Unrepented imaginations

I want to teach on the mind and problems we have with the images inside our mind.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – Hebrews 11:1.

This can be translated as, faith is a tangible reality of the things dreamed about that are yet in vision form. God is looking to see what captivates your heart, because whatever captivates your heart you will begin to believe and then you will have faith for it to happen for you. That is why you need to allow the word to captivate your heart.

Faith is a tangible reality of things we dreamed about, illustrating the importance for us to dream about the realm of the kingdom of heaven. The Only way you are going to dream about it is to have an anchor for that reality to come over and do what is needed. There has been much talk about our need to have faith but we want to know how to have faith.

I grew up in a Baptist church and I was a deacon at the age of 19 because I was out there on the edge, crazy for Jesus! I was untempered, wild and woolly haired. I used to love sharing in getting into discussions with elders. I knew nothing about the word except what I had seen. We would talk about heaven and these guys would throw the word at me and I had my answers. It was really wonderful, a great. In my life.

I can remember going to one of the elders, as God was speaking to me about faith and I need to understand the issue of faith. I want one guy instead, tell me about faith, what is it? He patted me on the shoulder and said, O Brother Ian, it just got to have faith. I do not know about you, but when I hear religious people I can feel so frustrated. So, I went home and began to get on my face and pray. When you begin to get on your face and pray we need to keep knocking. You did not just not, saying over God, I want this to happen today and expected to happen. It is in the persistence in pursuing God that God will answer with revelation. You need to chase. It is like the parable Jesus painted.

Luke 11:5 – imagine that one of your friends comes over at midnight. He bangs on the door and shouts, friend, we lend me three loaves of bread? A friend of mine just showed up unexpectedly from a journey, and I don’t have anything to feed him. When you shout out from your bed, I’m already in bed, so are the kids. Already locked the door. I can’t be bothered? You know this as well as I do: even if you didn’t care that this fellow was your friend, if he keeps knocking loud enough, you get up and give him whatever he needs simply because of his brash persistence! So listen: keep on asking, and you will receive. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be open for you. All who keep asking will receive, all who keep seeking will find, and doors will open to those who keep knocking.

This is just a typo what you are supposed to do with God. If he does not answer, you carry on knocking until he does give you the answer.

My kids say, dad… Bad… That. In the end I say to them, what you want? Oh, I need this.okay, here you are, just to get some peace! How much more access to we have to God in the spirit to say, dad, dad. He will say, here, just give me some rest!

What God is looking for is your persistence in faith. Without faith it is impossible to please him, or you must believe that he is – Hebrews 11:6. Faith is a tangible thing. It is not some fluffy, cloudy, wonderful thing out there; is a tangible substance that is in the spirit. You have a spirit Gateway of faith. That Gateway is supposed to function. The only way you are going to get it to function is if you begin to work with it. You can only work with it when you have the word. You begin to believe the word, you allow it to captivate your mind, and you dream about it. Dream about going through doorways. It captivates me because it is my entry point into heaven.

What captivates your heart will begin to be released around your life, because what captivates your inner man begins to become real for you. God wants you to be caught with the potential possibility of the things you are dreaming about. Faith is the reality of heaven around your life.

Hebrews 11 is full of men and women who were captivated by a dream or a vision of what could be. It says they were sawn in half, they were chewed up by animals, and they had their body parts cut off. There were the most horrendous things done to believers but the Bible says that they died believing. They did not see it in their day they are going to see it in our day. They are called man in white linen (revelations 15:6/19:8/19:14) and they are coming back. It is another thing that God is going to reveal to the church. We have part in their inheritance and they have a part in our inheritance. They died believing for another glorious encounter.

I love the life of Jesus. I meditate around what he does. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk through people? The Bible says all the people.

Luke 4:28 were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust him out of the city; and they led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw him down over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, he went his way.

Jesus walk through them and they cannot touch them. It does not mean they made a pathway for him the walk-through. Imagine you have 15,000 people standing around you and you can walk through them as they cannot touch you! These are the things that you need to begin to dream about. They are in the Bible.

I want to be like some of these men of old.

Ezekiel 3:12 – then the spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me a great thunderous voice: Blessed is the glory of the Lord from his place! I also heard the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels besides them, and a great thunderous noise. So the spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me. Then I came to the captives at tel abib, who dwelt by the river chebar; and I set where they sat, and remain there astonished among them 7 days.

Why astonished? Because Godhead shifted him 600 miles, just like that.

You need to allow the potential possibility of what is in the word of God to captivate your heart with that reality. It is this reality that the church is missing: the reality of the realm of the kingdom of heaven. You need to allow heaven to captivate your heart captivate your mind. Can only captivate your mind by you dreaming and having faith that what the word says is true and is possible.

Trance relocation has been going on for me for about nine years now. It is a wonderful experience to go and do things in other nations without having to travel in an airplane. I cannot do it voluntarily yet, but it has been going on for me in the voluntarily, by the Lord, for over a decade. It took me three years of studying the word to begin to believe that it could happen for me. It took me being captivated in my mind and heart, praying God I thank you that I can be in the spirit: body, soul and spirit. Lord, just with my spirit you can shift me and move me. You did it in the Bible for felt, you did it in the Bible for these men of old and you did it there for Jesus.

Have you ever tried walking on water? I have. It is not work yet, but we need to dream about it. Faith is the thing that captivates your dream; faith releases the power of God on your behalf to see your dream come to pass. The Bible says God grants us the desires of our heart – Psalm 37:4. So what are you desiring? Is it more money? Riches? To See Angels? What are you desiring? Because what you desire will captivate your heart and release faith for you all around your life. Whatever gets released around your life will be displayed, first in the secret place, then openly. But you can only develop it by dreaming in the secret place, spending the time with God passionately pushing him, with tounges. Father you are going to shift me, I’m going to go through the door. Because it happened to these other people, it can happen to me. Your word says it everything that is in the word is possible for me. Father, today by faith I step into that door. I step into that door in Jesus name. Begin to push into the reality of the potential the word has painted for you. Then it becomes real.

Our biggest problem is what goes on in our minds. Uncontrolled reasoning destroys faith. You must understand that your soul does not want your spirit to have dominion. Your soul will do absolutely anything to reason away a miracle and say, oh, it is only for the spiritual few. What a load of religious baloney! One of our greatest troubles has been a false spirit like the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Jesus said about them.

Matthew 23:13 – but woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders – hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in men spaces; for you neither enter yourselves, nor do you allow those who are about to go in to do so.

There has been a doctrine that is only for the select few. That is one of the biggest lies the enemy has propagated in the body of Christ. They say it is only for the spiritual few, but we are all spirits. We all have access to the same thing. What God wants is for you to believe, and believing is based on dreaming. Dreaming goes on in your imagination. Your imagination is one of the key vital points of connection with the presence and the realm of heaven. God always speaks in pictures. Man as a body worldwide, has taught the church how to hear, how to see. Often in the Bible when you find an encounter with God, it says that the word of the Lord came and I saw, then I heard – Chronicles 9:6, Job 13:1, Matthew 13:17, Revelation 14:1 – 2.

We have taken the word of the Lord as hearing the voice of God. It is not just hearing the voice of God. Gordon Lord is a door that enables you to see and then you hear. The only reason we can hear so clearly is because we have been taught how to do it. The reason you cannot see is because you have not been taught how to do it. I’m trying to give you some simple things that enable you to see. It is actually not hard. It is a learned process that goes, a – B – C – D – E and you get F. That is the way it happens.

Romans 4:17 – God… Cause those things which do not exist as though they did.

Right now you may not feel you are experiencing this, but the reality is that you are, because you are a spirit being. So you live in this trans – dimensional conflict, and because you have only ever experienced one dimension you never believe the other will happen. We need to begin to called the reality of the thing we are not experiencing as if it were.

It is actually all about faith, believing that what you are doing and what you are dreaming about is going to come to pass for you. God will do it, he will open the door, because:

Hebrews 11:6 – he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

It requires you meditating and allowing your mind to be captivated by the word of God. It is like sucking on a lolly. It is a lovely lolly, the potential inside it is just amazing, but we cannot taste it. Sometimes in fact it tastes pretty awful. The reason it tastes awful is because the rapper has been left on. Many of us as believers have left the rapper on the revelation of the word of God. We want the goodness in it but we leave the rapper on it. Rapper is our religious behavior and practices. God wants us to take a lolly out of its rapper. You take it out by meditating and focusing on it and working with it. As we take the word out of its rapper it looks fantastic. We can look at it all we like, but we will not taste it into we put it into our mouths. Many believers are at that stage; they needed out of the rapper and they are going, while! That can happen, look at that. Whoa! What a wonderful vision I have had. But it is not into you take it by faith that you have the full experience.

Many of us do not believe the word is true. We do not believe the word will do what it says it is going to do. We do not believe it is going to activate what it says it is going to activate and what it says is possible for you and me. So we leave it nicely wrapped up in a nice little container so we can control it. God wants us to die to controls. He wants us to be free because: where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty – 2 Corinthians 3:17.

Dreaming does not just involve your imagination. You are triune being. You have a spirit, a soul and a body. When I am dreaming I get my whole spirit man involved in my dream. I make my soul do what my spirit man once it to do. How do I do this? I do it by practicing. I make my soul bow the knee to my spirit. I can pray in tongues allowed or quietly, with nothing coming out of my mouth. What God is looking for is submission and surrender. When you are submitted in surrender you will then have the resurrection of the surrender. It is faith in the word of God that enables that surrender to happen. It is you exercising the muscles of your spirit until your soul says – I give up. The most wonderful thing is that your spirit will transform your soul.

Our biggest struggle is with sin. The reason we struggle with sin is because we tried to discipline it from the outside in, instead of transforming it from the inside out. If you struggle with areas of sin in your life you need to get the flow of the glory of God going from your spirit man into those areas. You’ll see what happens then. God wants to change and transform these areas of your life, change the nature of the way they function. It can only change when fire comes near. God wants the fire near the areas of our struggle. He wants the glory because the glory will change our nature, but you are the one who has to choice to let the glory in.

Two Corinthians 10:5 – casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

The issues in our minds that we struggle with our things that are in high places that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Knowledge of God is based on faith and Revelation. It is based on the reality of what the word says; not just written knowledge, but Revelation knowledge. The Bible says to cast down everything that exalts itself against this revelation knowledge. Some of the biggest struggles we have are in our imagination. You are busy praying and the glory of God is in your room, and a picture appears in your mind and the spiritual atmosphere dispels. We want to deal with those pictures, because it is these things that stop us from receiving revelation. That is the high thing that has got to submit to the glory of God that is inside of you. You do not submit it by controlling it; you submit it by burning it and purifying it.

Years ago a young woman who was a prostitute came to me. She had been in that field of sin for about nine years. She got born again in God began to speak to her and she wanted to get married. I can remember praying with this woman and watching God clans and restore her life. I remembered going through my own imagination and cleaning it, so I passed this revelation onto her and said – this is what I want you to do: take as many of the people’s faces you remember and bring them under the blood of Jesus; wipe them with the blood. She went away and three months later she came back to me. She said, Ian, I am free! Why? Because the blood of Jesus had restored and healed her. All she had done was taken the reality that I had given to her and by faith applied it to her life. Then she met this guy, they got married, they went on their honeymoon and she said, Ian, I was a virgin again on my wedding night with my husband! Godhead restored her body to her again.

This is an amazing testimony. God is able to restore purity to a woman that has been defiled like that. I mean absolute purity, not just emotionally and spiritually, but physically as well. Praying with her before the wedding I was going to say something stir up about that but I thought, no, you can’t do that. It was just going beyond the boundaries of what my mind thought was possible. When it happened it blew me away. I had to actually repent for not speaking out the revelation at the time that would have encouraged her.

The things we are talking about are real. They are real keys. I have worked with him for 20 – two years and they work. Dealing with these images is vitally important to our lives. To be able to build faith you need to deal with the garbage. You need to take something out and then put something back in again. Taking the garbage out means I need to acknowledge that I have this area, this thing in my mind. I need to take that picture, coins and restore it and then take the blood of Jesus and paint the picture out. Then it is gone.

I now know people who have worked on this and now cannot remember what actually happened anymore. That is what Paul says – forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead – Philippians 3:13.

The word forgetting means I cannot remember anymore. That is what you do when you forget. The only reason these people could not remember actual offense was because the glory; the work the glory had done in their life.

It is no different with us. The glory will work on your life when you give it the opportunity to do so. It does not matter what has happened to you, the blood of Jesus can purify everything. This is one of the vital keys I use when I am counseling people. I give them homework consisting of going home and working with that blood over their lives. I am not going to do it for them. I’m not going to stand there and pray for them for hours and hours. They need to go and do their homework and get their own testimony. Until I started doing this nothing ever happened for me. The moment I chose to begin to work like this, my life began to change, because the blood of Jesus sanctifies and takes away the dust and the mark of the devil on our lives. It is the blood of Jesus that does that for us.

Luke 9:23 – if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Your cross is not your husband or your wife or your family. Your cross is the nature of sin that you wrestle with in your own personal life. That is what you need to carry. You need to take that to the cross, bear it and exchange it. The cross is a place of exchange, where you take your garbage and you put it on and into Christ. Then you take his resurrection, freedom and life, receiving it in exchange. As far as I am concerned I’ve got the better part of the deal.

Jesus has already done that for us, he is already accomplished everything in your life to full resurrection and full transfiguration. Jesus has already done it. We just might not have caught up with that reality yet. It is this reality that God wants to bring us into. So we are going to practice.


I want you to stand up, put your hands on your belly and pray in tongues for a couple minutes. When you have done that, taken image in your mind that you have wrestled with. I want you to draw it to mind, look at it and acknowledge it. Not to sin after it, lust after it or to be controlled by it, but to acknowledge it as sin, because to own something means you can repent of it. You need to go through the process of repenting while you are still praying in tongues, because everything must happen in the spirit. Sometimes I transfer  on and off from English to the spirit. I just work with the Holy Spirit because I learned that I can train a spirit being English just as easily as I can pray in the toungue of an Angel. It is just as easy to pray in tongues in English, it is something you can learn to do.

When I take an image I take that blood of Jesus in my imagination and a paint brush, painting out that original poster. You can do whatever will work for you in your imagination. I have meditated around this process for so long that I am absolutely captivated by it and I know in my own life and experience of other people that this works.

I want you to take that picture and hang it in the spirit realm and look at it. Then take the blood of Jesus and begin to paint that picture out with the blood.

Now, praying in tongues, turn towards heaven, the kingdom that is in you. Father, I think you that I am a spirit being, thank you father that my spirit is the candle of the Lord and is alive to your presence. I thank you, father, that your authority and dominion, the realm of heaven, lives inside of my spirit.

After about two minutes, keeping your eyes closed and still praying in tongues I want you to take another image of a thing that you struggle with. I want you to take it, pin it up in your imagination, acknowledge it as sin and repent of it. While still praying in tongues and holding it up, want you to take the blood and begin to paint it out, redeeming it by the blood of Jesus Christ. I will give you some examples of how I pray through this process.

Father, today, in the name of Jesus I take the blood that redeems. Father there is power in that blood to restore my soul. There is power in the blood of Jesus to cleanse me from the defilement of the controls of my soul. Father, today I take that picture in Jesus name. I take the blood and I begin to paint it with the blood. Thank you Holy Spirit. Jesus I wiped that picture out with your blood. I speak to that picture and declare today that you are redeemed from the power of the enemy and I am redeemed from your influence today. It agreed today that I am redeemed by the blood from its power; I am redeemed from its influence. I am free from its hold over my life today, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Then you can take another image and repeat the process. When you can walk through this process you can keep short accounts and it makes it easy on your life. Do not forget to celebrate the victory – shout his praises – hallelujah Lord Jesus!

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