Revelation gate

Through the revelation gate in our spirit, we begin to know the voice of the Lord.

Jesus is the door of the sheep, that door is in our spirit, and as we open that door we can expect to hear His voice because we are following Him. Jesus said my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow.

The life of God flows into our spirit through the gateway of first love. The life of God is the divine nature of God the fruit of the Spirit.

So we activate our spirit by praying in tongues and spend some time worshiping the lord and being thankful. We tune into His nature, which is love. Our spirit can sense the love of God and His peace and joy. We just spend some time being aware of His nature.

We are learning how the life of God flows into our spirit and then through our spirit gates into our soul.

The life of God flows into our spirit, through the new birth of our spirit. When our spirit is born again that gateway of first love is open. Then the life of God flows into our soul through eight gateways that are in our spirit. Our soul is our self-consciousness, and we know these gateways in our spirit are open just by being aware of them.

We become aware of our prayer gateway by praying in tongues. Our spirit is like a generator and as we pray in tongues we are drawing the life of God, because the Holy Spirit is giving us utterance.

As we start to become aware of these gateways, then we know the river of life is flowing through them.

By praying in tongues we are exercising our spirit, our spirit is praying but the soul gateway of our mind is unfruitful, but the Holy Spirit will interpret it for us as we get the revelation gate in our spirit open and flowing. We know the revelation gate in our spirit is open when our soul becomes aware of it.

The gift of tongues is such a blessing because it gives our soul an awareness of the prayer gateway in our spirit. Our will has direct control over it, we can pray in tongues at will.

By praying in tongues this gateway gets bigger, all our gateways get bigger through use which is exercise. When you begin practicing praying in tongues your soul will begin to feel the power in it. If you have never felt this just raise your voice a little bit. You can literally feel the power of God in your spirit through the gift of tongues. You can speak a few words silently in tongues and it will trigger your soul to be aware of the power of God which is in your spirit. And this becomes a doorway into the gifts of the Spirit.

We are going to learn how to hear God’s voice. Jesus said my words are spirit and life. When God speaks He imparts himself in the words he speaks. When you listen to a preacher whose words are really anointed, you will be able to sense the love of God flowing in them, the joy of the Lord; you will be able to sense the fruit of the Spirit in them.

When God speaks to us, His nature will come forth in those words. God will use a human vessel to speak to us, and this is how we usually start out hearing Him.

But God will speak to us personally through the bible. Now just like words are spirit, so also are thoughts.

We have all read the bible and at times, it was as if a light went on, we saw something that we never saw before and we became aware of the presence of God in it.

The Holy Spirit quickens the word to us and it comes in the form of thoughts and it touches our emotions.

We can feel God with our emotions, our emotion gate in our soul became aware of the life of God glowing through the gateway of revelation in our spirit.

We can read something in the bible one day and not really get anything new out of it and we can read the same thing another day and then all of a sudden there is an anointing on it, because God wants to speak through that and He anoints it so it can produce faith in our heart so we can begin to act on it and live according to it.

So God’s voice in our heart sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts generally.  It comes from the inside out. It comes from our spirit into our soul.

When God speaks to us through His word, we need to journal it so that we can revisit that experience and begin to be aware of how God speaks to us through His word, so that we can begin to recognize His voice.

Now if we want to get this revelation gate in our spirit open and flowing we need to learn how to be still, if we get in a hurry trying to hear from God or are anxious, it is really difficult to hear.

Psalm 46:10Be still (command-to relax, to cease, to let go) , and know (knowing through reflection, to learn, to perceive, to discern, to be made aware, to understand, to experience, to know relationally and experientially, intimacy) that I am God (plural, ʾelōhîm )

Hearing God’s voice through the word is the beginning of the process of eventually getting real living conversations with God.

We have to practice meditating in the word and learn to recognize His thoughts speaking in the word and then we began to ask Him questions. If we cannot hear Him right away we will eventually. In our spirit we will begin to know through our intuition gate and eventually the answer will come through our revelation gate where we get a clear understanding.

When we receive directive revelation we need to obey it, or we may become dull of hearing.

One of the best ways to get the revelation gate in our spirit open and flowing is sharing the love of God with others. As we practice this our soul will become aware when the anointing kicks in and we can feel God flowing in our words.

When we begin to learn how to minister the Spirit, we will find ourselves saying things that we may never have heard before, or the Holy Spirit will bring to the soul gate of our mind through the revelation gate in our spirit something we heard Him speak to us before through another minister, or heard in His word.

Our spirit is connected to the spiritual realm all the time. We are supposed to live from our spirit not just our soul.

So in meditation we are literally positioning ourselves to hear God’s voice and experience His presence. The word of God, can become a doorway to spiritual experience

Now God speaks to us when we meditate and we need to learn how He speaks. Because He can be speaking and if you are not tuning into what He is saying you can miss it all the time.

Something that comes new that you’ve never known must come from an outside source, so when you’re meditating in the word of God and you have a thought that comes into your mind about what you’re meditating on and you have never heard that before, it may be that God is speaking to you. You have to learn the personality behind the words.

 It is not your brain engineering something intellectually, it’s the Spirit of God so it comes is a spontaneous flow of revelation. To some people it is through thoughts and some people pictures, feelings, impressions, Visions.

You can learn to do all of the others by practice but you generally have one way which is more attuned than the others. If you want to learn some the others ways God speaks to us, you just have to practice doing that. So it is really important in meditation to actually learn how to engage in the way God speaks so we can tune into that and then we can begin to engage it.

 But meditation can go beyond the word into the encounters with Jesus personally, but the word of God is the beginning of our experience. We can learn how to hear what He says directly when we practice it this a lot. But we need an anchor in the word to give us something to start with.

 Romans 1017 faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. It says the word of Christ; it didn’t say the word of God. It says the word of Christ. Christ means the anointed one and His anointing. So when you read the Word you have to expect that God is going to speak to you through it. God will always honor our desire and willingness to participate in faith freeing our spirit to engage and receive the revelation that comes through thoughts, pictures, impressions, words.

 So you’re getting your mind or your conscious brain out of the way, don’t try and figure it out as you go, because it will stop the flow. It is absolutely vital that you become able to hear the voice of God when he speaks to you so then he can direct you and guide you and you can follow him.

 I ask him in my mind as a thought and He answers with a thought. And so we have a conversation that goes on in my head and that’s where most of these things come. If you’re expecting an audible word to come actually out loud sometimes it happens but very very rarely. Most of this stuff happens inside your own heart inside your own mind where you learn to think and listen and engage.

John 17:2 says this is eternal life, now eternal life is not what happens after we die. Eternal life is the quality of life which is engaging eternity and bringing eternity into our present reality. And eternal life is knowing God, knowing him, not knowing about him but knowing him. And that’s how Jesus lived his life when He was here on earth, He lived His life knowing God in reality and you can read it in John 5:19 20, 30. Jesus demonstrated the ability to live out of that constant relationship with God. And therefore he declared I only do what I see the father doing; I only say what I hear the father saying. He didn’t do anything of His own initiative; He did everything flowing out of that relationship with God. If we live that way we will follow our destiny, we will follow the path that God has prepared for us. We won’t go to the left or right or get off track or get lost and do our own thing, because we will constantly be connected to the source that will be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It will show us what the next step is, it will show us where that pathway is going when we learn to engage it.

The more you relax the more the right side of your brain functions and the easier it is to hear God. So being still is an important part of learning how to sense God’s thoughts and emotions that come.

Fire is the source of revelation. It illuminates; it sheds light. Things will lie covered over in your life until the Lord puts the fire to you;

Do you want to walk in revelation until spiritual perception is very real to you? Do you want to see on the spiritual plane? Then die out to your vital human awareness to other things! This is the purpose of the Holy Spirit and fire.