside of you, a record for the brooding tent of God to overshadow.

Everybody says, God, come down and he comes down, but he has already given his record to us. All he wants to do is vibrate over his record in us to call the light that is in the middle of it into fullness. God wants to sit over the top of this record to change us and make us into something different.

The two trees in the garden

And on the next day, when they had come from Bethany, he was hungry: in seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if perhaps you might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leave; for the time of fakes was not yet. In Jesus answered and said unto it, no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever. And his disciples heard it… And when evening was calm, he went out of the city. And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter calling to remember and set under him, teacher, but hold, the fig tree which you cursed is withered away. – Mark 11:12 – 14; 19 – 21.

The most amazing thing is that the tree did not speak to him, yet Jesus answered the tree! Jesus did not curse the fig tree. Peter’s interpretation of what happened was a curse, but Jesus spoke to it.

Whenever you find something in the Bible, do not just read it as a story. There is a reason Jesus spoke to the fig tree. There is a biblical key called – the principle first mention. When you’re looking for keys in the Bible, always go back to its first mention. The first time fig leaves are mention is in the garden when Adam and Eve had send:

Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sold fig leaves together and made themselves coverings – Genesis 3:7.

So now we have Jesus, thousands of years later, coming down to Jerusalem and there is a big tree. The Bible very poignantly says there were leaves on the fig tree but there was no fruit. Jesus did not curse the fig tree. I do not find anywhere in the Bible that says Jesus cursed anything. He spoke to something and commanded it to happen and it did. He had the dominion of God in him and he was able to do that, the same way as we can! Do you realize you can speak to trees and make them die?!

Proverbs 18:21 – death and life are in the power the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life.

Jesus is addressing the very core nature of the covering that we, as human beings, have had over our lives. He did this because when Adam sinned, what was in Adam before you send changed into something different, which then had to be covered. Jesus spoke to the very root of the problem that is in the DNA of man. It is called the false covering. He is saying to it, no man will eat fruit from you any longer, that thing will not fear covering anymore. No longer will you be able to draw on that DNA, on the power of that thing that is given new life, because I’ve spoken to the root and it is going to die. That puts a bit of a different light on this Scripture does it not?

Mark 11:22 so Jesus answered and said to them, have faith in God. For surely, I say to you, whosoever says to this mountain, be removed to be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, you have them. And whatever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your father in heaven may also forgive your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

So, Jesus goes from speaking to a fig tree to simply speak into a mountain. Very often, a mountain in the Bible can represent the government of God. He mountain also symbolize a resting place of the throne of God, the house of God for the establishing of a government. So Jesus was teaching that if you would say to this mountain – this government that is ruled over your lives as a human being:

Mark 11:24 – you will no longer rule over me, but you will be cast in removed into the sea, and when you pray you do not doubt, he will have whatever you say. But the key is that you need to desire to be free from it! Jesus said,… Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

When Jesus said, whoever says to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea, does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says, he was talking about the amount of sin that lives over your life.

But when Jesus said, if you have faith as a mustard seed, he will say to this mountain, from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you, he was not talking about the mountain of sin. He was talking about the mountain of transfiguration. He is saying that when you and I take communion we have the capacity to speak to the resurrection power the Jesus was glorified in command that mountain to come here. We have the capacity to shift the resurrection power out of heaven and bring it here. Jesus has given us the capacity and the record of what to do when we take communion.

Here in the word you have Jesus talking about the DNA that Adam had to cover himself. When Adam was in the garden, he was not a body with a soul and a spirit in the middle. He was a spirit, with the soul and then a body in the middle of the spirit. We are made in the image of God.

God is a spirit (a spiritual being) and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth ( reality) – John 4:24.

We are made in the image of God and God is a spirit, therefore we are a spirit. The problem is we have been taught how to be a human being, not how to be a spirit being.

When you take the fullness of the human being, spirit, soul and body as Adam was in the garden, your spirit will be on the outside again, your soul will be in there – in the covering of your spirit and your body will be in the middle. Then you will be able to go into the realm of the spirit and partake in the unseen arena, not be subject to it any longer! They can try to lock you in prison and you will walk through the door! When they try to put something around your hand it will keep falling off because your body does not have any solidity to it that they can touch! These are the things that I dream about and it’s all in the word. Hallelujah father!

The first human cell that is formed starts reproducing itself into other cells around it and then that original cell implodes and goes into the centre of a little cluster of nuclei. The moment it hits the centre it becomes the human heart and his starts to beat. God is going to reverse that process with us so that our spirit man comes out from the centre of the nuclei of the body and soul, and begins to encase the outside again. That record is found in the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 2:8 – the Lord God planted a garden eastward and Eden… The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

When we are born as a human being, what is represented in our DNA is the nature of the components of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – Genesis 2:17. Your DNA has a full record of what your parents, parents, parents, parents did – all the way back to Adam. Your DNA is conditioned to respond, and to make you respond, in a certain way and fashion to an outside stimulant. Thus you will stay in that condition and you will pass that condition on to your children. That is not the plan of God. God’s plan was that you would walk in and fulfill his mandate for your life in the works that he ordained for you to do before the foundation of the earth; that is his desire. This plan is not connected to a two stranded DNA court, is connected to the three stranded DNA court found in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. You need to make a conscious choice to disconnect from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

It is all about us being trees – Psalm 1:3. You need to let the life also it can speak to the very volume of your soul and body. Let the life say, no longer am I going to glean and eat from you tree of the knowledge of good and evil; no longer are you going to be a fruit in my life; I have a different record in my spirit that is going to grow me into something different.

Genesis 3:24 – after driving them out, he stationed wing guardians at the east end of the garden of Eden set up a sort of flames which alertly I turned back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life – Genesis 3:24.

God put cherubim and a flaming sword it turned every which way. It was not one cherubim with a sword moving around. The Bible says very clearly it was guardians are cherubim, plural, with a flaming sword. So you have to cherubim, which is dealing with the two stranded DNA that we exist in. Then you have the middle strand, which is the third strand of God’s DNA. This is the light of his glory that sits in believers, who then have the capacity to pass through that sword to eat of the way of the tree of life. This is to live eternally – the way of the tree of life means to live forever.

The record to enable you and me to live eternally is in there, past the two cherubim and the sword, to the tree of life. It is the way into eternity. The way back into the arena of the realm of heaven is through the body and the blood of Jesus. Jesus body was transfigured on the mountain – Matthew 17:1 – two to give us the testimony. This means that when I take his body and brood over it I will have in me the capacity to take on the same image.

Revelation 2:7 – the him overcomes all give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

How are you going to overcome in less you get hold of the reality of living as a different being? Living in a place where the sword cannot touch you, because it is already in you. This is not formed with the knowledge of man through doctrinal understanding; it is formed through experience and Revelation of the unfolding wisdom of God from his word. God wants us to change.

Rapture theory, eternal life and living forever.

John 6:59 – these things he said in the synagogue as he taught in capernaum. Therefore many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, this is a hard saying; who can understand it? When Jesus known himself that his disciples complained about this, he said to them, does this offend you? But then if you should see the Son of Man ascend where he was before? It is the spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some a you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray him. And he said, therefore I’ve said to you then know one can come to me unless it has been granted to him by my father. From that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more.

It is interesting that his disciples – went back and walked with him no more – in John 6:66! If you do not have the record of the DNA of God in you, what you represent? You represent two thirds, which is 0.666. If you represent that record then you will no longer walk with God.

There is so much garbage being said about the Mark of the beast. A lot of it is based on what I call the sky bus rapture theory, and is not about the kingdom. It is a kingdom of fear because it is not about returning power the synagogue. You do not find anyone who teaches the rapture theory talking about the resurrection in the life of every believer, or of the glory of the son of God. I do not find the manifestation of the kingdom in their lives: the power to raise the dead today and for us to live forever in their glory. I do not hear them talking about the coming glory. When darkness rises, the glory must come in a greater measure – Isaiah 60:1 – two. I do not see them talking about the coming glory, all the rapture theory does is create a generation of fearful people – a people who will not so into the future with their words to make their children believe that there is a hope for them to live for today.

All rapture theory says is, I am waiting to go somewhere; I am going to be taken out of this mess; it is such a mess and I cannot change it. In fact God’s word says clearly we are going to change it. But in the last 40 years there has been a generation of people growing up who are hopeless. Young people today are hopeless because we have not sold hope into their spirits, for them to get hold of, that there is something better waiting for them than what they currently have. It is one of the most demonic things I’ve ever seen in my life!

I started sowing into my children, saying: there is a resurrection coming that you are going to be a part of. There is a power that is going to be unleashed out of heaven and you are going to see it with your own eyes! Even if I am 195 years old, I’m going to see it as well! In fact, I’m going to live forever, so I’m going to be standing right there with you. When you get glorified, I am going to kick glorified. I do not want them to get taken away. I want them to overcome. I do not see in the Bible anywhere those who get taken away get the reward in heaven.

Revelation 2:7 – to him overcomes all give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Revelation 3:12 – he overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God.

To them that overcome! Overcoming does not mean flying away. It means living in the resurrection power of the glory of the Lord today on the face of the earth!

This is a controversial thing to say, but I am fed up with this religious nonsense that has been fed to the church – it is not the kingdom. The kingdom is about giving you a hope to live for, for tomorrow and giving you a hope to die for, for tomorrow. Can you imagine what it is going to be like to be in a body that shines? That makes me live my life here with a prize worthy to be paid for.

The Mark of the beast is a very interesting thing. The Bible says we receive a mark on the outside. Well, I’m going to receive a new name and a mark on the inside of my forehead! You can have yours if you want it, all you have to do is ask, go there and get it, because he says:

Revelation 3:12 – I will write on them the name of my God in the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem… I will also write on them my new name.

Where do we get it? In heaven!

The Mark of the beast will be received by many who in these last days are going to stop following Jesus. They are going to become the ones who try to destroy you because they can see the truth in what you have. But I do not talk about and time issues too much because I would really rather teach people how to live today.

When Jesus talked about us eating his flesh and drinking his blood – John 6:54, the reason many people were offended – John 6:66 – was because they knew the occult practices of human and animal sacrifice. They knew what it was to eat and drink blood and they knew what happened when people did it. Blood is the highest form of covenant, because you are eating the DNA in everything that is connected to it. That is the key – when there is a blood sacrifice you are not just drinking the blood, your drinking everything is connected to it. So when you take communion, you are eating, drinking and taking in everything that is connected to it! The blood carries a record of the DNA.

Leviticus 17:11 – to life in the flesh is in the blood.

There is life in the record of the DNA, but it is the body that produces the record; what is the carrier of life, the other one produces the record of it.

The heavens belong to the highest bidder

We have a brother in Africa who is a tall black guy and I’ve never seen anyone who is as much of a soldier in all of my life. He has planted three churches in the occult capital of the world! In this country they lose many people in a three-month period in human sacrifice and all the witches, or locks and New Age people go there. Rivers run red with blood. His plan three churches in the middle of his country and got right in the face of the enemy. I’ve never seen anybody with grunt like that my life! He has been attacked by werewolves and vampires. It is even got marks on his arms were vampires have come from, missed and hit his arms! God has really been doing some work over there.

One of the things his brother would say in some of his conferences is that the heavens belong to the highest bidder. An example that in Scripture is when the king came and asked if he was going to win the war:

While the harp –lyre – was being played, the Lord gave Elisha power(hand of the Lord came upon him). Then Elisha said, the Lord says… He will also hand Moab over to you. You will destroy every strong, Wald – 45 – city… When the Moab came to the campus Israel, his rights came out and fought them until they ran away. Then the Israelites went on into – invaded – the land, killing the Moabites… When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too much for… The king of Moab took his oldest son, who had been king after him, and offer – sacrifice – him as a burnt offering on the wall. So there was great anger against Israelites, who (or alarmed at this, the Israelites) left my back to their own land. – 2 Kings 3:15 – 16; 18 – 19; 24; 26 – 27.

Did they have right word from God? Yes, they did, but the problem was, instead of laying out a sacrifice and giving and offering to the Lord, they went to war. So, because the demonic world knows about sacrifices, when the king of Moab offered his sacrifice, which was higher than just a thank you from the children of Israel, there was no sacrifice given to God to work with. So the war went against them.

This is what has been happening in the church. The church has been taking communion once a month. The result is not much trading in the heavens. Not much trading for the arena of the kingdom and trading into the kingdom to release the realm of heaven on the face of the earth. There have been times when I have been on the sea of glass – Revelation 4:6? 15:2, when I’ve been the only one standing there for days and days. It is a distressing thing when you can see how much potential could be unleashed – particularly with regard to the body and the blood of Christ and what it means for us to trade with them in the heavens.

Revelation 3:18 – by pure gold for me, Gold purified by fire – only then will you truly be rich… Purchase for me like garments, clean and pure, so you won’t be naked and ashamed; and… Medicine for me to heal your eyes and give you back your site.

How do you buy gold from God? With the blood of Jesus; that is what you do – you go onto the sea of glass, you take communion and you offer yourself in the blood he has given you, as a supreme sacrifice to receive out of heaven the fullness of the kingdom. You buy it on the sea of glass – you trade. The chief trader is melchizedek, he is the guy who looks after all the treasury rooms and receives all the treasure.

I remember one of the first times I ended up on the trading floor of heaven – I did not really know what it was all about. I can remember sitting on the sea of glass and sank into it.

The Lord asked me, what can I trade with? I said, well, I do not know, whatever you need you can trade with. You said, no, no, no – what is in you that I can trade with?

I thought, what is it me? Flip, what do I say is in me?! What do I have in me to trade with? If God wants to purchase something with my life, what is there I have to give? My will… My time… My desire… My money? I said, Lord, these are all the things I’m trading with.

When I sank into the trading floor, all that was left were two or three gemstones – out of all of my life! When I came back out of the trading floor, the Lord just looked at me. I said, Lord, I just do not know what to do?

You said, why did you spend time in heaven picking things up? You go into the river of glory and you put diamonds and gold out of heaven in your belly – what are you doing with that? 20 think I gave it to you to trade with?

I remember that when I went to the spirit, back into my mouth, I had filled my belly with the things I’d taken the river, the scrolls in the things I’d taken out of the dragons bellies. So I took the whole lot onto the trading floor.

I can remember Lord smiled and said, yes, it is about time you remembered all the things you overcame to get the treasure. It is the very things in our lives that we have overcome that are the precious things to God – but the highest form of trading is blood. The demonic world knows that and that is why there is so much human sacrifice.

In the USA people go missing all the time to human sacrifice, they just go missing. In my nation(New Zealand) a baby went missing and they found her dead. It is sacrificial activity that is going on because the demons know that they need blood for power. Jesus has given us the ultimate power in his blood. Blood is power. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I’ve given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your soul; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul – Leviticus 17:11. If there is power in life, then blood is power. Jesus has given us his blood to take into the realm of the heavens and trade with, to receive out of the realm of the kingdom.

The record of the DNA of God in communion.

It is very important understand when God came down and brooded over Mary, he put his own DNA into Mary’s womb. God took a record of his own DNA, and out of his and her DNA, he formed a child inside her womb. This is significant – in that DNA there is a record and a copy of God. Jesus went through his life and then got hung on the cross. Before he was hung on the cross he met with his disciples and start to talk about his body and his blood. We know scientifically now what he was talking about. However, most people throughout history have not known the truth – that the father had gotten a copy of his DNA. Now, when we take the DNA in communion, that record goes into us! Then are spirit and body will have a record to be able to brood over, so that this record can begin to be reproduced in our own bodies. So it means that what I have is the capacity to become a godlike being.

Jesus is saying that you take communion and use his body as a symbol – there is no such thing as transubstantiation, where communion becomes the body and blood of Christ in you to part of his body and drink his blood in the natural. That is not what it is about. Communion is a symbol to recognize the power of the resurrection that is behind it.

When Jesus says in John 6:56 – I will abide in you, is not talking about the physical state that he was born in and the natural body he is living in. He is talking about the resurrected state, as he says – and I will raise him up at the last day – John 6:54. The last day is after his death. Jesus was talking about the resurrected body that he is in now. When you take this symbol of the bread here on earth, you receive the resurrection power from him in heaven. You take it by faith so that it can come inside of you. There is a record by faith that is released because you receive him by faith.

John 6:52 – the Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, how can this man give us his flesh to eat.

You need to understand that the Jews knew all about human sacrifices because they had experience with a God called bail. They used to sacrifice their children to the God bail. Their first born would be sacrifice to bail to give them power, protection and provision. Now Jesus is saying, here is my body; I’m going to be sacrificed for you; and not only am I going to be sacrificed for you, but you’re going to have to eat my body. Can you see why they got offended? They did not want anything to do with the occult world, but they were not hearing what Jesus was saying.

So here we have the record in the ability to produce the realm of the kingdom of heaven in you and make you a differently stranded DNA creature by communion. So communion immediately takes on a whole different meaning for me now because when I take communion I’m celebrating by drinking the blood of Jesus Christ by faith. It is the record of his DNA. Jesus wants you to get hold of that record in your life.

For you to take on a bug, you need to ingest it, so that it goes inside your body, gets into your bloodstream and starts to reproduce itself. So we have a virus called – the DNA of God – living in the blood that we drink it communion. It is a virus called, becoming a son or daughter of the kingdom – becoming a spirit being again. Becoming what God originally designed need to be is like a virus in the blood! I am freely drinking that virus, knowing that it is going to come and impact my life, because I am taking it in faith.

Hebrews 11:6 – but without faith it is impossible to please him.

So I take communion now with full understanding. That is why the Bible says:

But a man (thoroughly) examine himself, and(only when he is done that) so shady E of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discriminating and recognizing with due appreciation that(it is Christ’s) body, eats and drinks a sentence(a verdict of judgment upon himself – 1 Corinthians 11:28 – 30.

The reason they do not judge correctly is because they do not realize what they are eating, not realizing that is a beginning of a whole new experience in life! Communion is what sanctifies you – it is what sets you apart. It is what makes you something different from what you are today. Communion is that strand that enables you not to send any longer – the body of Christ and caring it’s record.

When I eat that little bit of bread, by faith I hold it in the realm of the spirit, saying, see this – as I take this, that record is beginning to get imprinted into my system and that is what is going to change me. No works, no things I can do for God to give me brownie points! But a little piece of bread is going to enable me to overcome. One little piece of bread and that’s all it takes. Just take communion wants to begin the changing process. That is why Jesus said:

Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me. In the same manner he also took the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the new covenant in my blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me – 1 Corinthians 11:24 – 25.

The word remembrance comes from the Greek word record; do this in the record of what I am and what I have done. Take communion in that record.

For some time now I have been taking communion every day, at least once a day, mostly two or three times a day. I go to work and I cannot wait until morning tea, praying in tongues with the bread in my mouth. Once I ate a whole loaf of bread! Why? Because I wanted to – it tasted good! I want more of this record in my life, hallelujah! I am trading on the resurrection power in the DNA on the sea of glass because I want to be like him and I want to live forever. If the heavens belong to the highest bidder, I want to do it until it becomes a reality in my life, outbid every other thing that is crying out!

When you take communion, if it has previously been a net any sip for you, then I hope this is going to change your theology from this time forward. What you to take it with full knowledge of what you are doing as a spirit being – you do not do this just as a human being; you do it by faith as a spirit being. God has called you to be a spirit being. I am made in the image of God, so I’m called to be a spirit being.

God is given us a mandate on his DNA. His DNA says, you have the capacity inside of you to never send again! Communion is the capacity to do just that, but it depends on how much you work on it and how much you you to it. It is called a cross and without the cross in the blood there is no life in the spirit. The cross is not the end. The cross is the doorway to the start of spirituality. You need to have the reality of the cross in your life. You need to experience what it means to hang your life on the cross by getting offended. There is no greater way to deal with issues in your lifetime to get offended by someone and nailed to the cross into the offense says, I give up!

The potential that is in the body and the blood of Jesus Christ is put in communion so that it can reproduce itself inside of you when you understand that by faith. The idea is to give you a record so that the record can reproduce itself inside you. So, as you brood over what you take, that resonance brings divine order to your spirit. Then your spirit brings divine order to your soul and your soul brings divine order to your body into your spirit man comes to the outside again – like Adam was in that day. It is all found in taking communion.

Eternal life here – John 6:51 – 58 – does not just mean that when I die I’m going to live for eternity, it means that I have the capacity to live for eternity while I am alive. The body and blood of Jesus Christ gives me the capacity to live in the full reality of the future today. I do not have to wait to die!

So, when I take communion, not only am I taking eternal life not only do I have the capacity to live forever, but it actually gives me the capacity to be in him and him and me.

Usually when Scripture refers to something three times, it is important – Jesus is saying, take note of this. Jesus tells us three times in one chapter( John 6:51, 54 and 58), if you’d his body and drink his blood, you are going to live forever!

These things he said in the synagogue as he taught in Her name. Therefore many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, this is a hard saying; who can understand it? When Jesus Newman himself that his disciples complained about this, he said to them, does this offend you? – John 6:59 – 61. Well, of course it did because Jesus was saying he was going to be there sacrifice! They really believed in a religious system of self rescue. I think most of the church does today. Jesus also says,

Does this offend you? And what will you think if you see me, the Messiah, return the heaven again? – John 6:61 – 62.

This was a slap to the Jewish religious system because they did not want to ignore out him. So what is Jesus talking about there? Well, if I am in Jesus and I’m eating his body and drinking his blood, or do you think I’m going to go? Whatever happened to Jesus is going to happen to me. So that means that I too am going to ascend to the father, which means I will never have to die!

The Vine order from chaos – that is what the blood does. The blood of Jesus brings divine order into the chaos of your DNA, your DNA that is a double helix shape instead of being the perfect strand of the presence of God. God wants to give us perfection. The Bible says I am perfected in Christ – Hebrews 10:14. The way we come into perfection is by taking the body and the blood of Jesus; and I live on of perfection and then I become perfection. It is really joyful! It is something to celebrate you say, thank you Jesus, hallelujah!

So we are going to take communion together, but I do not want you to take it in your normal way of celebrating his death. What you to take it with the understanding that today you are taking the record of the reason he died; so that you can live forever. You are taking the record of the blood that has the three stranded cord DNA in it. Even if it is only grape juice, once something is activated by faith that releases the potential possibility for that reality to become your own.


Please get some bread and wine juice for yourself.

John 6:54 – where eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I’ll raise him up at the last day… He leads my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I and him. As a living father sent me, and I live because of the father, so he’ll feed them he will live because of me.

Angels know about communion, and when we start to take it and believe what Jesus has done, they rejoice because they are waiting for us to take our place. They come into meetings where this kind of activity happens because they rejoice that his son is finally starting to do something that has been provided for them.

Father, today we lift the cup. Our Jesus, your word says that this is your blood. You should your blood and you gave it. Today I asked that this would change to your blood by faith because your blood carries all the potential of all that there is in the Godhead. Even as the Godhead are one in their strands single early and testify that they are one, all that record is in the blood. Lord, when I drink this blood, my body and soul and spirit have the capacity to reproduce his blood with the DNA that it carries, to make me into something different. Father, your word says, until Christ is formed in you – Galatians 4:19.

Lord, today as a corporate body of people, we coming to agreement and testify that this cup is your blood; they we are in you and when we drink this we become one with your presence. When full knowledge of the DNA and the full desire to become one with your presence Lord, we drink today in the name of Jesus. Father, releasor Gloriana cup today, hallelujah! Father, thank you for the power of the blood. Thank you for the record of the Dominion and the rulership in that blood – for the DNA of the record that is in their blood to change us, and make each of us into something different. Lord, that it would sanctify us and make us holy in your presence.

Father, today we take this little piece of bread. According to your word in Jesus’s decree, this is your body, the carrier of that record it testifies to the capacity for us to be conformed into your image. Father, today by faith we take hold of this bread and say this is the body of Jesus Christ – the remembrance of the resurrection power and glory and of what he did to make a way for us to become spirit beings again. It has a record to enable us in Quicken us to become what we have been called to be on the earth. Father, we did today by faith with full knowledge that it makes us one with you, one with your desire, one with your will, one with your scroll, one with the testimony of what you have written. It is on your body and we eat today in the name of Jesus.

I want to think about one more thing that is connected with communion, and that is which scroll you are feeding from? I wrote earlier about you having to scrolls, two records: one made by your mom and dad as a human being, and the other scroll made by God as a spirit being. What I want you to do inside your mind and your heart is repent of connecting and drawing from the scroll of the knowledge of your being, as a human being. What you to begin to repent of drawing on that knowledge to fulfill your life. Repent of drawing on the wisdom and the foundation of that human record, enabling it and giving it a power to operate in your life. Once you just to begin to do that today.

Father, today we begin to draw the place of repentance before your presence. Father, we confess our sin of drawing on the old record of the old nature of the human being we have in our bodies, enabling that record and giving it power to function and allies. Father, today we come boldly before you and we repent and ask you to us for never releasing that there is a higher calling, that there is different scroll written for us to have.

Father, today we disconnect in biblical cord is a supplier that scroll in our lives. Father, we disconnect in the name of Jesus. We disconnect with that am biblical cord, we break its power, we break its power – would break its power today! Father, we take that source of supplying connected to the record of the scroll that you have for a life. We connected into what we should have been at the beginning, father, we connect to it today in Jesus’ name.

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