Gateways of our spirit

Gateways are entry points, where the Spirit of God flows into us, through us and out of us. The gateways of our spirit are places where we access the nature of God, where we access the Flow of the Spirit. Places where we access the realm of heaven, within us.

These gateways are doors, spiritual senses, abilities that our spirit has, that can be developed so that we can draw upon the life source of God within us.

One of these gateways is called revelation, where the Spirit of God enlightens us, where we can see or think with a heightened awareness of what God desires to show us about something.

God reveals himself to us through revelation, He imparts Himself in the revelation we receive.

We have to learn how to discern the will of God. What is He saying to us, what is He revealing to us?

We have to learn how to see things from His perspective, so that we can be directed by His Spirit.

The new creation is faith working by love.

Galatians 5: 6For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. 7Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

Galatians 6: 15For in (intimate union with, remaining in-speaking of rest) Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature (what has been created). 16And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

In these verses we see that the new creation and faith working by love are synonymous-meaning the same or almost the same.

When our spirit was born again, God generated it, He commanded light to shine in it; our spirit receives the light of God or nature of God and is of the same substance.

God reveals His love for us, through  revelation, it is imparted to us so that we partake of it, and we experience it. It transforms our thinking and moves us in our spirit so that we can feel His compassion.

His love is shed abroad in our heart, it is His own identical love, although we may not experience it to the same degree, yet it is an identical love.

Once we experience God’s love we can then love Him back and love other people with that love. It is a divine love and not a human love. It is self-less and totally focused on the well-being of another.

Once the love of God is revealed to our spirit, then our spirit can now sense it and it becomes a gateway of our spirit so that our spirit can tune into it and then we can look upon others with the compassion of the Lord. We can see people with the Love of God.

Our will is directly related to our new born spirit, so that we can will to love someone with the love of God and then the love of God flows into our spirit and then through our soul so that we can then act towards that person in the love of God.

We can will to know God’s will and then the revelation of the Holy Spirit will flow into our spirit so that we can see what the will of God is for us or another person.

 We have to be aware of the gateways of our spirit, so that we can activate them. We have to experience and understand the flow of the presence of God into our spirit and what causes it to be hindered.

 We can be hungry for the presence of God and yet sin is talking to us. We get caught up in God’s presence and then some thoughts come into our mind to hinder the flow, it is like the anointing is diminished.

Sin is personified in the bible; it comes knocking on the door of our heart. When we begin to see it as something that is living, that it is a power greater than ourselves, then we can learn how to keep the life of God flowing in us, so that we never yield to its desires.

Our spirit, soul and body were created to work together and be in harmony.

 The flow of the information that our spirit is receiving from God is going into our soul but until the gateways of our soul are cleansed and purified, the information becomes clouded or disquieted by what is going on in our soul.

When we learn how to take control of our spirit life, and rule our spirit so that the life of God is continually flowing into it, then we can begin to deal with our soul life, so that there is nothing in it that can hinder the manifestation of God through us.

Proverbs 16:32   He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth (to rule, to reign, or to have dominion over) his spirit than he that taketh a city.

Proverbs 25:28  He that hath no rule (a restraint, a control) over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

The first gateway that we have to get flowing is first love. First love is what we first experienced when our spirit was born again, when God became real inside of us.

First love is the overwhelming realization that God is real and as we experience the joy of His presence it becomes the most exciting thing that has ever happened in our lives, and we tell everybody about Him.

Because we didn’t understand how to abide in this place, we left it, the excitement wore off.

The Gateway of first love is the one of the most important senses of our spirit that needs to be kept open so that we are able to encounter God in a greater way.

First love is abandoned love, where there is no care or desire for anything or anyone else but him. To keep this gateway open is the key of the infilling of the Spirit.

The gateway of first love is the doorway to experiencing God inside of us, and to begin to enter the heavenly realms that we have access to through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

First love causes us to have a burning desire to see the Lord, to dwell with Him and walk with Him.