The Agreement of Heaven

Government in God’s kingdom is concerned with establishing everything in heaven first, in alignment with God’s desire, so that all things in the created order can be restored to God’s original intention and purpose and heaven be manifested on earth.

God includes us in His government. He wants us to get involved because He has given us authority for this creation. He is waiting for us to come into maturity to be able to fully operate that authority in creation to restore it. So we get to be involved both in heaven and on earth.

The power of agreement

The power of agreement is an awesome thing. If we are in agreement with God, we have a very powerful mandate; if we are not in agreement with Him, we are operating in our own strength. That is why so many people get weary and heavy-laden, because they do so much in their own strength and not in agreement with God and in His empowerment, in relationship with Him. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Most people go around with a heavy burden because they are carrying the weight of their own responsibility rather than walking yoked to Him in relationship, where He carries the weight.

We need to come into agreement with Him. It does not work the other way around. Religion tries to get Him to come into agreement with us by doing things to appease Him and make Him happy so that He will agree, to make us happy. For example, I could decide to establish Parsons’ Law: everyone gets to win the lottery! That law is never going to work, because it will not be recognised or agreed to in heaven. God is not going to come into agreement with that law. The way to get the agreement of heaven for something is to get it from God in the first place. When we do create legislation ourselves it is because we know the desires of His heart, it is not something we invent out of our own understanding or desires.

A reflection of heaven

If there were no government in heaven, we would not have government on earth. Whatever is on earth is a reflection of what is in heaven – it is just that earthly government is inevitably flawed because no earthly do-it-yourself governmental system is ever going to be what God’s government is in heaven. The purpose of government is to bring order, so that people can live in a place of safety, security, blessing and empowerment. God’s kingdom is the blessing to empower us to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth, to subdue all obstacles and to rule – and then to expand that out into the rest of the solar system, galaxy, universe, dimensions and beyond – because there is no end to the increase of His government and of peace.

The ‘and of peace’ is particularly important because it is about wholeness. If we are not whole, then what we do in government will be coming out of brokenness, so it is important that we become more and more whole, healed and transformed and that our fragmentation has been dealt with.

Amateurs in the new

If I am happily doing the heavenly stuff but there is no corresponding manifestation on earth, it is easy for critics to point the finger and ask ‘what difference is that making?’ What I do in heaven must either change me, or how I am living, or change my community or nation. It must be achieving something. If we are going to establish government in a foundational way for ekklesias or embassies of heaven, then they have to be on earth. There is no point in having an embassy of heaven in heaven. Heaven does not need an embassy for itself in heaven, it needs to be represented on earth.

Who will do that? We cannot all sit around awaiting for someone else, supposedly more qualified, to step up. As I have said before, God would rather have an amateur in the new than a professional in the old. The professionals in the old have so much junk they will need to get rid of before they could possibly hope to lay a foundation in the new! So what He is looking for is willing people to say ‘Here am I, send me!’ We have to be willing to say ‘yes’ to establishing things on earth, otherwise we will not have any storehouses for the harvest. In fact, the harvest will only come if we do. We cannot afford to wait another 30 years for the next generation to come along.

That is what happened last time. In 1975, Bob Jones brought a word about preparing for a billion-fold harvest but 40 years later we had nothing to show for it. Now a new generation is arising, the Joshua generation. Those of the Moses generation who will not cross over and engage something new (and worse, who even discourage others from doing so) will die out in the wilderness. It is already happening. We will start to see a big change take place as these things start to unfold, when we start legislating for the light to shine and for people to see the truth.

Higher authority

Government that operates from a heavenly position and perspective also operates with a higher authority, using higher laws, which supersede those on the earthly plane. When we operate from above, we have higher authority to change things. When we operate below, we are trying to change things from the same perspective and with the same processes that created the problem. All those problems have been created by following the do-it-yourself path of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are never going to solve the world’s problems by using the same pathway that created them.

We need to see the mountain of the house of the Lord raised up, which He has established; we are never going to be able to redeem the man-made ‘mountains of authority’ because God did not create them in the first place. They are worldly mountains that have come out of a worldly system and they are not redeemable. They cannot be restored to God’s original intent and purpose because they never were His intent or purpose. According to Isaiah and Micah, they are the hills that will run to us, saying “Let’s go up… that He may teach us His ways.” If today we had an example of a true embassy of heaven, fully functioning under heaven’s higher laws, with no sickness or disease (and therefore no covid-19), would that not be hugely attractive to the world?

Heaven’s authority is higher; and when we operate in heavenly authority, it supersedes all the problems we have here. But we have to outwork it: seeing what our Father is doing and being a gateway of heaven into the earth to establish it.

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