As I have described before, in the autumn and winter of 2011-2012 God instructed me to spend a month in the garden of my heart, followed by a month on the dance floor, a month in the soaking room and finally a month in the bridal chamber. I was to make a marriage contract and take it into the canopy of darkness, into the presence of the person of God, for consummation. This is how I came to engage the dark cloud of His presence, where the separation of my soul and spirit took place. Since I was to be joined to the Lord in marriage, self could no longer be the controlling principle of my life. I had to yield and surrender the essence of self.
If none of my dreams were realised,
If none of the prophecies ever came to pass,
If my destiny was never fulfilled:
Would I still love God?
Would I still trust God?
Would I still have love, joy and peace and live in rest?
Would I still be able to rejoice and give thanks?
Would God still be a good God?
God loves us and wants to restore us to original condition.
He wants to give us the fullness of His blessing.
He wants us to find our heavenly identity and position as sons.
He wants to release us into the fullness of authority as sons.
In that cloud it may feel dark, but there is a heart-shaped hole in the darkness that leads us to Him.
Between soul and spirit
Between our soul and spirit there may be familiar spirits, religious spirits, fears, disappointment, lies, doubts – all sitting there, hindering or blocking the flow. Within our soul gates there could be guilt and shame, wrong belief systems and mindsets. He wants to remove all those negative influences so that there is nothing hindering the flow of life from the inside out. We looked at this process in the previous post and I suggest you work through it before attempting to go any further. It may not be a quick fix, but it is worth spending the time on.
And once all those issues are dealt with, there remain connections which our soul may have made to our spirit, maybe even as a consequence of our redemptive gift and how God created us to be, but connections which have arisen from trying to operate in our own strength independently of Him or without the pure motivation of love, from the outside in. These are a short tether, preventing us from operating in heaven and on earth at the same time.
We need those connections to be severed and new connections made from our spirit gates to our soul gates, so that everything flows from the inside out. These new connections are a quantum tether, allowing us to operate in dual realms, flowing from heaven through our gateways into the earth around us.
Invite Jesus
We are going to invite Jesus, the living Word of God, the Truth, into a place within us between soul and spirit.
We are going to ask Jesus, the Truth, to reveal any umbilical cords from soul to spirit.
We are going to ask Jesus, as the living Word, like a sword, to divide our soul and spirit.
We are going to invite Jesus, the living Word, to untether our spirit from the soul and from being earthbound so that we can fly like the butterfly, soar like the eagle and live beyond the veil continually.
Then we are going to invite Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to make us whole by reintegrating our soul and spirit, by reconnecting our spirit and soul gates correctly, and by quantum entangling us to live in dual realms.
Our soul has wanted to be recognised for what we do. The soul has looked to provide for its own needs; we then look for affirmation, affection, approval from people for what we do, instead of just being who we are. I encourage you to embrace the transformation process, so you can become whole. The more we become transformed into the image of God as His children, the more authority and power will be released because we will be recognised by creation itself as the sons of God.
Jesus, we invite you as the living word of God, like a sword, to walk through our spirit gate of worship where we surrender to you.
Jesus, we invite you as the living word of God to engage the illegitimate soul ties to our spirit.
I choose to surrender my soul’s rights to you.
I choose to surrender any path I have followed from the DIY tree.
I choose to surrender all works of the soul to validate itself.
I choose to surrender my redemptive gift to you and I declare I will not use it for self-validation.
I ask that you untether me from being earthbound.
Consciously surrender all ties, connections from your soul to your spirit, and ask Him to sever and separate and untether your spirit from your soul.
I ask that you, the living word of God, sever any umbilical cord or ties in my soul that have fed off my spirit, that gives my soul power to live independently.
I ask you to untether and separate me from any ungodly tie connected to my redemptive gift.
I ask you, as the Prince of Peace, to reintegrate my soul and spirit from the inside out.
I ask that you would reconnect and quantum entangle my soul and spirit so that my spirit will be continually connected, that heaven can flow through me.
I ask you to reintegrate me and make me whole and reconnect my spirit to my soul correctly.
Connect my Fear of God gate and Reverence gate to my conscience,
My Hope gate to my imagination,
My Prayer gate to my mind,
Revelation gate to my reason,
Intuition gate to my emotions,
Faith gate to my will
And Worship gate to my choice.
Let heaven flow through me as rivers of living water.
I ask you to quantum entangle my soul and spirit.
Let heaven flow through my being.
Engage heaven and stay there, dwell there with your spirit.
Shift only your consciousness back to the earthly realm;
Choose to dwell seated in the heavenly realms.
Note: this is the third post on this topic drawn from Mike’s teaching in the Sons Arise! Into the Dark Cloud intensive, the Sons Arise! Invested and Enthroned conference and our Engaging God subscription programme.