The Lord loveth thee

Before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb, the Lord loved you. You were conceived in his heart back in eternity and He foreknew you and loved you.

Behold the day has come that the people of the Lord must understand the compassion that He has had for them from the beginning, and that He has for them now, no matter how much they may be messed up.

Psalm 103 13 Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. He remembereth your frame that you are but the dust of the earth. Behold, in the midst of thy frailty, the Lord would comfort thee that He loveth thee.

 In the days of adversity, when thou art beset round about, and ye know not whither to go, and behold the wisdom that you have fails you, and the strength of your arm fails you and all your friends fail you, know that the Lord forsaketh not, and He saith, Can a mother forsake her sucking child? Yea, they may forsake, but I will not forsake thee, saith the Lord of Hosts.

In the midst of all thy transgressions and iniquities where thou hast gone against the Lord thy God and His word, yet hath He loved thee, and He hath sent the message unto thee that He is married to the backslider. Behold, the Lord would redeem thee unto Himself this day to cause thy heart to stand strong in the assurance that He loveth thee.

Yea, the compassions of the Lord, they fail not and His mercies are renewed every morning. Canst thou exhaust the longsuffering and the patience of the Lord? Nay, behold how the Lord loveth thee and His mercies are renewed every morning. The Lord that hath such care of thee, canst thou say in thy heart, “He observeth me not, He careth not for me?”

Yea, the Father looketh upon thee, and as He hath seen the sparrow fall to the ground, so has He seen thee in all thine adversities and He hath loved thee. The hairs of your head are numbered, saith the Lord.

Behold He knoweth your downsitting and your uprising and seeth your thoughts afar off; He knoweth thee altogether. These things He doeth, these things He knoweth, that thy heart should rest in this, that the Lord loveth thee.

Thou art the work of His hands. Thou hast been brought forth by His grace. Thou art the sheep of His pasture and the children of His table. Thou art the apple of His eye and He hath redeemed thee out of the hand of the enemy. He hath redeemed thee from thine own self; He hath presented thee unto Himself a treasure and a possession, purchased at great price, the blood of His Son.

Shalt thou not open thy heart this day to this truth that God bringeth to thine heart, that He loveth thee, that He is concerned about thee?

Others may forsake thee and fail but He shall not fail thee. Behold, the Lord saith in the Word that He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He that keepeth thee shall not slumber. The Lord who hath promised this, to be thy continual watch and thy care, let the Lord uphold thee. As it is said in the Word, The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

Let your soul rejoice in the Lord and know that He loveth thee and that this love is shined to thine own heart, that in all thy ways thou shall be delivered and step by step He shall guide thee.

What He has for thee is beyond thy heart’s imagination. As it is written in the Scriptures, Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Behold what marvelous things hath the Lord prepared for thee, beyond what you have been able to believe for or anticipate. These are the things that the Lord hath prepared for thee because He loveth thee.

His heart is turned toward you this day and He loveth you. Rejoice today in this word, that He loveth you. Yes the Lord loves you and He turneth not aside from His purpose to bless you. The Lord loveth thee. Let thy heart be open for He loveth thee and He shall correct thee and chasten thee if it shall be for thy good. He shall bless thee exceedingly if thou shall have faith and be open to receive it. But know thou that the Lord loveth thee.

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