Song of Solomon


This is the first song of a series of six. It is one song, in six parts, it is the greatest love song ever written. It reveals How the Love of God changes our life: it reveals the pattern of how His love is developed in our lives. It describes our growth and development in His Spirit; how His spirit is perfected in us. Some of us grow faster than others. This song only applies to those who desire an intimate relationship with God- who desire oneness with God.

The first song is a revelation of God’s love for us, He desires us in such a way that He wants to have an intimate relationship with us, more intimate than a husband and wife can experience on a human level. God wants to marry us-to become one with us.

As He begins to draw us to Himself and in that sense of nearness we begin to experience His presence. His Spirit literally comes upon us where we can feel the essence of who He is. In His presence we experience His love for us which passes our ability to comprehend how someone could love us so much. We begin to experience His Joy which surpasses any pleasurable feelings we have known so that we cannot describe it adequately with words.

As we encounter the glory of which He is, through the revelation that comes in being aware of His Presence, we experience the first crisis in our relationship. We see how we have fallen short of His character and we feel unclean when His presence lifts off of us. He begins to assure our heart in confidence that he sees us as beautiful to Him, and desires to be with us. Because of this overwhelming pleasure we experience when our senses are aware of Him, we begin to be motivated to come to him even when we feel unclean.

 When we first opened up our heart to the Lord, He revealed Himself to us by opening up our spiritual eyes. But little do we realize how much he loves us, His love for us is beyond what we could imagine, He lives in the realm of eternity-he already see’s us perfect, and calls those things that are not(in the time realm) into existence! The word of God is a love story, and he is opening up our eyes to see the beauty of it.

 When we received His Spirit, we receive a measure of His love. This measure is going to begin to expand. Our love for God grows, as His love for us is realized. The love of God in our spirit begins to be activated as we come in contact with His presence.

Every movement in our heart toward Him is the result of His Spirit working in our heart. He totally accepts our spirit-it was made alive with His Eternal life, and in the atmosphere of His Presence it will begin to grow in the divine attributes of God. It is as our spirit comes in contact with the Holy Spirit (His Presence) His love for us is awakened, and our spirit loves Him back.

 When we hear the voice of the Spirit saying I love you, His presence breaks through the darkness of our heart, and we realize His love for us has not diminished in its intensity, because of our inability to love Him back. He enjoys and delights in us even in our weakness, because He sees His own desire in our heart to love Him back. He loves us more than a Mother can love her new born son. He loves us more passionately than a man can love a woman, or woman can love a man. He loves us with the same identical love, the same way He loves His first born son-The Lord Jesus Christ. God loves us the same way He loves Himself. It is what the world calls falling in love. But His love is a part of His Glory that He shares with His beloved. It is called first love.

The Holy Spirit is calling us to make intimacy with God the Primary goal of our life. His purpose is to reveal the deep things of God’s Spirit by imparting them to us. To fill us with the Father’s love, so that we can love Him back. The language of the song must get into our thought life; get into our prayer life, before it can begin to transform our emotions. It is the passionate and emotional side of us that empowers us to love God. When the Spirit comes upon our soul, He fills our soul and he occupies our entire inner being. The word has to get from the intellect into our emotions and then deep into our spirit, so that it becomes a subconscious part of our life. Informing our intellect is necessary but it is only a starting point.

We have to open up our spirit to the Lord, knowing that He accepts it. Many believers seek God with a closed spirit, because of areas of their soul that are not transformed so their heart condemns them; their relationship with God is clouded.

Our experience of God’s love cannot be quenched or drown by the flood of emotions we experience in the soulish realm, once our spirit comes in contact with His. It is when our spirit is in contact with God’s Holy Spirit that our soul feels the love of God. As our spirit is built up in the love of God, then what we feel in the soulish realm that is negative does not have the power to move us, because we know in our spirit that God loves us and accepts our spirit, and the soulish emotions contrary to God’s spirit will pass away.

 Song of Solomon 1:1 The song of songs, which is Solomon’s (peace). 2Let him kiss (touch lightly) me with (out of) the kisses (showing intimacy of relationship) of his mouth (instrument of speech):

We are the Shulamite, the bride of Solomon, a type of Christ; we are the Bride of Christ. The king is Jesus-(the living word of God). We request the kisses of the King’s mouth. The divine kiss is a metaphor for intimacy with God. We desire the intimacy of the Lord, the intimacy of the Word, the revelation of the Spirit in the Word, the Presence of God in the word.

The Word of God is what proceeds from the mouth of God, which contains His Spirit. God imparts Himself in the Word he reveals to our heart.

The divine kiss is where we have a meeting with God where His Spirit touches us. Where the Spirit of God breaths on the Word and it becomes alive to us and we experience it. It is where His Spirit comes upon our soul and we can feel His Presence. It is where the Holy Spirit expands our capacity to receive His love and to give ourselves back to Him in love. It is the touch of God that softens our heart. It removes that which hinders the flow of God’s Spirit.

Let him kiss me! It is the prophetic cry the Spirit of God puts in our heart. We are asking God to remove the veil that separates us from intimacy with Him. This must become the supreme request of our life; God must circumcise our heart in order for us to love Him. It is only in this atmosphere of intimacy, that we are empowered to begin to keep the first commandment, to love God with the whole of our being.

The ultimate purpose and meaning of our life is to experience intimacy with God. The absolute definition of success in life is to be a whole-hearted lover of God. When we know in our spirit that we are loved by God, and it is our supreme desire to love God with all our heart, then we will begin to purse a personal relationship with him where we can experience His Spirit.

God has so designed us so that experiencing His love is the most desirable, pleasurable experience we can have. We were created to love God with all of our heart, it is the first commandment. Unless we purse it as our life goal, our life becomes emotionally imbalanced. We cannot attain spiritual, mental, emotional wholeness, until His love fills every area of our heart. Unless we pursue after God with a whole heart, nothing else will work. We will always feel that emptiness until we learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit. To try to fill the void with other things, will end in vanity. We enter the rest of intimacy with God, as His Spirit possesses our heart, where we become His inheritance.

 For thy love is better (well-pleasing, pleasant) than wine (that which makes the heart glad).

The only way that the supreme request of our life will be for intimacy with God is when we truly experience that His love is better than wine. One moment in His manifest Presence is better than anything else we could experience.

The word of God commands us to be not drunk with wine, but to be continually filled with the Spirit. The wine referred to here speaks of the best experiences that we can have in the natural realm. The wine refers to the pleasures of this world, but it also refers to all the blessings God can give us in the natural realm. His glory, his nature, his love is better than all the best possible circumstances that God promises to add to us if we seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness.

As we experience His Glory, His essence and nature, there is created in us an insatiable desire (always wanting more) for Him. It becomes an all consuming desire! We hunger and thirst! One moment in His presence, in the beauty room, in the bedroom of God is better than anything else the human heart could experience.

Many experience God’s blessings in the natural realm. The increases in material blessing-prosperity, respect, prominence, but not increase in the capacity of the heart to love. When the focus of our heart to love Him shifts, we drift from true success-intimacy with the Heart of God. If material blessings increase we are not to set our heart upon them.

The greatest blessings we can experience are spiritual blessings. The greatest blessing is the increase in our capacity to hold more of God’s Spirit in our heart. The pleasures at the right hand of God are far greater than any pleasure we can experience outside of Him-the pleasure of sin.

If we have never experienced the joy that comes from an awareness of His Presence, we need to find someone who has-who can minister the baptism of the Spirit to us. It is the joy of the Lord that is our strength, and it comes by being in His presence, when His love has broken through the darkness of our heart. It is this Love which causes us to lay down our life for Him. When a person comes to know the Lord, it is not a sacrifice to physically die-it is an anticipation to be forever in His Presence. Without His manifest love and joy in our heart, we will never overcome the world-that which separates us from Him. The way our heart gets free from the dominion of sin, is through the delight that comes through intimacy with Him.

The way that the Father loves Jesus, is the same identical way and measure that He loves us. God’s love is His deep desire, His intense longing to marry us-to be one with us. We must realize that he delights in and enjoys us when our desire is towards Him, even in our weakness. If we are struggling to overcome something, it is a sure sign that our desire is toward Him. It is through our awareness of His great love for us-which causes us to come to Him, instead of turning from him if we are still struggling with sin.


 3Because of the savour (aroma, fragrance, scent, smell) of thy good (well pleasing, pleasant) ointments (oil, richness, plenty, strength, fertility) thy name (identifies the person) is as ointment poured forth (to pour out-to draw out), therefore (1-upon 2-cause and effect) do the virgins (a marriageable young woman) love thee.

The virgins are all those who’s spirits have been quickened with the Life of God, there are immature and have the potential of marriage to the King. They have tasted of the Glory of God in a measure. Some will become wise, the rest will remain foolish.

The fragrance, aroma, sweet smell of our favorite flower comes from its internal properties and qualities. The anointing of His Spirit, the atmosphere of His Presence comes from the essence of who He is. His nature, His divine qualities are always manifested in the works or things He does. The name of Jesus identifies who he is, there is no other name given that saves us from all that is not like Him. The power, the anointing released in His name not only sets us free from the power of sin, but cleanses the atmosphere so that His nature is released- so that we experience the joy and love and freedom there is in His Presence.

The fragrance of Jesus is figurative for the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is the heart of God-the way he thinks and the way he feels, it is the life force that moves and motivates Him, it is the essence of which he is, and it never changes. To partake of the Knowledge of God is to partake of Him. It is to experience His thoughts, feelings and the atmosphere which his being emits (to send or give out something) and radiates (energy it sends out).2 cor2:14 now thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

God’s perfume speaks of His internal life, His eternal life, of what He thinks and feels, His thought life and emotional makeup, especially his affection for His people. When perfume is in the air we can feel the impact of it. When we can feel God’s Spirit in the air, His Presence in the atmosphere, it powerfully affects our heart.

As the knowledge of His heart is poured out, the beauty of His character is revealed, we can feel His love for us. The more the true knowledge of God is poured out, the more His love is imparted to us.

When God reveals Himself to us it exhilarates, it excites, thrills, invigorates, refreshes, energizes our spirit, strengthening it with might in the inner man, through His spirit, His love being poured forth within our heart enabling us to walk in righteousness.

Worship is the highest form of love, and as we learn how to continually worship the Lord in spirit and truth, we learn how to be continually filled with His Spirit enabling us to walk in His Spirit.

4Draw (lovingly leading, to draw out sensitivity) me, we will run (to travel, sense of urgency, concern, excitement) after (to pursue something) thee;

As we press into intimacy with the Lord, others will run with us. We run after the Lord, we pursue Him; we follow on to know Him.

We love the Lord because He first loves us. It is as He draws us that we begin to purse Him. He draws us causing us to move in a particular direction, the Lord pulls us to himself. He leads us in a certain direction, towards himself and away from that which hinders us. He draws the curtain or blind from our eyes so that it uncovers his goodness. He pulls us out of that which has trapped us or is embedded in our heart and gives us weapons (spiritual principles) which we can draw upon, which we can use. We draw upon him as our source, we draw His strength. It is his attracting influence that draws us.

the king (individual with authority-power) hath brought (coming to or arriving) me into his chambers (inner chamber-bedroom, a meeting place): we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember (recall, think about)thy love more than wine (that which makes the heart glad): the upright (level path of righteousness free from difficulties) love thee.

The more our heart gets free, the greater our capacity is to love Him. It is the pure in heart that see, and the more we can see spiritually, the stronger our love gets.

The King’s chamber is a bridal chamber, the beauty room of God, the secret place of intimacy with God. It is in these times where we experience communion with God, that we receive impartations of His Spirit as we experience closeness with the Lord. We receive impressions upon our soul that form and fashion our inner man. It is the times that the Lord draws us to Himself where we experience His affection, the times when He warns us and those times when he promises us things, reveals to us His will and our spirit grows.

The King’s chamber is a time of preparation that we might be enabled to love and obey the Lord as He reveals to us what He is leading us to do in active service. We ask the Lord to draw us (take the initiative to help us) and carry us into His chambers.

As we learn to walk with God we are not going to feel the Lord’s presence during the times our soul is dying to this world. Our confession of faith in times when our soul is troubled is-The King has brought me into His chambers. We will be glad and rejoice in You. We will remember Your love (affection) more than wine.  We rejoice inand remember His tender mercy in times of weakness. We rejoicein and remember His exhilarating Spirit that is better than wine. We rejoice in and remember His leadership over our lives in times of difficulty and testing.We remember His lovein times of despair and spiritual warfare. We are accountable to remember those times of intimacy with the Lord by setting our soul to agree with what God spoke to us when were in His manifest Presence.

We engage in spiritual warfare by proclaiming God’s Word as darkness assaults our heart. We must renew our mind as we refuse to lose anything that God gave us in the chamber experiences. In the darkness of the midnight hour, we remember the revelation He gave us in His chambers. His banner (leadership) over me was love. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God… (Rom. 8:28) If tempted, we remember and confess that His affections and promises are better than the wine of this fallen world.

 5I am black (dark), but comely (beautiful, what is pleasing), O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents (dwelling) of Kedar, as the curtains (a hanging) of Solomon. 6Look (spiritual observation) not upon me, because (1-who 2-yes I am) I am black (dark), because the sun (sun becomes hot, fire of testing) hath looked (1-which 2-to burn, darken) upon me:

Our walk with God begins with a two-fold revelation. We are dark in heart but lovely to God. As God begins to reveal Himself to us- we see His Glory and we see how we have or are falling short of it. The light of God reveals sin-that which has been motivating us and controlling us other than His Spirit. The Holy Spirit allows us to see our sinfulness as well as our loveliness to God. The conviction of the Spirit reveals God’s wisdom-the foolishness of sin. He reveals the beauty of possessing the divine nature, and God’s love for us in our weakness.

When we see the darkness in our heart, if we do not also see that even in our darkness we are lovely to God, our spiritual growth will be hindered. Shame causes us to draw away from God not towards Him. To be set free from unrighteousness which causes sin, we first must come into complete agreement with God by saying the same thing about it as He does. As we walk in the light, it increases so that we see more of the darkness that is in our heart. We have a greater capacity for sin than we can comprehend. No one can fully grasp the depth of our capacity to sin if our heart is not under His influence.  The potential lies below the surface, but for the grace of God there go I.

 The more light we have, the more we see the darkness in our heart. We are a three part being, the body is dead because of sin, our flesh and blood body cannot inherit the kingdom-it must be glorified.Knowledge of our weak flesh is necessary, it also needs divine life. If we are not feeling physically good, it affects our soul and our contact in our spirit with the Lord.

 The victory of the Lord starts first in our spirit, our sincere intention to obey God: The first step to spiritual victory is our sincere desire to obey God. Our sincere intentions must be distinguished from mature attainment of obedience. Our intentions are where our victory begins. The Spirit is the author of such sincere desires. Part of how God measures and defines our life is by these intentions. He rejoices in them.  As we begin to walk in the word we experience partial breakthrough yet with a continued struggle: We are victorious on a regular basis yet still war with our flesh in a particular area of our life. The transformation of our soul is progressive. Some struggle more than others depending upon their life experiences. When we finally come into a walk in the spirit we experience substantial breakthrough with transformed desires: Our desires are dramatically changed so that we rarely even struggle in a previous area of sin

When we see our sin through God’s eyes it can be so overwhelming that we say,-Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath darken me. The sun refers to our life experiences-what is done under the sun. How we relate to God during this time is very important. If we continue to feel dirty we will live dirty. We need to learn how to appropriate forgiveness and cleansing through the Blood. When we have fully appropriated forgiveness, the force and guilt of sin is removed from us. Our sin does not exist, it has been removed. Repentance is a gift and is worked deep within us so that we know, it will always be in the past and God heals the memories of it in us-He alone has the power to forget, and does not remember our sins.

The dark tents of Kedar speak of the darkness of the flesh. They were blackened tents make of the dark skins of wild goats. This is our flesh that the world see’s before we are transformed. The curtains of Solomon were the white curtains in the holy place in the Temple. They speak of the inward work of grace in our spirit. The beauty of these curtains was not seen by all those in the outer court. We are like dark tents on the outside, but inside we are beautiful like the curtains of Solomon in the holy place.” Outwardly, people see the manifestations of our flesh. But God see’s the desire of our spirit on the inside, like the white curtains in Solomon’s temple.

 my mother’s (church) children (relational term) were angry (burn, be kindled, vexed) with me; they made (to appoint)me the keeper (to take care of) of the vineyards (grapes-wine produced, the grapes have to be crushed-die-for wine to be produced); but mine own vineyard (vines-increase) have I not kept (take care of, to be angry).

Because our conversion is genuine we have a zeal for God, he reveals our short-comings and we feel dirty. We begin to go to church, but most churches are not mature. Because of our zeal and a lack of true spiritual leadership in the church, those building a personal kingdom (name for their selves) put us to work in their ministry, and we tend to neglect our own personal walk with God. Those in leadership do not have a corresponding love to their revelation, or prophetic vision and tend to put us down-where we are falling short. Because we haven’t yet learned how to walk with God, we get burnt out-dry, we need to learn how to get refreshed in the presence of the Lord.

 7Tell me (make known, reveal, explain), O thou whom my soul  (inner being with its thoughts and emotions)loveth (1-who 2-desire to be in the presence of, emotional attachment, to become a passionate lover), where (how?-expressing mourning, we are feed as we enter into the secret place) thou feedest (lead the sheep to eat, relationship of friendship), where (how?-expressing ,mourning) thou makest thy flock to rest (to lie down-rest, lay something down, the Spirit coming upon-to rest) at noon (broad daylight): for (who, what) why  (no value)should I be (to exist) as one that turneth aside (keep out of sight, clothed in shame) by (with respect to)the flocks (a group of sheep)of thy companions (those who associate with Jesus)?

Jesus reveals himself to us as the counseling Sheppard, the Holy Spirit becomes a Father to us.

Our soul loves being in the presence of the Lord, we ask how do we appropriate more of you Lord? We no longer fit in the old order church, we cannot get fed there, and we seem out of place.


Jesus- 8If (condition) thou know (experience) not, O thou fairest (beautiful, lovely) among women (bone of my bones), go thy way (movement) forth by the footsteps (back, rear, heel) of the flock (sheep), and feed (tend, care for, Sheppard) thy kids (a tender word-referring to the young goats) beside the shepherds (to feed, to be a friend)‘ tents (dwelling, sanctuary)

Jesus tells us that even though we feel dirty, we are beautiful to Him, that we will be feed through feeding others, to give what we have, and more will be given to us. When we minister to the least of his flock we shall become a friend of the Sheppard. When we minister to others we begin to learn how to get our focus off of ourselves.

9I have compared (to be like, to make like) thee, O my love (the beloved of the bridegroom, lover, darling), to a company of horses (mare-female horse) in Pharaoh’s (the king of Egypt) chariots (symbol of royal authority, engine of war).

We are not yet a part of God’s army, but have the nature of a horse that is submissive to its master, one that is broken.

10Thy cheeks (to be soft, emotions) are comely (to be beautiful, fitting, appropriate-in order) with rows (an orderly set of jewelry) of jewels, thy neck (a feature of beauty and strength, necklace) with chains (strings of jewels) of gold (divine nature).

Jesus sees our emotions toward him as beautiful, our desire to serve Him as wonderful. We have a dedication in our spirit to serve Him.

11We will make (performing and activity with a distinct purpose and goal in view, to accomplish, complete) thee borders (earrings, jewelry of all kind for beauty, an opportunity, a person’s allotted time and place in a predetermined series) of gold (divine nature) with studs (bead, small spheres of silver placed on a necklace) of silver (redemption).

The Holy Spirit will finish the work he started in us, He will beautify us with His nature.

Bride- 12While (of time meaning until) the king (1-who 2-Lord) sitteth at his table (table-meaning around, the surrounding area, all over it)(the atmosphere of the Spirit upon us revealing the word), my spikenard (perfume, pleasant fragrant ointment) sendeth forth (to give-to place, the production of fruit, presentation of an offering, the exchange of something) the smell (sweet smelling, aroma, fragrance, odor) thereof.

Jesus feeds us as we sit at His table. As we sit at the kings table, at the feet of Jesus-intently listening to hear Him speak. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes, breathing upon the word-illuminating our understanding; worship spontaneously ascends from our spirit like perfume. The revelation of the word conceives in our spirit to produce fruit. Spike-of nard was an eastern plant from India used to make expensive perfumes. As we are aware of the Presence of the Lord we take on His nature. This is the sunlight of the spirit.

13A bundle (container) of myrrh (fragrant resin from several plants found in Africa and Arabia, bitter in taste, used for burial, used in the anointing oil, used figurative of love) is my well-beloved (loved one, an address to a lover) unto me; he shall lie all night (the secure peaceful rest of one living close to the Lord, to lodge, to tarry, to stay overnight) betwixt (between two things, in the midst) my breasts (depictions of beauty, tender loving care, sustain newborn)

Because our spirit has been made alive with God’s eternal life, it discerns what is in our soul and flesh that is not like Him.

In the night-when we do not feel the presence of the Lord; the Lord shows us that which still remains of the old life in our soul-that has to die.  Myrrh is a type of death to self. All that remains in our soul that is contrary to the Lord must die. When God joined himself to our spirit, lying between our breasts, even though our spirit is at peace with the Lord, he will not rest until everything in our soul-life is conformed to His nature.

14My beloved (loved one, lover) is unto me as a cluster (a group of henna blossoms) of camphire (ransom-the price demanded in order to redeem or to rescue someone) in the vineyards (where wine is produced) of Engedi.

This is the revelation of what God becomes to us, the start of God dependence. Every thought, feeling and desire independent of Him is what dies. Every thought, feeling and desire in union with Him increases.

 Transformation is the displacing of that which is not like Him, through the energy of His Spirit working in us to desire and to do according to all that the Spirit reveals.

My beloved is unto me-first relational term of four throughout the song, we start out being self-centered. Our primary focus is our own happiness. We are also very self-conscious (how we and others view us). We have tasted of our inheritance-he is mine. Our focus is on what Jesus is to us.

He becomes to us a cluster of ransom. God loves us so much, that he suffered the consequences of everything wrong we did outside of Him. He legally removed everything that could separate us from Him.

Everything God calls us to be and to do-He becomes to us-a cluster of redemption. He becomes our love, our wisdom, our sanctification-everything we need he becomes to us. If we need hope, he becomes our hope. If we need faith, he becomes our faith. What he requires of us-He becomes to us.

Jesus is to us as a cluster of beautiful and fragrant henna flowers in full bloom. A henna is a shrub or a small tree with fragrant flowers. He reveals himself to us in many ways. He becomes to us what He reveals himself to be. He is our provision, what we need is what he becomes to us.  The vineyards of En Gediwere are well known for their abundant fragrance.

Jesus-15Behold (call to realize, expresses strong feelings surprise, hope, expectation, certainty), thou art fair (beautiful), my love (lover); behold (certainty); thou art fair (beautiful); thou hast doves’ eyes.

This is a revelation of God’s love for us and our beauty to Him. We begin to see our beauty to him, and his affection for us. We are the one He calls My Love. We present ourselves to him with confidence in his love for us even in our immaturity. This foundational truth enables us to receive more truth about our beauty to Him. When we receive this revelation of God’s love for us even in our weakness, it touches our emotions and we begin to feel truly loved and beautiful in the grace of a beautiful God, and it exhilarates (makes us feel happy, excited, and vigorous and alive) our heart. The revelation of how beautiful we are in God’s eyes causes us to grow spiritually, our confession is because of Jesus, I am beautiful to God, even in my weakness. The more we feel loved by God and beautiful in His sight, the more pleasure we will have in our walk with God. To have dove’s eyes is to see with God’s eyes.

Bride- 16Behold (certainty), thou art fair (beautiful), my beloved (loved one, my lover), yea, pleasant (having a right spirit, a joy to be around, right attitudes): also our bed (a place of true love and pleasure) is green (flourishing, full of life).

This is our response to the revelation of God’s love for us. We begin to see that God is beautiful. That fellowship with His Spirit is a beautiful thing. God has a perfect Spirit, we take on the same spirit as we fellowship with Him. Experiencing His Spirit is a joy; he is a joy to be around. Our bed is that secret place of intimacy with Him, when we are in tune with His Spirit, where we have a conscious contact with Him. It is in this place of intimacy with Him that we bear His fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is manifested when we are in bed with Him, the beauty room where everything looks beautiful-His leadership in our life. This is a place of abiding in Him, of rest and confidence. This is the place of abiding in His love. The bed is green; it is not a desert place. This is the place where we are fed. It is the rest of forgiveness and the rest of intimacy. This bed is a place of deep union with Him.

Jesus- 17The beams (expensive wood, prized for its beauty) of our house (dwelling, temple, palace, family) are cedar, and our rafters (mail supporting) of fir (pine, juniper).

We are part of a house that God is building, it is our house, where our spirit fellowships with His. The beams of the house are made of cedar, and the rafters were of fir. Beams and rafters provide the structure for a house. It is the restructuring of our live. The bones that God has to break, he heals-that the structure of our life might be whole. The structures of a house are hidden. This is the inner working of the Spirit in our lives. Cedar and fir were the most permanent, expensive, beautiful and fragrant building material made of wood in Solomon’s day. Cedar and fir trees were used in building the Temple, so that its structures would not decay. The work that God is doing in our spirit and soul will never decay; it is an eternal work which we endure forever. Our dwelling with the Lord is becoming strong and durable. The Spirit of God longs for us to be His eternal companion. We choose voluntarily to be equally yoked to Him. We are the prize or the reward He eternally longs for. Jesus died for us to possess our affections. He supernaturally imparts the ability to feel His love for us and have it reflect back to Him.


Bride-2: 1I (yes I Am) am the rose of Sharon (it was a fertile land), and the lily of the valleys (it was a low land)

We are pictured as a beautiful rose. The rose is chosen for its beauty and fragrance as the chief of flowers. A lily speaks of purity. The valley speaks of the low and dark places in this world, and in our life. We are immature and our emotions are not yet balanced. We begin to live in purity in the midst of the dark valley of this fallen world. We begin to see our primary life purpose and identity is in being Jesus’ inheritance. We begin to find our identity and success in life, in being desired by God and loving Him back. We begin to see that our primary purpose in life is found in seeking to love and fully obey Him. In loving Him and obeying Him we bring Him great joy and pleasure in the midst of the darkness of this world. We are the reward of His sufferings. The rose has to do with love (desire) and the lily with obedience (ability to walk out, power). We are identified as the rose and the lily. Our love and obedience arise as a fragrance that intoxicates Jesus’ heart. Our primary identity is not what we do with our hands but what we pursue with our hearts. Seeing that we are His rose and lily breaks a sense of purposelessness, failure and inferiority. We begin to measure our success in context to how much we grow in our intimacy with God by loving and obeying Him. The Lord begins to reveal to us the magnificence, the honor and privilege of being enabled to love Him and how this moves Him and is what matters to His heart. We begin to come into agreement with God’s ideal of success. As worship begins to ascend from our heart to His, our life has meaning and we begin to experience the true meaning of success. Our life become simplified, so that we are not led astray from the purity of our devotion-the focus of our life is to love Him.

Jesus- 2As the lily among thorns (despised), so (conveys quality) is my love (lover) among (in the midst of) the daughters (women, churches).

We are a lily among thorns. As we respond to the call to love the Lord with all our heart, a fragrance arises from our hearts to the Lord. The bride has a unique quality as she comes forth, it is the removal of the thorns-the other loves-the idols that are choking-the rest of the church.

Bride- 3As the apple tree (refreshing, pleasant, good smell) among the trees of the wood (forest, woods, honeycomb, an item eaten), so (general agreement) is my beloved (loved one, lover) among (in the midst) the sons (descendant, disciple)

We begin to see that only Jesus can satisfy our heart. Only our awareness of the Presence of God can refresh our spirit at the highest level. We need the revelation of Jesus as the apple tree. The apple tree is a type of that which refreshes. When we receive the revelation of Jesus as the apple tree-as the primary source that satisfies our heart, then we will begin to seek him with all our heart. The one tree that satisfies more than any other (the tree of life) we will seek first our satisfaction in Him, all the other pleasures are secondary.

 A tree is a type of a person, as we come into intimate love with our Lord-our husband, then we will no longer look to men-leaders, but will begin to look to him-to his Spirit to teach us, and the Christ in one another. We no longer glorify individuals, but begin to see Jesus in them.

 I sat down (sit, dwell, inhabit, endure, to stay) under his shadow (protection, shade, refuge) with great delight (to take pleasure in, desire intensely-passionately), and his fruit (what is naturally produced) was sweet (taste like honey, pleasantness, agreeableness) to my taste (mouth, sensation, ability to discern)

As we are in intimate communion with Him, we don’t want to leave his Presence; our senses are heightened to discern that which is good. One thing is needed-to sit at His feet, to hear His voice, to enter into oneness with Him. We partake of His nature; we become what we eat-on Him we shall feast.

It is in His presence that we are refreshed; the greatest pleasure that our spirit and soul will ever experience is to feed upon His nature and feel His presence. It is as we abide under His shadow that we are protected from the heat of a fallen age. We are in the ending of one age and the beginning of another. As the pressure of a dying age increase we have the privilege-to partake of His sweetness-it is in reach. While the world is falling apart we look up for our redemption draweth nigh-excitement in the midst of turmoil.

We must enjoy our relationship with the Lord if we are to mature consistently. We can preserve through great difficulty if we find delight in His presence.

 4He brought (to arrive) me to the banqueting (wine) house (dwelling, temple, palace), and his banner (flag, standard, to identify, the attitude and intent of a lover) over (upon, in front of) me was love (powerful intimate love, forming a covenant, loyalty, affections and faithfulness)

The banqueting house is the house of love, where we celebrate His love for us and our love for Him. It is the wedding table. His banner, his standard over us is love. The banner is that which identifies us. In the ancient world, an army would march in battalions under a specific flag or banner. Each unit had their own banner that was meant to clearly identify them. The banner or flag over our life that identifies who we are and where we are going in our life is Jesus’ good leadership (wise, loving and powerful) that leads us to grow in love and in our identity as His inheritance (Bride). His leadership over us always leads us in way which reveals His love for us as well as imparting His love for us.

It is in His presence, that we experience his conviction, His wisdom, and the jealousy of His love that removes everything that hinders our love for Him.

 5Stay (supporting, sustaining) me with flagons (raisin cakes, special luxurious gift to celebrate, a food desired for its energizing qualities), comfort (refresh, reinvigorate, restore a person who is weak and faint, to spread out, lying down, make oneself at home, rest, permanent inhabitant) me with apples (refreshing fruit): for (because) I am sick (weak)of love (powerful intimate love).

We begin to cry out for greater encounters with God. Our experience in the wine-house (the pouring out of His Spirit upon us awakens even a greater desire in us to go deeper into God. We begin to become Love sick-(thinking only about the person you love, unable to think about anything except the person who you love). We desire to be sustained with and refreshed with deeper revelation of His Word, and more of His Presence in our lives. The apples refer to the refreshing of His Spirit. The raisins speak of the ministry of the Spirit since they are dried grapes. Grapes symbolically point to the wine of the Spirit.

Being lovesick involves painful feelings of love and longing for more of God’s presence in our life. We are extremely grateful for the measure of His Spirit we have attained, yet dissatisfied until we are filled with all the fullness of God. It is this deep longing that moves us to do what is necessary to have more of God in our lives.

When we come into love-sickness we can never go back, but desire to walk in all that God has for us. This is a godly mourning for more of God in our life.

 6His left hand is under (a position underneath, in place of) my head (leader), and his right hand (God swears and delivers by His right hand, authority) doth embrace (show affection, acquire, give birth) me.

The left hand of God speaks of the activity of God that we cannot see. It is under the head therefore, it is out of view. The Lord does many things for us that we do not see. He withholds and releases many things to bless, provide and protect us. He spares us from troubles that we are not ever aware of in this age.

The right hand of God speaks of the visible or discernable activity of God. This speaks of the manifest presence of God that can be felt and discerned. The Spirit of God coming upon us gives birth to many things in our lives. It is in this embrace, this intimacy, where the Spirit is manifest through us.  

Holy Spirit- 7I charge (to cause to take an oath) you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes (beauty, glory, gazelle, spread of a runner), and (or) by the hinds (female deer, swiftness)of the field (pastureland, open field, a place opposite the tent of meeting), that ye stir not up (1-when-condition 2-awaken, motivate) (same phrase-repeated twice-that ye stir not up), nor (when-condition) awake (awaken, motivate)  my love (powerful intimate love), till he please (to be pleased).

The Spirit tells those who are insensitive to the ways of the Spirit to not disturb the Bride from this particular season of her life. By the gazelles or the does” speaks of the importance of gentleness and sensitivity in relating to us in this season of our life. A gazelle or doe has a sensitive nature and can be easily startled. Many are easily distracted from the Word. We must have sensitivity in relating to others in different seasons

This is the season of the salvation of our spirit. Our spirit becomes strong enough that it will stay willing to follow the Lord.

We confess our sins-say the same thing about them that God does. We no longer cover over them or enter into a state where unforgiveness, resentment or anything else can cloud our spirit.

It is a turning point, we have experienced enough of God that we cannot go back to the world, but unless we come into a real walk with God we are going to be miserable.

It is when we hunger and thirst for His Spirit that we are filled with greater measures of His Spirit, as we go through this season in our life, we are not to be disturbed. Those who have not yet entered into this love sickness do not understand and will distract us. The Spirit tells those who are insensitive to the ways of the Spirit to not disturb the Bride from this particular season of her life.

Stir not up or awaken-we need to be lost in the revelation, to totally focus upon it until it is established in us, that God totally loves us and desires us, and we that we will not find fulfillment until we pursue the first commandment with all our heart. Only the divine nature of God can satisfy our heart.

It is in this beginning season of coming into a walk with the Lord, that we learn how to consistently enter His Presence, so that we can have the motivation and strength for the journey ahead.

This is the laying of the foundation in our life. We experience the joy there is in a relationship with God, only He can satisfy our inner need of fulfillment- it is foolish to pursue something else. He desires an intimate relationship with us, and is extremely attracted to us even in our darkness and weakness. He will keep pursuing us until he has our whole heart. The supreme cry of our heart must be-Draw me and we will run after you-this must become the prayer of our heart.

In the first season, of our Christian life, we need to be established in the fact that, being in his manifest presence is the only thing that will truly satisfy our heart, that it is vanity-(established in the book of Ecclesiastes) to seek all the pleasures of this world-(to gain the world). To gain the world is to lose our soul. Our focus must be for God to possess our soul. We must lose our soul-to surrender it to the Lord in His leadership to experience the abundant life. In the losing of our soul, by the denial of self-will, in seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness we find it-as God adds all the things the world seeks after, because he has first place in our heart-we can walk away from them because compared to Him they are vanity. We seek the creator not the creation and we end up inheriting the earth by becoming His inheritance.

In our first season we must become established in the fact that God is filled with desire for us. A hunger and thirst must be birthed in us for intimacy with God, because of His great desire for intimacy with us. Our passion for God is the result of the revelation of His passion for us. We will never have more passion for God than what we understand about His passion for us.

It is in our love sickness for the Lord, that we have the necessary motivation to answer the call of discipleship.

In song one, we experience first love, and we taste of the joy of being in his presence.

For the joy set before us-that his joy might continually abide in us we answer the call to discipleship.



In song two, we learn how to walk with God.

At the end of this season in our relationship with God-my beloved is mine-we lay hold of the Lord and do not let him go until, our soul is transformed. And I am his-he takes possession of our heart so that he can begin to use us to save others. We become saviors-deliverers.

In the first season of our relationship with God, he becomes the joy of our life, our first love.

Now we enter a new season, he is a jealous God, we can have no other loves, we are engaged to Him, but he will not marry us-until he removes all other desires, if we love the world-the love of the father is not yet established in us.

As our faith begins to work through His love being spread throughout our heart- as every area of it comes into submission to Him, we begin to overcome the world. The love of God causes us to lay down our life-for Him.

Bride- 8The voice (sound-utterance) of my beloved (an address to a lover)! Behold (surprise, expectation, certainty), he cometh (to arrive) leaping (leap on or jump over, joyous jumping and leaping) upon (over against) the mountains (authority, strength, stability), skipping (to shut, to close, withholding) upon (over, against) the hills (power’s, illicit places of worship).

We begin to hear the voice of the Lord-he is calling us to walk with Him. There is nothing to difficult for His Spirit to accomplish. With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Like superman he is able to leap over tall buildings with a single bound (move energetically, to move quickly and energetically, with large strides or jumps) we are able to overcome all that stands against us. David found that through the Spirit, He was able to leap a wall. The Spirit of God in us is able to overcome all obstacles. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. This Spirit of God in us is greater than the spirit of the world.

Mountains and hills are strongholds, authorities and powers greater than us.

 9My beloved (loved one, lover) is like (to compare) a roe (glory, beauty, gazelle, speed) or a young (fawn) hart(deer) : behold (expectation, certainty, call to realize, expresses strong feeling, hope), he standeth (to stop doing something, to take a stand, to take a position) behind (after) our wall (a barrier surrounding something), he looketh forth (to gaze, to stare, look intently, observe) at (away from, out of, separation) the windows (an opening), shewing himself (sensitive, an inquisitive look at something through an obstacle) through (away from, out of)the lattice (open crossed strips, garden trellis).

In our first season, we have learned how to fix our focus upon Him-to draw His spirit to ourselves where we have experienced His Presence. We have had mountain top experiences, but now have to learn how to walk through the valley.

We have learned how to build spiritual walls-where other things do not distract us from his presence, but now the Lord is calling us to overcome them so that they will be behind us and not before us. The Lord has moved to the other side of the mountain and like a father His son-calling us to jump to Him.

10My beloved (loved one) spake (to testify, respond), and said unto me, Rise up (to move), my love (my intimate, lover), my fair one (beautiful), and come away (movement, to flow, to walk).

It is the calling of discipleship, to take Jesus’ yoke upon us and walk with Him.

Jesus- 11For (because, indeed), lo (certainly), the winter is past (to go away), the rain (shower) is over (to change, renew) and gone (movement);

The time of darkness has now pasted, the shower of God’s presence to soften our heart has already come.

 12The flowers (blossoms) appear (reveal oneself, to enjoy, understanding, to see with the eyes) on the earth (field); the time (the occurrence)of the singing (songs of joy, psalmist)of birds is come (to reach, extent, to touch, contact, striking)(impress upon our heart), and the voice (a cry, sound) of the turtle (turtle dove, very affectionate in the way they behave to one another) is heard in our land (field, under God’s dominion);

The first blossoms of a new life are seen-our spirit has been saved. The presence of the Lord is in the air.

 13The fig tree (restoration) putteth forth her green figs, and the vines (grape bearing vine, fertile wife) with the tender grape (grapes in blossom) give (production of fruit) a good smell. Arise (to move), my love (companion, darling-used as an affectionate form of address to a loved one), my fair one (beautiful), and come away (walk, flow).

The first season is over, the revelation of His love for us in our weakness, has come. We have experienced His joy that is better-than anything the world has to offer. It is the call to learn how to walk with God, the time to bring all we are into subjection to His Spirit.

14O my dove (wings of a dove, to escape trouble, singleness of vision), that art in the clefts (place of concealment, to hide, a secret place, a strategic place for an army) of the rock (a cliff, destruction), in the secret (literally in secret, hiding place, covering, refuge) places of the stairs (steep place, mountain pathway, mountain side) , let me see (to see with the eyes) thy countenance (the face, to see, vision), let me hear (to cause to hear, to listen, obey) thy voice (; for sweet is thy voice (all encompassing word, sound , cry), and thy countenance (face) is comely (beautiful, pleasing, lovely, appropriate, fitting).

The secret place of the rock, the hiding place of the stairs, is where we receive the infilling of the Spirit. In the cleft of the rock is where Moses saw His glory.

We have learned how to worship the Lord where His presence comes upon us. It is time for total consecration, our utmost for His highest.

Bride- 15Take (seize, grasp, hold firmly, being settled) us the foxes (jackals, wild, they destroy vineyards, they inhabited ruins, they are sneaky, hard to catch, Sampson caught three hundred, they are actually week animals), the little foxes, that spoil (to corrupt, to destroy, destruction of property, take a pledge for a loan) the vines: for our vines have tender grapes (grapes as they are flowering, and giving off pleasant fragrance).

We realize an inner work of sanctification is required. We cannot overcome the things in our heart that spoil his fruit from being manifested in our life without His help. We make a decision to turn everything over to the Lord, we acknowledge it is His yoke, his anointing that will set us free.

We begin to pray for deliverance from our compromise. We cry out for Jesus’ help to catch the little foxes of compromise in our life. Foxes are cunning animals that will destroy a vineyard under cover of the night. They are not bold strong lions that attack during the day. They are small, fast and crafty and are hard to catch. The “little foxes” in the vineyard of our heart speak of our small compromises that include fear, sinful thoughts, attitudes, words and the small yet continual misuse of time and money. Our vine refers to our fellowship with God. The tender grapes speak of our immaturity in spiritual life. We are beginning to keep our vineyard in contrast to Song 1:6. The foxes keep destroying our fruitfulness.  It is the little areas that hold us back from walking in the Spirit. We begin to see the seriousness of small areas that prevent us from going deep in God. We want our vineyard to be full of mature fruit. The issues of unwholesome speech, unclean thoughts and attitudes that resist servant hood and humility are the little foxes that destroy our intimacy with the Lord. Jesus is calling us out of the comfort zone, but the little foxes are destroying our vineyard. We pray, “Catch us the foxes”. In other words, we cannot catch them by ourselves but we cry for God’s help. We acknowledge the presence of the little foxes (our compromise) in our life and then offer continual prayer for help.

16My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth (lead to eat, to take care of) among the lilies (whiteness).

This is the second relational statement, we are still self-centered, but we acknowledge his Lordship, He is more than just our savior, we were bought and paid for with a price-we are His to do with as he so desires. Our growth now has to do with the purification of our heart-we will appropriate more of Him as he displaces that which is not like His Spirit.

We were fed by his presence coming upon us, we were fed by feeding the goats by the Sheppard’s tent. We are now to be fed by doing His will, by acting upon the present truth the Spirit is calling us to walk in. we are fed among the lilies-we are fed by our obedience to His word.

 17Until (while, up to) the day (1-who, that, which 2-early morning, time, year) break (to breath, to blow), and the shadows flee away (disappear, escape, to put to flight, speedy recovery), turn (change direction), my beloved (lover- involved in a love affair, to be devoted to-to adore), and be thou like (be like, to plan, to think)  a roe (beauty, glory, gazelle) or a young (fawn) hart (deer) upon (against, over, because of) the mountains (mountain range, strength, stability, witness, assembly) of Bether (comes from a word that means to divide, it means rugged, craggy, section, piece, part).

Until we are separated from that which is not like him, he cannot be revealed in us and released through us in the fullness of that which he desires-His spirit must work, and will move without, our participation in His work.

Jesus must go to the mountain of separation without us. Until we catch the little foxes and the shadows flee away. The foxes and the shadow are those spirits that still have access to our soul. The breaking of the day is when we lay hold upon the Lord and do not let go, it is the renewing of the mind, the salvation of our soul. The morning star rising in out heart.


3: 1By night (despair in the heart from absence of guidance, before the sunrise) on (upon) my bed I sought (to seek His Presence, to attain) him whom my soul (inner being with its thoughts and feelings) loveth (strong emotional attachment, desire to be in the presence of, to desire and delight in, to become a passionate lover, to desire to possess): I sought (seek presence) him, but I found (to attain, to renew ones’ strength) him not (full negation).

In the night time or testing we cannot feel the Lord’s presence but we also know in our spirit that there are areas in our soul-life that are not in submission to him.

We experience the dark night of the soul, our soul loves the Lord that is why we lay it down for Him. But as our soul goes through the dying process we do not feel His presence, but are aware of the contrary thinking and feelings that we are to die out to. Until these thoughts and feelings are reduced to inactivity, the Lord cannot displace them.

 2I will rise (to move) now (to ask permission), and go about the city (gathering of people) in the streets (from-overflow, to run after), and in the broad ways (an open place, public square, where people meet) I will seek (to seek His Presence) him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found (to attain, renew strength) him not (full negation).

During this time of dying out to the self life it is important to keep in motion, we must keep pressing in to have a meeting with the Lord in our soul, so we must activate our spirit and keep it built up in the Lord.

 3The watchmen (to watch over, and care for) that go about (encircling motion, to surround, to flow around about) the city (gathering of people) found me: to whom I said, Saw (to see with the eyes, experience) ye him whom my soul loveth?

This is a time when we must press in to the Lord ourselves, no one can help us-the season of being ministered to is over- we need to hear the voice of the Lord for ourselves. The watchman cannot minister His presence to us we must find Him ourselves.

We receive ministry up to a point- a person full of the Spirit can break soul-ties and oppressions on us, but the point comes where we have to have a walk with God for ourselves, this is entering into a maturity. Called being a young man is the spirit realm. We learn how to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

 4It was but a little (amount, little by little, small) that I passed (to cross over, to go beyond, to go away) from them, but (until) I found him whom my soul (inner being-thoughts and emotions) loveth ( desire to be in the presence of, to possess, strong emotional attachment): I held (seize, grasp, hold firmly) him, and would not (total negation) let him go (to abandon), until (up to) I had brought (to arrive) him into (intercourse) my mother’s (church) house (dwelling), and into the chamber  (bedroom-inner chamber)of her that conceived (become pregnant) me.

 It does not take a lot of time to find the Lord once we are entirely ready, entirely willing. Once we have a meeting with the Lord in the area of our soul, we do not let go of Him- we know when we have a break though, we obtain it in the spirit realm-we know that we know that we have the victory all we have to do now is maintain it, which is a lot easier than getting it-to get it we must be entirely willing and sometimes this takes time-our first season is becoming entirely willing, this second season is the sanctification process where our soul becomes restored.

To enter into the salvation of our soul which is making our calling and election sure, is to enter into discipleship-where we forsake all to follow Christ.

When we hold fast the word so that it is engrafted into our soul, it speaks of the woman becoming the bride. The church or the mother giving birth, we enter into travail or a birthing of Christ in us where he is formed in the soul.

Holy Spirit- 5I charge (make swear an oath) you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till (up until) he please.

The Spirit tells those who are insensitive to the ways of the Spirit to not disturb the Bride from this particular season of her life. By the gazelles or the does” speaks of the importance of gentleness and sensitivity in relating to us in this season of our life. A gazelle or doe has a sensitive nature and can be easily startled. Many are easily distracted from the Word. We must have sensitivity in relating to others in different seasons

Our soul is going through a death and resurrection process, so in this season God commands those not sensitive to the spirit not to disturb us.

This season of sanctification is where we die to ourselves, the world, and the flesh-and Satan has no more places or access to our heart-it is the inner warfare of Romans 7

Song three

We see in this song a description of the salvation of the soul.

Holy Spirit- 6Who (whom) is this that cometh (to ascend to a higher place, the springing up of a plant) out of (separation)the wilderness (desert, mouth-speech, time of testing) like pillars (a column of smoke, royal carriage) of smoke (smoking oven, theopany), perfumed (to produce smoke, burn incense) with myrrh (death to self) and frankincense (intercession), with all (whole) powders (aromatic powder, spices) of the merchant (female merchant, travel for trading)?

The wilderness is a time of testing, it is a time of dryness, and it is a valley. It is where we are tested so as by fire that reveals what is in the heart.

Jesus went into the wilderness filled with the Spirit, and came out of it in the Power of the Spirit.

In song two the second season of our Christian life, we become willing to surrender our soul to God.

 We come out of the wilderness of testing; by holding fast the word of God so that it becomes engrafted into our soul. We come out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit. It is the salvation of our soul, where we enter into a spiritual state of sanctification; we have overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. The fruit of the Spirit is now manifested in our life, Jesus has been revealed in us.

The little foxes have been caught and killed. The shadows have passed away.

We have overcome the inner warfare in the heart- rom7

We now have a walk with God.

To ascend like pillars of smoke, refers to the glory of God, It is Jesus ascending in our hearts and life’s. It is the glory of God being manifested in our life, the fruit of the Spirit released in our soul. Smoke referred to the manifestation of God’s presence, God’s presence is manifest in our lives.  The word merchant here is a female merchant; this passage is speaking about coming into oneness with the Lord in our soul. Ascending like a cloud of glory, like a royal carriage, it refers to being led by the Spirit. Myrrh speaks of death; we are dead to the self-life. Frankincense speaks of intercession; we are alive to the spirit, we have developed a prayer life so that if temptation comes we don’t enter into it.

 A merchant was scented as a result of handling (buying and selling) the perfumed powders in the marketplace.

A merchant speaks of a walk with God, where we are using the talents we have received from the Lord, we are a doer of the Word. Buying and selling refers to the appropriation of Gods life-we sell all to buy the field.

 7Behold (call to realize) his bed (portable couch), which is Solomon’s (from-peaceful); threescore (sixty) valiant (brave, strong, mighty, vigorous, warriors, heroes, champions in battle) men are about it (all around, surrounding, on every side), of (out of) the valiant (mighty) of Israel (successful wrestle with God and prevail) 8They all (each and every one) hold (seize, grasp, and hold onto, hold firmly) swords (a cutting tool, standard fighting equipment), being expert (to be learned-to teach, training for war) in war (military battle): every man hath his sword upon his thigh (side, lions, reproduction) because of fear (terror, dread, trembling) in the night (between sunset and sunrise).

Jesus establishes his throne in our heart, his throne is on wheels, and we carry His presence wherever we go.

We walk in the anointing of the Spirit which is like a snow plow; there is nothing that can stand in our way. When the devil see’s us coming he runs in terror. The kingdom of God has come forth within us. The angels of God stand by on alert, as we speak the word of the Lord they hearken to it and bring it to pass in the earth.

Solomon’s couch or palanquin was a chariot used in his royal wedding processions. It was carried on the shoulders of the royal guard.

Solomon’s couch is the place his bride sat near him in security .It is the wedding chariot. This bed is a type of sitting in heavenly places, being enthroned.

In a spiritual sense, it points to spiritual warfare or protection. The guard around the couch speaks of the Spirit’s keeping, and protecting ministry pictured in military language. When our soul is saved we become the bride of Christ, where Jesus possesses our soul, we are no longer ruled by fear, and are aware of the schemes of the enemy.


9King (lord-ruler) Solomon (establishing peace) made (to accomplish, complete) himself a chariot (wedding chariot, sedan chair) of the wood (tree) of Lebanon (the name means white, beautiful mountainous territory north of Israel, the great strength of the cedar came from there).

We have entered into the rest of the Lord, the inner warfare in our heart has ceased, and the flesh with its affections and lusts has been crucified. The lord makes His chariot out of wood (humanity) made white. We are made this wedding chariot, the vehicle of the Lord –filled with His love for those whom the Spirit is drawing-the daughters of Jerusalem. We become a pillar of silver-redemption in Him.

Jesus as Lord over our heart has established peace in our heart; our soul and flesh are under the control of our spirit in oneness with the Lord. We become His wedding chariot, his throne on wheels; we are seated with Him on His throne. The foundation or back of it is purple-royalty. His love is shed abroad in our heart.

We become the wedding chariot of the Lord for the daughters of Jerusalem.

10He made (complete) the pillars (small post featured in a royal chair) thereof of silver (money, redemption), the bottom (or back of)thereof of gold, the covering (chariot, a place to ride, a seat for the King) of it of purple (red-purple, royalty, blood-heaven), the midst (dwelling among, in the middle, at the heart of) thereof being paved (decorative patterns worked into) with love ( a powerful intimate love), for the daughters of Jerusalem. 11Go forth (captivity-to go out of), O ye daughters (depicts the character of) of Zion (fortress), and behold (to experience) king Solomon with the crown (symbol of authority, honor) wherewith his mother (church) crowned (to crown, to surround) him in the day (time) of his espousals (wedding, marriage, festive time), and in the day (time) of the gladness (reality, experience, manifestation of joy) of his heart (inner self).

We become a pillar in the temple of the Lord, to go out no more; we are established in the Lord. This is a result of silver-the redeeming power of the Lord.

The back is made of Gold. Gold is a type of the divine nature. Because now we only go forward, the Spirit of the Lord becomes our rear guard. He intervenes in that which we are not aware of.

The seat is made of purple. Purple is a type of royalty, being seated in heavenly place with the Lord, in the role of kingship. We will serve the Lord in the role of ruling His kingdom.

To inherit the kingdom, is be functioning as a king over the earth. The meek inherit the earth and we rule over them. Abraham has two seeds, the natural and the spiritual. There will be a body of Christ that rules over a flesh and blood people. As the bride we will have a glorified body of flesh and bone with no blood in it.

The mother crowns him as king-this is the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit, soul and body, and all that we possess. The day that we crown him as King, is the day we become His bride or become married to him in our soul-our soul is joined to the Lord in the sense of an abiding relationship were we are yoked to Him. Our soul is yielded to him; our soul consists of everything that is on the human level subjected to Him to govern.

The transforming of our soul is a change of life form, where our soul is continually under His Lordship, so that we go from faith to faith, strength to strength and glory to glory, in an ever increasing appropriation of Him.

As we come out of our wilderness of testing into the sanctification of the Spirit, we call those in His church out of their captivity into the joy of intimate union with the King. This is where our faith works though love. Love is the laying down of our soul-our natural life.

 Jesus-4: 1Behold (call to realize), thou art fair (beautiful), my love (heart’s desire); behold (call to realize), thou art fair; thou hast doves’ (their wings glistened as gold- gilded with silver)eyes (spring, fountain, source, being in the presence of another) within (1-out of 2-the womb, shutting in) thy locks (beautiful thick curls, a veil, cloth over the eyes): thy hair (the whole head) is as a flock (group, herd, drove)of goats (female kid), that (who) appear (to descend, to leap) from (out of)mount (hill country, mountain range) Gilead (heap of witnesses).

We begin to realize that God’s glory has beautified us, that we are being led by His Spirit and that we are a true witness. With the increase of revelation knowledge, we share what the Spirit reveals under His leadership, some things other people are not ready to receive.

The salvation of the soul is where the fruit of the Spirit is flowing into the soul and beautifying it.

Because of our singleness of vision, we become led by the Spirit, we become driven.

Eyes speak of spiritual insight, understanding and revelation. Seeing is the doorway to growing spiritually. Obedience flows out of perceiving. When we see differently then we feel differently. Dove’s eyes speak of purity and loyalty. Dove’s eyes cannot focus on two things. It speaks of singleness of mind. We hide behind our veil or hold back some aspects of what God tells us. Our secret life in God or our life behind our veil is private

Hair speaks of dedication, also the beauty of submission. We have a majestic and stately walk as represented by a flock of goats. . There are three things which are majestic in pace, yes, four which are stately in walk…31 a male goat also, and a king whose troops are with him. (Prov. 30:29-31) We walk out our dedication with stateliness or as coming from godly wisdom with dignity. It is common for our dedication to be tainted with fleshly zeal that draws attention to self. Our stately hair or dedication is the result of being well fed (on Scripture). The goats on Mount Gilead were abundantly fed. It was a fertile area with bountiful places where goats were known to eat in abundance. We are well fed on the love of God and the Word of God.

2Thy teeth (ivory, sharp, protruding rock, jagged cliff)are like a flock (from-arrangement, drove) of sheep that are even shorn (to cut down, to cut off, sever something, separate by striking-by breaking), which (who) came up (to ascend) from (out of) the washing (the bathing of sheep that caused them to be clean and white); whereof (who) every one (each and every one) bear  twins (birthing of twins, to double, to couple, to be joined, a matched pair), and none (nonexistence, those who lack strength and power)is barren (bereaved, to be robbed of children, childless) among them.

We feed upon the word as the Spirit leads us. We are now able to eat meat. Our teeth are sharp. This is because of the discernment that comes from the purifying of our heart, in our ascending relationship with God. We bear the fruit that remains and cannot be stolen, we walk in a double portion of the spirit our spirit and soul now being saved.

We begin to walk in a double portion, under the leadership of the Spirit, being led by the Spirit we speak words that pierce the heart, we become an oracle of God, the human element being refined through the separating work of the word in our heart, and the cleansing of unrighteousness-through the washing of the word. God confirms the word we speak with signs and wonders confirming it.

The wool of an unshaven sheep grows unevenly (unbalanced). Uneven wool speaks of fleshly zeal. The salvation of the soul removes all fleshly zeal. The priests of Zadok had to wear linen garments and were forbidden to wear wool because it made them sweat (Ezek. 44:15-18). Our fleshly zeal must be displaced through the control of the Holy Spirit. Our ministry impact is fruitful without spiritual barrenness. To bear twins speaks of abundant fruitfulness. By meditating on the Word, we can keep our lives as clean as sheep that just emerged from the washing. This cleanliness of teeth speaks of our commitment to meditate on God’s Word (1 Tim. 4:6-16).

 3Thy lips (language, organ of speech) are like a thread (light fine string like material placed together, a measuring line, strong cord-rope) of scarlet (bright red with a ting of orange, easily seen).

We speak the word under the anointing that lifts up the standard-so that others can see the will of God-the vision of the will of God for their life.

Lips speak of speech; our words are like scarlet- they bring redemption.  Wholesome speech is an indication of the grace of God on our lives (Eph. 4:29; Jas. 2:3).

and thy speech (mouth, human instrument of talking, desert-wilderness) is comely (beautiful, lovely, attractive, pleasant, appropriate, praises to God)

Our mouth is lovely, our words minister grace to the hearers.

thy temples (root- thin, lean)( temple, the temple (of the head) are like a piece (a part) of a pomegranate (round red fruit, the fleshly part is edible and juicy) within  (1-out of 2-shutting in, the womb)thy locks (a veil)

The temple of the head refers to the renewing of the mind, the word becoming flesh. The veil of God is now removed from our soul. Our thinking and feelings are God directed.

The temples (cheeks or countenance) reveal one’s emotions. . Our emotions are expressed by our countenance or cheeks. We can see anger, joy,gladness, and sadness on the cheeks or countenance. They are windows into one’s emotions. Her godly emotions were like a piece of sweet pomegranate. They were sweet to God. Thepomegranate was a common fruit in Israel that was very sweet. They were represented on thegown of the high priest or on the ephod. When pomegranates are broken they are red. Red speaks of her modesty, her propensity forblushing in the presence of shameful things. A prostitute does not blush when acting immodestly. A red countenance speaks of one sensitiveto shameful things (red from blushing). Behind her veil speaks of her hidden life in God as beingmodest. It is genuine and not just a show. There is a hidden life of modesty and tenderness.

4Thy neck (connects the head to the body, backbone, feature of beauty and strength) is like the tower (platform-a raised area, Bed of flowers, castle, pulpit) of David (beloved) builded (build from, build up, construct, rebuild) for an armory (rows of stones, elegance), whereon there hang (to be suspend something in the air) a thousand bucklers (protection), all shields (cover body) of mighty men (champions).

Our neck speaks of our dedication, we walk with our head in heavenly places, we have a spiritual mind, resulting in fixed purpose, and we are coming into an irreversible dedication. God can now entrust us with his spiritual weapons of warfare.

The neck often speaks of the will that can be stiff necked (resistant) or submissive. When one put his foot on the neck of a conquered enemy it symbolized their submission. The Bride’s will is like the heart of David who set his heart steadfastly before God (Ps. 57:6).This is in contrast to being double-minded. David’s towers were strong and high to make them effective in defending the city of Jerusalem. Her choices were strong like the tower of David. An armory stored weapons for war (Neh. 3:19, 25). A resolute will to obey God is like a storehouse of weapons against Satan’s kingdom. A buckler was a small, round shield often wornon the arm. 1,000 shields spoke of abundant protection against the enemy. Her will was like theshields of 1,000 skilled warriors which were proven in battle. They provided protection from theenemy. This refers to the shield of faith which is used to protect us (Eph. 6:16). Our unwavering resolution to obey Jesus is an essential aspect in our spiritual victory. There isno substitute for exercising our will to say yes to God. The Lord will not violate His own boundary lines of redemption by forcing us to say yes to Him.


5Thy two (double) breasts (breast, bosom,) are like two young (deer, fawn, stag, young hart) roes (gazelle, doe) that are twins (two things alike), which feed (lead to eat, to care for) among the lilies (whiteness).

As we feed upon the word in a pure state of heart we begin to retain it. And the Holy Spirit brings it two our remembrance.

Breasts speak of nurturing others as a mother nourishes her babies. Fawns are youthful animals. Her breasts are like two fawns which are twins. This speaks of a double portion, or a double ability to nurture others in giving them the milk of the Word. Breasts like fawns speak of the milk of a young mother that does not run dry. This is in contrast to an aging woman. The maiden’s ministry is likened to fawns which feed among the lilies which speak of purity. He promised to make her an ornament of silver or to be equipped in ministry (Song 1:10).

Bride- 6Until (while, up unto) the day (time, morning) break (1-whom 2-to breath, to blow), and the shadows (something blocking the light) flee away (put to flight, to disappear), I will get (pathway, movement, flow, walk-to flow with the breath-spirit of God) me to the mountain (authority) of myrrh (death to self), and to the hill of frankincense (prayer).

This speaks of our dedicated prayer life; we have a prayer life, lest when temptation comes we enter into it.

In song two, before the day breaks we told the Lord had to go without us, now as the light of the new day dawns upon us, we go with Him. We go to the mountain of separation with the Lord.

We keep going from grace to faith to strength to glory. Each new level requires prayer to see.

Jesus- 7Thou art all (altogether, totally, the whole person) fair (beautiful, glory), my love (strong affectionate love); there is no (non-existence) spot (blemish, defect of character, the result of sin-injury-insult) in thee.

Our commitment to intercession keeps our garment clean. We are altogether beautiful; this speaks of our maturity in God. The word “all” is added for the first time in the Song. This is because we set our heart to go to the mountain.

8Come (bring, arrive) with (indicates location) me from (out of) Lebanon (white), my spouse (bride, under authority of), with me from (out of) Lebanon (white): look (observing something from the heights, to regard in ones thinking and emotions, to gaze on-focus) from (out of) the top (leadership) of Amana (covenant, something fixed, certain portion, sure allowance), from (out of) the top (leadership) of Shenir (to be pointed, summit) and Hermon (abrupt, to be blunt, seclude, devote, consecrate), from the lions (strength)‘ dens (dwelling place, refuge, habitat), from (out of) the mountains (authority, strength, stability) of the leopards (stalking animal).

THE CALL TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE (SONG 4:8) this is outer warfare. The king calls us his spouse or bride for the first time in the Song. With our new commitment to go to the mountain, we are now living from our heart like the Bride. We now carry our heart as a loyal Bride. Jesus’ inheritance is an eternal companion that is an affection-filled Bride that will be equally yoked to Him in love. Lebanon is both a geographical area and a mountain range. Senir and Hermon are two different mountain peaks within the mountain range of Lebanon. We are to look from the top of Amana, Senir and Hermon” or from His point of view (heavenly perspective). If we see difficulties from only a natural point of view, then we lose heart. We must look from His point of view to prevail in spiritual warfare. After Israel conquered the Ammonites on the east side of the Jordan River, they climbed to the top of these eastern mountains to see the Promise Land on the west side of the Jordan River. Israel had to defeat two Amorite kings (Og and Sihon) before they could climb this mountain (Deut. 3:1-11). We are to be a warring Bride engaged in spiritual warfare and seated in heavenly places. There are lions and leopards on the mountaintops. We must war against lions and leopards, which are animals that devour humans. Satan is a roaring lion who seeks to devour us (1 Pet.5:8).This speaks of spiritual warfare (Eph. 6:10-12). The “mountains of prey” had wild animals that stalked the people of Israel (Ps. 76:4). Habakkuk wrote of plundering the beasts on the mountains of Lebanon that made Israel afraid (Hab. 2:17).

The lord is calling us out of our purity of heart and intimate union with Him, to enter the throne room of intercession, the place of prevailing prayer where we enter into spiritual warfare to displace the Spirits that hold captive certain areas from the advancement of his Kingdom.

9Thou hast ravished my heart (stirring the heart with affection, make cakes, to be wise)( to overwhelm somebody with deep and pleasurable feelings or emotions, to capture and carry off with force, to make someone feel great pleasure, intercourse), my sister (blood relative), my spouse (bride, under authority of); thou hast ravished my heart (stir the heart) with one (first, once, unity, integrity) of thine eyes (source, fountain, being in the presence of), with one (unity) chain (instructions around the neck) of thy neck (backbone).

My sister and spouse-signifies we are not only related in our spirit but also our soul, we become a child of God through the new birth of our spirit, and married to the Lord through the union of our soul. Our 2-fold identity as His sister and bride is emphasized 7 times in the song.

Our bridal heart takes God’s breath away, we are spiritually minded, our eye is single, and we are devoted in love.

As we enter into the purity of the bride we ravish His heart. This verse summarizes the Song of Solomon. The ravished heart of God means that he is filled with emotions of joy and delight because of how beautiful we are to him, we stand out among the whole of His creation because of the perfecting of His love within us, the God given capacity to love Him with all our heart. The revelation of Jesus’ ravished heart equips us for 100-fold obedience. We must understand God’s affections for us. Because this enables us to love him with all our heart, to give are all to Him in love. The capacity to deeply love is unique to our newly created spirit. It distinguishes us from even the most exalted angels. Nothing in Scripture describes angels as having the capacity for affection. They have joy, but never are described as having affection.

10How (exclamation) fair (beautiful) is thy love (affection), my sister (blood relative), my spouse (bride, under the authority of)! How (exclamation) much better (be happy, to please, valuable) is thy love than wine! and the smell  (aroma)of thine ointments (oil, fat, produce, richness, plenty, strength, fruitfulness, fertility) than all (total) spices (perfume, fragrance, beauty treatment)!

Jesus is now able to partake of us, just as His presence is better than wine to us, we become to Him the ultimate joy of His life. The atmosphere our being now emanates brings Him great delight.

The Spirit of God cannot partake of us when our soul is still sick, when our thinking and emotions are messed up.

With one look of your eyes – Jesus’ heart moves with each look of devotion that we give Him. The very movement of our heart to love Him touches Him. Our obedience begins when we set our heart to obey Him, not just after we gain victory in a specific area. We can feel His pleasure in each step of the growth process. We delight the heart of God as our thoughts and feelings are brought into oneness with His Spirit

The scent of your perfumes – refers to our mind being filled with the Spirit of God’s Word. Our soul begins to radiate the glory of God. The inner quality of our spirit is released through our soul just like perfume expressed the inner quality of a plant. Our intentions to obey God and our meditation on the Word arise as fragrance to God.

11Thy lips (language, organ of speech), O my spouse (bride, under authority), drop (prophesy, to flow, words like rain) as the honeycomb (sweetest part of the honey, the drippings from the comb, wisdom): honey (sweetness) and milk (cheese, nourishment) are under (the position underneath) thy tongue (instrument of speech, language); and the smell (aroma) of thy garments (mantle, clothes, covering, light as a garment, the soul)is like the smell (aroma) of Lebanon (white, righteousness).

As we speak forth the word, we release the life of God, which purifies our soul. Our soul is the garment of our spirit.

Your lips drip as the honeycomb – speaks of our words as being sweet like honey .Honey is like that which delights the heart and is sweet to the taste. The production of honey requires much time and hard work from the bees. Honey and milk are under your tongue – two foods that described the prosperity of the Promise Land and that are used to feed babes (1 Peter 2:1). ). The phrase “under his tongue” refers to the private thoughts. The mouth full of deceit has trouble “under its tongue” (or in his heart; Ps.10:7). We have truth under our tongue, what we speak is in complete agreement with what we think. There is no guile or hypocrisy is what we say.

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