Dividing spirit and soul

Our spirit came out of eternity; it preexisted in the heart of God before we were born into this world.

We come out of the realm of eternity as a spirit being, our spirit arrives in the womb and it engages that first single cell. Our spirit engages that cell and then we have the human soul that is formed inside. Our soul is in between our spirit and body and becomes the mediator between the spirit and the body. The soul becomes an eternal being. It is created by of our spirit being joined to a physical body

When our spirit entered into the womb of our natural mother our soul was produced and became an eternal being, but our spirit was brought into a place of darkness, separated from its awareness of the life God.

As a spirit being we come out of this realm of eternity with the full knowledge of God, but we have no realization of this until our spirit is born again through the living word of God.

God commands light to shine in our spirit when Jesus takes up residence inside of it. He comes to sit on the seat of rest in our spirit, when we surrender it to him and then he empowers our spirit to begin to change and influence and transform our soul and transfigure our body.

Our spirit is the power of life, and it gives life to our soul, it is called the breath of life, it is what gives life to every living being.

When our spirit is quickened by the Holy Spirit it becomes divine because God has joined himself to it. Now our spirit is not just the power of life, but it has the eternal life of God flowing into it.

The eternal life of God is the essence of His life; it is called the divine nature.

Our spirit is like a little energy ball, the moment it engages the natural world it engages that single cell, and the soul is formed. We now have this physical body that is being woven on the outside of our spirit.

This was not what God originally intended, it was originally designed that our spirit man would house our body. But now because of the fallen body it houses our spirit.

When our spirit becomes born again (because it entered into a place of darkness when we were made a human being) we enter into a place of conflict, because our soul has been in charge up to this time.

We are a spiritual being having a human experience. Our soul and body is the human part of us, and our spirit is tied to it. Our soul will now draw upon our born again spirit to use it for its own gratification, to do its own thing.

When a person first becomes born again they become religious, they now possess knowledge of God they were not aware of before, but their soul is still in charge.

As our spirit begins to grow in its capacity to receive revelation we begin to discern religious spirits that sit in our soul, pretending to be the voice of God. An example is they say Jesus is coming back and you need to get your heart right, but they minister fear trying to get us in bondage by trying to change ourselves, and then we fail, and feel condemned.

As our spirit grows it has the capacity to enter the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom, and as our soul encounters the presence of God, it is clothed with his righteousness. We don’t try and get our heart right so we can go to heaven. We encounter the kingdom realm of the spirit in heaven and in that dimension, our soul changes. We cannot change ourselves, we have to encounter the presence of God, and his presence changes us because he interpenetrates us.

Our soul is tied to our spirit and uses it to find fulfillment, but our soul is also tied to the things of this world, and uses it to find fulfillment.

Once our spirit is born again and begins to grow our soul can no longer find its fulfillment in the things of the world, so it has to use God to get some type of fulfillment because our soul is still self-seeking.

A lot of pastor’s fall into this snare, they get fulfillment in their position. But as our spirit grows we want to impart everything we have received to others, so that they can develop their own personal relationship with God. We do not want them to become dependent upon us to hear from God, but to be able to hear God for themselves.

Until our soul becomes transformed, it does not want to relinquish its right to rule our lives.

The unsaved condition of our soul keeps our spirit trapped under its government trapped under its influence and maintains its power over our spirit until our soul and spirit are divided and separated according to the Testimony of the word of God.

We will never ever be able to enter into the realm of the kingdom consistently until our soul relinquishes its right to rule. Before our soul is transformed it tries and stop our spirit man from functioning in the capacity God ordained for it which is to lead our soul into the full knowledge of the presence of God.

Because our spirit is now alive to God it wants to stand up, it wants to ascend into the heavenly realms, the place Jesus prepared for us and our soul goes no I don’t think so.

So we live this kind of roller-coaster Christianity, up one second down the next, up one second down the next because our soul is still tied to our spirit man.

In order to fulfill our destiny, our soul has to be separated from the things of this world that it is tied to. And then it has to be separated from our spirit so that it no longer draws on our spirit to do its own thing, and then it can be reconciled to our spirit so that it serves our spirit, and no longer seeks ascendancy.

Our soul is to be a servant to our spirit, and it goes through a death, burial and resurrection because it has been programmed from the outside in. We lose our individuality, and become one spirit with the Lord, and then our soul becomes a unique expression of God, a part of a many member body of Christ. It is no longer us who live but Christ who lives through us expressing himself in the redemptive gifts given to our soul when it was created.

As our spirit grows through its continuous joining to the lord, it becomes one integral essence of God, it is all one spirit, but it is expressed through our soul which is our unique individuality. But our soul must not act independently of the Lord, because it must not take ascendancy.

Our soul is tied to persons, places and things which create a flow of negative things into our heart. Once these ties are broken, then the things that use to aggravate us no longer have the power to disturb us like they use to. Our soul is separated from them because it no longer yields to that influence.

Then our soul has to be divided from our spirit.

The word divide means actually to make two, it means that they are not joined anymore; it means they were one and now they are two.

This means where our soul and spirit are joined, we have to break that so that they become two.  We have to be so aware of our spirit that we live in our spirit, instead of our soul.  We become aware that we are first of all a spirit being, and no longer are we are going to live according to our soul, which uses our body for its gratification. The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of the lord.

Our spirit man has to rise up inside of us through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. For a period we have to completely ignore our soul-flesh because it wants to continually do its own thing. Otherwise our soul will continue to rule over our spirit; once they are divided our spirit can assume its right to rule our soul and body. And then it becomes reintegrated back with our spirit, so that we can then become a whole person.

We have to lose our soul in order to keep it into eternal life. This is the losing of our soul’s right to rule and live an independent life.

A soul tie is a line of communication and information that does not originate in God. This drains the life of God out of us and ministers death to us.

We have to build up our spirit so that we can feel the life and power of God flowing into it and then pray into our soul. Our spirit speaking into our soul, our soul has to be programmed from the inside out.

We command that what our soul is tied to be broken in Jesus name. We command our soul to no longer function independently of God, but come under submission to our spirit. We have to keep praying this every day until suddenly there is an awareness of our spirit on the outside of our body, a reality of a Kingdom world that is now functioning around us.

When our spirit is separated from our soul, we will enter into a new spiritual awareness that we did not have before. Our spirit will be receiving information from the kingdom realm of the Spirit, and that information will begin to flow into our soul. We will begin to see a whole different world than what we have ever experienced in our soul being tied to our spirit; it will totally change our life and open up a door to the kingdom realm.