
A very important aspect of walking with God is the art of Meditation.

Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I [am] God:


We live our lives in such turmoil and busyness, which causes us to live in a constant state of inner tension. This isolates us from God and keeps us imprisoned in the temporal, locking us out of the celestial realms of God.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalms 104:34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

Psalms 119:99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies [are] my meditation.

Certain conditions need to be in place if we are to enter into the state of meditation. Becoming still can be very difficult and requires some discipline on our part.

Jesus recognized this problem. In Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while:” for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Paul also recognized this. In Hebrews 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

Hebrews 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

The definition of Meditation in the Greek and the Hebrew have similar meanings. Meditation means To Muse, to ponder, to reflect on, to Think, to Murmur, or talk to yourself, to Imagine.

Meditation requires stillness

There are two aspects of stillness.

A. Outside noise

B. Inside noise

Concerning the Outside noise, You must eliminate all external distractions, Phones, children, anything that will distract you.

It can be also very noisy on the inside. It seems like thoughts have a life of their own.

First control the spiritual environment Don’t get into conflict with the devil. This is not a time for warfare, it’s a time of waiting, meditating.

Deal with thoughts of condemnation or sin consciousness.

If you have sinned, confess it and receive forgiveness. If it is condemnation, reject it and cast it away from you.

Learning to wait on God in meditation is a secret to moving on to higher levels or plains of relationship with Him. Meditation, Contemplation will take you in to God’s realm, where you will ascend into a dimension in God that leaves behind mundane Christianity, and seats you with God in heavenly places.

Becoming still, can be difficult, we have to learn to quiet our inner being. The voices and thoughts within that are demanding our attention must be quieted.

Learning the art of meditation will change your life

Deal with your wandering mind. This will be the greatest problem you face in becoming still, it will take time to be able to still your mind. Though the Spirit we have to take Control of our mind.

Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. condemnation is from the devil. You have to constantly refocus your mind. The mind can only focus on one thought at a time. Change your thought (focus). Set the eyes of your heart upon Jesus.

When thoughts arise out of the things you have to do, write them down and dismiss them for now.

Your mind will eventually run out of reminding you of things you have to do.

You have to work at it over a period of time. But the rewards are very great. You must persevere.

You must have Physical stillness. You have to deal with physical tension. Your body can be a distraction. Aches, pains, bodily discomfort, can be a very real distraction.

There are certain times of the day that are quieter than other times. Late at night, or early morning etc.

Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

You can use music to help still you. II Kings 3:15 But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

Music can be a help to quiet your inner being. However you need to be discerning as to the kind of music you play. Any music with a strong beat or rhythm will have the opposite effect of stilling your inner man. It must be slow and very worshipful. It must be gentle, quiet, and slow.

If the music is accompanied by words your mind will lock onto the words and the voice of the person who is singing. This is not a good idea.

If the music has no one singing but you know the words to the song this can be OK for the first stages of becoming quiet. You can sing along to the music but it must be worshipful quiet and slow. However this must eventually give way to quiet and stillness.

Your Emotions are involved in meditation. As you begin to focus on the Lord channel your emotions in a flow of love to the Lord. Just love the Lord.  Be in His presence, if spontaneity flows listen to it, and then meditate on it. Wait, be still, and listen, and Love.

We have to be aware of our Brain wave activity. Some of the research being done in sleep laboratories is interesting as it relates to our being quiet within ourselves and becoming still.

What has been discovered is that: When we are wide awake and alert beta level waves go through our brain.

When we are relaxed and asleep these waves slow down and become alpha level waves. This is a measurable physiological effect of stilling ourselves.

There are two other levels below this: Theta and Delta

The THETA level is the Painless level. It Can also be a trance level. We have all seen people poke skewers through their cheeks etc with no pain evidenced. Demons, take them into the theta level though a trance.

The DELTA LEVEL is being Unconscious, almost dead.

It has been discovered that when a Christian or Occultist enters true stillness they enter the Alpha level brain wave activity.

It has also been proven that when you pray in tongues you also enter this state, of the Alpha brain wave level.

You see that to quiet yourself before God is not just a vague thing; you actually enter a different state of being that can be measured.


There are no time or space limits … You can see the future events or the past. This is known as the fourth dimension.

It will take time to become still; you have to work at it and you will not get it right overnight.

In the Dream/Vision Alpha Waves level you have maximum brain energy and learning capacity.

Your dream, visionary capacities are heightened. Your spirit awareness is heightened. This is the meditation state.


When you are still you enter another state of awareness.

Speaking in tongues can also help still you.

Isaiah 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

Isaiah 28:12 To whom he said, This [is] the rest [wherewith] ye may cause the weary to rest; and this [is] the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

Paul uses this Scripture in 1 Cor 14:21 as an example of speaking in tongues

Isa 28:12 says it will bring you into a rest

Psalms 4:4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

We must learn to Meditate on the Scriptures. To do this you must first come into a state of stillness.

When you have reached a degree of stillness, you will know it.

These are some of the recognizable conditions of stillness.

1) You will have a physical calm

2) You will have a focused attention. (Distractions have ceased)

3) There is a state of letting go. (Striving has stopped)

4) You are focused and receptive.

Once you have reached a certain level of stillness. You can begin to meditate on a particular Scripture or incident in Scripture quietly asking the Lord a question about it.

Example: You may be meditating on Adam in the Garden of Eden and quietly asking a question about it.

Then wait, meditate on it. Meditate on a particular scene from the Scripture and let God (Take you into it) and show you just how it was. Remember in the 4th dimension the realm of spirit, Time and Space do not exist as we know it.

God can teach you many things through meditation.

That’s why David said in Psalm 119:9 “I have more understanding than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation”

This is a very powerful way of allowing the Lord to teach you through meditation. We can use meditation in our study to understand the ways of the Lord. He will teach you things this way, giving you insight into the deep things of God

We can meditate on the Lord.

You can use this same approach to meditate on the Lord and begin to experience Him.

We can meditate on a word from God. We are to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, this requires meditation. You can take just one word of Scripture, for instance the word grace. Then meditate on it, muse, meditate quietly, ask and let the Lord begin to show you what the word means so that you can live by it.

There is a prophetic experience, which is higher than the normal prophetic anointing, which takes you into this realm. In this state you walk through a prophetic word, and can interact with it.

The Art of becoming still yet focused has to be learned.

This state of stillness is recognizable, however it is hard to describe. There are degrees of stillness.

Meditation gives us an inroad into this realm.

There are far greater realms of the spirit for you to enter into. These realms are reserves, treasuries, set aside for the hungry, and determined, who wish to walk with God as He intended us to.

Stillness can be measured by brain wave levels. Brainwave Rhythm -EGC. CPS

The Beta level is our conscious awareness of the Physical world, Sight, sound, feel, time and space. It is the conscious level, the objective mind. 32 EGC.CPS

The Alpha level where we are aware of the spirit realm, No time, space, or limits, it is Maximum brain energy and the learning level. This is the Subconscious level the Subjective mind. It Can be experienced while awake14 EGC.CPS

The Theta level is where you can have painless surgery. 7 EGC.CPS

The Delta level is the unconscious level. 4 EGC.CPS

0 EGC.CPS is where you are dead

True Meditation is in the Alpha State. The Dream Level- right before you fall asleep.

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