Opening up our spirit

In the new birth of our spirit, The Holy Spirit joins himself to our spirit, but we have to open our spirit for His Spirit to fill it.

Revelation 3: 20Behold, (this is a word used to express strong emotion, calling attention to something, Look!) I stand (to cause to be in a place or position, to position oneself)at (Of place)the door( an entrance, way or passage into), and knock( occurring right now, strike loudly at the door for entrance) : if any man hear( an action subject to a condition,  to listen to someone and pay attention)my voice, and open the door, I will come in(motion into, enter) to him, and will sup (to eat or dine,  a feast, a celebratory meal, something that provides a great deal of pleasure) with him, and he with me.

       God is most glorified, when we are most satisfied in Him. Desire is the doorway into more of God in our life. Tasting of the lord creates a hunger for more of the Lord. Nothing else can satisfy us as our awareness of the presence of the Lord. Our awareness of the Lord begins a never ending cycle of being continually filled with the Spirit of the Lord.

The grace of God flows in the river of God, and this river comes out of the throne of God, through our spirit, soul and body and gives life to all that it touches.

Grace is released through the inflow of the Spirit, to obtain what the Lord reveals to us. Grace is the ministration of the Spirit within us.

Our will is the switch of our spirit, that which opens our spirit or activates our spirit. Our will is moved by the desire of our spirit to know the Lord. We will to know and experience God, which causes our spirit to open up to God.

Once our spirit is alive to God, all we have to do is to maintain our focus. We focus with an intensity to know, and to experience the Lord. It is in the contact of our spirit with the Holy Spirit that we become aware of the Lord. It is in our awareness of the Lord, that His Spirit is transferred to us through exposure.

All change comes to us through exposure to God. It is the infilling of His Spirit that changes us. Our responsibility is to come to Him, to drink of Him, to open up to Him so that He can enter all the different areas of our life so that we can participate in His one Spirit.

We discipline ourselves to have a meeting with Him; we worship Him so that He can penetrate us, to live in us, to move in us, to make His home in us.

All religion focuses on our behavior. And the product is flesh (that union of soul and body that acts independent of the Spirit of God).

Spirituality is the opening of our spirit to God, so that He can come inside of it, and occupy it, and then we share in His awareness, so that our yielding to the Spirit of God becomes our obedience which is a participating in the divine nature. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. That which originates with God finds its expression in God.

So that we can now say like Jesus, why do you call me good? There is no one who is good but God. What I hear Him say I say, what I see Him do I do. Without Him I can do nothing, but through Him I can do what He leading me to do. With the seeing and hearing comes His ability to walk accordingly.

This is called being under grace, the lordship of Jesus Christ over our spirit, soul and body where we share in His government. We have the privilege of bringing ourselves under His government so that we partake of who He is.

When we hunger and thirst we are filled. Desire becomes the key, but this desire must become focused, a focused seeking, a focused listening, a focused meditating or partaking of the Lord.

 Focus empowers us; it captures our heart, and claims our attention. It is our focus on the Lord that will empower us.

Our focus is strengthened in the renewal of our spirit within. Everything of the lord is expanding. The focus of our spirit connects with the lord, releasing the life and energy of the Lord which begins to multiply. It is the flow of the Spirit, which is movement that keeps increasing. It keeps expanding and multiplying. We begin to experience accelerated growth, the increase of His government in our lives.

We see in the parable of the Sower, that things can enter the heart or are in the heart that hinders the flow of the Spirit, or the growth of the living word in us.

As our spirit starts growing in the lord, we begin to see how the things in our soul-life distract us from our focus on the Lord, and hinder the fruit of the Spirit from being continually manifested in our life.

 It is the object of our focus that has the most power over us. When we focus on a negative we allow its power into our lives. Our focus on the negative renders us powerless in the things of the spirit.

So what we are learning is how to keep the river of life flowing in our spirit. We are learning the different gateways of our spirit so that we can get them activated so that we can experience the life of God flowing into us.

Then as we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, we will deal with the gateways of our soul, so that we can get them cleansed so that there is nothing blocking the manifestation of Jesus Christ in our life.

God has come to dwell in our innermost being. Now we want to allow Him to flow through us and out from us, transforming both ourselves and the world around us. As we open the gateways of our spirit, we begin to allow Him to flood into our whole being.

As we open the gateways of our spirit, the river flows out into our spirit. We surrender to the presence of God on the inside of us. In our spirit, there are different senses, or different actions of our spirit: we need to let the life of God flow through these and activate and renew them. It is the Holy Spirit coming through those gates, through those doorways in our spirit, coming out into our soul.

Some of the gate ways of our spirit are -Fear of God, reverence, prayer, faith, hope and love, joy, peace, revelation, intuition, worship. These are all access points where we experience God. Once we experience God, that experience becomes ours, and becomes a point of contact where we can revisit it or active it by an act of our will.

Once we experience the peace of God, we can then will to experience it and our spirit will tune into the peace of God and it will begin to flow into us, it becomes a river of life. All the attributes of God are like a river that keeps flowing.

We will to know, and then revelation begins to flow into our spirit.       We are learning to identify and know God by experience of who He is, and who He is becoming inside of us. As God reveals Himself to us we begin to fellowship with Him in that revelation.

It is all about sensing, feeling, and engaging with Him: and then we begin to be changed from the inside out.