We are going to look at the concept of seeking God and what that means and eventually how we can do that. The Scripture says in Jeremiah 29 versus 13 and 14 you shall seek me and find me when you shall search for me with all of your heart and I will be found of you saith the Lord.
To seek the Lord with all our heart, means all our heart, which allows Him search our heart, to get things in divine order.
This is an incredible promise- he said you shall seek me, if you seek me and search for me with your whole heart you will find me. And so we have this promise from the Lord.
It’s critical that we learn how to seek the Lord. Many Christians seek fulfillment in their lives from what they do or what they can accomplish.
But you can never find fulfillment just by doing, by just serving the Lord. That might startle you for a moment, but I need to explain that to you.
Fulfillment is not found in what you do but in understanding who you are. You are a child of God. Your father, your real father is God. Your earthly father is who your earthly father is.
The real you, your spirit, the father of your spirit is God. You are a child of God, your Father is God. your outward man has the DNA of your natural parent’s, your earthly parents. But your spirit man did not come from your earthly parents it came from God, from your heavenly Father.
And you have the DNA as it were of your heavenly Father within you. That’s the real you and your real family line, your true family line goes all the way back past your earthly family line, it goes back to God in eons, in eternity past.
We need to kind of understand this concept and look at the perspective of our lives from an eternal point of view. The inward man is really who you are. The outward man does all kinds of things and has all kinds of problems, but your inward man is who you really are.
And you came from, now I want to say this very carefully but you came from a line of God’s. You came from a line of God. We know that first Timothy one and verse 17 says- now unto the eternal, immortal, invisible the only wise God be honor and glory forever and ever.
Our family line goes back to God you have his DNA in you. And like begets like. We are children of God, your spirit man has been born from above and we are of the same species of God.
John 16 :27 it says this, for the father himself loveth you because you have loved me and have believed that I came out from God and then again in John 8 : 42 Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me, for I proceeded forth and came from God. Neither came I myself but he sent me. and again in Hebrews 12 :9 furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh, that is our earthly fathers which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall not we much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live.
Our line, our lineage goes back to God. Our spirit man, the real you, your father is God. We have two fathers, you have a father of your flesh and you have a father of your spirit. But only your spirit is eternal. Your spirit has a history past present and future.
in John 10 : 34 it says- Jesus answered them is it not written in your law that I said you are God’s, that is in John 10:34 and verse 35 now if he called them God’s unto whom the word of God came and the Scriptures cannot be broken
Lets get this straight, if you’re eating an apple, it came from an apple tree right. Now you can plant that apple and it produces another Apple tree. It still an Apple. It always remains an apple. Like begets like. if you came from the line of God and like begets like, this is what Jesus was talking about, it says it is written in the Scriptures that you are God’s. And it says and the Scriptures can’t be broken. So what was he saying? He was saying, well like begets like. You are just like your father who is God. you came from a line of God, your heavenly Father is God and you have the same qualities, the same DNA, you are his son, begotten. Like begets like, begotten by him, the same species.
Now you have the seed of God within you. What does that mean first Peter 1:23 been born of God born-again not of a corruptible seed but of an incorruptible seed . That is gods seed by the word of God which liveth and abided forever. Having been born again of an incorruptible seed.
1 John 3:9 whosoever is born of God cannot commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God. That always puzzled me. What does that really mean .if your born-again you can’t sin?
It is really not saying that. It says something quite different. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin. There is a seed in your spirit that cannot sin; it is the seed of God. It is the DNA, it is the nature of God within you. That nature cannot sin. In your Soul you can sin. Your physical flesh and body can sin. But there is a seed in you, the very nature, the pattern, the DNA, the likeness of God, your real lineage going back to God. You are in his likeness and image.
We are created to walk with God like Enoch did. You were created to walk as a son with God. It says Adam got off to a good start in this, , he walked with God in the garden .He saw the Lord every day and he talked to the Lord every day. he had this kind of relationship with him.
Remember Adam was flesh and bone as well as spirit. So what was the difference between Adam and you? Why can’t we have the same walk with God that Adam had? What’s the difference between the two of us?
His mind his body had not been polluted with sin. Even after he fell his mind and his body had not the pollutions of sin. His mind was pure, there were no ungodly images stored within his brain.
It is very important to understand this. Adam could walk with God, he could see God, and he could see into heaven, he could see the Lord and hear the Lord walking in the garden. The Lord would walk with him every day, and they would walk together.
There were no false concepts stored in his brain. Even after he sinned, his brain was still really pure. You are different even when your born-again your mind is still polluted, your body still has the ravages of sin within. False concepts and error stored in the brain. There is so much unbelief stored in your mind that you wouldn’t believe it if it all came out and was shown to you.
Every time you watch TV more pollution enters your mind and is stored in your brain. You have to be very careful what you watch. Images, sounds find their way through the eye gate, the ear gate and get stored in the brain. And Adam didn’t have any of this. There was no problem between his body soul and spirit they were all harmonized as one. His spirit could flow through his body and mind and he could see the Lord, walk with the Lord and so on. That’s the difference between you and I and Adam.
Now there is a very powerful veil that has been erected between Your spirit and your soul and your outer physical man. There is a veil that shuts you off.
Now let me explain this to you. If you died today and you came out of your body you would be able to see clearly in the spirit realm. You would be able to see Angels Demons and if your born-again the heavenly realm. You could see it, it would be as clear as it was in the natural to you. So why couldn’t you see that before? Because your soul filters it all out. There is a veil erected between your spirit and your outer man. The Bible tells us that the natural man, the natural mind cannot know God, cannot see in the spirit, cannot know God. As a Christian your spirit man is in prison behind an impregnable barrier, which locks you out from the spirit realm. We need to understand that, it’s important, so we walk in the flesh and not in the spirit. You are still a Christian but you walk in the flesh and the spirit world is closed to you.
What are the keys to this? How do you break out of this? What do you have to do to change this situation?
there are three things which are required to break out of this. One is a hunger, a hunger for God, a hunger to walk with him in a new way. Secondly there is determination. You have to determine in your mind in your heart you are going to find God in this way and walk with him in this way. Thirdly and very importantly there is single mindedness.
Hunger in the natural is a very powerful force, if you want it bad enough you will do anything to get it. Your running out of food, you will do anything to find food. it is a very powerful force, that is the kind of hunger that God wants you to have for him .and then you will be determine as it were to find food.
you will have to develop a single mindedness so that is the only thing on your mind, that’s the only goal in life is to find some food.
Hunger in the spiritual realm is very powerful. Every strong desire emanates from you as a force, either righteous or unrighteous.
Now it is just a desire but it’s more than just a passive thing within you. It is a force, when you strongly desire you release a force.
Sound- the sounds that you make, the way you speak is heard in heaven or hell. When you speak you emanate something.
Smell is powerful, color is vivid. The smell of sound is vivid, it’s powerful .Whatever your strong emotions are they emanate a color, a sound, a smell. It’s part of the way that we are made.
This kind of force of single-mindedness sets up, it releases something from you. If it’s godly single-mindedness it really reaches into heaven. The smell of that strong desire and emotion also is felt in heaven. Demon can see it on the earth, but it’s also felt in heaven.
You cannot hide who you are in the spirit realm, you emanate all the time who you are in the form of sound, color, and smell. These vibrations come through you and from you and they are recognizable in the spirit realm, to the demonic and God’s angels.
When hunger and single-mindedness is set up within your heart with such a strong determination to find God, and there is a hunger in such a way that you are going to continue on to find God.
When there is that determination, that hunger there within your heart, something registers in the realm of the spirit , in Gods realm. Something happens, it sounds like a thunderclap in heaven. You don’t hear it on earth, but that reaches such an intensity that something breaks in the spirit realm, an entrance begins to be opened to you. It is small at first but it will begin, angels will be assigned to you to help you. And something will start to open up to you.
If you stay with that, if you determined to go with it and keep pushing, keeps seeking, keep knocking, keep asking ,keep desiring and you don’t give up the door will get wider and wider and wider until an entrance will be granted to you into the realm of the spirit.
That’s why it’s not just for the casual seeker who says I will take this and take that. I will ask God for this and I will ask God for that. It doesn’t work like that.
You have to seek me, if you seek me you will find me God says only if you search for me with your whole heart. This is what separates the rest from the others, this kind of determination.
This is the hallmark of all of those in the past who found their way into this kind of walk with God. It is available, it is there and there are ways in.
We are looking at these three things today. These three keys were common to all those who found their way into a profound walk with God. Searching, seeking, hungering fasting, praying, determination. Are you up to this .That will make the difference in your life and take you to another level in God.
Firstly when that intensity and determination and hunger reaches a certain level a crack occur and it sounds like thunder in heaven. Something is registered in eternity and they’ll look down from the heavenly realm and say that person just broke through.
And it is like all of the force coming through you, righteous desires and forces and smell and colour and determination reached into heaven and cracked something.
Many who reach this point, never go past it. They say well you know. We broke into something , we got something. but you have to realize ,you just opened the door, now you have to walk into it, the door of the Kingdom , into the kingdom realm.
Now you can do this and if you determine in your heart to do this, seeking, searching, Hungering, then things will change for you. I guarantee it, things will change. This is not just for a select few, it is for those who will seek him with their whole heart, anyone who does that will find him.
I broke through the veil and stepped to the other side. It was some kind of force field. It was amazing, but scary. I didn’t see anything but I received downloads of revelation. I then stepped back through the veil into my room. But I didn’t pursue it, I should have kept doing it every day.
But now I am practicing it every day at night as my brain waves slow down and am making progress, I have been receiving commissioning and being sent back to earth to fulfill them.
One time as I was being still and meditating upon the Lord on my bed I started seeing in the spirit, I was floating as it was past buildings and things, and I am amazed I am seeing in the spirit and then all of a sudden I shot straight up traveling a tremendous speed with all these starts and planets and things shooting past me, it was very scary because I am thinking one of these stars or planets is going to hit me, i traveled through two galaxies and then landed on a planet and then i was floating around again, and these beings were trying to have some kind of election on who was going to run the planet like a democracy or something and then i shot back down through the two galaxies and landed back on my bed and opened my eyes and then closed them again and then I shot sideways through another galaxies and some building put a ring on my right finger that was green, I think it was the spirit of council and then i landed on another planet and was floating around checking out the buildings and streets but then I came out of the encounter and it was like very disappointing, but at the time I was co-pastoring a church and it was like I had this amazing ability to council people, but I said all this to say that it was right at the point of almost falling asleep but yet still awake that I began actually seeing in the spirit realm, and this is the kind of stillness that we need totally relaxed focused on the Lord but not falling to sleep,