Let there be a certainty in your heart

Let your heart be lifted with worship unto the Lord; praise ye the Lord together. Let there be in thy heart not a question of what is going to be, but a certainty within your heart that what the Lord hath spoken surely shall come to pass.

What the Lord hath prophesied to thee, surely ye shall walk in it. What the Lord hath promised thee, ye shall claim it and not waver in your minds for a moment: you are to walk in all that is promised and spoken.

It shall not be a matter of discouragement and you say, “Can I make it (or not make it)? Will I fall by the wayside?” Behold, this is not the issue. You shall stand and surely do what God says to do. Ye shall be what He says to be. He shall continually move on thee to correct thee and chasten thee, lest thou should wander out of the way and perish.

 It is the chastening of the Lord that is thy safeguard. It is the dealings of the Lord that shall bring thee low but is a guarantee that you will not be abandoned. Whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth; behold, He scourgeth thee and disciplineth thee that thou shall surely know that thou shall not walk by a wayward path or rebellious heart.

Now the Lord bringeth thee to this certainty, because He hath dealt with thee as a son, because He hath dealt with thee after His pleasure to chasten thee, ye shall rest in the secure knowledge that the Lord thy God will bring to perfection all that He hath spoken, all that He hath begun within thee.

Ye shall not labor in it. If thy heart should doubt or it should waver, behold, ye shall have only a measure of fulfillment that your faith has warranted. But if ye shall believe and stand fast and declare it shall be—“This I shall do; this I am and will continue to grow in, in the name of the Lord,” then you shall stand and surely do it, Amen.

Lift up your hearts together, for the Lord hath not brought thee to a place where thou art driving down a dead end street, but He hath brought thee to a place where thou shalt move into a more glorious path to walk in, freedom and liberty that you have not had heretofore.

Let strength be in your heart. The Lord bringeth moments of weakness that He may show His strength. But behold, thou art not weak because you are being defeated; you are weak that He might show the exceeding greatness of His grace and His mercy in you, in vessels whom He has chosen in which He shall be magnified.

How many are the handicaps all the people of the Lord do face in this hour, but behold, the Lord bringeth forth the lame, the halt and the blind, and they are the ones that are going to feast. It is not speaking of works that they shall do—you are going to commune and feast.

Oh, there are the joys, everlasting joys that come on those that shall return to Zion, and the Remnant shall not be discouraged. They shall not be cast down; they shall not be dismayed. Thou art chosen, little flock, to be the sons of the Kingdom. Ye are chosen to be the kings and priests of the Lord.

This you must accept and not look to your own weakness or circumstance, but glorify the Lord and let the thing be in your heart—not a determination, but an assurance. Believe and say, “I am what God says I am, and I will come into the perfection that He sets before me. There is no question; I will do all that He sets before me to do. I will have the wisdom to know how to walk before Him; and because I ask of Him humbly and in faith, He will give to me liberally and upbraid me not.” Amen.

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