Through rapture into translation part 1

by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony, that he please God.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed.

The revelation set forth in this booklet were given during experiences of rapture, beginning in January, 1942, and continued for several months. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I have made an earnest attempt to interpret these heavenly experiences in earthly language. Needless to say, the testimony falls far short of the reality.

Since the first edition was mailed out in 1943, we have received letters from other Christians, in many parts of the world, who testified similar experiences and rejoice in the testimony recorded on these pages. By many reliable witness, the Holy Spirit has confirmed the word given to us that rapture – meaning – to be caught away or transported in the spirit – is preparatory to the even greater experiences of transport – in the body, and translation. All 3 of these experiences are recorded in the word of God, and are among the promises given to the full over comers in the latter days, or the time of the end. A body is being prepared as it hath pleased him, as revealed in first Corinthians, 15 chapter, whose blessed privilege is to be changed and caught up alive – made like unto Christ, our glorious head. For tastes such as this booklet records are becoming more numerous as the time of the consummation draws near.

This was the Lord’s doing, and it is still marvelous in our eyes! With all praise and glory unto our Lord Jesus Christ who has revealed himself unto us and is shown us things to come, kindling our love, reviving our hope, confirming our faith, I offer this testimony to you.


rise up on wings of the Dove, rise up at the call of love, rise up, up, up, up – up! To the courts above!

Why will you Terry here in darkness, why will you wonder, set at heart, – when Jesus has been you, rise up, my love, and come with me apart?

Rise up, Earth’s chains are broken! Rise up, the heavens open! Rise up, up, up, up – up! The Lord is spoken!

Why do you linger in unbelief, why give place to doubt and fear? Why is your spirit still reluctant his will to do, his voice to hear?

Rise up! What more can he say? Rise up! ‘tis the dawn of the day! Rise up, up, up, up – up! My love, and come away!

Angels are hovering all around you, waiting to bury you to the throne: heavenly song slowed down through the spheres to woo you in tender, loving tone.

Rise up, enjoys surprise, rise up, through the beckoning skies; rise up, up, up, up – up! As a bird home word flies!

Blessed is the one whom God is called to his high and holy dwelling; yes, Blessed is he who us is stirred by the voice of love impelling.

Rise up, through the etheral spheres, rise up, your redemption nears. Rise up, up, up, up – up! Your king appears!

Winter has departed not last, flowers are appearing on the earth; and all creation is waiting a restoration and new birth.

Rise up, out of Earth’s dark Knight, rise up, to the courts of light; rise up, up, up, up – up! Take your rapture flight!

Out of the earthly

in January 1942, the Lord began to speak to me in the most vivid way about rapture. For many years a little company of us had been hidden away in a ministry of intercession and worship. During this time the Holy Spirit is let us continually, and has blessed us with true prophecy in many revelations about the end time plan of God. We all were preparing our hearts for the glorious day when our Lord would pour out the promised reign of the spirit and double portion, and send us forth to work the greater works in his holy name.

Was, therefore, a great surprise to me when our Lord indicated that this earthly prayer ministry was being terminated, and I was and her into Reston be taken into another realm. I was puzzled at his word and wondered if I were going to die. One night, as I was engaged in an earnest prayer with a few others, I was suddenly rapture in the spirit: I had the sensation of passing up and up and on into the third heaven!

The universe is thy inheritance in me, Lord said. That was possessed in earthly inheritance in my kingdom, but now thou shall spy out and possess a heavenly inheritance by faith.

He revealed that Satan and his rulers would be cast down out of the heavens, and their seats of authority would be given to the overcoming Saints. I had a strong impression that I was standing on a high and very steep pinnacle. To my surprise I found myself looking at the starry heavens from above them! The myriads and myriads of heavenly world spread out before me overwhelmed my spirit. I felt that any moment I would faint, so I leaned upon the Lord, trusting him to sustain me upon this pinnacle. I was conscience of angelic beings and of ethereal sights and sounds, but I neither see them planning are here them distinctly.

Then, suddenly I was taken up, was set down again upon the earth! There is a path which no bird no with, the spirit said. You shall be given the wings of a dove, and shall fly away and be at rest.

I saw that hitherto I had been in Eagle St., a prayer waiter and warrior. I was not to be changed into a dove saint. The Dove typifying the company who shall ascend and descend and finally be translated. The following scriptures were illuminated to me:

Psalm 55:6 – oh, that I had wings like a dove! For then would I fly away and be at rest.

Psalm 68:13 – though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold.

This portion had been spoken to me many years before. It is found in the prophetic 68 Psalm – and inspired song containing a profound revelation of the latter-day. As one commentator has written: it would take the Pentecostal gifts of tongues to properly interpret this superlative song of David. Our little company is often song and dance in the spirit to its transcendent strains. Many think David saying it as he dance before the ark when it was being returned. The ninth verse reveals the latter rain. This is followed by the giving of the living word to a great company who publish it. There is mention of a people once cast down in servitude and bondage who arises pure doves, as free as a bird! If you read on you see a picture of mighty conquest in which angels participate.

Again the spirit spoke to me in the tender words of the bridegroom to the bride:

song of Solomon 2:14 – oh my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret place of the stairs.

And again:

Isaiah 60:8 – who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

The spirit also reminded me of Noah’s Ark in the dove with the olive branch – a type of those hidden away in Christ, during the present storm, who shall come forth with the everlasting gospel true peace.

Isaiah 52:7 – how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that bring us good tidings, that publisheth piece… That Seth undesigned, thy God rain us!

I was also reminded of the descent of the Holy Ghost, in the form of a dove, upon our Lord at his baptism in the Jordan River. At that time the father spoke out of heaven:

Matthew 3:17 – this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.

I saw that the dove was a symbol of Sun ship, of purity and of sacrifice – as well as of the Holy Spirit.

I pondered these Scriptures for many days, and the Lord caused me to see that the dove company is the bride company – the sun company – the rapture did finally translated Saints. I was shown that whereas I had previously glimpsed into the heavenly’s, I was now actually to be taken – by the spirit – into celestial realms. How can these things be? I asked, as did one of the old. After much prayer the Lord gave me a revelation which was new to me. This was presented to me in many ways and was verified consistently. It was this:

rapture and translation are 2 entirely different things! The meaning of the word rapture is – to be suddenly caught away are transported in the spirit. This does not involve a transportation of the body. St. John, according to the Greek text, was rapture it in the spirit when he received his revelation of Jesus Christ. His body was on the Isle of Patmos, but his spirit was taken into the heavenly’s. St. Paul was rapture it in the spirit and taken to the third heaven. Daniel was rapture and fell is dead, when he was given the amazing revelation of Jesus Christ in the time of the end. Isaiah, while the temple, was rapture it and saw the Lord high and lifted up. Moses was rapture it in the mount. And Ezekiel was rapture it again and again.

All through the history of the church, the Saints have been given experiences of rapture.savonarola was often enraptured while preaching, and would sit motionless for hours seeing visions in the spirit. St. Francis and many have is brotherhood where rapture and taken into heaven. They commune with angels and saints, and were given revelations of the Lord and of his sufferings in glory. St. Catherine of Siena was rapture to in the spirit frequently, even in early childhood. She foretold the Reformation, and also saw revelations concerning the great worldwide Crusade of the latter days in which the bride would arise, clad in beautiful garments, and the glory of God would fill the earth. Many of her experiences seem to be typical of the works which are to be wrought to the days just ahead.

George Fox of the Quakers once was rapture and for many days, and his body was altered in appearance in the most supernatural way. The Holy Spirit reminded me of these things which I had previously read in brief. I not been greatly impressed by them, supposing they were purely individual revelations. Now I saw that these rapture’s work types and signs of experiences which lie ahead for us.

About a year later, after having entered into rapture, I investigated other reports of such raptures, and found that the Holy Spirit had dealt with me in ways so similar that I was amazed. I was filled with rejoicing at the witness given to me in reading of those who were rapture did in days gone by.

That which Saint Paul experience, as one bore out of due time, is the perfect type and pattern of the sons of God. They will be given a revelation of Jesus Christ – a face-to-face, beyond the veil experience – before they are physically translated. They will be caught up in the spirit and will commune with Angels, prophets and apostles, as well as with Jesus Christ himself. They will be shown things which have been, the things which are, and the things which are to be. They will be able to say, as St. Peter said after the Transfiguration: we have not fouled cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty… When we were with him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that she take heed – second Peter 1:16, 18, 19.

Likewise, St. John could say:

that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with their own eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life; the living word. That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you – first John 1:1, 3.

Oh, what a word of authority! We shall see, we shall hear, we shall know, by first-hand experience. In this we shall declare to the nations – a sure word of prophecy. Why wasn’t not lawful for St. Paul to tell of his revelation of Jesus Christ in of the mysteries revealed in the third heaven? Because these things were sealed up until the time of the end. The revelation and appearing of Jesus Christ is now at hand – a secret appearing and revelation to is prepared Saints, before his open appearing. This is for shown in the first 3 chapters of the revelation, when Jesus Christ appeared under John on the I’ll of Patmos. In one chapter, verse 10, we read: on the Lord’s day I found myself rapture in the spirit – Moffat. The entire apocalypse was given him by revelation while in the state of rapture, that is, caught away in the spirit out of his natural senses, his mind being quickened and illuminated by the supernatural power of God.

After rapture, the next step is transport. We shall be taken from place to place in the body, as Philip was caught away when he preached to the unit.

The last step is translation. Then we shall be caught up – body, soul and spirit – as were Enoch and Elijah. But this will not be until the consummation of the entire ministry.

When this astounding revelation was given to me by the Lord, he immediately challenged me, believe a style this? Then he said, by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death.

My heart was so stirred that I earnestly sought the Lord that in all things I too might walk well pleasing to him. I laid aside all spiritual labor and sought to enter into complete rest; but it took several months in a severe illness, before I could fully do so. I did not confide this revelation anyone; but the Holy Spirit confirmed it by many demonstrations, scriptures and prophecies through others. The Lord began to speak to our company about rapture, and there were manifestations of flying and being transported, and prophecies about translation. We were told that to enter into translation required long and difficult preparation: for our entire being, including our body, must be brought into complete submission to the spirit. With these dealings we were given Romans 8, first Corinthians 15, all of the Thessalonians, and many other portions of the Pauline epistles.

We also had demonstrations about the whole burnt offering. Those who are truly rapture are consumed with the the fire of divine love. Over and over the word in Hebrews was given to us:

you’re coming – come – on the Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the Gen. assembly and ecclesia of the firstborn which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of able – Hebrews 12:22 – 24.

During this time the Lord instructed me about St. John the rebel after. And one night I, too, heard a voice behind me, like a trumpet, calling me to come up hither. I saw an open door in heaven, but it seemed far off. My heart was pain, Fry felt earthbound and new not how to come up.

I prayed much that I might find a way out of the earth into the heavenly’s. I was impressed about Nathaniel, the pure hearted. He recognized Jesus as the son of God and his king; and Jesus commended him as an Israel light in whom there is no guile. He gave him a wonderful promise: hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the sons of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man – John 1:51.

Angels from glory

Angels descending from glory I see, down through the open portal; a wonderful word are bringing to me, sent from the King immortal.

Angels from glory are winging, a message divine they are bringing, the King bids the come up higher, they say, no rise up, beloved, and come away.

My heart completely he’s captured, soon to his throne I’ll be rapture; caught up in a moment, I shall rise to meet him in paradise!

The Holy Spirit gave me this song is a promise. He revealed that throughout the ages this door in heaven has been opened at certain times to certain chosen ones. Jacob saw this stairway or latter, and the Angels ascending and descending. The profits at times looked into these heavenly realms: but now, in the end time, oh, praise the Lord, this door is to be opened to an entire company. It is to be open wide for short season to a few first fruits of that company. Then it is to be open to the entire sons of God – pride company. Each one is to be taken up the Golden stairway, up into the third heaven, some the higher realms, and some to the very throne. By the way of rapture they are to have access to the heavenly’s. They are to see and commune with the angels and saints; and are to see Jesus, beyond the veil, face-to-face, being changed into his likeness, fully united with him. They are to be commissioned and sealed, and then set forth for a short ministry. The pattern for this is found in the life of our Lord. He was brought up out of death, and ascended, after he also descended. He was seen by many and ministered for 40 days before he was taken up again to remain at the throne.

The Lord also revealed much concerning Enoch. Later I was given the book of Enoch to read, and I found it was profitable. In it I learned that Enoch was rapture it many times before he was actually translated. The marvelous revelations given him concerning God’s plan – even unto the end of this age – and his knowledge of heavenly movements, enabled him to enter into the end time privileges – and to experience the consummation of translation!

Every son of God is to have these privileges. They are to know as they are known. As I learned of these things, my heart hungered for the fullness of the revelation of Jesus Christ – the secret revelation to be given to the ecclesia. I earnestly sought the Lord and prayed that I might be prepared to rise up and come away. I pray that I might be like Nathaniel, pure in heart, without guile. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. The old him, plus it assurance was often brought to my mind, especially this verse:

perfect submission, perfect the light. Visions of rapture now burst on my site; Angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Then the spirit gave me a portion of Isaiah which had been impressed upon me for many years. This prophecy refers to the time of the Lord’s appearing in the midst of his people:

now will I rise, saith the Lord; now will I be exalted; now will I lift up myself… The sinners in Zion are afraid, fearfulness have surprised the hypocrites. Who among you shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings – Isaiah 33:10, 14

yes, truly, our God is a consuming fire. He is even now sifting in our midst, purifying the sons of Levi. Malachi 3:3 – Isaiah gives the pattern for those who are to be rapture:

he that walk is righteously, in the righteousness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and speak it’s a brightly; he that despises the gain of oppressions – frauds, that shake us his hands from holding of bribes, that stop of his ears from the hearing of blood, and shut us his eyes from seeing you will; he shall dwell in high: his place of defense shall be munitions of rocks – the cleft of the rock, the secret place of the stairs: bread shall be given him; his water shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty; they shall behold the land that is very far off – Isaiah 33:15 – 17

in this passage it is clearly revealed that our walk, our talk, and our every action, must be guided by the spirit. Our feet, our tongues, our hands, our eyes, our ears, must be cut off from every worldly and evil use. As St. Paul so perfectly expounded this truth:

Romans 6:19 – as he of yielding your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity and to iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness on the holiness.

How difficult to shut our eyes completely to the hearing of blood, in the midst of a world at war; and to shut her eyes to the seeing of evil, in the midst of this evil day. But I saw on this word that I must deliberately tune out the world realm, and tune in the heavenly realm. The promise to those who, by his grace, enter into this complete rest is indeed glorious.

Thine eyes shall see the King

who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place? Who shall appear before the king, holding him face-to-face? He was heart has been yearning for a glimpse of that far-off land, who spirit is quiet, waiting, to move it the king’s command. Blessed is that one who approaches his dwelling, summoned by the voice of his love impelling!

During this time of preparation I found that my heart and mind seemed often caught away, so much so that I could hardly recognize that which was taking place about me, even though I still had the full care of my home and 3 small children. I also noticed at times a new sensation of quickening in my physical body. Often I felt so light that it seemed that I could fly away in a moment. These as static times past – in fiery trials closely followed. I found that all my heart, my soul, was longing for heaven, longing for Jesus, longing to leave the earth. I was no longer led to intercede. Indeed, I seemed helpless to pray unless I was anointed; but I was conscious of a constant, close union with the Lord. I experienced an inner hunger similar to that which I felt while seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So often then I had cried, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God! It seemed that again my flesh was crying out – this time for full redemption. About this time the spirit gave this song:

the path the Paradise

once, a dying thief prayed, Lord, remember me, as he looked in Jesus tender eyes; in Jesus answered him, while in bitter agony, today thou shall be with me in paradise.

Beyond the burning stars, up through the whirling spheres, I’ve heard a hidden pathway lies; and sweet angelic songs are falling on my ears, as I look up and catch a glimpse of paradise.

Often sign urine, and tender Revere, for that heavenly land beyond the blue; and then my soul is stirred to holy ecstasy, for I know that someday I shall dwell there to!

Today my spirit cries, like one soul long ago, dear Lord, will now remember me? In Jesus, bending near, whispers clear and low, my kingdom, dear one, I give to the.

Show me the path to Paradise, out of Earth’s darkness bid me rise; I know my Lord is waiting there, walking in God’s garden fair.

Angels are softly calling me, with heavenly love enthralling me, so I would climb the stairs beyond the skies – the path to Paradise!

Often the spirit came upon me in such a new way of transport that I seem to be passing out of my body. But, as eager as I was to be caught up, I found that my body offered quite a resistance, similar to the resistance most of us felt in our bodies when first sought the baptism and the Holy Spirit began to move upon our members. I saw the heavens opened one day, just a little slit as it were.

Heretofore, said the Lord, you have had glimpses into this realm. At the time of baptism I had been caught up, and had heard the heavenly choir; and at other times there had been some experiences along this line. But now the heavens are open wide to you. At this, I saw the heavens actually rollback, much as a curtain on a stage is parted. The glory of the realm supernal blinded me! I was given glimpses of the new Jerusalem, and the stairway or latter leading to it. I was also permitted to see various Angels, and to know their ranks. I became conscious of them about me day and night. Prior to this time I have seen a few Angels, but only at rare intervals, and then very dimly. Twice the arch Angel Michael had appeared in had spoken to us concerning the time of the end. How I love this noble prince among Angels, captain of great host! How concerned he is about the woman and the man child, and what a great part he is playing now – Gallant warrior! When I saw him and his host, I was like the prophet who saw the heavenly host – glad that I was on the Lord’s side!

It was revealed to me that I would be enabled to see and to converse with the Angels, and understand heavenly mysteries. The Lord also spoke to me about passing over death; about death being swallowed up by life; about the reign of death which is coming upon the earth; and about the glorious reign of life which is to be given to the sons of God. I saw some coming out of their graves, as they did upon the day of Jesus’s death. Matthew 27:52, 53 I also saw that some of the early Saints are going to be out – resurrected from the dead, I headed the general resurrection, and are going to appear in the earth. Later, I found this in the prophecies of the early fathers this had been proclaimed. I saw that St. Paul and St. John, among others, were to appear again in the earth during this brief supernatural ministry. Indeed, I saw much of which I had not previously heard.

Jesus said, I have told you many earthly things and you have believed; now I show you heavenly things. The spirit continued to inspire me to sing new songs. This one became a daily prayer:

my adorable king

heavy with darkness, the world lies waiting, waiting for you, my adorable king; and my heart is waiting and longing to, and sighing, even as I sing. I look up to the stars with their silvery lights aglow, somewhere up there you are looking down, I know, and your heart answers mind in an ecstasy divine – as my song takes wing.

Each day I wonder how long it shall be ever you appear, my adorable king, and often I ponder the mystery of the rapture that heavy day will bring, when I rise and take flight to your palace of light – oh, hasten the day, my adorable king!

Through the valley of the shadow

alas, between me and the glorious experience of going up into the heavenly’s, leave the dark vale of death. I hadn’t counted upon death. I’d only seen the bright and promising aspects of the upward call. But soon I found the cohorts of darkness and death concentrating around me, seemingly set for my destruction, determined to take their prey.

At the beginning of April, a little over 2 months after the first of the rapture revelations, I found the Lord dealing with me in great solemnity. A new all in fear of the most high God began to permeate my heart. He suddenly seemed to become veiled and mysterious, and his ways were most strange. He spoke to me often about death, and I found that it was not so easy to draw on Diane to him at this.#4 invariably he would speak to me of it. I discovered that my heart – so eager to hear the good things, the bright things of God – was most reluctant to hear dark sayings. During this examination, for such it proved to be, the Holy Spirit by the living word cut through my entire being like a 2 edge sword. I had the very real experience of seeing my soul and spirit divided asunder; my whole interbeing was exposed and cut as a burnt offering is quartered and examined.

I must have a lamb without blemish, the Lord said, the whole burnt offering. We know certainly that Jesus is the only spotless and perfect lamb, and that only by grace can we become lambs of God. I found every innermost thoughts and motive was likewise brought into divine scrutiny. Needless to relate, I was greatly humbled and spirit, and saddened to discover that after all I was not such a complete living sacrifice as I had imagined myself to be. I was even more unyielding to God in the matter of becoming a daily sacrifice.

Finally, by the grace of God, I reached a place of complete resignation to the will of God. I was low to die, leaving unfulfilled all the wonderful promises which the Lord had given me about the end time ministry. I was saddened when I consider the many precious Saints who, though they were given revelations and promises regarding the end time in the rapture, are now in their graves. It was a great trial of faith, for the Lord had spoken so long and so frequently about this ministry that to be cut off in the body seemed a crushing blow. Yet, and that our I saw, as Abraham saw, that God could raise one again from the dead to fulfill his word, were that necessary. I reached a place of being entirely willing to wake or sleep in him.

I saw that some who are in this Sun ship calling, and yet have been dead for some time, will be raised as signs. I was given a most marvelous revelation of the resurrection power of our God. I was also shown that the resurrection of the dead holds many unheard of mysteries. Over and over I sang this song:

I know that my Redeemer lives, and on the earth again shall stand; I know eternal life he give us, and grace and power are in his hand.

John 11:25 – I am the resurrection and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believe it’s in me shall never die.

On this word I took my stand, as I’d done many years before when the Lord first spoke it to me. May God give us a Bethany faith! Believe and now shall see the glory of God. Several years previously, one who was precious to the Lord lay at the point of death. He had given up hope, but asked for prayer. When I looked at him my heart despaired for his life. Suddenly it seemed that Christ was embodied in me, and it was no longer I, but Christ, who stood before this dying man. It was clearly an active intervention. Within my heart I heard an almost audible voice saying, I am the resurrection and the life. And immediately life and healing were manifested in this brother! The Lord spoke again at that moment: he that liveth and believe it’s in me shall never die; believe a style this, also? I said, yes, Lord, I believe it. And from that moment I began to look for translation rather than death.

Oh how my heart yearns for the day when our God shall be openly vindicated in the earth: when the dead shall be raise, the sick healed, and his mighty signs file – in a greater weight than at present. But all this is by faith. I had not realized what a perfecting of faith I need it, to be prepared for rapture and translation. I had suppose that it would just happen when the time came! But now I knew that it required he tried faith. I saw to that to live in till the change takes place might be more to his glory, then to die and be clothed upon from above with my house from heaven. Yet I was willing to enter the grave, if so he willed.

After many sufferings and crosses I found a deep rest in faith, but I had no outward consolation or inward feeling whatever. Hebrews 4:9, 10 I mention all this in detail because I’m given by God to see that all who enter into the experience of rapture and translation will be somewhat similarly tested and tried. And the last enemy to be overcome is death. The full overcome or is to inherit all things, even immortality, thus escaping the grave.

Think what a privilege is ours! But it is one thing to have the revelation of these great truths; it is another thing to enter into the experience of them. Only by his intervention and supernatural working of the spirit, administering great grace to us, can we be in this number. Again and again I’ve reached the place where I cannot possibly stand, let alone go forward another step. Always, when undergoing such a trial, the spirit is led me to humble myself before God completely, confessing my weakness and inability to go on, with a definite assurance that Christ within me will steadily press on, since I will it soul. The father has willed it, the sun has secured it; the Holy Ghost will administer it. All that remains then is for me to will it, to, and yield to him, believing that he’ll do it all; and praise God he always does!

One night I was taken in the spirit to the top of a large mountain and was shown another peak opposite it. The spirit told me to step from the one peak to the other. I was about to do so, for it seemed only a step; but, looking down, I was filled with horror, for in the Valley line between was the grave, but and in it the forces of death were marshaled! How shall I cross over, Lord, into this heavenly Hill? I asked.

The die is to go down into the valley, he replied. To be translated is to be supernaturally transported into heaven. Then he showed me how Elijah was translated, and about the symbolic meaning of crossing Jordan. You must cross over death; you must pass over, as the children of Israel once passed over in flood season and possess the land. It is not wonderful that, when floods of death shall be sweeping the earth with destruction, although company is going to pass over death without being touched by it!

The spirit works out many things in our natural bodies, and his divine truth becomes embodied in us as we live under the sway of the spirit. I can never feel that anything the Holy Spirit does is just a demonstration, and entertainment to be enjoyed and then dismissed. If the spirit of God demonstrates a true then us, it becomes alive, and is established in the earth in us. We regard it as more than teaching – it is a reality! When Jeremiah and Ezekiel enacted their prophecies in strange signs and wonders in the earth, these signs and symbolic actions became the living word of God to Israel. Just so, this experience of crossing Jordan was a real one to me – painfully, sorrowfully real. Is it not wonderful that in our day a few pre-shall be able to turn back the flood for a great company, by the power of God? Amen! I believe it! But here is another truth that is hard to receive; for I saw that although the priests were the first to step in, they were the last to leave! So even now, though I passed through death and have been taken on into the heavenly realm, I must still stand as a priest in the path of that flood. Joshua 3:15 – 17

after this, my body daily grew weaker. Many for suck me in the spirit, not understanding these strange new dealings of the Lord, wondering why, after having faith for divine health for 7 years, I no longer had health or strength to do my duties. Those closest to meet were sorrowful, feeling that I was to be taken from them. One was even led to anoint me for burial, somewhat as Jesus was anointed. She cannot restrain her tears. All this occurred at the Easter season when thoughts of the cross and Passover were in the minds of us all. How very real became the betrayal, the smiting, and crucifixion.

Then, one night, the Holy Spirit anointed one delay me out for burial. This was almost too much to take! The powers of darkness came upon me like a flood, attempting to upset my faith and turned me against the works of the spirit, which seemed cruel and far-fetched. In my despair I cast myself upon the Lord.

Are you one who was glad to enter with me into my power, and yet is unwilling to answer with me into my death? He asked. To run from the Holy Spirit when he works hard things within you is the flee from me. How privileged you are to enter into these, my sufferings. I must have a bride who fully understands. I’m letting you actually suffer these things and enter into them with your mind, your heart, and your body. This is a complete offering on the me, and is well pleasing in my site. I am writing my word upon your heart and mind; I’m deeply engraving it in them with the pen point of suffering, burning it in with the brand of divine love. Galatians 6:17

then the Lord showed me a large chalice. The cup by drink, are you the able also to drink it? He asked. I remembered when he had questioned me in a similar way after I’d been baptized with the Holy Ghost. Then he had answered, as the disciples did, yea, Lord, we are able. I had little dreamed what it might mean. I felt that I drunk it; but now I saw that it was more than spiritual suffering and death to self. It was an actual death – as a sacrifice. I hesitated, knowing that I dared not trifle with so sacred a matter. By your grace, Lord, I will drink this cup with you, the spirit moved me to answer. I took it from his hand with trembling and raised it to my lips. I tasted of it, expecting it to be very bitter; but, to my amazement, it became is the most mellow and delicious wine!

Then he smiled and seemed about to laugh openly with joy. This is the cup of full salvation, he said, I drink all the bitterness of death, so that you might drink of my divine, everlasting life. This is the cup of redemption.

Nevertheless, I grew weaker each day. Finally, in the first part of May, my heart grew so we can faltering that I could barely move about. I cannot breathe freely, and panic for breath most of the time. It seemed that the very breath of life is being taken. The forces of death were constantly about me night and day. I began to realize the full significance of overcoming death. I seem to be walking in a region of thirst, darkness and pain. All anointing and blessing were removed. Just before I became completely bedridden, the Lord sent several precious sisters who were from the middle west. Under them only by correspondence. One of these prophesied that the Lord was about to do great things in the show me unusual favor. I was so ill at the time that I could scarcely notice or remember her words, but this is the substance of the message.

On the night following their visit, I was suddenly moved upon by the spirit. Going to the piano I began to play and sing under inspiration. The theme of the song was, take me into your garden. This title reminded me of one given earlier in the season – which spoke, not of a garden of love, but of late garden of Gethsemane. I had been led to sing it often during the dark weeks:

come, watch one hour with me and dark Gethsemane, come, pray with me alone, for thou art all my own; no need to feel afraid, and nothing be dismayed; Sue and I will take the to my throne.

This was the new song I sang in such weakness that night:

take me into the garden

thou hast a hidden garden, Lord, word about dust wait for thine own, getting them come apart and rest sweetly with the alone.

Each flower reveals light loveliness, each tree speaks of thy great care; under the sheltering bowels I would sit, finding deep solace there.

Song birds are singing up in the trees, caroling songs about I love; fragrances born in every breeze straight from the courts above.

Take me into the garden, Lord, see! I stand at the gate; open wide now the golden portals, lest I enter into late! Lead me gently upon my arm into a place apart; take me into the garden, Lord, take me into the heart!

Then, suddenly, came complete collapse! All strength was gone. There was rapid palpitation of the heart, and all food made me ill. Breathing was difficult; in fact, every breath had to be snatched with labor. I mention these details only to show how very real this condition was. I was the make clear that none of this was imaginary in any sense of the word. The Lord had dealt with me for years about the subjection of the imaginations of my heart and mind. So often the revelations of the spirit are leavened and confused with error because our own imaginations are active. And all this experience, while under anointing’s, my imagination was held in check by the spirit; and at times when my mind tried either to reason or imagine, I was instantly reproved by the spirit. Also, in writing or telling of these experiences, I was warned not to add to that which actually occurred. It would be so easy to do this. The human mind can scarcely recall or recount any incident without embellishing it in some way; but the Lord once our testimony to be given in the white light of truth. Therefore, if any mistake is made, let it be known that it is not willful on my part. And the recounting of our spiritual experiences, to add or to alter them in any way is a greediest thing – our witness must be true.

The point is that I was really ill, dangerously so! I grew steadily worse and was engulfed in the most terrible spiritual atmosphere I had ever experienced. To say that it was a waste howling wilderness can best describe it. It seemed to be the very valley of the shadow of death. I believe it was just that; and that I tasted in part, at least, of the sufferings of some Saints as they are about to die, when Satan makes his last terrific attack upon their souls. I was seemingly for sake and by God, and also by those who were close to me in the Lord. It is true that they prayed. But they received no special anointing or light. They seem to be in another world.

Diabolical forces centered upon me; and the days were like months, so intense was the suffering. I could not pray, praise, or converse; but I was conscious of complete committal on the God, and the rest of faith in which there was no fear. I knew that I was completely in God’s hands, beyond all human aid, and that to seek such would be absolute folly. I wound and I heal; I kill and make a live, saith the Lord. Had I not declared with Job, though he slay me, yet will I trust him? Was it unreasonable that he should call upon me to demonstrate it?

2 days and nights passed. Then God sent a dear sister and her husband to pray for me. Then not known of any of his recent dealings with me, so I was loath to receive them. I wanted nothing, no one, but the Lord. I knew that all my hope and help lay in him. Nor did I want his will hindered by anyone. I was raised to live or die. It seemed to me that to depart and be with him was greatly to be desired; you to desire it unduly was selfish, but wanted to escape suffering. I believe that the final end of all divine dealing is that in all things, at all times, we have no desire but this: father, thy will be done. It is not enough to know the will of God; it is not enough to know and do it; he requires it over comers know and do in the light, by grace, in his perfect will in all things.

So these dear ones prayed and were truly anointed. Afterward, they confessed to me that they saw death written on my face, and were greatly shocked. But for all their prayer I felt no moving of God whatever. I seem to be already dead. They left, and I steadily became worse. By bedtime that night I was fighting for every breath. If you have ever been smothered, you can understand what this struggle was. I was so very bad by this time that I saw my husband could not bear it; therefore, I asked him to call some close prayer partners to pray for me; but he misunderstood me and phone the brother and sister who had called during the afternoon.

It was at this point that intervention had begun! This brother and sister had retired for the night. The sister had fallen into a deep sleep at once, and was given a glorious dream – a vision. She dreamed she was singing in the spirit and a power, beauty and glory she had never known. Her final words were, oh, I am drunk with the new wine of the kingdom! With these words she awoke, so heavily anointed that she knew she must arise and pray. While asking the Lord to show her for whom to pray, she heard the phone ringing. It was my husband asking her to pray for me. Both of them prayed, and within a few minutes I fell into a sleep such as children enjoy, and I walk in the morning greatly refreshed.

This sister came to see me the next day. She was in the spirit and declared that the Lord had revealed that I was to go to her house, and that the Lord wanted to bless me greatly; but that I was also in great danger from the forces of the enemy, one at the cut off my life. She saw me covered with beautiful flowers, being born up in the arms of the heavenly bridegroom. But I still remain desperately ill. I was reluctant to make a move out of God’s will; however, by the next night I was at rest in her home, so rapidly did the Lord move. She and her husband were led to hide me completely from all friends, which they successfully did for a month. The Lord truly took me away, far from all others, and made this house to meet the king’s house and the king’s garden!

When I left my home it seemed that I would never return again. Everything that occurred impressed me that I was going to die. All circumstances and feelings were combined to undermine faith. I seem to be in a state which my mother described to me shortly before her death many years ago. She said, I’m neither on earth nor in heaven. Oh, that I might depart and be at rest. It was so strange to be in suspension – politeness between life and death, with only a hairs of breath between.

I’m led to go into detail, for each step reveals God’s intervention dealings, and though the personal pronoun as to be used – since this is a testimony – I beg you to regard it as an in personal demonstration of divine truth. The following night proved most difficult. Once, shortly before this, the Lord had drawn very near and whispered, I’m the Lily of the Valley. And I answered, yes, Lord, thou art the sweet Lily of the Valley. Then he repeated the statement with a most poignant addition, I am the Lily of the Valley – of the shadow of death.

All that night I seem to be in that valley; but, praise God, I knew that the Lily of the Valley was there with me, though he spoke not a word. Since that time the spirit has shown me how much it pain my Lord to see my suffering, and yet be unable to speak; but the father is preparing a bride for his son, and often must subject her to extreme test to bring her up to the standard which he has ordained. I! How her loving Savior longs to sympathize and comfort us! Blessed his dear name! The night past, and I grew worse during the day. Finally, I felt that I should permit my husband called Dr., for his own satisfaction.

I feel that this was in order, for establish several things: first of all, that I was really a very ill; secondly, that though this illness was indeed serious, the cause for cannot be found in my body; and thirdly, that all the doctor could do was to give drugs which I did not feel led to use, and which would have only slightly benefited me. He was very puzzled, asking if I had suffered a severe shock or heartbreak.

One translation of David’s word, thou has enlarged my heart, is, thou has dilated my heart. This is exactly what the Lord was doing in me; for the heart is the first organ to be changed in the creation of the new body within. It is also significant that in the song of Solomon 6:12, we read: or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots ofamminadib. Nearly all commentators have believed that this refers to rapture or translation, since Elijah was taken up in the chariots of Israel. And we have seen these chariots at times. Adam Clarke commented that one reading of the original text indicates this meaning: suddenly, my heart was in a rapid palpitation.

This Dr., who is not a spiritual Christian, unknowingly spoke God’s word to me concerning my illness. He said, I can’t find the cause for this in your body anywhere, and I am convinced that just one thing has brought you into this state, you have hitched your wagon to a star that is too high. He also said, it will appear that you are going to die, and no doubt the suffering will be such that you will want to die, but I am convinced that you will not die. When he said this, I set straight up in bed, instantly improved. Even he had been obliged by God to testify to rapture, although he knew it not!

By the next day I was a little better and was able to eat a very little. But still no word from God was whispered to my heart. It was just one week from the day I had fallen ill when he manifested himself, yet to me it had seemed a long time. Shortly after sundown, while lying in my bed, I became conscious that my hand was knocking on the wall. At first, the anointing was so faint that I did not recognize it as such. But louder and louder grew than knock! Knock and it shall be opened unto you, the spirit said within my heart. I did not understand his meaning, but I knocked, and the spirit took up the intercession in another language. Then I saw great door, and it was in heaven. As I knocked, it open. It did not swing, but seem to roll up as a heavy curtain. Then he said:

Revelation 3:7 – I am he that openness, and no man shut; and shut it, and no man open it… I’ve said before the an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou has a little strength, and is My word, and has not denied my name.

I was stunned – amazed – and wondered what this might mean! I felt strength coming into my body, so I arose and went into the living room and told the sister, with whom I was staying, that we must all pray together; however, I did not tell her what had occurred. She and her husband were delighted that I was better, and they praised God.

As I lay on the couch, all strength again left me. The most delightful and wonderful heavenly atmosphere filled the room. My outward senses were held in suspension, and I was filled with an interior joy and light impossible to describe. Then, suddenly, he appeared – the King and all is beauty! He swept in and seemed to fill the entire room! So ravishing was this site, and so clear, that I felt I would swoon with delight! He appeared as described by the Shuman night in the song of Solomon – he was dressed in kingly robes! So majestic was is beauty, thus crowned and rolled, then my heart melted into a new fervor of love. I saw’s golden sandals, white undergarment, the royal purple tunic of a velvety substance, with Jules inset; and finally, to my surprise – as he turned – his keeper train, of finest ermine. It was very long, reaching from one end of the room to the other. The vision lasted about 10 minutes, gradually fading for my site. I turned and faintly heard the sister praying for America and the soldiers. I realize that they had not seen the Lord. It was so real to me that I was astonished! The sister seemed drawn to me, but I felt that I must not be touched. I seem to be out of my body.

She approached to pray for me; but, instead, suddenly cried out, knock and it shall be opened unto you, repeating it again and again. Then, in demonstration, she knocked and said that she saw a large golden door which open to her. She burst forth in joyful praise and was radiant in the spirit. She cried out, oh, I see the king, the king and is beauty. She described and praised him. The description was identical, even to the ermine train! We both rejoice for some time. Another sister, all praying for me at the same hour, also saw the door open. She has prevailed, the spirit said, and from henceforth the door into the heavenly’s is open to her and to the company who are to enter in with her. He also gave her the verse in Revelation 3:8, which he had given to me.

I retired in great joy. Henceforth this house was to be to me the king’s house. Had he not appear to my joy? Had he not shown me his beauty? Was I not ravished a new with love, and lifted by him out of death in the new life? Yes, I knew that I was in his house, and in a bridal chamber, as it were, being prepared for holy union. A new day had done for me; yet little did I dream of all the glories and blessings and revelations which he would give me during the following weeks. How unworthy I feel now as I consider these divine favors, but I recall that they are all for the bride, of which I was just a representative member, being shown in advance wonderful things to come.

Just a year before this rapture, the Holy Spirit had given me a song which was prophetic of my sojourn in the king’s house. It began now to ring in my heart:

dwelling in his presence

oh, how rich is my condition, how blessed is my state, for the King has brought me to his chambers fair; in the secret of his presence he is hidden me away, or what rest and rapture I’m finding there!

Without the storms are raging, the night is growing dark, so I dare not leave this peaceful hiding place; for my king says, stay, beloved, I will hold the to my heart, thou shalt ever more behold meet face-to-face. In this holy habitation I found a perfect rest, for no harmful, hurtful thing can enter here. And the king himself assures me, it’s me lean upon his breast, while with tender hands he wipes away my tears. Dwelling in his presence, walking in the light, feasting on his love, robed in garments pure and white. Oh my soul is thrilled with rapture, a rapture all divine, for I know that I am his and he is mine.

In the king’s garden

through the valley of the shadow the king took me to the gate of the king’s garden, and on to the door of the king’s house. There in his majestic presence iPhone rest and rapture! How perfect was his plan! How wonderful his ways, which are so much higher than our ways that we cannot comprehend them, but stand amazed! Amazing grace, amazing love, amazing wisdom! Oh, our king is matchless, wonderful! How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song show ever be; how marvelous, how wonderful, is my Savior’s love for me!

How true to divine pattern has been all his dealings with me! But most surprising to my own mind was this rapture. He is always doing unexpected things in unexpected ways. How often we have quoted: I have not seen, nor your heard, near has entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him – first Corinthians 2:9

some of us are quick to quote the following verse, which is often overlooked, but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. How wonderful is the revelation of the spirit of God! St. Paul further declares that we have received the spirit of God expressly for this purpose; that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God. Verse 12. The Greek word translated no means to be hold, perceive, understand, declare. If by the spirit we really know these things, then it follows that: which things also we speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches.

Yet, may I say that with all the revelation of these wonderful things which have previously been given to us, over a period of years, the actual experience of entering into rapture in the celestial realm and ordinances was brought to pass in ways entirely unexpected. The element of surprise and amazement has been present in every intervention dealing. I am impressed to make this very clear. First Corinthians, chapters 1 and 2, is the pattern for those who experience rapture in translation. Those of come behind in no gift, wanting for the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, are instructed to become is babes, and is weak, foolish and bass. The Greek word, translated in our version as coming is apocalyptic’s, which means appearing, manifestation, revelation. This word is a direct word of instruction to us who are being prepared to receive his appearing.

The true rapture experience cannot be imagined or worked up, or brought to pass through our own efforts in any way. It is an act of grace, sovereign act of God – it is intervention. However, St. always imitates and counterfeits God’s dealings, so he too can produce raptures, trances, and other deceptive experiences, as he is done in the past and is doing increasingly today. It is, therefore, necessary for those who are entering into these wonderful favors and privileges, who testified to them to others, to make each step clear and plain and scriptural pattern. I want to state that in this experience, as in all other experiences and Holy Ghost, I followed St. Paul’s word to prove all things; hold fast that which is good – first that the audience 5:21

the way through death into the celestial realm is a pathway be set by the fiercest, strongest, most deceptive forces of Satan. But no one presume in these matters, nor seek these privileges and less called by God and prepared fully to do so! On the other hand, if the Lord has been pleased to bring you to the revelation of these privileges, and is preparing you for rapture in translation, do not let fear or doubt keep you earthbound! You will need faith; you will need fortitude; you and the grace to take this way; but all this is amply provided in Jesus Christ, and he will do a perfect work. Whether we ascended into the highest heaven or descent into the depths of hell, or if we take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there will his hand lead us and hold us, for he possesses our reins. Our kingly father David knew the power of God, and many of his psalms were written to instruct us in this experience. So, I repeat, all of this experience has been confirmed by Scripture every step of the way.

Now, to return to the garden. At death, as St. passes through the valley, over the river, and is borne by angels into the celestial realm. He is given a sweet look into the face of Jesus, and is placed at rest in Paradise, the Garden of God. So was most fitting that, after seeing the king, I should be taken into his garden to rest. I entered into the breast. My body was still weak. Indeed, for many weeks I was kept in physical weakness unless I was supernaturally quickened. To this very are I seem to have little strength in my body, and I live by the breath of his spirit. With smallest children and a home to care for, I had never been able to go away and pray or be in retreat for any length of time. All through the years the Lord is dealt with me about praying – even fasting and praying much – but always in connection with my duties to my family. I long to withdraw and wait upon him as many others to do, but this was not his will for me. It seemed he wanted to demonstrate his grace and intervention by often given me the most profound revelations in the mists of my dishwashing, cooking, and other pressing duties – with the phone ringing, children crying, confusion everywhere. He led me into the prayer of the union, where he was constantly in my heart, no matter where I was or what I was doing. Of course, this had taken years of training, and it was all to his glory and by his power.

Now, in the garden, I was completely cut off from the world and all duties. Following his glorious appearing is king, his presence filled the house, and he dealt in a strong way with his brother and sister. They were convinced that he was about to do great in unusual things in our midst. The sister made arrangements at once to lay down a ministry in which she had been engaged, so that she might present herself before the Lord day and night, and keep the house quiet and undisturbed by outside influences. Those engaged in secular work, the brother gave every free moment the Lord. The radio and newspaper were excluded; and I’ll talk of natural things was set aside as much as possible. No one but my husband knew of my rest home. Thus we were shut away in the heart of a big city almost as perfectly as though on the mountaintop.

The Lord seem to move in and possess the house and garden, and put all things in kingdom order. So real was his presence, and so personal were his dealings and favors, that I felt I was living in the heavenly’s, feasting in the king’s house, and walking and resting in his garden. This song, given later by the spirit, expressed my childlike joy in his presence:

in his garden

a wonderful joys flooding my heart since Jesus has shown his love to me; into his garden he drew me apart, and now his grace and his beauty SC.

Here in his garden the birds always sing, and flowers are blooming everywhere; winters over, at last it is spring, and now his fragrances filling the air! We hold a communion, tender and sweet, while walking within the sheltered place; sorrow is gone and my joy is complete while Jesus holds me loving embrace. Jesus loves me truly, this I know, and for my so he gave his life for sacrifice; Jesus loves me truly, this I know, and his love is made my hearty paradise. Let me send this garden, and bask in the sunlight, let me drink of his fountain, and feast with him alone; for Jesus loves me truly, this I know, and in my hearty brains is king upon his throne.

The world seem gone forever. Human beings, including my own dear ones for whom I agreed, realizing their need to me, seem far away from me. However, needless to relate, the father bless my family to care them. I saw that I had been born into a new realm, and that I was like a little babe – ignorant, helpless, and yet at rest. At first I could see and hear a little in the heavenly realm, but gradually I became more accustomed to it.

The Sunday following the Lord’s appearing was devoted to waiting upon him. He led us to put on bright garments of praise, pin flowers in her hair, and come before him enjoyed – as a demonstration the design was the layoff or garments of morning and put on her beautiful, Royal garments. I was too weak to pray outwardly in any way, but my friend appeared beautifully arrayed as a king’s daughter, and was immediately anointed with singing and dancing. We were given a vision of the king’s court, with his daughters appearing before him and praise!

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises under him with the timbrel and harp – Psalm 149:3, 4

the 40 fifth song was again quickened to us – the king’s wedding March, as some of called it – and many portions of the song Solomon. He revealed himself as the Solomon of his ecclesia, and spoke of his virgins, his Queens, and his choice 1.

For many years he had been opening to me the song of Solomon in which, as he told me, or hidden in the deepest mysteries of the bride. But now the entire book seem to come into new life and beauty and clarity! The perfume of his ointments filled the house. We were ravished with the beauty and glory and loveliness of the king and his court and his royal household. He revealed his desire to feast with his people, and that they, as Israel of old, might know him in holy festivity. He spoke of the great feast set before us at his table, and he invited us to feast on his choice fruits, and drink of the new wine of the kingdom.

This is revealed and type in the first chapter of Esther. There to King gave a great feast to reveal the glories of his kingdom. The first company he invited where the royal household. They were given to drink from going vessels, each the verse from the other. But the drinking was without compulsion. Our king is likewise calling the royal household the come feast with him! He showed us that many will not come because they are so busy laboring for them, and they will not take time out to rest in peace. In such are apt to condemn those who do not respond to his call. The time is too short, they say. We must hurry to get soul say before the Lord comes. They are in a firmest rush of service and are unaware that they may be offending the king who is now sitting at the table with his own. They are saying, like Judas, why all this waste? But the merit company is saying, while the king sits at his table my spikenard dissented forth the smell thereof.

Others respond to the call and come to the table, but do not put on their garments of praise, nor enter into the spirit of holy festivity. These are asked to leave the table. Who would offend the king by appearing unwashed or clothed in working garments? We must be bathed and anointed with oil and perfume, and then put on our beautiful garments, to appear at his table. Of course, I refer to the oil and garments of the Holy Spirit, but the Lord required us to do this outwardly, too, and greatly blessed us for obeying. He has dealt with us that everything we do should be done to his glory and in demonstration of the truth. Thus the food we ate at that time had a meaning and reminded us of the word; the close we war, and on certain occasions the ornaments to, represented the ornaments of grace – even perfumes and flowers – everything, became a symbol or a token of him.

Jesus spoke to his inner circle in parables which the world cannot understand, but they did. The early Christians, hiding from their persecutors, war signs upon her close which they readily understood and recognized. In Israel, nearly everything worn had significance. He reminded me of the command to write the word of the Lord upon the doorpost, and upon their arms, and the speak of it while sitting at the table and walking in their houses, etc. The word is not only being written in our minds, hearts, and bodies, but also in the outward things we do; and it is read by those were simple and foolish according to the world, but wise in God, able to read the parables and signs and symbols of God. All the profits received and often presented divine truth in symbolic form.

Oh, the wealth and riches of God, when we reach such a place of favor and blessing that he speaks to us in all things, and where we, in all things, can reveal him and his truth! But this is for those who are able to receive it. A few years before this, I would have considered myself much too advanced for such childlike things. But he has turned some of us into little children, teaching us as they are taught. Have you ever noticed how they act out in their play the realities of their later life? Even so, we act out or demonstrate in the spirit the realities of the life of the kingdom. We taste of the powers of the age to come. How wonderful to learn the us of our dear father, who takes us, like a child, upon his lap, and tells us of his the mind mysteries in terms of childlike simplicity which we can understand and interpret even now!

It has taken much breaking to and teach me to the point where I can thus learn of God. Of course I’ve never been very wise, nor was I well-educated according to the standards of this world. How hard it must be for those who are really learned and educated to become is a little child and enter the kingdom of God, here now. No wonder St. Paul tells us that not many wise are mightier called; but that the foolish and weak will be used of God to confound the wise and strong! First Corinthians 1:26 – 29. So, at the Kings table, what a joyful time do the children have; but how hard it is for the learned! Some come to the table well-dressed, but are reluctant about what they eat. So new and varied are the rich foods upon this table that they seem suspicious of them, and are afraid these rich foods will not agree with them, or might even poison them. In this case, St. Pauls rule applies very well. Let them eat and faith, nothing doubting. When we come to the Kings table it is very impolite, even ignorant, to question what is set before us. If the meat is strong, the fruits are sweet, and the DPs rich, let us partake of them with glad and thankful heart, trusting in our king who bids us dine, having provided that which is best for us. We shall find many new and wonderful foods at this table which, if eaten and digested and assimilated, will greatly strengthen and enhance the new body being formed within us.

Many, I’m sorry to say, find the wine too strong. The only sip, then set down their vessel. But others drink deeply of both milk and wine, and experienced divine inebriation, being made drunk on the spirit. They discover the new wine of the kingdom to be the divine life of Christ. The wine of the sacrament represents the human life of Christ poured out on Calvary for our redemption – even his precious blood. And now he is pouring out his divine life, and it is, in essence, divine love. Oh, to drink deeply of this love which is better than wine, and to be divinely strengthen! Zion, ready to faint, is revived by this choice wine! The so many refuse to drink: and, since the drinking is voluntary and not by compulsion, they will not become revived in inebriated by the holy elixir of God. These are among the first to despise those who do drink deeply. Therefore there’ll fence to the king becomes twofold.

I saw a beautiful golden platter coming down out of heaven. It was set in the center of this feast table. When I was told to look upon it, I saw 12 fruits. The Lord said, this is the fruit of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of the father. This fruit shall be known only by those who have partaken of everything on the table. In other words, the fruit of the tree of life is the desert, the last course to be served! We parents often refuse to give the desert to our children unless they have eaten the rest of their dinner. To eat of the tree of life is for the full overcome her, and is the one of the last steps into immortality!

In the past we’ve been given revelations regarding the Kings feast. But we had not entered into the actual experience of partaking of the feast. The above account was an actual experience of entering into the revelation. Therefore, it was made a reality to me at this time. Practically all the streams have been previously revealed to some of us; but when we actually entered into them, they took on a different meaning. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they were like pictures suddenly brought into the third dimension. They were made alive – a reality in us.

The fees continued. My whole being seems still at last, and I was aware of constant union with the Lord. I was impressed over and over with the need for secrecy and discretion in regard to secrets of the Lord. David, when fleeing the gas, said the priest, the king hath commanded me a business and have set on the me, let no man know anything about the business on which I sent the. First Samuel 21:2 he asked for and received Hallo bread and a great sword!

This rapture is a secret rapture. Jesus comes as a thief. He hunts and digs in the field for his precious jewels and, upon finding them, he polishes and cuts them for his diadem. Even now there is much that I’m am not permitted to relate. Other children of God may think we are wrong in entering into such a rest and rapture. If we tell them that our prayer warfare has been accomplished – for a time, at least – they are aghast! They seem to forget that the bride was created by the father primarily for the pleasure of, and love ministry 2, his beloved son, who is neglected and hungry for the fruit of the spirit and the refreshing wine of her love. We become so taken up with the need of the world and the need of the souls that we forget the need of our God. We act as if we were more concerned about souls than he is, and think that we must labor unceasingly.

Are we so uninstructed in divine matters that we do not know that souls are brought forth in the new creation by being conceived and born through those in the earth were in union with God? These souls are in the Mary company who will bring forth the sons of God, and the nations that will be born in a day. Zion, mother ecclesia, will conceive these offspring of God in the king’s house, on Zionsville, and not in Babylon. Do we not realize that the King is going to give a great feast to the nations, even ashasuerus, who, after feasting his princes, Nobles insurance, made a piece for all the people? Have we not realize that we shall be the golden vessels who carry the wine to the nations? Yes, we should go out and compel multitudes to come – by the compulsion of divine love! How can this be in less we ourselves have been partakers?

As I rested, Jesus drew very near and began to reveal himself to me in a way so new, so close, so clear, that my whole being was drawn to him by a divine pool. Draw me, and I’ll run after the, cries the bride! I was being drawn into him – body, soul and spirit. He showed me no more of his outward beauty at this time, but began to reveal his heart. Once he had shown me his peers side and had said, from my side spraying my bride. Now, he lay bare his heart to me. We bear our hearts only to those we deeply love. So it is with our bridegroom. The revelation of his heart and interior nature, his deep affections and emotions, is so profound, so trend ascending, that human language cannot reveal this deep unveiling. He, himself, will reveal his heart onto each member of his bride; and, as he does so, he will change each heart and bring it into full union with his own heart.

I was so melted, so humbled, so moved by the revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that I cried for a heart like his. Then he ministered to my heart – first binding it up, for it had previously been crushed; then he applied rare ointments, healing and strengthening it. He also enlarged in dilated it, and opened the inner chambers of my heart – the holy of holies which opens to none but our heavenly spouse. His glory flooded then inner chamber. His light so one armed and gold within my heart that at times I seem to be all heart. The rest of my body seemed dead-end. Only those who have experienced this heart change in union can appreciate when I’m trying to explain. Words are inadequate to describe it, and tend to blur rather than clarify the picture. For some time, he had been writing his new covenant and laws on the fleshly tablet of my heart. It seemed that now it was to serve also as a table for the heavenly revelation of Jesus Christ, and that it was written there first, before it was given to my mind.

He spoke to me and flowers, and made the garden the paradise. Each blossom carried a living word. I understood why the Rose has always been the favored flower of Saints. I learn the meaning of the colors and perfumes of each tender blossom. Outside my window a rare flower – named wedding bells, or Angel trumpets – swaying in the breeze, and the sound of heavenly wind chimes ravished me. The birds sang a song without words to me. And each breeze carried a message. My room is Filled with flowers. And they all seem to say, your lover, the King of creation, made me to show his love to you. I am the fair work of his hands. My perfume in color and design reveal him!

As I sat or walked in the garden it seemed. paradisal to me, for a walk there too, wooing and courting my soul in love. I was overwhelmed! I, a commoner, a servant – to be wooed by the King! Although for 7 years he had been preparing me as an ester, yet I still felt unprepared for such intimate, divine favor. I receive them is my King. In my times of her, when he withdrew, I saw the Holy Spirit and entreated him, the faithful unit, to prepare me and make me fit for so great a king. I was helpless to do anything but pray and seek the help of the Holy Spirit. Please do not see the personal angle of these truths, for the experience of the entire bride company was being depicted in me, in miniature, and my prayers were not for myself alone, but for each precious member. This song came with wonderful unction to me:

heart to heart

I found a sweeter communion, sweeter far than earth can give; with Christ I have a holy union, and in his presence I now live.

With every lasting love he drew me from the depths of 1 sin: by spirit he renewed me and cleanse my heart within.

Heart-to-heart we walk together, hand-in-hand we walk each day: and nothing our hearts can sever, nor take the slope away.

Forever we too are one; forever will dwell on high; and heart-to-heart we shall commune, my precious Lord and I.

The days passed is in a dream. At times he withdrew and permitted me to be tested, sometimes in sudden and severe ways. Except for short intervals, experiences of rapture do not lift us above temptations and trials. In fact, I am given to see that the nearer we approach the top of the Mount of Transfiguration, the higher we ascend in our flight to the throne, the greater shall be the test. Even in rest of on a great cross. And truly, the path to the throne is marked every step of the way by the sign of the cross! However these tests pass swiftly, and I was conscience of new overcoming power. The way is dangerous, but when God intervenes to the point where he leads us in this supernatural way, he is faithful to deliver and protect. Angels attend and defend us, and our whole battle takes on an entirely new aspect.

Since I’m not dwell upon inevitable sufferings and trials which were encountered, some may imagine that such an experience as this has been just pure bliss. But such was not the case. At times the Lord does require that Satan leave us for a season, during which we are free from testings. But it is certain that we shall be tried and measured again and again, as we move on to higher ground in the Lord. The place he is prepared for the over commerce is his throne company is exceedingly costly, and the qualifications for entering the select number are indeed high. So we must expect tests and be watchful – and especially is this true after we have received special blessings and favors from the Lord. Above all we must trust and not fear. Having shown us such great love and favor, will he permit us to be cast down and crushed by our foes? Never! Therefore let us believe God and abandon ourselves on to him.

When I first entered the king’s house, the sister there had said, I believe you will be here 30 days. This proved to be the case, from the thirtieth day the Lord told me to depart. He had begun to anoint me again, and had caught me up as in the fourth chapter of the revelation, and had also given me some experiences similar to those in the CQ on Daniel. We 3 had wonderful dealings, so I was loath to the part. Was all th

 to end as in a dream? I cannot bear such a thought. I was still very weak in body, though greatly improved; but to go back to duties and labor and confusion seemed unbearable. Wonderful Jesus! This dream did not end, but proceeded step-by-step, from glory to glory! The gates of the – the new Eden – would soon swing open – and I would be let on and on, even to the amount of Transfiguration!

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