Waking our spirit

 If we learn how to walk in the spirit, we will not fulfill the desire of the flesh, that union of soul and body that wants to act independently of God.

In order to walk in the spirit, we are going to have to become aware of our spirit. So when we wake up in the morning, our spirit has to wake up to, we have to activate it.

The fastest way to locate our spirit is to pray in tongues, if you can’t pray in tongues, let me know and I will pray for you until you do.

We pray in tongues and then in English, father I deny myself and I surrender control of my life to you. Father I open up my spirit to you that you might fill it, that you might move through it, I speak forth your lordship over it.

We have to get the life of God flowing in our spirit; we have to feel the strength of God flowing into and out of it.

We activate our spirit through our voice, once the life of God is flowing in it, you can feel it. We can tune into the fruit of the Spirit by an act of our will. We can tune into the love of God, the peace of the lord and all the attributes of God so that they start flowing into our spirit.

Because our spirit is alive with God we can create an atmosphere of the kingdom around us by allowing the life of God to flow out of us.

When the life of God is flowing in our spirit our soul will become aware of it, we just want to get the faculties of our soul cleansed so that we eliminate the mixture, and so that our soul will not cloud our spirit.

Once we get all our spirit, soul and body gateways open and flowing we can become a gateway of heaven on the earth.

 Our spirit has within at least nine gateways or senses, or abilities. 1-first love 2-fear of God 3-reverance of God 4-inuition 5-revelation 6-prayer 7-faith 8-hope 9-worship. Our soul has 7 gateways 1-mind 2-reason 3-imagination 4-emotions 5-conscience 6- will 7-choice. Our body has five gateways or senses 1-eye 2-ear 3-smell 4-taste 5-touch.

So praying over ourselves is the most unselfish thing we can do, because the lord has chosen us, to minister His Spirit to others, but first we must become a vessel of honor through the sanctification of spirit, soul and body.

 We need to pray into the transformation of our soul. Our soul is full of unbelief, doubt and fear, our soul doesn’t know the lord like our spirit does.

We have to learn how to live from our spirit, the faith of God flows out of our spirit, but then our soul will try and block it, or hinder it so we have to practice the presence of God to help our soul become aware of it.

Father by faith I choose to engage Your presence, I thank you that I shall be aware of your presence all day.  I receive Your acceptance, love, mercy and grace .I stand in the victory of the cross forgiven, justified and cleansed .I thank you that You clothe me in white robes of righteousness .I am the righteousness of God in Christ 

Father I choose to deny myself & surrender control of my life to you .I give you my reason center. I repent and renounce doubt, fear and unbelief, rationalism, skepticism, and cynicism.

Father I thank you for the flow of your Spirit activating my revelation gate so that fresh revelation will flow into my reason gate cleansing it from false doctrine, the philosophies, theories’ and ideas of man.

Father I repent of leaning unto my own understanding. I thank you for the flow of the Spirit that will renew my reason and restore it, the flow of revelation that will help my soul understand what my spirit knows.

Father I offer my reason center unto you, that you would use it to interpret your thoughts & understand your ways 

Father I choose to deny myself & surrender control of my life to you .I give you my imagination. I repent and renounce the viewing of any image that has polluted my imagination, I ask you to blot out any and every image with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Father I thank you for the activation of the gifts of your Spirit to flow into my imagination that I would begin to see with my imagination the things you desire to show me.

Father I offer my imagination to you, that you may use it to show me what heaven is like, that my imagination will go beyond the veil, that it would see in the spirit your kingdom realm.

Father I ask you to Purify & restore my imagination, Restore the screen of my mind to receive vision & revelation   

Father I choose to deny myself & surrender control of my life to you, I give you my heart, my sub-conscious mind. I repent and I renounce any strongholds there, any negative belief systems or values. I repent and renounce and vows or words I may have say, of thing I have failed to do and not to do. I repent of any coping or defense mechanisms that may be there, I ask you to cleanse every negative memory.

Purify, restore and reprogram my heart with your truth, with your values so that I might fulfill my destiny in you. 

Father I choose to deny myself & surrender control of my life to you, I give you my emotions lord. I repent and renounce all unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, murmuring and complaining, Any self-pity or feeling sorry for myself.

Father I thank you for the flow of your feelings through my spirit entering my emotion gate in my soul and cleansing it, refreshing it with your purity.

Father I offer my emotions to you, so that I my feel your heart for me and others.

Father strengthen the institution is my spirit so that my emotions will come into line with it, so that I might not miss your perfect will. Use my emotions to feel your heart & guide me through intuition. 

Father I choose to deny myself & surrender control of my life to you .I give you my will. I repent and renounce all Sin, all Rebellion, any Stubbornness, or Willfulness, manipulation or Control. I repent of any indecision or hesitate to do your will once it is revealed.

I ask you to Purify and restore my will and restore courage, perseverance, persistence. 

Use my will to enable me to do your will through obedience & true worship  

Father I repent of independence in my soul life and for drawing life from my spirit to meet my own needs

Father I take your word as a sword and I cut every soul tie to my spirit

Father I separate myself from the control my soul has had over my spirit

Father I thank you for your word that is like a sharp two edged sword that divides my soul from my spirit 

Father I repent of independence in my soul life and for drawing life from my spirit to meet my own needs

Father I take your word as a sword and I cut every soul tie to my spirit

Father I separate myself from the control my soul has had over my spirit

Father I thank you for your word that is like a sharp two edged sword that divides my soul from my spirit 

Father today I speak into my soul and I release the word of God and its power

I take the word and I drive it between my soul and spirit to break the ties that my soul has made with my spirit

I break its yoke and its influence and control

I separate all negative influences and independence    

I declare my spirit being free from the ties and shackles and encumbrances of soul that anchor me to the earth

I declare my spirit being free to fully engage and encompass my soul and body and create an atmosphere around me.

I declare my spirit can engage the atmosphere of God’s presence

I declare my soul and spirit can participate in the realms of heaven

I declare my spirit soul and body ready to cooperate in transrelocation 

I stand in your presence Father

Father I take Your word by faith and I place my soul and spirit before your presence

I acknowledge that my soul is tied into my spirit and that there are soul ties that draw on my spirits life so that my soul can have life of its own independent of You

Lord I confess that this has been my life and I confess this as sin. I ask you to forgive me so that I can be divided according to the testimony of your word 

I thank you Father that your word is sharper than any two edged sword to divide my soul from my spirit

Father today I take the word of God that is like a wedge and a hammer and I drive it between my soul and my spirit

I use the word of God to break every soul tie and influence from my soul over my spirit

I declare that I am a spirit being that has a soul that lives in a physical body That my spirit is not subject to my soul

Father I bring my soul before Your presence and I make it bow down before your kingdom government

I declare that I will no longer serve my soul but my soul will serve my spirit

I decree to my soul that you are a mediator between my spirit and my body to serve my spirit. I will no longer serve you but you will serve my serve my spirit as a mediator of who I am as an eternal spirit being. 

I declare that I am made in the image of God and I am a spirit being 

Father I thank you for the blood of Jesus that cleanses me for whenever I have allowed my soul to have dominion and live in a carnal natural way

I repent and take the blood and wipe out the record of that testimony from my life 

Father I surrender my spirit, soul and body to You

I declare that Jesus is Lord of the gates of my life

I declare that I am readily available to do Your will & purposes

Manifest Your glory and presence in and through my life

Manifest Your Kingdom authority and power through me and around me

I choose to make you Lord of my soul gates 

Prayers for opening our soul gates

Conscience gateway

Today I bring my conscience into submission to my spirit. I release the life of God to flow from my spirit, through the gateways of reverence and of the fear of God to produce a consciousness of God’s righteousness and truth. 

Where my soul has been seared by sin. I now take the sword of the spirit and cleave the gateway open to allow the flow of God through it, to dictate my actions.

Father, make me aware of my actions that I may submit to Your authority in my soul.

Today I take authority over the spiritual force or condition that is resistant to the flow of God in me. I loose it and cast it out of this gateway in Jesus name. I make Jesus Lord over my conscience gateway today.

Father I thank You that my conscience gateway is full of Your glory. 

I apply reverence and fear of God to my conscience so it will now dictate my bodies actions in the world.

I thank You that my reverence activated conscience receives and releases the flow of godliness and holiness through it 

Imagination gateway

Deal with the images from our pasts

Acknowledge their presence in your life.

Own the sin and bring the image into the light.

Take the blood of Jesus and apply to the image like a paintbrush obliterating the image.

Memories and the neural pathway broken

Reason gateway – Beliefs, doctrines and values

2 Cor 10:5 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

We must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ

Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing river of life into my reason gate to purge and clean my negative values, mind-sets and belief systems

Demolish all the strongholds that argue against Your truth

I repent and renounce doubt, unbelief, rationalism, scepticism, cynicism, denial

Father cleanse me of all false doctrine, philosophies & ideas 

I receive a flow of supernatural wisdom from Your word to change my life

I ask you to renew & restore my ability to reason with You

I choose to use my reason gate to interpret Your thoughts & understand Your ways 

Subconscious Mind gateway –  Heart soil – hard, stones, weeds – Strongholds, Mind-sets, beliefs

Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing river of life into my subconscious mind and into my memories to purge and clean them so that I may receive supernatural revelation from Your word to change my life. 

I release the life of God through the gateway of revelation in my spirit like a river to flush out, wash and restore my mind so that I may have the Mind of Christ operating in me. 

So that the actions of my body reflect the kingdom of God and its outworking in my behaviour and to those around me.

Emotions gateway – Feelings, hurts, pains

Father today I release the glory of Your kingdom and the cleansing healing waters of the river of life into my emotions

I repent and renounce all unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger & selfpity

I ask you to heal my hurts and painful memories and purify & restore my emotions

Use my emotions to feel Your heart & guide me through intuition. 

Will gateway 

Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing healing river of life into my will

I repent and renounce all Sin, Rebellion, Stubbornness, Wilfulness, Defiance, Control, Fear, Doubt, Unbelief, Indecision

I ask you to purify & restore my will & restore courage, perseverance and persistence 

Use my will to enable me to do Your will through obedience & true worship

Body Gateways –  Prayer for eye gateway

Father today in the name of Jesus I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love and the gateway of revelation, into the gateway of my imagination and out through the gateway of my eyes, that I might see into the kingdom of realm with renewed spiritual sight. May my eyes become like a flame of fire to the demonic world as I reflect the glory of God from inside me.

Father today I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love and the gate of reverence, into the gateway of my conscience to protect the gateway of my eyes, ear, touch etc. to guard the windows and entrance points into my soul and to direct the flow of the river of life out into the world through what I say and touch

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