The 4 faces of God

Revelation 4:6 – 4 living beings, dotted front and back with eyes, stood at the throne’s 4 sides. The first of these living beings was in the form of a lion; the second looked like an ox; the third had the face of a man; and the fourth, the form of an eagle, with wings spread out as though in flight. Each of these living beings had 6 wings, and the central sections of their wings were covered with eyes. Day after day and night after night they kept on saying, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty – the one who was, and is, and is to come.

Engaging with the 4 faces of God come out of experiences I had that really blew my mind. Each of these faces of God shows us a significant portion of the desire of Yahweh to display the facets of his character to us relationally.

My first encounters with the faces of God came out of a period of time when I needed to come into a deeper relation of intimacy with his presence and get to know him more. When I want to know someone, I do not just want to be around their presence and smell their fragrance. If my wife walks past and I come in 5 minutes later, I can smell the perfume that she wears so I know that she was there. Often in a meeting we experience the aroma of Yahweh that makes us think, wow! It is an amazing thing because it draws your heart to him. But that is not good enough; I do not just want the fragrance of my father, I want to hold of him. I want everything there is in relationship with him. So I set my heart and went after him. A whole series of things that happened, see the chapter entitled the dark cloud in the realms of the kingdom volume 1 brought me to an awareness of the dark cloud of God’s presence and an understanding of the terror that was associated with that dark cloud around God’s presence.

… The priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. Then Solomon spoke; the Lord said he would dwell in the dark cloud… First Kings 8:11 – 12. So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was – Exodus 20:21. When the sun was about to set in a deep sleep fell on Abram, hold, terror of great darkness was falling upon him! – Genesis 15:12.

Finally I came to a point where I stepped through the cloud. It was like a dark cloud with terror, fear, torment, judgment and wrath vibrating on the outside, but the moment I stepped through it there was an absolute peace and tranquility in the cloud. Then I took another step forward and I was in this little space, like in a circle. God the father was standing in the rear of the circle. All my religious theories started to tell me that you cannot look at Yahweh because you will die so I did not know what to do. But then I realized something that really broke me: there were tears falling onto the floor, and then he said to me, it’s been a long time since anyone has been here, son. I was just lost, it was more than I could handle. But I set my heart to go back again and again because I wanted to spend time with the presence of the person of Yahweh.

Looking into God’s face

To me there is nothing more fulfilling than being able to be that close and that real with the person of Yahweh. I got over my fear of dying and came to the point where I did not really care if I died because I could not die in any better place. I had all my religious theories telling me that if I see the face of Yahweh I will die. Yet in the Bible the Lord says of his servant Moses, I speak with him face-to-face… And he sees the form of the Lord – numbers 12:8. The Bible also says, the pure in heart… Shall see God – Matthew 5:8. So I decided to look up into his face, so I lifted my head and looked up into his eyes.

The Bible says, the eye is the lamp of the body – Matthew 6:22. Because Yahweh is eternal, all of eternity lives inside him and as I looked at his eyes I was captivated and drawn towards them and then I started actually being drawn into them. That is where I wanted to be – in him. It really changed me and gave me a deeper understanding of Jesus’s words –… As you, father, are in me, and I in you; that they also may be one in us – John 17:21. I am one with the father because I am actually in him in eternity. When I was drawn into his eyes, what I saw totally fried my mind, and I know why Enoch did not come back after seeing that – but he wanted to remain there with the person of Yahweh, at the deepest point of fellowship we can have.

Enoch had such a close and intimate relationship with God that one day he just vanished – God took him – Genesis 5:24 – voice Bible.

By faith – that please God – Enoch was caught up and taken to heaven so that he would not have a glimpse of death; and he was not found because God had taken him; for even before he was taken – to heaven, he received the testimony – still on record – that he walked with God and pleased him – Hebrews 11:5.

Suddenly I withdrew as the Grace of Yahweh brought me from within the fascination of him to the knowledge that I did not want to die or to remain there. People needed to know this relationship with him is possible. I actually began to realize that something was happening with his face so I took a step back. His eyes stayed the same, looking at me totally engaged, with absolute abandoned love. His head was morphing from lion, ox, Eagle, to man and back to lion, over and over. I was blown away, like the Angels, in awe, saying, holy, holy, holy – Isaiah 6:3. It was really one of the most astounding things I had ever seen in my life because his eyes did not shift, they stayed the same. It was just the whole outside was moving in the sequence of yod-hey-vav-hey. I did not know about this sequence at the time, but his face was literally morphing just like that. My spirit recognized who he was – he was my father, not another being or an angel. I began to ponder in my heart, how come no one ever told me this is what I’m going to look like? That I’m going to have skin like matted diamonds, deep blue, burning with fire, alive and moving, with all the colors of the rainbow mixed. How come no one ever told me I’m going to look like that? Because that is what the DNA of God does. We are going to look like that – like him, the one in whose image we are created.

This encounter gave me a great wonder of the father. I so valued the time that he gave me to be able to just look at him like that. The first time I came out of that experience, I came out of the room about an hour and a half later and I was white and shaking, struggling to say anything except wow! My wife asked me what on earth had happened to me because I looked different.

After that I spent weeks, day after day, just living in that sense of the engagement with Yahweh for me as a person and as a being, in the knowledge that Yahweh actually, truly, really loves me. Every time I went to pray, I would see his face in my whole prayer time would be spent looking at his face feeling, whoa! This is what I’m going to be like.

I began to have encounters with the different aspects of the person of Yahweh. One of my encounters was when I was in Houston. We were praying right in the spirit gateway in Houston Texas, in the arena that some of the richest people in the world live. We had started to pray for this area and the people that were there. I had engaged but I was very quiet because something felt really different and I could not figure out what was going on. I heard a movement behind me and I thought somebody was coming towards me. I turned around, and the moment I turned around I was in the spirit. There was a giant ox that probably would have been about as tall as a two-story building, with a huge neck and head. He had his head up against the pillars of this gate in the spirit and he was pushing at the gate. I felt his cry for the people that were in the Houston area. When he looked at me he made a deep lowing sound that went right through me and into that arena. I was on the floor in a mess because I felt the pain of Yahweh for those people and the desire of Yahweh to see his kingdom come into them and touch them. The reason I was in such a mess was because I did not know how to comfort the ox. I did not know what to do with the pain I was feeling of the desperation of Yahweh in the ox, lowing over the lost sheep in that community. Everybody went quiet inside the room. I had lost it because there is nothing you can do to alleviate the pain of the heart of Yahweh for people, and his desire for people to get to know him. I did not know what to do so I just put my arm under the neck of the ox and I put my head up against him. I could feel the strain of his heartbeat, and his desire to touch that area. Then I felt him low again but this time I did not feel the breath, I felt the frequency of his desire, and from his throat, a sound – a deep vibration into my whole being. The cells in my body were aching, responding to his pain.

I can remember feeling all this going on and then coming out of it and everybody asking me what had happened. I told them I just had an encounter with the ox of Yahweh and I did not know what to do. Although I had been doing a bit of study on this, I had not really come to the revelation of it until then. Until you get the revelation of it you can do all the study you like but, once it touches you, it is a totally different thing.

We found out about 6 months later that there were a whole lot of people in that area who were born again. When the ox shows up, things happen because of the weight – bearing of his burden.

I have had an encounter with the lion of God; he showed up in a similar kind of way. He came up to me and he put his face up against me and he breathed into my chest. Again everything changes when you have this kind of encounter with Yahweh. I wanted to teach on the 4 faces of God because each of them symbolizes a very specific characteristic of our father.

Yahweh has chosen to reveal himself and the nature of who he is, within our 4 dimensional arena, in these ways. These manifestations of himself can encapsulate his desire for relationship with us, his sons, so he has chosen to carry these 4 faces. The living creatures that are around Yahweh also have 4 faces. The reason they have 4 faces is that they have spent eternity in his presence, and they have taken on his image because we are changed into the likeness of whatever we look upon.

second Corinthians 3:18And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into his image from – 1° of – glory to – even more – glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit .

They have spent eternity looking at the person, the faces and the glory of God, and they have taken on the image and reflection of the one they worship.

I went through this process of looking at these different creatures and trying to wrestle with my feelings. There were times when the ox would be present as I was laying down. He would put his chin on my chest and the weight of the glory would come over my life. The point is that we do not need to do anything. All Yahweh wants to do is just to hang out with us for a little while, for us to take a little bit of his weight and some of his feelings and bear them with him. That is what families do and Yahweh wants to bear those things with us.

I began to recognize that there were important characteristics that we need to get to grips with in regard to the person of Yahweh.

The ox

The ox is the burden bearer that carries the responsibility for the shepherding of the sheep.

He symbolizes strength and endurance. The Lord talks about breaking the yoke throughout the Bible.

Isaiah 58:6 – is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free.

Matthew 11:29 – take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Acts 15:10 – why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

The ox is a burden bearer. Through endurance, obedience is obtained. Patience is one of the attributes of an ox. An ox is very patient in the way it does things, and because it is so big it just does not care about the opinions of other things around it. It is so big it will just go where it wants to, do what it wants, at the pace it wants and it will get the job done. That is the way oxen are. It is an amazing creature, and the ox of God is an amazing being. When the Bible tells us to heal the sick in Jesus name ( Matthew 10:8), that is the ox of God roaring. The 7 spirits of God are also entwined with these four faces – Isaiah 11:2, and the ox is directly linked to the spirit of might.

You and I need to yoke ourselves to the ox of God, so that Yahweh can move through our lives to bring us to a point where we are totally obedient through his obedience to the father. Jesus is the chief ox and my chief rabbi, and so I yoke myself to him so that he can bring me through my trials, never having to walk through them by myself. One thing about yoking yourself to the ox of God is that you will never ever be alone. When you find it difficult, he will carry you through because of the shared yoke. I fell in love with the ox of God when I had that encounter in Dallas.

This face our father chooses to reveal to us symbolizes a number of things, the most obvious being strength and endurance. An ox is a burden bearer. This creature is very patient and very obedient. The ox is an amazing animal. In Israel’s day, when they wanted to train a young ox to plow a field or when they wanted to do something, they would take a big ox that weighed about 2500 pounds and put a yoke around the big ox with a smaller yoke connected to it by a plank. They would then lock a young ox into that yoke and put the plow behind the big ox. The big ox would walk around the field because the big ox knew the job. it knew what to do and it would go and do the job. The young ox would get frustrated and irritable. It would kick it heels, struggle to get free and go off to do what it wanted to do. It would get to a stage where the young ox would get so furious about wanting to go and do what it wanted to do that they would get something called a goad, which was a plank with little barbs sticking out of it. This would be hung behind the young ox’s back legs. So when the young ox got furious and kicked its back legs to try to kick the person, it would kick these things, which would hurt. So eventually it learned not to kick and struggle.

It is amazing how much we are like this young ox when we are so busy and wanting to do our own thing and yet Yahweh has a plan and a purpose. We can kick and scream but we are each yoked to him. Sometimes a young ox will refuse to move and just sit on the ground, so the big 2500 pound ox which is drag it along. Who is going to win, the 500 pound ox for the 2500 pound ox? That is how they train the ox to do the job, or to be the weight bearer, the burden bearer, the one that plows and the one that does the work. It is like us and one of the important things I’ve learned out of this is that I needed to yoke myself to the presence of God, willingly and freely out of my own will and choice; being willing to yoke myself to him, no matter how badly my desires or feelings wanted to go and do my own thing. Yahweh yoked me to himself and he would pull me along until I learned his ways, so I chose to walk with him freely. I have tried putting a yoke around my neck so that I could get a feeling of what it was like to be yoked to the presence of God. Then I began to pray, father thank you that I’ve yoked myself to you willingly and freely. I give you permission to drag me through anything you need to drag me through to make me able to do the work that you want me to do and do the things that you do; I yoke myself to you today.

There were times when I did not want to do what Yahweh wanted me to do. There are times when it is really hard to go and do the things you do not want to do, and the things you want to do you cannot do because you are yoked to something else. But I found that Yahweh is so faithful when we turn to him. He says, come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I’ll give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls – Matthew 11:28 – 29. I found that if I put myself as close as I can to the ox of God – to the person of Yahweh in that form, he carries all the things I struggle with in my life, because he is the one that bears the big yoke. Then his yoke for me, which comes from him around my life, is easy, and my burden is light.

I found that by spending the time being close to him like that, many of the issues that I should have gone through, and struggled with, were not a struggle, and I have been able to walk through them because I have been yoke to the presence of God.

The Eagle

Another one of the faces of my father is in Eagle and he is amazing. Nature only reflects a small portion of the supernatural reality of what and who he is. The Eagle is symbolized by the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of knowledge.

They Eagle is free and uninhibited. One of the greatest, most liberating experiences I had in my own personal life was when I realized that Yahweh was free and uninhibited, totally abandoned to life and absolutely given over to enjoying life.

The Eagle is very symbolic of liberty and majesty. The Eagle is a hunter, a trainer and the one that can see into the future. An Eagle is an absolutely patient nest builder and they go God is all about personal encouragement. I’ve done a lot of study on Eagles because I wanted to understand them. There are some amazing books I found including Jamie Buckingham’s where Eagles soar. I went into the library and borrowed every book on Eagles I could find and studied diagrams describing Eagles.

There are some amazing things we know about Eagles. When an Eagle gets to a certain height it will lock its wings using a certain joint and its wings will never bend from that point. This enables it to do what we know as soaring, carried up by the currents of the wind.

Pilots have recorded sightings of Eagles as high as 10,000 feet up in the air. The respiratory system and heart rate can slow down when it is soaring. Amazingly an Eagle can see a rat on the face of the earth from a very high altitude. It can also see another bird flying in the air and it will watch it from a great height until it is ready to make a move.

When we were children we used to live near a place in South Africa called kloof, near Durban. There was a big gorge there with a river that ran through it and there were 2 black king Eagles that used to live in the Gorge. We did not have TV so we use to play outside a lot and we would hear the Eagles early in the morning. They would cry and we would go outside, lie on our back and see how long we could keep our eyes on the Eagle until we lost sight of it. What we really loved was listening for the crying to stop because we knew that within about 30 seconds one of us would spot this black thing swooping down out of the sky at a massive speed. It was just the most amazing sight to see.

At the right time Yahweh will come in and interfere in your life circumstances and completely change them. His eye has never ever left anyone of us. No matter how far away he seems to be, his eye is always upon each of us, always watching over you and me, always desiring the best for us.

When an eagle nests, the female puts her nest in the cleft of a rock next to a sheer drop. The reason she does this is that she wants to teach her chicks how to fly when the time is right. She builds her nest out of thorns, with rocks and stones underneath, that stick out like barbs into the nest. She then fills up the nest with lovely soft fluffy down. She lays the eggs on the fluffy down and other fluffy pelts she finds the make it nice and warm and cozy. Then the eaglets sit inside the nest and comfortable in a lovely position. But then the mother Eagle gets to a stage where the babies need to leave the nest because their feathers have grown. The mother Eagle gets bored with having the babies in the nest, so she begins to take the down out of the nest. She pulls it out so the eaglets are left sitting on thorns and stones. So the most comfortable place for them to sit is on the edge of the nest. They will sit there and wait for her to come. After some weeks when she gets bored of them sitting on the edge in the nest and not doing anything, she will get behind one of them and use her beak to knock it out of the nest. The young Eagle will be falling down, upside down, waving its wings around trying to fly. Now the mother will swoop down underneath the baby, pick it up, take it right out over a cliff somewhere high up upon the air currents and drop it again. She will then swoop down with it, and again pick the baby up on her wings and take it back to the nest. She will then start with the next one. She teaches her chicks how to fly in this way.

The Lord says in his word:

Exodus 19:4… I bore you on Eagles wings and brought you to myself –

Deuteronomy 32:10 – 12.… He encircled him, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, caring them on its wings… So the Lord alone let him

 Isaiah 40:31But those who wait for the Lord – you expect, look for, and hope in him – will gain new strength in the new their power; they will lift up their wings – and rise up close to God – like eagles – rising towards the sun

When you’re learning how to fly, your father comes as an eagle and picks you up and teaches you how to learn to function in the world of his kingdom.

One thing I know about Yahweh is that if you want to engage him and you are serious about it, he will make the nest very uncomfortable. So what you find is that Yahweh makes the religious status quo become very uncomfortable and you find yourself sitting on the edge in the nest. The unfortunate part about it is that many people who get knocked out of the nest fall way, because they are so immature, all they want is to be fed by mother Eagle. They do not want to go and feed themselves or come into revelation for themselves, they just want to be fed by someone else.

The Golden Eagle can live for decades and at a certain age it’ll find a cave in the side of a cliff somewhere were no animals can access it and strip every single feather from its body. It will then beat its beak up against the rock until it starts to bruise around the edge of the Beak and then the beak falls off. It has an oil sac that sits on its back and it squashes that oil sac with its soft pliable mouth and begins to massage the oil all over its skin. The oil stimulates new growth, which is the same as what Holy Spirit does. He comes to us as oil to stimulate new growth. So if you are going through a season of stripping the reason is that there is something better coming.

The eagle then massages oil into its body every day and the feathers begin to form on its body. It gets renewed, like being reborn. It is a completely new eagle when it is finished, with a new beak, new claws, and new feathers. This is what the Holy Spirit wants to do with us. He wants to create in us a new being so that we come out with a new beak, new claws and new feathers as a new being.

I had an encounter with the eagle of God when I was in the spirit just about to go through the snake line. I heard a squealing sound like –tzzzzzh,tzzzzzh. It was the cry of the Eagle saying, come and fly with me. Again, I had the most amazing experience with the presence of Yahweh, both of us moving as winged beings. All these things solidify in me the depth of desire to go on and on and chase him until I get to the point of being like him.

Editor’s note: ian refers to the snake line as the point in the spirit realm past which the demonic cannot go and above which is only holiness and the grace of God’s blessing.

The man

The face of the man is connected with emotions and feelings, he is empathetic. The man face of God symbolizes vulnerability where his feelings can be seen and related to. It enables him to be able to touch our hearts and allows us to be able to touch him. The man is expressive and vulnerable. He has the ability to feel and experience those kinds of things with us. It enables him to not only relate by touch, but also to be able to express emotions. Do you realize that Yahweh expresses emotions?

Leave me alone so that my anger can flare up and destroy them – Exodus 32:10

He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing – Zephaniah 3:17

He was sits in heavens laughs! – Psalm 2:4

Jesus wept – John 11:35

I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people – Isaiah 65:19

These things have I spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you – John 15:11

Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills – song of Solomon 2:8.

By the way, it is fun, you should try doing it sometime – thought speed transport from mountaintop to mountaintop – catch me if you can around and around the earth.

These things all build relational connection. The man aspect of the father empowers us to build relational connection with him. That is all he wants: relational connection. You know what your life is like and how vulnerable it is. When the face of God is like a man he is very vulnerable, that is why, in the garden, I have never seen the face of God as an eagle, an ox or a lion. He always has the form of a man. When I was in the dark cloud he was always a man because that is the vulnerable part, where the father is saying, I want to be vulnerable to you as my child, and I want you to be able to touch me and speak with me.

Everything about the father is about relationship and his desire to come into that whole arena of relationship. The man is symbolized by the spirit of understanding and counsel. The other thing about the man is that he is also uninhibited. There is an abandoned freedom to love and be loved inside the face of the man.

God in the form of a man empowers us to be around our father and actually relate to him as a man. You walk side-by-side with a man not face-to-face. With a girl you meet face-to-face, with a man you move side by side – relationship stuff. And so the first time I saw the father in Eden by the Rose Garden, I went and stood beside him while he pruned roses. They are the most amazing things because they are alive when he prunes them, and the cuttings fall but, because nothing dies, it goes into the ground becomes life and a new rosebud shoots forth. Standing side-by-side is an example of the things we can walk through with the presence of God.

When the Bible says, as you go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick… Matthew 10:7 – 8, that is the man of God manifesting.

The lion

The lion is the fierce predator. The lion symbolizes the king. It is about rulership and about the establishing of boundaries. It sets in place Lordship. It releases authority and dominion and the fear of the presence of another that is stronger.

When the Bible says, in my name they will cast out demons – Mark 16:17, that is the lion roaring.

The lion is directly linked to the spirit of the fear the Lord, and the spirit of the Lord. The lion establishes boundaries and brings kingship, rulership, Lordship, authority, dominion, and power.

I have done studies on the natural arenas associated with each animal. The lion is an amazing creature in the things it does in the wild, in the way it hunts and how it sets up and looks after its pride. A mail lion cares for his female lions in certain ways. He looks after them in the way he hunts and the expressive things he does with his mouth when he roars. He will get on top of the hill at night time in the cool of the day and he will roar into the atmosphere to establish the arena of his dominion. Yahweh roars over us to establish to the whole spiritual world that he is got dominion here over this temple. The father is like a lion to us individually because he roars over each of us. He speaks into us and breathes into us; he gives us the ability to become the fierce one and the hunter.

I love hunting out and killing demons and because of the line nature that Yahweh has given us, we have the capacity to do these things. When things come around your life, engage each of these natures that Yahweh wants us to know.

One of the things I found with Yahweh is that he wants to protect us. His desire is to overshadow each of us, to cover us and to roar over us in protection. If we come into relationship with him we are going to look like him, we are going to be like him, which means that he is going to enable us to roar over others, to overshadow others, to protect them and to do the same things he does. This is not only over others but over a city, then over nations, then over continental plates, then over the earth, then over the judgment seats, then over the rulership seats and then over the different mountains that go up into the mountain of the Lord – Psalm 24:3, Isaiah 2:2.

Some time ago I was in the spirit over our city and holding our city in my heart and trying to figure out what I needed to do to deal with some of the things in my territory and in my nation, and on our tectonic plate. Again, I felt this movement behind me very similar to what I had felt before, except now I felt a fear. My immediate reaction was that a demon spirit had shown up – because I could feel fear. So it took me a few minutes to identify that fear. When I identified that fear it was not the fear of being afraid of a demonic spirit, it was the fear of being in the presence of absolute power. So then I was really terrified because I wondered what on earth was standing behind me as I felt that feeling, and when I looked around there was a lion looking at me. He looked at me while he opened his mouth and roared into me. I fell on the floor. I felt like running away because I wanted to get away from the sound of the roar that was coming into the sound of my body. I was saying inside, God, I can’t handle this anymore! But it did not stop; the roar continued. I realized God was roaring into me the sound of government. I wondered, why hasn’t anybody told me that this is what our God is like?

I was in a church a number of months later, in the meeting at the back of the church, and I heard the sound of the roar again. I turned around and there was the lion, and he roared into me and right through me again. I was on the floor sobbing and shaking.

These encounters with the presence of the Lord in that dimensional way have really given me an understanding of the power of his name – so that when you are on the outside of it, receiving it, it is unbelievably cool but terrifyingly amazing, wonderful, awesome, draining and fearsome all at once. I do not know how you describe these emotions. It is like everything you have ever experienced put into a little box and blended together.

The more you yield yourself to the presence of God and come into relationship with him, the greater your experience will be of his kingdom in your life.

These 4 aspects of God are very important to us as individuals. They empower us to be able to understand not only what we are going to look like, but actually how to display and bear his image properly. Unless you engage and understands the process with these 4 sides of God’s nature, you will not be able to displays these aspects of his character properly. When you understand and engage these 4 sides of his nature it destroys the yoke of belief systems cultured by your parents around your life. It shatters all the rejection, the isolation, the loneliness, the pessimism, the unbelief, the shock, the trauma, the rejection, the self rejection, the fear of rejection and the shame. It shatters absolutely every demonic spirit, because they cannot stand in the face of God.

Yahweh said to Abraham, when Abraham was 99 years old, adonai appeared Abram, and he said to him, I am EL Shaddai. Continually walk before me and you will be blameless – Genesis 17:1.

In the original Hebrew language it says, turn towards my faces, walk towards them, and I will make you flawless. That is because everything is about the faces of God – everything. Dealing with your humanity is about the faces of God. That is why we have got to position ourselves in his name, because in his name, and I do not mean casually like a lucky charm, but actually in his name every devil will flee because they cannot stand in the provision of those 4 faces. In his name, every knee shall bow. Why? Because of the power that is displayed in the love that is in those 4 faces. In his name, you will heal the sick, you will bind up the brokenhearted. Why? Because there is complete restoration  available in the 4 faces of God, because of the way that they can become empathetic with us as human beings. Is God four beings? No, he is one, but he has 4 ways of expression at all times.

I found understanding his nature really helped me to have relationship with Yahweh. The Bible says,… God is love – first John 4:8.

We read that but actually our experience of him being love is not yet real for most of us. If Yahweh is love, then we have got to understand that those 4 faces will release around us so much love, and that love commands a response. Love is not an emotion; love is a choice and an act of your will. Did you realize that? You’ve got to choose to love. That is why the Bible says, beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God – first John 4:7 – 8.

These things about the nature and character of Yahweh are so important for us because they reveal his nature to us and so we are empowered to become relational beings with the God of the universe. When I go into the realm of the presence of God, I do not go running up to the throne of God when he is in his full dominion and power and say, daddy, can I have a hug? Can I say hello to you today? You can when you are 3 years old and still sucking your thumb. But when you are aged 25 and you say, dad, can I have a hug? No one will say how cute you are because maturity requires us to carry responsibility.

I have found that it is best not to go and approach my father when he is on his throne in all his power and all the dominion of rulership, where he wears the garment of a king and has the scepter of the government of heaven in his hand. Otherwise I would get fried to a crisp! We have got to learn protocol. When the father comes off the seat of his government that is when you learn how to relate to him. The governmental seat gives us the understanding that he is the God of the universe, full of power and might and authority, dominion and glory. But even though he has all that, we can still touch him as a father. We can still be around him and, not only does he want us to be around him, he wants us to learn how to sit besides him so we can learn to carry and bear his image into all of creation.

The Bible says, as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man – first Corinthians 15:49.

That is the statement I’ve been looking for all my life. After I have done studies on all these things, I do not know how many times I’ve read that verse. I do not know how many times I’ve read the Bible through and through but, when the Lord gave me this Scripture, it absolutely blew my mind. I was looking at him and asking him why no one ever told me I was going to look like that. He is now saying to you and me, you are going to be like that. That makes me very excited. I am looking forward to walking down the street with beams of light shining out of me, and my head morphing between the lion, the ox, the eagle, and the man!


Father, I want to thank you for who you are. Father, I want to thank you that you have made us uniquely designed to bear your image. Father, according to the word, you said that as we have borne the image of the earthly, so we shall bear the image of the heavenly.

Father, today I bless these people with the knowledge of what they will bear out of the heavenly arena. Father, I bless them with the knowledge that we are able to attain to these things. That it is not based on our faith but it is based on what Jesus’ faith has already done and accomplished for us.

Lord, today we hook into that law faith. Father, we hook into that law of faith, because out of that faith we are going to bear the image of the most high God, born out of his seed, becoming like him, in Jesus name. Amen.

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