Soul gates

Our soul has gateways or senses that we have to be aware of so that we can bring them into submission to our spirit.

The major gateways of our soul are- conscience, reason, imagination, mind, emotions, choice and will.

 Our soul has a will of its own that is often in conflict with the will and desire of our spirit. Our soul has to be broken of self-will and acting in independence from God.

Our soul has a consciousness and a self-awareness that is aware of its separation from God, and acting independently of Him.

All our soul gates have been influenced from what comes from the outside and they need to be re-influenced and transformed by what comes from the inside- Our spirit in union with the Holy Spirit.

So as we learn how to engage our spirit gates with our soul gates, to see how they are to work and flow together, we can actually become more aware of what is going on in our relationship with God and what is happening with our spirit.

It is important to see that our spirit gates interact with our soul gates, so that our soul no longer acts independently of God.

Our spirit has been born of God and has a consciousness of God, so that in our relationship with Him and in our fellowship with Him( the sharing of an identical life), through the inflowing of His spirit into our spirit, our soul can begin to be conscious of how God see’s us.  We begin to see ourselves through the eyes of God. We become self-conscious only in connection with God.

Before the fall, Adam was never self-conscious or world conscious outside of being spiritually aware of being in relationship with God.

Because we have been separated from God, we have learned a lot of things from the world. But now we need to relearn some things, we have to learn Christ, and this process takes place in our soul.

Our soul mediates – to act as a medium that transfers something from our spirit into our self-awareness-who we are as our spirit is engaging in heaven, or the life of God inside of us.

Our soul becomes kind of a switchboard to interpret what our spirit receives from the Holy Spirit. The soul interprets what our spiritual senses receive and then responds to it.

The soul reaches into the realm of our spirit and draws from that. When our spirit is active and the life of God is flowing through it our soul responds to what is taking place in our spirit.

Once our spirit becomes alive it reaches out and tunes into God and then our soul interprets what it is receiving. The blessing reaches the soul level through our spirit. We approach God through a spirit that is alive to Him and as our spirit makes contact with God our soul responds.

Our soul takes on the reflection of our spirit, because our spirit is being revealed in heaven.

By one sacrifice Jesus has perfect forever (who we are in heaven, who we are in the eternal realm). It is as the Holy Spirit reveals that identity to us in our spirit that our soul comes into alignment with it and takes on that image.

By one sacrifice Jesus has perfected forever (our spirit) those who are being sanctified (our soul).

As the Holy Spirit reveals who we are in Christ (our identity) through that revelation we partake of the substance of it and our soul comes into conformity to it, we change in our personality.

Who we are in heaven and the more time we spend there in connection with that realm enables our soul to take that and begin to transform itself into that heavenly pattern.

As the life of God is flowing in our spirit, it causes our soul to begin to reflect what is going on in our spirit. And our soul begins to change and align itself with our spirit.

When our soul has been acting in independency of God, it has determined who we are. And shapes how we think and feel and act.

When the life of God is flowing in our spirit and revealing who we are in heaven, the new creation of God, then our soul aligns with our spirit.

But if our soul is competing with our spirit, then we cannot do  what our spirit  desires. When this warfare is going on we are not in the process of transformation.

It is only as we fully concede in our spirit that our soul will not act in independence of our spirit in an area that we have struggle with, that our soul can then be transformed through the fire of God where the substance of its structure is changed.

The more our spirit is fellowshipping with God, and we see who we are in heaven then our soul is able to take that reflection.

Who we really are created to be in our spirit, our soul mediates that. Our soul is what enables that to come into being. Our soul takes on the reflection of our spirit because our spirit is being revealed in heaven.

When we step into heaven we are a spiritual light being. And who we are there and the more time we spend their in connection with that realm enables our soul to partake of that and begin to transform itself into that heavenly pattern.

The More time we spend in the presence of God, the stronger our spirit becomes, the more our soul will surrender to it and aligns itself to it.

The stronger our spirit gets and the more that the revelation of the Holy Spirit flows into it revealing who we are in Christ in such a way that we are partaking of it, the more we can become a reflection of our eternal image. And ultimately we will be transfigured to radiate the glory of God like Jesus was. So that we actually reflect that we are as a light being.