Through rapture into translation part 2

By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had translated them; for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God – Hebrews 11:5

for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord – first Thessalonians 4:16, 17

behold, I show you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed – first Corinthians 15:51

the revelation set forth in this booklet were given during experiences of rapture, beginning in January, 1942, and continuing for several months. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I have made an earnest attempt to interpret these heavenly experiences in earthly language. Needless to say, the testimony falls far short of the reality.

Since the first edition was mailed out in 1943, we have received letters from other Christians, in many parts of the world, who testified to similar experiences and rejoice in the testimony recorded on these pages. By many reliable witnesses the Holy Spirit has confirmed the word given to us that rapture – meaning – to be caught away or transported in the spirit – is preparatory to the even greater experiences of transport – in the body, and translation. All 3 of these experiences are recorded in the word of God and are among the promises given to the full over comers in the latter days, or time of the end. A body is being prepared – as it pleased him, as revealed in first Corinthians, 15 chapter, whose blessed privilege is to be changed and caught up alive – may like under Christ, our glorious head. Fortes such as this booklet records are becoming more numerous at the time of the consummation draws near.

This was the Lord’s doing, and it is still marvelous in our eyes! With all praise and glory unto our Lord Jesus Christ, who has revealed himself unto us and has shown us things to come, kindling our love, reviving our hope, confirming our faith, I offer this testimony to you.

In part 1, which is published as a separate book, I have related how these experiences began with a surprising catching up into the heavenly’s. In the weeks that followed, I pass through severe illness and walked in the valley of the shadow of death with our Lord. I was taken by him into the king’s house and garden. And there he appeared to me as the King of glory! In order to fully understand part 2, you should read part one first. Copies are available upon request.

Yours in the love of our glorious king and bridegroom, – Francis Metcalf

esthers feast

my heart was filled with sorrow when I knew for certain that I must return to my natural life and family. This may seem strange; but I cannot bear the thought of leaving this heavenly rest. So sweet and full was the presence of the king, and so rich the revelation, that it seemed the consummation of rapture, the full union – when we actually do put on the wedding garment, which is immortality – must be right at hand! I little realized how much further preparation I need it! Now all was interrupted and ended, and I must go back to the everyday world. How could the Lord rapture me or reveal himself in the midst of caring for my children and housework? It was really a test of faith, for I was still very weak in my nerves were exhausted. School vacation was at hand, and with it constant responsibility and confusion. I stifled my tears, and prayed for grace. It was such a shock to leave the king’s house! I can well realize why those who are brought back from death are seldom satisfied. I was literally all unstrung. Indeed, I was shown that I was like a heart now being tuned to play a higher melody. What torture as the strings are stretched!

Everything natural was so foreign to my mind as to seem strange or absurd. I was truly lost to the world, in a new way. I found that to cease contemplating the Lord was most painful, and that I could scarcely appear even sensible outwardly. Fortunately, I really was ill, and this covered my condition somewhat. I was in for a time of testing and perfecting. This type of experience seems to increase our capacity and sensitivity to suffering in an astounding way. Oh, the Grayson divine love we need to pass from rapture to torture – for such it sometimes proves to be. But, as always, the Holy Spirit comfort me, and instructed me that St. Paul was trained to be content in any state: abased or exalted, and prison or in the third heaven, he was alike at rest in the perfect will of God. The spirit will give us a beautiful, balance, even walk, if we will let him have his way.

Again, I must walk by faith! This is hard to do after we have been flooded with divine favor, and have found a welcome in the heavenly realm, I love beyond description. Especially hard, since, before that, we had been so previously wounded, smitten and misunderstood here in the earth. No misunderstanding there – all harmony, order, peace, unity. What rest after turmoil!

I saw that I must stay by faith in this heavenly rest, though I was outwardly greatly tried. Sweet comfort was given in this song:

into his royal guard in the King invited me, through the golden portals he led me tenderly, there, amid its beauty, my soul find sweet repose, walking mid the lilies, communing with each rose. Every lovely flower speaks of heaven above, every fragrant bower breeze with his pure love. Gladly will I Terry, and with the Songbird sing, and his royal garden, feasting with the king. In his royal garden the king oft walks with me, to my heart he whispers his kingdom mysteries. Down each sunny pathway he leads me on his arm, I walk is in a dream, enraptured by his charm. Oh my ear is falling a heavenly melody, and my heart responds with holy Rhapsody. Someday, in this garden, wedding bells will ring, and golden tones announcing my marriage to the king!

I was indeed surprised when the Holy Spirit reminded me that the king wanted me to give him a feast! This had been coming to me since before my illness. True, I had come to the king’s face. But what had I to offer such a one as he? Of course, I see now that the pattern was true. ahasuerus made a great feast, a kingdom feast. Vasti, a type of the church as a whole, refused to come. She was busy with a feast of her own making. The greatly offended king ordered her set aside and a new queen prepared. Many were then chosen to be prepared. This took much time. Esther fully submitted to the eunuch in all matters, and not only pleased him, and obtain the best, but also one the love in favor of the king. After this she made a feast too. She so pleased the king that she won the release of our people, and was herself greatly advanced in power. Now, since in me this drama of truth was being an act that, as a pattern, it was fitting that I file Esther’s example. Book of Esther.

The merry heart

I see it also plainly now. We cannot imagine how hungry are king is to be loved and entertained by his dear bright. Oh, our terrible neglect of our God! And of his son! Of his great salvation! Yes, terrible is his neglect by the bride. He is so hungry for love. How he longs for a Bethany in your heart and mine! I began to feel great desire in my heart to minister to him personally, as Mary and Martha did. I was led to prepare for him a real feast. Yes, actually! Of course, it was a spiritual feast, but it was outward to! How odd it all seem to my own mind. But, as I work, the Holy Spirit instructed me, for I was very ignorant of royal matters. I found a new devotion kindling in my soul, a jealous desire to be lost in sacrificial love. I wanted to live for the pleasure of the king alone. I wanted to lavish on him the love he richly deserves and so deeply desires. He said to his disciples, with desire, have I desired to eat this feast with you. Oh God, give us understanding: we are so cold and unresponsive to the deeper emotions and affections of our Lord! Give us the understanding of Mary of Bethany, a true bride – a pattern for us. I found that I was longing now to go to extremes of devotion to show him that his bride loved him, as women of this world often love and sacrifice for their husbands. I wanted to lavish upon him. Blessed Holy Spirit, the bride’s true friend and guide!

How precious is the memory of Mary, who knew and loved the long ago; thy word has cause the world to know. Lord, I would worship the as Mary, with a pure and fervent heart; let me sit and learned thy feet, now, choosing to, the better part. Lord, give me a heart, like Mary, broken and contrite in the hands, art that knows and loves the, a heart that truly understands. Love me, as she, anoint the with love’s rare essence, pure and sweet. I, too, with Neil and deep devotion low at that I Neil scarred feet.

What a friend the Holy Spirit is to the bridegroom to – for daily he was revealing my kingdom me, and instructed me about his inner desires. My king had been so modest that he and not spoken to me of his desires, but only had lavish favor upon me, as unto his bride, the church.

How true is the pattern: the bride, after recovering from the first stunning revelation of love and favor, awakens at last to devotion and love and sacrifice which fairly consume her! Tirelessly she works; shamelessly she runs after him, as depicted in the song of Solomon. Others misjudged her, even condemn her. They attribute her desperate desire for him to other causes; but she, all mindful of them, hastens after her beloved. She is tardy in her response, but nonetheless eager to manifest the depth of her new devotion.

I was impressed so much at this point with the delight such thoroughly devoted souls bring to the father. An obedient child elicits love and praise and reward. But if that child goes beyond obedience, and lavishing personal attention and love upon his son, this greatly pleases the father. But the bride so ardently love the king, as to supply the great lack of love found among his people as a whole!

If the Holy Spirit brings us to this place of devotion, be sure he will provide ample crosses, sufferings and extreme tests of love. But, after this rapture, we will glory in these things, and rejoice in them with joy unspeakable. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drowned it. Love is strong is death. This love the lights and all manner of extremity for its lover; even as a realm other inwardly exalts in the pains of childbirth, and counts all her labor for her baby after its birth, through it’s long childhood, as a privilege of love. This supernatural love far surpasses any natural love, however refined. It burned in the breasts of the martyrs, and made death most sweet to them. It shall be kindled in the bride during rapture, never again will in flickering died. Thus, in preparing for this feast, you see, I actually was preparing a love feast. In detail I was shown the appointments and preparations, and all were an outward showing of the written word.

Only guess well pleasing to the king may be invited to a royal feast, and none comes uninvited. So here, again, I sought the mind of the spirit. Now, during the last week or so of my stay at the king’s house, the Lord began to send others in by supernatural ways. Some of these met him in the garden before they could get to the door. One, upon entering, so many Angels, and was so overcome by the Lord as to be unable to converse for an hour or more. One by one they had come. These are the ones to invite, the spirit whispered.

I wondered how I could ever explain an actual garden feast to these dear ones, for such a thing was unheard of in our midst. But, here again, the Lord intervened. One brother was shown in a dream that he was to attend such an affair. Another sister was given a beautiful dress which seemed to elaborate for use; but the Lord showed her she was to where it to a feast. Others were dealt with in similar ways. Indeed, so many things happen so rapidly and in such order that we were all amazed!

This feast proved beautiful beyond words. The song of Solomon was the theme. And one after another was moved to bring forth revelations, or portions of the word, as we ate of the choice fruits at the table. In the King James version, esters feast was called a banquet. This proved to be just that, in the spirit. At its close somewhere anointing with ravishing music, singing in the spirit. And so heavenly were these manifestations that all like felt the presence of the king. The Lord graciously revealed himself to me. He touched and strength in my body, and gave me to understand that now all in my realm in the spirit were to be brought in to share these glories. So, as for Esther, this feast became a purim, in which many were released to share celestial privileges! Hallelujah!

I’m sure that, as each one of us is taken into these realms, we shall find that are passing in involves drawing many others after us into the heavenly’s. Our realm in the spirit shall be greatly blessed in enhanced. Some were present were already being shown new and wonderful things in regard to rapture and their calling in the bride. The Lord was moving in many directions now, and great was our joy! I returned to my home, well content to devote myself to my king in sacrificial love, even though I might never receive another divine favor here on earth. But, swiftly he moved to bring me into a higher state!

The new Eden

along the celestial highway of rapture I was swiftly drawn to another mystical portal – a gateway once barred to the sons of man, guarded by angels with flaming swords! No need to fear them now, I know, for he knew once was dead, and now is alive forever more, is holding my hand – he will holds the keys of death and hell! At his word the shining Angels step aside, and I shall pass with him, the second Adam, into the new Eden. There he shall teach me the mysteries of the first creation. There, too, I shall learn of the glorious new creation. I shall be shown the perfect new Eve – bride of the second Adam – eternal helpmate of creation said! What joy! What anticipation as the spirit whispered these things to my heart! May he open to you, dear one, these divine revelations. For so my Lord led me, in his matchless grace; and he gave me to understand that many of his dear ones shall be finding their way past the flaming swords into this holy ground! Amen! This beautiful garden of love is for you!

Once, and the earth, a fair garden group, eastward in Eden land, a garden celestial, paradise for 2, planted by God’s own hand! Alas, because of sin, this garden was bared, close to the sons of man; Angels were guarding it with flaming sword, and none might enter in. Then, from heaven, God sent his only son, made in the form of man, and when his works on Calvary was done, the gates were swung wide again! Beautiful garden of love is for you, grown in the sunshine and watered with do. Each blossom is holding a promise sweet, each petal, a treasure to fall at your feet. It’s enchanting fragrance is born on the air, it’s enhancing beauty is surpassing fair; this wonderful garden, this heavenly garden, is a garden of love… For you!

Into a high mountain… Apart!

Full and I could tell the story as it deserves to be told! If only I could sing to you in the mystical tongue of a Seraphim! Then, perhaps, this sweetest story ever told when inflame your heart with holy love, as my heart flamed in its unfolding. Alas, I must tell it to you in our Prosiac language. Made Holy Spirit breathe upon it as you read, that you may share some of the wonder with me. Amen!

How rapidly the Lord moved in this experience of rapture!

Long waiting seasons, the empty seasons of dryness, were all passed away now in the thrilling unveiling of new revelations. From height to height… From glory to glory… This was the pattern! Immediately following esters feast, the Lord revealed to me that he was preparing to take me out of the city. I felt it to leave my home and family again would be an impossibility. But the Lord moved quickly to bring it to pass. He dealt with my 2 precious prayer partners along the same line. They were shown that it was his will for us to spend much time waiting on him. While in prayer, the Lord gave me the word regarding the calling of Peter, James and John, to come up into a high mountain apart. We 3 were to come apart with him. He also revealed to me that I was going into the heights to meet primarily with him alone. I was commanded to see no man, save Jesus only. He also showed me in a vision a rock altar upon the mountain top. He promised to meet me there in a new way.

I cannot describe the all I felt in these divine dealings. They were so vivid, so solemn, so weighty, so supernatural, the godly fear accompanied each revelation. This has increased as rapture has progressed. There has been much joy. But I can assure you that it is a Psalm joy, sacred and profound.

I believe I should mention here that the enemy moved in many ways in an attempt to hinder this retreat. Some imagine that in rapture the enemy never interferes, and the God moves so supernaturally that we do not have to exercise faith and obedience. Please do not be thus deceived! True, and some instances, the Lord may move so rapidly and unexpectedly that neither you nor the enemy can hinder. But, and most of these dealings, I found that I had to move as rapidly as the Lord moved. In other words, there had to be an instant and full obedience, if I was to attain all that the Lord will. He will not take a way that is according to our own planning, for his ways are higher than our ways. In fact, his rapture ways our heavenly ways, and we are most ignorant pilgrims. We tried to reason, or argue, or plan, we will probably hesitate long enough to temporarily interfere with God’s perfect order. In all these dealings there is a time element. In every case God moves ahead of the enemy. At times it is seemed to me like a breathtaking race to out run the opposing forces. I don’t believe I can stress too much the need of faith and obedience in the supernatural experiences. Your enemy will still try to hinder and deceive you, and you dare not heat any voice, save the voice of the Lord! There is no time to lose! The highway of rapture is not for those who hesitate and doubt.

However, even though this is all true, I was given renewed grace and strength believe God and to quickly obey. Hitherto, I’d often been delayed and hindered by the enemy; but now I found that in every case he was absolutely defeated and unable to prevent the outworking of God’s perfect plan, even though he often made fierce and sudden assaults. Praise our God! Seems that after we enter into this way of rapture by divine love, having already passed through a Job experience, we get to the place where we can say with him: I’ve heard of the with the hearing of my ear, but now, my eyes see if the!… I know about can do all things, and that no purpose of dying can be restrained! Job 42:2, 5 I found this to be true over and over again. Becomes the reality. Often we have said: there is nothing too hard for the Lord. Now we begin to see it as well as say it!

Sorry enemy did all that he was permitted to do to hinder our departure but, nevertheless, on the appointed day we were on the road and we were being taken swiftly, in the king’s chariot, to the Kings Mountain garden. We had many trials along the way, delays and hindrances. But in all these things we saw a spiritual lesson, and continued to praise and sing. Before we reached our destination, I began to be very ill, and I bear witness that the last few miles of the way were the longest, steepest and hardest miles of the road. The Lord had chosen to take us to one of the most beautiful national parks noted for its grander and primitive beauty. It would be hard to surpass anywhere in the world! Yet, here is a strange thing about it – not until you have reached the very top, can you glimpse any of its glory! In fact, the last few miles are so steep and barren that I could scarcely believe any such wonder land existed within a radius of 1000 miles! I tell you this for the encouragement of some who may be traveling the last long steep climb to the top of the mountain, where they will see the sun rise of the new day. Take courage! Some of the watchmen upon the mountaintop have seen the first glimpses of the sun of righteousness, as he arises with healing in his wings! There calling to you: come up higher, talk to the Mount of Transfiguration! Your King is waiting for you upon the mountaintop!

The new promised land

but, at length, which traversed the last mile the way! By this time I was really very ill. The altitude was high, and my heart was fairly pounding. I felt that at any moment I would faint. We were all exhausted, and there was no natural cause for the exhilaration I shortly experience. The moment I stepped out of the car, and my feet touch the ground, I found a strange thing happening to me. Let me try to describe it.

The air, which was very balmy and fragrant, produced in effect in me like the drinking of strong wine. As I breathe deeply, it became the very breath of God to me, the breast that breed over Eden, the breath by which the first man became a living soul, the divine breath by which the second Adam became a life-giving spirit. He was raised from the dead by the breath of the Almighty! This error, which did seem the very breath of the father to me, almost instantly strengthen me, and I began to feel most wonderfully alive and most deliciously intoxicated. I felt renewed: body, soul and spirit – revived, quickened, and exultant! My heart seemed to cry out: oh, I am breathing air from a new realm. I’m getting second wind!

As my feet touch this new high ground, it appeared to me that I was walking on foreign soil. Some way that I cannot account for, my feet would barely touch the ground, and then spring up off it. I actually felt that I had Heinz feet. Oh, it was most delightful, and I seem to be passing out of myself entirely into the Lord, who is now revealing himself to me as creator. Everywhere I looked I saw him! Creations Lord! The mammoth trees, the flowers, the birds, in fact, everything he had made on which my eye came to rest spoke to me of him in an unordered word. I was like a child, dazed with wonder, for I was looking at the natural creation, as though I never seen it before!

How can I clarify this experience to you? Let me say that I’ve always loved the beauties of nature, and have been inspired by them to worship and love the creator. But this was another thing entirely. I felt that I was completely lost in the creator of the creation. Everything create it was revealed to me as a living word of God. It was as St. Paul said:

for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; even his eternal power and Godhead. Romans 1:20, King James. The amplified New Testament says: ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature and attributes, that is, his eternal power and divinity have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made – his handiwork’s.

As I looked at the visible creation, the invisible things of God appeared to me, unveiled, and everything I beheld became a word of God. For us all that all things made had been created by the word of God. I felt, too, that the creative word of God was very near me, even in my mouth. Then I knew, beyond any doubt, that the sons of God will be given this creative word! Not only shall the curse of the present creation be lifted; but to them also shall be given the joy of co-acting with the father in the creation of the new heavens and the earth! In a word, I felt it one with God and his creation – not as the pagan is at one with nature as God; but as the sons of God are at one with the father, and our rulers over all the works of his hands!

It is taken several minutes to recount this experience, but it all took place within a few moments. In fact it just happened all at once! This was most surely and the other type of rapture. For from that moment I lost all trace of sickness, weariness, heaviness and discomfort. During a day spent upon this mountaintop, I averaged only about 3 hours sleep a day, if that much. I never really grew tired nor seen conscience of discomforts. I was living in another realm, and the memory of the things of this present world could be called only with effort. I also felt that I had entirely lost my identity – so completely was I identified with my Lord. He was revealed to me now, not as the King, the greater than Solomon, but is Elohim. In the beginning Elohim created heaven and earth. Oh, the matchless names he bears, and the forms of love he wears!

Whatever the type of rapture, I have found that always, if it is complete, it takes me out of myself – out of my mind and ways, and even out of my identity at times. I’m not conscious of myself as an individual, but only as a part of this wonderful body, hidden away with Christ in God. Thus there is no sense of personal satisfaction or relation in the reception of these divine favors. Even though most wonderful and profound ministries are revealed, even though the Lord may speak to us great things and pronounce unusual favors and blessings, we do not receive these things as unto our self. In fact, self does not enter at all into these celestial affairs. Oh, great is thy deliverance from our worst enemy, even our own self! While here in the earth we must constantly watch and be on guard, less self defraud God and assert prerogatives over our will. However, while in the state of complete rapture, self is temporarily inactive, and for a time we are lost in God. The longest sustained period of rapture I’ve experienced was during these 8 days. Night and day I was free from duties and interruptions, and I lived in constant communion with the Lord in the spirit.

My beloved on the mountains of Bether

my prayer partner seemed to feel a touch of this same joy in creation. We had once began likening this fair garden of God to eat in. The animals played their part in the living drama, for in this park they are tame and friendly. How good the Lord to harmonize the outward scenes with my inward state! He really knows how to set the stage for his divine drama! As we were eating our dinner that first night, a deer came to our table. We ate in the open, on our porch. As he approached us, my heart cried out, my beloved is like a role for a young heart upon the mountains of Bether. Yes, my beloved was drawing very near. I could feel it. I knew that he was going to come closer to me now than ever before. I could scarcely contain my delight in anticipation. How we feasted and worshiped before the Lord. Can this be real, can it be real? Over and over I asked this question.

When I retired it was not to go to sleep. Every atom of my being was awakened quickened unto God. I was expectant – more excited than any earthly bride to be I’ve ever known. I felt youthful, pure and new. It was as though I had never known sinner toy or sorrow or wariness. I was restored. It is not recorded that in the age to come the remembrance of former things will never come into the mind? All things new. Glory to God. Often nights sung Wesley’s song, love divine. And this phrase particularly was ringing in my heart. Second Adam from above, reinstate us and I love.

Now I felt that I was reinstated. I felt that love divine head fixed in me his humble dwelling. And that he was coming into me in the fullness of love. Us being swept out, as by a strong tide, into the depths of that mighty ocean. Some of said that they felt they would die under such ecstasy, and I prayed that I be lessened. I felt to pray that my capacity be enlarged, that I might be filled with all the fullness of God according to the prayers of St. Paul. I actually felt that my heart was being enlarged or dilated to make room for a new influx of divine love. I remembered that David to prayed, and large my heart, O God. All the night long this flooding continued. Several times I seem to be left off the bed, and experience certain involuntary movements in my body, which I’ve since learned are the beginnings of the moving of the spirit to transport our bodies from place to place, and finally to translate them.

The heavens were opening upon my soul in such a way that I felt at any moment I would be literally swept away – outward and upward to glory. It was truly wonderful, and beyond words to describe; and only a little before morning did it less than enough to permit me to sleep. This joy continued, in a more modern form, all during the next morning. I try to explain to my friends that this was happening within me. But I was checked by the spirit, and shown that I was not to reveal much at the time. We feasted on the word of God more than on our prepared meals. But even the natural food seemed to take on a spiritual quality. Each meal became a real feast, and our relish for the written word was most keen. We rejoiced over it, as one that find it’s a great spoil. I word was found, and I did eat it, and I word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I’m called by thy name, O Lord of hosts. At times I actually seem to devour the word.

May I say that genuine experiences of rapture always lead one to a greater love and appreciation for the written word. The Lord reveals that this will invariably be the case, if our experience is of God. He warns me against any experience which tends to lessen our regard for the written word. Years ago I was led to pray, as David did, O Lord, lead me in a plane past, because of mine enemies. Order my steps in my word. This he has done consistently and, even in rapture, the word becomes substance and is a living word, incarnate in us. Yes, even here, the written word ever substantiates the experience. However, many revelations are given beyond that which is written – but these are always in perfect accord with the word, providing we interpret it by the spirit of God and not by the traditions of men.

As this precious day – the first day spent in the Heights – continued, I found a gradual lessening of joy, and there was a growing pain or grief in my heart. This was hard to understand, for we were constantly praising God. Yet I felt wounded sorely hurt and heart. Something must be wrong, and inward voice would whisper, I have failed and grieve the Lord in some way. Oh, how sensitive rapture makes us to the beloved one! How quickly we senses pleasure or grief! If he is grieved with us it seems almost unbearable. Even the slightest hurt to him pierces us for days. Thank God for this sensitivity to divinity! At length I saw that I must withdraw from my prayer partners, and seek the Lord alone. I must find out from him how I had offended. He quickly answered my prayer. I told you to seek me alone, he whispered in my heart, I showed you an altar of sacrifice, where I would meet with you, and yet you have not sought to find it.

Oh, how negligent, how careless of me! In the excitement I quite forgotten this solemn charge. I prayed to know where this altar might be found, and when I should meet with him there. Then, to my surprise, he told me that I was to arise and go out to meet him at the dawn! I can’t tell you how difficult this seemed to me, to get up in the dark, to disturb my friends, and then the go out into the mountains alone. Yet nothing is too hard for love! Love alone can do all things, and never fail it. But the others – would they understand, would they not be grieved that I desired to withdraw from them? This question troubled me much, for they were not being dealt with in this way, in saw only that they were to pray in unity.

Yet, in all of this, the pattern was true. The bride, quickened by the pulse stations of the bridegroom’s love, arises early, before the dawn; she leaves those she loves buying, and flees away out of the night shadows into the dawn of the new day. She is the first to meet him on the mountain top. This divine drama, this living truth, was being in active in me by the Holy Spirit. And, praise God! He made the writing true.

Oh, the wonder of it! The first covenant, written on tablets of stone! The second – new – covenant, written on the fleshly tablets of the heart. The Lord commanded the property to write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that read if it; for the vision is yet for an appointed time. In this latter day, praise God, the vision is being written in your heart, and mind, and in acted in our lives, that it may be plain. Praise God, those who are able to read it run, and obtain the prize.

Lord, give me a heart like dying, I pray, a new heart, tender and pure; on its fleshly tablets engraved thy holy word, and make each writing deep insurer! Then take it and seal it for the courts above, with the seal of thy love divine, oh, Sacred Heart, old my God and King give me a heart like dying!

The new day dawns

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