What does it mean to be in the Spirit?

Our spirit is dimensional; it is in heaven and earth at the same time. If we know how we can tune in to one realm or the other, some people can live in both.

God is Spirit, in order to fellowship with an unseen Spirit; we need to learn how to enter that realm. The kingdom exists in another dimension, we need to learn how to see in that realm and enter into it, and bring it into manifestation in the natural realm.

Our spirit is the part of us that is God conscious and aware of the realm of the spirit. We first have to learn how to be aware of our spirit, and then that awareness will expand into the realm of spirit.

To be in the Spirit exists in varying degrees. It starts out with the awareness of His Presence, the awareness of the fruit of His Spirit.

As we are filled with the Spirit we transition more and more into that realm, to the point where we can go into a trance or become invisible in the natural realm.

As we ascend into the realm of spirit, the things or sounds in the natural realm can pull us out of it, unless we are actually caught up into that realm.

The realm of spirit is very different from this earthly physical realm. The spiritual realm is sometimes referred to as “eternity” and this realm is not bound by time or space.

While our physical body has many restrictions that limit it to this world, our spirit does not have these restrictions. There is a part of us that has access to heaven. This is described in Ecclesiastes 3:11 as “Eternity in our hearts.” This word eternity is very interesting and has a much greater implication than the concept of a very, very long time. The Hebrew word for eternity is ‘owlam H5769: concealed, the vanishing point, time out of mind past present or future, eternity.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 is saying that our spirit lives in this realm – a place of time out of mind, the vanishing point between the two worlds. The word owlam is used in this verse: PSALMS 24:7 7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. The word everlasting is the Hebrew word owlam. The implication here is that when we worship, lifting up the gates of our mouth, eyes, and imagination, another door can open up – the door to time out of mind or the Spirit realm.

There is a part of us (our spirit) that can access eternity, access heaven, access the spirit realm.

To access this realm we have to be aware of the presence of the Lord and step into it, through a fixed focus.

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