Changing the atmosphere

The Lord has that unique ability to feel our pain. To worship Him in the midst of a dark place brings Him incredible joy-this move’s His heart deeply-what a privilege!

What is worship? It is a bowing down, it is surrendering our life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and magnifying who he is in our life by lifting our hands and focusing on his majesty, drawing his Spirit into us until we are filled with His Spirit and begin to overflow.

To worship Him in the midst of blessing is one thing self is able to do. A true worshiper is able to worship the Lord in extreme difficulty-this only the Spirit can do! God is seeking true worshiper’s those who are enabled by His Spirit, to worship in spirit and truth.

God imparted His eternal life into our spirit; our soul and body are separate from Him. We have a human nature of unbelief.

Our soul becomes attached to things, which we die to. Death to self is a wonderful experience when God grants us the ability to embrace it. We know we are dead to self-when things that mattered to us so much, no longer matter. The deep pain we feel when our soul becomes attached to something that we desire and that desire does not come to pass.

Our soul-(the self life) is deeply rooted in fear and unbelief. As we lose our life, as our soul dies to the things of this world, somehow it no longer matters because we are living in a different realm; we have a walk in the Spirit. To worship him in the midst of pain causes Him to marvel. It is part of how we love Him with all our heart. It is a great opportunity, to change the atmosphere.

When we learn the secret of changing the way we feel, through our connection with the Spirit of God, then we enter into an atmosphere of the Spirit, that enables us to change circumstances, to walk in the supernatural, which is what a walk in the spirit is all about.

When we are enabled by the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, we have authority over the natural realm. Jesus had authority over the natural realm-to walk on water, to cause a storm to cease by speaking the word, but He was dead to self, and only did what he saw the Father do, and said what he heard the Father say.

As our soul desires change through our growth in God, God is able to possess more of our heart. Unfortunately a lot of energy is spent as these ties on our soul drain us of experiencing God’s life, but we grow out of them in time as we focus on our intimacy with the Lord.

We change the atmosphere in our worship, which changes our circumstances. Job is a type of a true worshiper, who worships in Spirit and in Truth. He experienced everything that could go wrong, go wrong!

Job 1: 20Then Job (Job = “hated”) arose (to stand, to maintain oneself , to be established, be confirmed, endure , to be fixed , to be valid , to be proven , to be fulfilled , to persist ,to be set, be fixed), and rent ( to tear, rend asunder , to make wide or large (of eyes), to rend open (of heavens) his mantle ( robe , a garment worn over a tunic by men of rank ,a garment of the high priest ,(fig.) of attributes), and shaved ( to shear, to be cut off, be destroyed) his head ( head-human thinking, the beginning), and fell down ( to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon-to cast one’s care upon the Lord, to lie prostrate-die to self) upon the ground (ground , soil, a corn of wheat falling into the ground to die that it might bear much fruit), and worshipped (to bow down, prostrate oneself before God in worship), 21And said, Naked (naked- lacking the usual covering or protection, bare-simple or essential) came I out ( to go out, exit, to go forth to a place, to go forward, proceed to (to or toward something), to come or go forth (with purpose or for result) of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave ( to give, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, occasion, produce, requite to, report, mention, utter, stretch out, extend, to put, set, put on, put upon, set, appoint, assign, designate , to make, constitute), and the LORD hath taken away ( to take, take in the hand , to take and carry along , to take from, take out of, carry away, take away , to take to or for a person, procure, get, take possession of, select, choose, take in marriage, receive, accept, to take up or upon, put upon, to fetch, to take, lead, conduct , to capture, seize, carry off); blessed (to be blessed, be adored) be the name ( name, reputation, fame, glory) of the LORD (Jehovah = “the existing One”). 22In all ( the whole, all, the whole of, any, each, and every, anything, totality, everything) this Job sinned ( to sin, miss it, miss the way, go wrong, incur guilt, forfeit, miss the goal or path of right and duty, incur penalty by sin, forfeit) Not ( not, no, nothing ,without ) nor(before ,of time), charged (blame God, ascribe to God , yield- produce bad fruit, give occasion to the flesh, give a bad report, mention, utter, put on, put upon, set, appoint, assign, designate, to make, constitute) God (plural) rulers, judges, divine ones) foolishly ( that which is empty, folly, silly, foolish, unsavouriness, unseemliness)

As we learn how to worship God no matter what! In the process, we die to self, to our pride, and end up double blessed.

Job 42: 10And the LORD turned ( to turn back, to return, of human relations, of spiritual relations) the captivity (the state of being a prisoner, or a period of time that somebody is held prisoner)of Job, when he prayed ( to intervene, interpose, pray, to mediate, judge, to intercede) for his friends (friend, companion, fellow, another person): also the LORD gave ( to cause to add, increase, to do more, do again) Job twice ( double, copy, second, repetition, being twice as much in size, number, or value consisting of two identical, similar, or equal parts)as much as he had before.

God is the God of repetition, what he does for one He does for another. In our walk with God we go through identical experience’s with the Lord. We experience what Jesus did when he walked upon the earth, but not to the same degree, but it is an identical experience. Our destiny is to be conformed to His image, by being transformed on the inside.

The gospel is very simple, God loves us with all of His Heart, and He desires us to love Him with all of ours. This love is divine and is imparted to us. It is a supernatural love that takes possession of us when we enter into the atmosphere of His presence.

When we are enabled to worship God, no matter what! We enter into the atmosphere of His Spirit-Heaven. Then heaven comes down into the natural realm, and changes natural circumstances-thy Kingdom come!

God is after one thing, Worshipers! “ those who love Him with all their heart”, when God gets what He wants, then He adds to us all things, but those things take a secondary place, they never take His place in our heart-nothing compares to knowing Him, in knowing Him we become one with Him-and inherit everything!

We change the atmosphere in our worship.

We change seasons in our worship.

We create kairos moments in our worship. There is the then and the when in God’s purpose.

2 chronicles 20: 20And they rose early (to rise early, make an early start) in the morning ( morning, break of day) and went forth (go forth with purpose or for result)into the wilderness ( wilderness, pasture, uninhabited land, mouth (as organ of speech) of Tekoa (“a stockade”): and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat (“Jehovah has judged”) stood ( to stand, remain, endure, take one’s stand, to stand still, stop (moving or doing), to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure, persist, be steadfast, to make a stand, hold one’s ground, to stand upright, remain standing) and said (to command, to promise, to intend), Hear (to hear (have power to hear) to hear with attention or interest, listen to, to understand (language),to consent, agree, yield to, to obey, be obedient) me, O Judah (Judah = “praised”), and ye inhabitants ( to dwell, remain, sit, abide,to be set, to remain, stay, to dwell, have one’s abode) of Jerusalem (Jerusalem = “teaching of peace”); Believe ( to stand firm, to trust, to be certain, to believe in)in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established (make firm, sure, lasting, confirmed, established, sure, verified, confirmed, reliable, faithful); believe his prophets (spokesman, speaker, prophet), so shall ye prosper (bring to successful issue, cause to prosper, to show or experience prosperity)21And when he had consulted (to consult together, exchange counsel, deliberate, counsel together) with the people (kinsman, kindred), he appointed ( to station, set, maintain, to cause to stand up, cause to set up, to appoint, ordain, establish) Singers (indicates perfect achievement of a result or state, to sing, singer, songstresses) unto the LORD, and that should praise ( to praise, to boast, make a boast) the beauty ( adornment, glory, holy adornment) of holiness ( apartness, sacredness, separateness)as they went out before (in front of)the army (equipped, arm for war), and to say ( to say, speak, utter), Praise (to give thanks, laud, praise, to confess, confess (the name of God) the LORD (Jehovah = “the existing One”); for (because, because that, certainly, surely, since) his mercy (goodness, kindness, faithfulness) endureth for ever (everlasting, evermore, perpetual, continuous existence, perpetual, indefinite or unending future, eternity)22 And when ( time, of an event)they began (to begin- to do something that was not being done before) to sing (in proclamation, joy, praise) and to praise ( song or hymn of praise, adoration, thanksgiving (paid to God) praise (demanded by qualities or deeds or attributes of God) renown, fame, glory of God, object of praise), the LORD set ( to give, bestow, grant, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, yield produce, stretch out) ambushments (ambushers, liers-in-wait)against the children (member of a group) of Ammon (Ammon = “tribal), Moab and mount Seir (Seir = “hairy” or “shaggy” a mountain range in Edom), which were come against Judah; and they were smitten (to be stricken).

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