Your sight in the spirit world

Our spirit – the new creation man – needs to be clothed in power. When our spirit was quickened and received the nature in seed form of Jesus Christ, so we have all that Jesus is in nature, and we grow up into that as we yield to the Lord and that nature becomes our nature and we become like him in his image and his likeness. This alone is not enough to have the nature, we also need the power, the ability of god which comes to us through our spirit – the new creation man – being clothed with the Holy Spirit – the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is an internal thing.

The out external anointing of the Holy Spirit. The internal anointing – the baptism of Holy Spirit is free it’s by the grace of God. If we want an extra earning clothing of power – the team – there is a price – there is a cost.

Can we be trusted with that clothing of power? Father had to put Jesus through a series of tests to make sure that he could be trusted with the clothing of the power of God. So in the wilderness Jesus qualified in the basis of that wilderness testing was the father had to be sure that Jesus would not walk independent of the father in the use of power. When God can trust us with that then he can clothe us with power.

Working with the spirit realm. We tend to think and subconsciously believe that the spirit realm is not as real as the natural realm. We think that consciously or unconsciously because we live most of our time in the natural realm without spiritual awareness. So in our thinking and our consciousness and our awareness we tend to think that the world we can touch with our hand and see with our physical eyes and the world around us is more real.

God is immortal, invisible to a natural eyes. God is not invisible to the eyes of our spirit. We live by faith and not by sight, this is not talking about spiritual sight but physical. In the realm of the spirit we ought to develop and have spiritual sight.

Jesus wants to become our friend, how do we become a friend with a spirit? I no longer call you servants henceforth, call your friends. John 15:15. Becoming friends with an invisible spirit. We can only do this with our spirit; we can only know him after the spirit. Firstly we don’t walk by natural sight. We walk in the spirit. We walk with the eyes of our heart or spiritual sight. Not with the natural eyes but with the eyes of our spirit.

Ephesians 1:18 Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened. That we might know what is the hope of our calling.

Second Corinthians 3:18 with an open face we are beholding the glory of God. With an unveiled open – the realm of the spirit beholding in a glass the glory of the Lord – is a spiritual thing it is not just an imagination because we are changed when we do that into the same image. Even as by the spirit of Lord.

Second Corinthians 4:18 we look not at things which can be seen with the natural eyes but those things which are not seen. How do we look at things which are not seen? With the eyes of our spirit. The eyes of the new creation man. The things which are seen with the natural eyes are temporal. Things which are not seen are eternal. The realm of the spirit

We are told to look unto Jesus – Hebrews 12:2. We are told to behold him.

When Adam sinned he lost his ability to see in the spirit realm, it may not of been overnight but there was a decline when man no longer began to live from a spirit but began to live from the soul and his physical senses. It blotted out the realm of his spirit within him. When Adam sinned he lost his ability to see in the spirit realm.

When our spirit is quickened and we have the ability to see in the spirit. John 3:3 except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. This is not talking about when we die physically. When we are born again we have the ability, the inherent ability to see the kingdom realm. The kingdom of God – that is heaven, Angels, his kingdom which is spiritual. We have this ability when we are born again. John 18:36 – my kingdom is not of this world, but when you’re born again you can see the kingdom. My kingdom is not of this realm it is in the invisible realm – world .it is in the realm of spirit. The kingdom of God includes Angels; it includes heaven, the cloud of witnesses, Jesus, the whole realm of the spirit of God Incorporated in the kingdom of God.

If we are born again we can see into that realm. Unless we are born again we cannot see into the kingdom of God realm. Those not born again can see in the other side of the spirit realm – Satan’s side but not God’s. – The kingdom side.

Someone when were born again we come into the kingdom of God but then we must learn how to move from our new creation man. We must learn to move in the spirit, from our spirit. We have to learn how to move in that realm, see in that realm, hear in that realm learn the feeling that realm. The kingdom of God realm. This is something we have to learn. The father and Jesus both have form and substance. Spirit has form and substance mayhem one: 3 God has feet. Exodus 33:22 he has hands, face, form and substance. What is God made of? He is made of spirit. Spirit has form and substance. God has made everything that we see out of himself.

Romans 11 from of him – out of him – out of himself – and through him are all things which exist. God is spirit, power, and light – out of him and through him all things were made. God made everything out of his own substance. When God spoke and created this world it came out of him. That form of spirit is a much superior substance then the physical realm. For out of that realm of spirit God created all things. Everything was formed and fashioned out of himself.

What is spirit? Spirit substance is mostly manifest in the form of light, power. Scientists are beginning to tell us the basis of all matter is compressed light, they are getting close to the truth. Light is a form of energy, is a form of power.

When you get in the presence of the Lord he will emanate depending upon our spiritual state a degree of energy or light or power. He emanates this. This power and his glory can be so great then an angel came down in revelation and the Angel had such power which had emanated from God that he light it up the whole earth. Light is a form of energy or power. God is light, his substance is light, his motivation is love. God is light, he is love. He doesn’t have these things he is made of these things. This is spirit substance. God is the source of all power, all energy.

Our spirit – the new creation man – needs to be clothed in power. When our spirit was quickened and received the nature in seed form of Jesus Christ, so we have all that Jesus is in nature, and we grow up into that as we yield to the Lord and that nature becomes our nature and we become like him in his image and his likeness. This alone is not enough to have the nature, we also need the power, the ability of god which comes to us through our spirit – the new creation man – being clothed with the Holy Spirit – the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is an internal thing.

The out external anointing of the Holy Spirit. The internal anointing – the baptism of Holy Spirit is free it’s by the grace of God. If we want an extra earning clothing of power – the team – there is a price – there is a cost.

Can we be trusted with that clothing of power? Father had to put Jesus through a series of tests to make sure that he could be trusted with the clothing of the power of God. So in the wilderness Jesus qualified in the basis of that wilderness testing was the father had to be sure that Jesus would not walk independent of the father in the use of power. When God can trust us with that then he can clothe us with power.

Working with the spirit realm. We tend to think and subconsciously believe that the spirit realm is not as real as the natural realm. We think that consciously or unconsciously because we live most of our time in the natural realm without spiritual awareness. So in our thinking and our consciousness and our awareness we tend to think that the world we can touch with our hand and see with our physical eyes and the world around us is more real.

God is immortal, invisible to a natural eyes. God is not invisible to the eyes of our spirit. We live by faith and not by sight, this is not talking about spiritual sight but physical. In the realm of the spirit we ought to develop and have spiritual sight.

Jesus wants to become our friend, how do we become a friend with a spirit? I no longer call you servants henceforth, call your friends. John 15:15. Becoming friends with an invisible spirit. We can only do this with our spirit; we can only know him after the spirit. Firstly we don’t walk by natural sight. We walk in the spirit. We walk with the eyes of our heart or spiritual sight. Not with the natural eyes but with the eyes of our spirit.

Ephesians 1:18 Paul prayed that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened. That we might know what is the hope of our calling.

Second Corinthians 3:18 with an open face we are beholding the glory of God. With an unveiled open – the realm of the spirit beholding in a glass the glory of the Lord – is a spiritual thing it is not just an imagination because we are changed when we do that into the same image. Even as by the spirit of Lord.

Second Corinthians 4:18 we look not at things which can be seen with the natural eyes but those things which are not seen. How do we look at things which are not seen? With the eyes of our spirit. The eyes of the new creation man. The things which are seen with the natural eyes are temporal. Things which are not seen are eternal. The realm of the spirit

We are told to look unto Jesus – Hebrews 12:2. We are told to behold him.

When Adam sinned he lost his ability to see in the spirit realm, it may not of been overnight but there was a decline when man no longer began to live from a spirit but began to live from the soul and his physical senses. It blotted out the realm of his spirit within him. When Adam sinned he lost his ability to see in the spirit realm.

When our spirit is quickened and we have the ability to see in the spirit. John 3:3 except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. This is not talking about when we die physically. When we are born again we have the ability, the inherent ability to see the kingdom realm. The kingdom of God – that is heaven, Angels, his kingdom which is spiritual. We have this ability when we are born again. John 18:36 – my kingdom is not of this world, but when you’re born again you can see the kingdom. My kingdom is not of this realm it is in the invisible realm – world .it is in the realm of spirit. The kingdom of God includes Angels; it includes heaven, the cloud of witnesses, Jesus, the whole realm of the spirit of God Incorporated in the kingdom of God.

If we are born again we can see into that realm. Unless we are born again we cannot see into the kingdom of God realm. Those not born again can see in the other side of the spirit realm – Satan’s side but not God’s. – The kingdom side.

Someone when were born again we come into the kingdom of God but then we must learn how to move from our new creation man. We must learn to move in the spirit, from our spirit. We have to learn how to move in that realm, see in that realm, hear in that realm learn the feeling that realm. The kingdom of God realm. This is something we have to learn. The father and Jesus both have form and substance. Spirit has form and substance mayhem one: 3 God has feet. Exodus 33:22 he has hands, face, form and substance. What is God made of? He is made of spirit. Spirit has form and substance. God has made everything that we see out of himself.

Romans 11 from of him – out of him – out of himself – and through him are all things which exist. God is spirit, power, and light – out of him and through him all things were made. God made everything out of his own substance. When God spoke and created this world it came out of him. That form of spirit is a much superior substance then the physical realm. For out of that realm of spirit God created all things. Everything was formed and fashioned out of himself.

What is spirit? Spirit substance is mostly manifest in the form of light, power. Scientists are beginning to tell us the basis of all matter is compressed light, they are getting close to the truth. Light is a form of energy, is a form of power.

When you get in the presence of the Lord he will emanate depending upon our spiritual state a degree of energy or light or power. He emanates this. This power and his glory can be so great then an angel came down in revelation and the Angel had such power which had emanated from God that he light it up the whole earth. Light is a form of energy or power. God is light, his substance is light, his motivation is love. God is light, he is love. He doesn’t have these things he is made of these things. This is spirit substance. God is the source of all power, all energy.

How to do we bridge the gap between the natural and the spiritual? The Bible tells us how to get into the realm of God’s Spirit, the kingdom realm.

The pure in heart shall see God. If our conscience is not clean it locks us out of that realm. If our conscience is not right we cannot get into that realm. Condemnation will hold us out.

Proverbs 23:7 – as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. As we think in our hearts so are we in reality. The Hebrew tense is very clear. As you think – so you are. As you think – so is he. As we think it becomes reality. First in the realm of the spirit, if we pursue with that kind of thinking it will then manifest itself in the natural world.

As a man thinks in his heart so he is. When we begin to think or imagine and focus, the focus of our heart it becomes a reality in the realm of spirit. If we continue that form of thinking, that line of thought it becomes manifest in the physical realm. There is a process and a time lapse in what is formed in a natural realm. But if we hold that form of thinking, hold that focus it will manifest itself in the physical realm. We are made that way; it is one of the laws of God.  

With an open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord. How do we do this? While we don’t look at things which are seen, but we look at the unseen – how do we do this? As you think – you are. Jesus considered imagination as reality. He that look at – has committed. Imagination is considered as reality. Imagination is the language of the spirit realm. And that realm is more real than this physical realm. Jesus considered imagination as reality.

The first spiritual law – what we focus upon we connect with, in the spirit realm. What we focus upon we will connect with – if we hold our focus on that, we will connect with that.

A lot of people have a spirit of wrong focus. All they see is negative things. They never see what is right they only see what is wrong. That is a spirit. Sometimes it is out of resentment and bitterness, disappointment, unresolved anger, many kinds of things. And then they speak what is in their heart. We need to check our conversation to see where our focus is.

If we focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ we will connect. This is what worship is about. If we focus upon him we will make a connection with him. If we focus upon demons we will connect. Speak of the devil and he turns up.

Our focus is a spiritual law that connects us.

Colossians 3:2 – set your affections on things above, not on things which are in the earth. There are 4 versus here which are very important.

The context is being seated with Christ in the realm of spirit. The kingdom of God realm. If you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sits on right hand of God. Set your affections on things which are above, not on things which are on the earth. Why? – Because you are dead now and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

And when Christ who is our life shall appear – that word appear is a word which means to shine. Then shall you also begin to shine with him in that glory. Set your affections on things which are above, not on things which are on the earth.

The set of the affections. These are very interesting Greek words. The word set connected with the word affection means to exercise the mind with feeling, with emotion. To rein in, to fence in or to focus. Set your mind or imagination, because we can’t think without imagining, set your imagination with a single focus with the feeling of emotion which is love upon the Lord and the things of the kingdom of God. If we do this we will connect.

The first love gate is the communion gate; this gate must be open so that the river of life is flowing out of heaven into our spirit. With the life of God flowing into our spirit, the mind gate – or imagination gate opens through a flow of revelation. Our emotion gate opens through a flow of revelation and then the kingdom realm becomes real to us more than the natural realm.

Emotion is very important because the strength of the emotions determines the speed of our connection and the force of the connection. It is not a cold connection. Is a connection with a feeling of love and focus.

We only remember things that we really feel about. If we are listening to something and it gets a hold of us not just the mental side but if we have feeling about it, if there is an emotion with that we will remember it.

When there is an emotion with something that someone is talking to us about or when we are reading we will remember it.

The coupling of feeling or emotion with the set of our heart is very powerful.

These 4 versus are very important, the context is verse 1 seated with Christ in the spirit, and heavenly realms, in the kingdom of God realm.

If you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above. It is a seeking, it is an attitude, we want to find out, we want to get into that realm, we want to walk with the Lord, there is a hunger. Seek means a hunger.

Seek those things which are above where Christ is. When it says above we are not talking geographically, we are talking about in the realm of the spirit. So often we have this concept that heaven is so far away. There is a literal place of heaven beyond this universe, but heaven also reaches into our spirit. In eternity time and space does not exist, in the eternal realm. Heaven can exist within our heart.

Those things which are above speaks of the realm where God is. If we are risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is. And set your affections on things which are above. We are to set our affections on the kingdom realm. The set of our affections, exercising are mind, our imagination with feeling. With feeling and strength. The word set is to rein in the mind with focus. Within affection of love or worship. Now if we do that it says then verse 4 Christ will appear. When Christ who is our life shall appear then you also shall be with him in reality, in glory. This is not the second coming.

The meaning for you and I right now today is that we can be and walk with him in glory in reality with the new creation man. This is what it is talking about. If we will do this, when Christ who is our life will appear and we will also be with him in glory. We will appear with him in glory. Do we want to walk in glory with Jesus? Then we learn how to abide in this, to live in it. Abiding in Christ, abiding in a spiritual awareness of Jesus and the kingdom realm and the angelic realm and the cloud of witnesses. The kingdom of God and everything that is within it. We learn to begin to develop our spiritual man, our spiritual senses so that we can look into and enter that realm and then abide in it. We can abide in that realm, live in that realm, walk with God in that realm. 

Because of our position in Jesus in the spirit realm we can do these things.

Because of that position, set your focus with feeling, with love on the Lord and the kingdom of God. Exercise your spiritual faculties.

We cannot think about Jesus without imagining him. Imagination and thought are connected. People get locked out of the kingdom of God because of seducing spirits, they believe a lie. And they are afraid of the spirit realm.

We have got to get past the new age complex that the church has got, and come into a new age, the right one. So that we are there and be live with God.

When we talk about this spiritual pressure comes upon us which is enormous, because the spirit realm does not want us to know this. The realm of Satan does not want you to know how to connect and walk with the Lord. He is blinded the church for so long.

When we link with Christ through that focus with love and feeling, worship he will appear in reality. And we will walk with him in glory. Our spirit will ascend into that realm, and our new creation man will be there with him in that.

The lie has been we have to be a super saint, a specific call upon our life before we can enter into any of this.

Paul tells us how to link into the realm of God, love is the emotion, imagination is the focus of the heart set, held reined in, imagination is the focus of the heart we will enter the spirit realm.

We have to watch the spirit of wrong focus. When our life is caught up in seeing what is wrong, we have a spirit driving us. A spirit of wrong focus. Now we have a kingdom focus.

Ephesians 1:18 – that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you might know then and see. The word know is a word which means know by experience, experiencing it and not mentally knowing. God wants us to see what he has for us. To see the end product in the spirit realm. Vision – he wants us to see it. The eyes of our understanding being enlightened that we might see what is the hope of our calling and what are the riches of the glory of our inheritance. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Eyes, understanding, and being enlightened. I cease not to give thanks and mention of you in my prayers that God may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge – experience of him. The word knowledge means experiencing him. That the eyes of your understanding. The eyes there mean vision. The vision of your understanding. The vision of your imagination. The word understanding, inward eyes, is the word imagination. It is always coupled with imagination. It is used in Luke 1:51 – they were proud in their imaginations.

Paul prayed that the vision of your imagination would be enlightened. The word enlightened means – we get the English word photograph from – it is talking about pictures. The vision of your imagination – the screen of your imagination being enlightened – receiving pictures. The vision of your imagination might be lighted with pictures – of the spirit realm.

That the inner eyes of your imagination may be given pictures so that you might know through those pictures through that vision through entering into the reality of it what God has got for you. God wants our spirit man to get into this realm and see what he has for us now and in the future. So that we can see it completed in God. In eternity there is no time, past and present are all one. We can see the completed article. When God looks at us he sees the completed article. God sees us complete, and he sees what he has called us to.

The hope of our: – the purpose of our being on earth, and the greatness of his power towards us who believe according to the working of his mighty power. He wants us to be able in the realm of the spirit with our new creation man with a focus of worship with the motivation of love and a feeling of love towards him and a focus upon him so that we connect our spirit and our spirit man comes forth and enters that realm.

How do we get our spirit man into that realm? Through the focus of our mind and our imagination with a strong emotion of love. The emotion part is very important. Because we try this cold we will not get in.

So we set our affections, we set our love, we set our mind in focus with our affections our love upon the kingdom of God and he will appear. Our spirit man will eventually ascend into that realm where we will walk with him in glory. Nothing can be clearer than this.

If we are afraid of imagination because we say well it is just me. Yes it is us so don’t be afraid of it, but it connects us, it will cause our spirit man, our new creation man, that faculty will pull our new creation man into the reality of it. This is how it works.

Imagination, the focus of our heart, beholding him then we are changed. We set our focus upon the Lord, and we hold that focus in worship. And then our spirit man will break through into the reality of it. And then we can walk with him in glory. This principle is very important because if the set of our heart is not on good things will also break through and walk with those spirits. Lust, covetousness. Covetousness – we want something so bad, and we can see it in our imagination, before long we will connect with the spirit of covetousness, and that will enhance it, empower it. And the thing that we covet will become a reality in this life.

We are to set our focus on things which are above in the kingdom realm. When Christ our life begins to appear our spirit will ascend into that and walk into that realm we will see what God has got for us for our future we will see where we are now we walk with the Angels we will walk with God in heaven and earth will merge together. In our spirit man will ascend into those heavenly places and will begin to learn how to walk in those heavenly places.

The first law is focus. The second law is first that which is in the natural and then that which is in the spiritual. First the natural and then the spiritual. First Corinthians 15: 44 – it is sown a natural body and it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. How be it, that which is first is not spiritual but that which is natural. First that which is natural then that which is spiritual this is a law.

Our mind and our spirit are so closely knit, our soul and spirit are so closely knit. Our spirit can be aroused by our mind. Our new creation man can be aroused by the focus of her mind.

Often when were praying we are not in the spirit. We are praying along and suddenly it changes. What happens – our spirit man has joined in. It has ascended into it. Now we are in the spirit. It might be in English but we are praying with the energy of our spirit, which is joined to the Lord and is one spirit. But we started in the natural, we start by choosing we are going to pray. We pray and we pray and we pray and suddenly another life, another power in our spirit man begins to join in with that- now we are praying in the spirit.

We can pray in tongues and because we have been praying in tongues for a long time our natural mine now has learned a language. And it knows that language to a certain degree because we use quite often the same words this is why it’s good to change the language sometimes.

So we begin praying in tongues in our mind becomes aware of it. But then our spirit starts get built-up and we start praying without being consciously aware of it. It totally bypasses the mind and we are in the spirit. We are praying in the realm of spirit. Most Christians don’t ascend into that realm. Because they don’t spend a long enough to get into the flow.

But who started praying in tongues – we did. Was it in the spirit when we first started? – Probably not. After a while our mind arouses our spirit, our direction and focus arouses our spirit. In our spirit starts flowing.

It is the same in worship, when we start worshiping are we in the spirit – probably not. We are in the flesh and our mind is probably miles away but our spirit man loves worship, our spirit man likes the things of God, likes anything to do with the kingdom of God realm. This is our spirits realm. This is its thing.

When we start worshiping our spirit begins to ascend, real quickly. We are worshiping God without thinking of what we are saying and what we are doing and it’s coming from whom – the new creation man. It starts in the natural in order to bring us into the spiritual. Some people say well I don’t do anything until the spirit moves me. And that is why they don’t do anything. I will pray when the spirit moves me. No – you pray and then the spirit will start to arise. First in a natural then we ascend into the spiritual. It is not first the spiritual and then the natural unless it is a sovereign thing of God that comes upon us, which can lift us up.

We must pray we must do something we must worship we must see God. And then the spirit man gets into the act with us and begins to arise.

Now beholding the Lord starts with whom? It starts with us doing it. It starts with the natural man, it doesn’t start with our new creation man. I’m going to behold the Lord, we set our focus, we set our emotions and then our spirit will come up real quickly into that. Our imagination is the doorway which leads our spirit. And we really can’t tell when it passes from our imagination into our new creation man. The difference is so slight we cannot tell. But our spirit man will ascend into that realm.

As we begin to worship our spirit will ascend into that realm and will begin to see Angels we will begin to see groups of people from the other realm worshiping with us. Our spirit man can see in this realm. Our ability to imagine and focus in love connects us with the realm of the kingdom of God. If we don’t do it it doesn’t happen.

What we think, what we imagine, what we focus on causes it to become real in the realm of spirit.

Genesis 11:6 – and the Lord said behold this people has become one, there was unity and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now God said nothing can be restrained from them which they have imagine to do. These were ungodly people. He said nothing the imagined to do even I cannot restrain it, because it is a spiritual law. He ended up destroying them in a flood.

They were operating in a spiritual law and God said nothing can be restrained from what they have imagined to do. They linked into a spiritual law. Those people were one they had one focus they had unity.

Jesus said if you believe with your heart nothing is impossible to you.

Fellowship with Jesus requires us to be in the spirit. Because that is where he is. Our mind is the vehicle which takes us there. Fellowship with Jesus requires us to be in the spirit. Our mind or our focus with strong emotion of love will take us in there.

Adam lost his ability to see into the kingdom of God we have gained that ability when we were born again. His kingdom is not of this world.

God’s love towards us, God’s love for us, God’s love towards us is constant. Our fellowship with him is variable. Because it depends upon us. God never stops loving us, his love for us is constant but our walk with him or our fellowship with him varies. It is dependent upon us. He doesn’t come into our realm we have to come into his realm. If are going to worship God we are going to have to come into his realm. He is not to come down to our realm. But we have a new creation man which can do this. And we can rise into his realm.

Walking in the spirit of God is dependent upon. 1 – are walking in the light. God is light if we are going to walk with him we have to walk in light, because that is where he is. Then we have fellowship in the spirit with each other and with God.

We are not to know one another after the flesh, we are to know one another after the spirit. Because the flesh, the natural man is the greatest bluffer the world knows. We cannot know each other that way. We can only know by the measure of light that is in their spirit. So we walk in the light, God is light with a clear conscience.

Sin separates us from God. It is not that God goes way but we can approach because of condemnation. We have to keep our conscience clear and then we can ascend, without that condemnation holding us back. We are to walk in the light as he is in the light. We walk in him in the light. With a clear conscience if there is a problem the blood of Jesus will cleanse us as we confess our sin. And restore that relationship once again. Walking in the spirit of God in the kingdom realm of awareness of the kingdom, walk in the light, God is light that is his realm we have to be in his realm if we are going to live with him and walk with him. Sin separates us from this.

Secondly – our faith in God’s word that we can do this. If we don’t believe we can do it we never will. If we do not believe God has made this possible for us and this is what he expects of us that this is what he requires of us.

God said if you can worship me you worship me in spirit. He requires it of us. He says you can do it, you don’t have to be a super saint you can do it if you know how. Set your heart, love the Lord with all your heart and with all your mind. Not just your heart also your mind. Love is a motivational factor, focus is the connecting point faith in God’s word, faith that it can be done.

Thirdly – develop a conscience awareness of the Lord in the kingdom realm. The Angels and the kingdom realm. We do this by our focus.

It takes time to break through in this. To wait on God we have to have a hunger. If we seek him we will find him. But if there is not the hunger. To believe it is one thing but the break into it is another. Oh there was a great message but they still never do it. They don’t get into it.

We have to develop a conscious awareness of the Lord. Of the kingdom realm by doing it. We have to take time to wait on God. We have to develop our spiritual faculties.

The third law which is a very important law. Once we have done something in God we can do it again. Just one experience and then we can do it again. It is a spiritual law and a very important one.

Once you have operated in the word of knowledge you can do it again. Once you have come into that realm and seen Jesus you can do it again. Once you have come into that realm and seen Angels you can do it again.

Now in saying that I must also say this. Paul said to Timothy he said stir up those certain spiritual abilities that you have moved in. Now they were given to you through laying on of hands there was an impartation. Now Timothy you activate them, you can do it again Timothy. That was all that he was saying.

Once you’ve experienced it once you can do it again but you have to stir it up. Start the gift that is within you by the laying on of hands and prophecy. Now this is the principle.

Once you’ve done it you can do it again you have to stir up this is getting in the spirit.

Making the breakthrough is difficult, maintaining the experience is easy.

Making the breakthrough, we have to pray we have to seek God we have to fast we have to hunger and thirst until we break in. We have to practice, do with the word says. Begin to do it, begin to focus until we get a breakthrough. It is hard getting a breakthrough. This is where seeking God comes in. Fasting that naughty word. Jesus didn’t say if you fast but when you fast. When you fast it this way – there was a foregone conclusion that you are going to do it. We need to see God with hunger, with desire, with determination we will breakthrough. Every spiritual level you walk in you have to spend time breaking into it. With seeking God, determination but once we break into it we can maintain it easily. We can do it again. God wants us to have more breakthroughs because it is a spiritual law breakthrough then you can maintain that experience then you can do it again. Once you have moved in it you can activate it.

t is like the shuttle, the space shuttle it uses 95% of its fuel just getting the thing into orbit. It virtually uses all of its fuel just to get it out there it is tremendous effort but once it’s up there it can move easily and maneuver fly and steer it doesn’t take much power to keep it going. But it takes an awful lot of power to break through the Earth’s atmosphere. When it breaks through that gravitational pull it is easy. We have to breakthrough the demons that are against us, the oppression of the enemy we have to breakthrough into these things.

Fasting and prayer and seeking God, then it is easy to maintain this level. We can move into it.

We can stop a moment and just focus and begin to move in the word of knowledge, because we have broken through into it.

Once we get a breakthrough, and this is the same in healing. One breakthrough in praying for someone with a certain disease we then have authority in that area. Just one breakthrough that is all it takes. And then we have authority in that area. This makes spiritual things exciting all we gotta do is give it our all in order to break through. We secure these things in our spirit. You see gifts of healing are plural it is not a gift of healing it is gifts plural. And we can have a breakthrough for cancer we might have to fast and pray and seek God but once we start doing that we are going to be opposed by spirits of cancer and all kinds of things but once we breakthrough and we get our first candidate healed. We breakthrough first in the spirit then we pray for somebody with cancer and bring it into reality. And if they drop dead pray for the next one. Until we get one through.

All we need to do is get a breakthrough, the spirit realm is very real. But we have to breakthrough first then we can maintain it. Once we have broken through we have a level of authority in that realm that we have broke through into. There is a whole dimension in the realm of the spirit that we have yet to explore. Once our spirit man has ascended into that realm it has a tremendous authority. But it doesn’t have the same authority when it is encased within us.

1-What we focus on we connect with. 2 – first in the natural and then in the spiritual. 3 – once we have done it we can do it again.

But we have to breakthrough to do it the first time.

 We are going to make mistakes and trying to break through but that is okay. We are going to be wrong at times that is not a problem being wrong. It is good for your, it is good for our pride, it really doesn’t matter. As long as we are in motion, as long as we keep trying, we are going to get a breakthrough. It’s called persistence. What God has for us we have to breakthrough into it.

When our focus is on the wrong thing we have to break it.

A person with a problem of lust has a spirit of lust that keeps its focus upon it. That spirit has to be broken. A spirit of covetousness is a spirit to keep your focus on a certain thing. Causes us to be caught up with things and focused on things and driven with things which form their imagination that keeps their imagination on those things. It is a demonic force it has to be broken.

Once we breakthrough in fasting and praying in the realm of the spirit then we do not have to keep doing it to maintain it with the same effort. Once we breakthrough in the realm of the spirit there are 2 things that happen. we have an authority to do that thing and we have an anointing that comes with that. Now the anointing might Wayne, we might have to seek the Lord to increase the anointing. But is not the same effort unless you leave it for years and years and you have to breakthrough all over again. But if you keep walking in that reasonably consistently you begin to flow in it. But if it wains you might have to seek God fast for a few days and just get it back but it is not the same effort that is required to push you through.

Our mind is subject to our spirit our spirit does not work without our mind. It is not that our mind dies, our mind has a re-focus. It Talks about the renewing of our mind. Our mind is subject to God, his word, the principles of God’s word. our mind is to die to everything outside of that which is godly. Our mind has to be active at all times.

When we talk about the prophetic realm we often prophesy things without understanding but the understanding comes later. Or sometimes a revelation can come which we don’t fully understand. And it needs further enlightenment.

Seeing Jesus, entering into the realm of the spirit, letting out our spirit man in us is not a gift. It is not a gift of the spirit. seeing in the spirit is not a gift.

The gift of discerning a spirits is talking about a different thing. We should only focus into the negative spiritual realm with the gift of the discerning of spirits. If we focus into the negative realm without the gift of discerning of spirits we will be oppressed. It is only the gift that protects us.

But when it comes to entering into the Lord it doesn’t require the discerning of spirits, it is not a gift. So we are dealing with different things.

If you see things in the spirit how do you know it’s of God? There is a certain feel.

If you’re moving in a gift like the word of knowledge or the discerning of spirits it operates differently.

 If you’re walking with God in the spirit you need to first always connect with the Lord. Our spirit has to connect with him then what he shows us. Once we connect with him in that realm then it opens up. We need to learn how to wait on God in order to do this. As we begin to practice this and do this it will become second nature to us. Where were not even thinking about doing it it is just that the focus of our life is way. We can then just turn to the spirit realm just tune into the spirit realm and move in it very easily. This comes through just practice once we been waiting on God and we do this we learn how to do it deliberately. And then it become second nature to us.

When we have a gift of the word of knowledge we can move in it without consciously connecting with the Lord. Because it is a gift. It is different.

We’re not talking about gifts we’re talking about a relationship. When God becomes our friend he will show us things what the father is doing it is a relationship. The day is coming when gifts will cease. The gifts will cease when we begin to walk in the fullness of the spirit. Because we don’t need them anymore. When that which is perfect is come means abiding in him all the time, that which is in part the gifts will be done away with.

We are focused on the gifts for a long time we need to now focus on walking with him, Abiding in him. When that which is perfect has come, when our spirit grows up into perfection that which is in part – the gifts will be done away with. This is not when to get to heaven but here on the earth.

The devil will fight this in the church more than anything else. Because he does not want us to walk in the spirit. Walking in our new creation man in the realm of eternity. Our new creation man, our spirit has the ability to live and to walk and to exist in eternity. But unless we practice unless we focus must we wait upon the Lord and learn how to worship and love him and focus so that we are beholding him we will never break into it.

Just close your eyes, imagine going into your bedroom this is the screen of our imagination this is the screen that we see Jesus on and when we have this love relationship seeking him watching that screen our spirit begins to display pictures upon that same screen and that is when we begin to see the realms of the kingdom of God that is the same screen and as we begin to focus in on the screen and pictures begin to appear even Jesus himself will appear in many times he will appear in different forms he doesn’t come the same way all the time but it is how ever our spirit wants to display it upon that screen. But it is very simple it is a powerful technique into getting into the realm of spirit very quickly. So as we begin to go into intercession and prayer and we begin to wait upon the Lord and a love affair with our mind held captive from every thought watching that screen and tentatively then after some time the image of Jesus will come upon that screen and as we begin to look upon him the anointing and the things of who he is begin to change us when we come on that per closet we are different because we are changed from glory to glory as we see him as we behold him.

As we begin to have spiritual encounters as we begin to see in the spirit the Pentecostal evangelical ministry will speak against it. When you begin shutting things down it is hard to get them back. When people try to scare you about the occult new age it is an abomination before God, it is not the truth. We are told that if we are born again we can see into the kingdom realm. We have to learn how to abide in him and walk in the spirit. And we do this from the inner man.

God wants to take us up into the spirit into the nations. We want to see what God has for us our potential and God are visionary capacity of our heart, understanding, imagination being enlightened filled with vision pictures that we personally might know what God is God for us so that we can walk into it and walk-through it in the realm of our spirit, our spirit man exists in this realm

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