The kingdom is inherited

God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt (a type of the world) by judging all the gods (fallen angels) of the Egyptians. He led them through the wilderness (a type of testing) to the mountain (place of authority) of God where they were to worship the Lord.

God gave them the 10 commandments which in reality was a marriage contract, then they would be his own possession and they would be a kingdom of priests. Their part was to listen to his voice and obey him.

Exodus 19: In the third month after the sons of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt, on that very day they came into the wilderness of Sinai. When they set out from Rephidim (resting places), they came to the wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness; and there Israel camped in front of the mountain. Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings, and brought you to Myself. ‘Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel.”

God talked to the children of Israel out of heaven but they were scared of God and stood afar off but Moses would draw near and go into the dark cloud where God was and talk to him face to face.

That whole generation died in the wilderness not inheriting the kingdom, but they are now in Paradise the lowest part of heaven never seeing the face of the Father, but Jesus comes and visits them, the rock who went with them on their journey.

But there were two who inherited the Kingdom because they had a different spirit. They were more than conquers because they had a different spirit. Joshua never left the presence of the Lord, and his spirit was as bold as a Lion. All they saw was victory-God has given them into our hands, and He did and the giants were all scared of Israel.

There is a way in which we reach in with violence to possess the kingdom and there is a great deal of violence that comes against the Kingdom. Through much tribulation we must enter the Kingdom.

The basic New Testament teaching is that the kingdom is inherited. This puts the kingdom on the basis of relationship; it is a thing that is inherited.

The first thing that has to happen is the miracle of a new relationship to the Lord. The kingdom starts in a new nature coming forth, the divine nature of God. The kingdom is inherited, based upon an intimate relationship with God that is evidenced in the nature that we walk in, in the fruit of the Spirit manifested in our life.

We believe for a complete appropriation of all of the attributes of God that come with the quickening of the seed or word of God in our spirit. Most people believed that they are saved or born again and stop there.

In a walk with God, we have to walk in the truth as it is revealed to us. We have to appropriate it, so that the word is sealed to our heart. We do not presume we have something when it is not manifested in our life.

Yet when God witnesses to our spirit that we have it, it doesn’t matter if we see it manifested yet in the natural because we know that we have obtained it in the spirit. We have to obtain something in the spirit before it will be manifested in the natural; every good and perfect gift comes down into the natural realm, once our spirit is able to lay hold of it.

We need to keep hearing the word over and over until faith is conceived in our spirit to believe. Once faith has come then we act upon what we have received. Then there is an appropriation of the word as our soul comes into conformity to it. When the word is appropriated it is written upon the heart.

When we hear and receive a living word it imparts the Spirit of God into our heart.

Everything we receive from God comes on the basis of a relationship with Him and the development of His nature within our lives. Flesh and blood, the soul-flesh or the old nature cannot inherit the kingdom-1cor 15:50

The kingdom of God will be established on the earth, but first must come the manifestation of the Son of God in our lives. We cannot see the kingdom come forth fully established upon this earth until it is fully established within individuals.

Every part of our being must be given over to the new nature, the process will run its full course until our spirit soul and body is swallowed up in the new life. There is a metamorphosis that we must go through.

The flesh life must be crucified and the new nature must be brought forth. We must seek those things which are above. The end of all flesh is coming, that is why we must get out of that kind of life. If we are practicing the sins of the flesh our soul garment is unclean and we are marked with iniquity. We have to let the Lord Judge it in our life.

We have to ask ourselves if the habits and things in our life are a manifestation of something God is judging. In the day of judgment God will deal with the circumcised and the uncircumcised alike-Jer 9:25

We cannot be so deceived that we believe that we can be doing the same things that God will judge the world for and get away with it because we go to church.

If we fall into such things, the Lord puts the pressure on us so that we will deal with them.

We confess it; come into agreement with what God says about it, we renounce the hidden things of shame and God grants us repentance. We mourn and weep, but with joy because God is near to those with a broken spirit. God forgives us and blots it out of the book of our life, it no longer exists.

Father, I surrender control of my life to you. And he restores the joy of our salvation, joy unspeakable and full of glory, we enter back into a first love relationship with the Lord.

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