Cleansing gateways

John 10:9 Jesus as the door is a torn veil between heaven and earth. We can go in and out of the door or gate through practice. We live under an open gate to heaven.

When we enter through the veil, we become aware of the presence or life of God. It is our spirit communing with the Lord, where his life is flowing into it, so that we become aware of the dimension of the kingdom of God.

When our spirit is aware of the presence of God, the divine nature, we are accessing the unseen realm, the dimension of the kingdom of God.

Our will has direct control over our spirit, so what we are doing is engaging our spirit with the Lords. Our spirit is tuning into the presence of the Lord.

The kingdom is the realm of God’s government inside our life. It is inside of us but also all around us, referred to as the kingdom of heaven.

 John 1:51 And He said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

Our spirit has access to this realm and as our soul and body are sanctified, all of heaven will be attracted around us.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit. Our spirit has certain gateways that the life of God flows through. Our gates are our senses or abilities.

 Our spirit, soul and body are designed to be connected and interactive. We are designed to be a gateway for heaven to flow into the earth. We are a gateway for the kingdom to be at hand around us.

Gen 18:17 … “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” We are a House of God and a gate of heaven. Therefore we are awesome having the creative potential to manifest the kingdom of God through our life.

We need to spend time daily working on our gateways. To understand them, activate them and open them. To cleanse, purify and unify them.

 As the life of God begins flowing through our gateways we begin to understand how fearfully and wonderfully we are created to be. We also begin to realize how blocked, damaged, fractured and independent our soul was. The integrating of our gates brings oneness and unity within.

We need to discover how each spirit gate works with each soul gate. We learn how to flow from the inside out. We practice drawing from the inside out through various combinations of gates.

Our gates are designed to function together in unison and flow. Then we feel one and whole and flowing. We daily become joined to the Lord in one spirit and then our spirit can encompass our soul and produce an atmosphere around our body.

This is the key process in becoming who we were created to be in the natural realm. We have to appropriate what Jesus has accomplished on the cross.

God’s desire is that we become a unified, whole, reconciled and restored.

Our Soul mediates who we are as our spirit is engaging in heaven. Our Soul takes on the reflection of our spirit being, because this is who we are in heaven. The energy and life flow of who we are in our spirit begins to cause our soul to reflect that life. We begin to be transformed from the inside out; we become a reflection of our eternal image.

As the river of life flows the fruit of the spirit grows .As the river of life flows the gifts of the Spirit are activated through different gate ways.

The River of life flows deeper and deeper as our gates are opened. The living water flows through the gateways to activate, energize and cleanse.

Engaging the living water activates and energizes our spirit gates. Living water cleanses and sanctifies (sets apart) our soul gates. Living water can become a source of life and blessing for others as it flows through us.

 Dan 7:10 “A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; the River of fire flows through our gates with light and glory to purify and refine.

Our gateways our cleansed through the inflowing of the river of life, the washing of the water by the living word.

Our gateways are cleansed by the river of fire, God’s light and glory flowing through them.

Our gateways are cleansed by the blood of Jesus removing painful memories of our past.

As we become one spirit with the Lord we become more like Him. Through the river of life flow the Gifts of the Spirit equipping and the fruit of the Spirit forming character and they flow from the inside out. We can be like God, His sons and daughters to the world.

 We invite the river of life to flow into each gateway. We welcome the light, glory & fire of God’s presence to engage each gateway.

We work through each gateway of our spirit, then soul and body.

The main gateway we need to get flowing is the first love gateway, which is a two way gateway, giving heaven access to us and us access to heaven.

The gateways of spirit are first love, worship, fear of God, reverence, prayer, revelation, intuition, faith and hope.

Father, I choose to engage the gate of “Reverence” in my spirit. I open it and surrender it to the flow of your glory and the river of life. I declare that you are Lord of my reverence gate. I receive and release the power of God through this gate so that reverence will be the motivation that enables me to honor you in all my decisions, choices and behavior. I release reverence to engage my conscience and protect and direct what I see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and do and say. 

 Father, I choose to engage the gate of “Revelation” in my spirit. I open it and I surrender it to the flow of your glory and the river of life. I declare that you are Lord of my revelation gate. I receive and release your power through this gate with a flow of the revelation of your kingdom so that it will change my soul into the image of the Son of God who abides in me.

We need to work on each gateway of our spirit to get them open and flowing and then we can begin to work on the gateways of our soul, so that we can remove blockages, and get the life of God flowing into them.