To be a Christian, as I understand Christ, means the acceptance of the absolute authority of Jesus in all of my life. It means that in everything that I am and do when I eat and drink, when I buy and sell, when I work and play, when I read and think—that I take Jesus as my Master.
It means that I enthrone Him as King in my affections; that I subject my friendships to His dominion; that I conduct my business and intellectual and social life under His inspection and direction.
It means that my ruling passion—the passion that shall absorb all other interests, shall be to live my whole life under the sovereignty of Jesus. It means that I honor His name above every other name, and place obedience to Him above every other obligation.
To be a Christian means that I am no more my own man, but Christ’s man. It means the giving myself away to Him, so that I have no more right or title to myself; so that I have no more claim upon myself, and am no more at my own disposal.
To be a Christian means to belong body and soul and spirit to Christ, now and evermore, for Him to do with me as He wills.
Hence, it means that in being Christ’s man, I am set free from all fear. My joy must be in doing His will—in being His bond servant; in the confidence that whatever comes to me when following Him is His doing.
In a real sense, I make Him responsible for my life. I am responsible for following, He is responsible for leading and keeping. It can be none of my business what happens to me, what I gain or lose when I follow Him. That is Christ’s business.
It is His to command, and mine to obey. I am sure that He will not waste a fragment of my life if I let Him possess it and direct it. I am also sure it will be mainly waste, friction, vain striving and misdirected effort, sickening failure, and defeated ambition if I try to direct my own life.
My part as a Christian is not to find out the opinions of men, but to keep my eyes fixed on Christ: to let my mind dwell on Him, having a constant mental vision of His character; to make His life the food on which my soul shall live; to make His gospel the text book and the authority by which I stand or fall.